Chapter 7 ~ Heather Is Not So Bad

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Elsa's POV

I sat on the edge of my bed, swinging my legs back and forth. It's been a month and I'm still stuck in this place. It wasn't that bad here, it's not like Heather was torturing me or something. She is actually a nice person but she has no reason for my kidnapping! She kidnapped me and made me loose some blood, she could at least tell me why.

I turned on the TV in front of me and started watching. I tried to escape a few times but it was impossible. Once, I made it outside but there was a tall electric fence surrounding this place. It was useless, at least I could watch my favorite reality TV shows.

A few hours later, Heather came in.

"Hey, Els." I rolled my eyes.

"You can't call me that, only people that are close to me. And you, are nowhere near close." I snapped as I continued watching The Bachelorette.

"Oh come on, we're friends." She said.

"Not in my book," I turned towards her. "Now, let me watch my show."

Suddenly, the screen went black. "No! I was about to see who Kaitlyn was going to choose!" I whined.

"Be more mature, you are the Elsa Winters." Heather's tone grew cold.

I eyed her suspiciously. "What's wrong?"

"Do you want to go see your boyfriend?" My heart skipped a beat. Was she seriously going to let me see Jack?

"Are you serious?" She nodded. I grinned ear to ear. Heather explained to me that I had to wear a wig and sun glasses so no one would recognize me.

I put on a black wig with some sunglasses. I looked at the mirror.

"Wow, I look..."

"Different." Heather finished for me.

We drove in silence but as soon as the hospital came into view I started to worry.

"Why are we going to the hospital?" I asked as my palms started to sweat. She didn't answer. Negative thoughts swarmed my brain as we got closer to the hospital.

We got out of the car and headed inside. The lady at the front desk told us the room number. Wait, Jack's in a room? What happened to him? I asked myself.

I stood in front of room 212. My heart raced faster each second.

"Well what are you waiting for? Go in," Heather said annoyed. "Hurry before anyone gets suspicious."

I obeyed and walked in, what I saw broke my heart. Jack was laying on the hospital bed, tubes were attached to him, the rhythmic beat of the monitor that kept track of his heart filled the room. Tears threatened to leave my eyes as I approached him. I sat on the bed, my weight tipping the bed over a little.

I heard the door open, it was Heather. "W-what happend to h-him?" I said.

"He...he's in a coma. The day he found out you disappeared he got in a car accident." She sadly said.

I choked back a sob as I saw him laying on the bed. All this happened because of me! I should've left when that stupid slip told me to!

"This is all my fault!" I yelled.

"We have to go." Heather grabbed my arm but I yanked it free.

"Don't touch me!" I fell to the floor and lost it, I started sobbing.

You're so dumb, Elsa.

This is all your fault.

You should've left in the first place.

How can you be so selfish?

"Stop!" I yelled. The voices didn't stop. They shouted nasty things to my brain. Making me feel hopeless. I stood back up, shaking, and touched Jack's hand. His hands were so soft. I couldn't stand seeing him like this.

His hand moved. I jumped back in surprise. My heart raced as I looked down at my hand, it was still connected to Jack's. His hand was holding mine tightly.

His eyes fluttered open. "Oh my God, Heather!" She ran towards me and stared at Jack in shock. "He woke up! Jack, you're awake!" I hugged him tightly but as soon as I did, the heart monitor started beating faster. I looked up at Jack and his eyes blinked rapidly. His grasp on me tightened. His body shook uncontrollably. I could hear Jack trying to gasp for air.

"Help! Somebody!" I yelled as Heather tugged on my arm.

"Let's go!"

"We can't let him !"

"Elsa, let's-" The door burst open.

"What's going on in here?!" A familiar voice spoke. I turned around and saw Rapunzel. She gasped as she saw Jack. All I could see was her back as she dashed out of the room. A few seconds later, she ran in with some doctors. The doctors shoved us aside.

"Clear the room!" One yelled. Heather wasted no time and dragged me out of the room. As I left the room, my eyes met Rapunzel's. She seemed to recognize me a little.

"Who are y-" That's what I heard as Heather shut the door behind me.

Rapunzel's POV

That girl with the black hair seemed so familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. I pushed the thought to the back of my head.

I payed attention to what was going on right at this moment. Doctors swarmed around the room as they hooked Jack up to different machines and did all these other things. One doctor kept telling me to leave but I wasn't going to move a muscle.

"Hand me the paddles; we're loosing him!" I quietly sat on the floor as those words filled the air. I couldn't move, I felt like I was watching a movie, I was the audience. I couldn't do anything to help out the character.

"Miss, you have to leave." I tried to stand up but my legs failed me. I sat, frozen. The nurse lifted me up and took me out of the room. I stood in front of the door, not moving.

"Punzie!" Hiccup and Merida ran towards me. "Are you alright? What's going on in there?" I couldn't find the words to say.

"They're...they're l-loosing him." I manage to say. My head turns around and I see two shocked faces.

Elsa's POV

"Everything could've been ruined, Elsa! I risked everything for you to be able to see your precious boyfriend!" Heather was currently scolding me. I scoffed. "Your friend was there! She could've found out about this!" She sat down on the couch.

I had no energy to fight back. I'm just done with everything. Jack is in the hospital because of me! I did everything wrong.

"Then why did you take me to the hospital?! I didn't ask you too!" She angrily sighed.

"You wanted to see your boyfriend, right? Well, there you go! I wanted us to get closer as friends so you can trust me but no, my plan went wrong. Can you just appreciate what I did for you?! No other kidnapper would do that! You ungrateful little-"

"Stop!" I interrupted. "I'm sorry...I just got mad, ok? You don't understand, you've probably never seen anyone you loved or cared for like that. You probably never even loved anyone."

"Oh but I have loved someone, they were taken away from me," She smiled sadly. "Everyone has loved someone once in their life."

Rapunzel's POV

Hiccup, Merida and I were sitting in front of Jack's room. All I could hear were the shouts of the doctors. I've never been so afraid for a person in my life. My best friend is going to die. No, stop! Don't think like that! A tear escaped my eye, I shut my eyes tight, trying not to let any tears fall.

I pulled up my legs and hugged them tightly. I rocked myself as I thought the worst.


"Rapunzel," Hiccup's voice woke me up from my sleep. "The doctor is here." I winced at his words. I was scared of what the doctor was going to say. I stood up straight and looked into the doctor's eyes.

"We're sorry...we couldn't save him. But, you can all see him." The doctor left us all in shock. Tears immediately poured down my face. The walls felt as they were closing in on me.

I turned around to look at my friends. They both had blank faces.

Hiccup was on the floor, his face was touching his knees. Merida sat down shakily on the chair. And me? Well I cried as I stared at the door the doctor came out of, knowing that I'll never hear Jack's voice ever again.


Hey all! I wanna see all your reactions down below in the comments. How do you feel about Jack's death? Will Elsa ever find her way out? What other tragic thing you think will happen? How do you think Elsa will react?

I felt really bad killing off Jack. I love Jack but it had to be done. I'm sorry Jack...*cries*

Stay tuned for more!

What do you think will happen next? Bye! ~ThisIsBerk

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