Chapter I: Density Island

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After we entered the light we passed out but then I heard what sounded like.

Y/N: Birds?

As I opened my eyes I saw that I'm in sometype of cave as I looked around I saw Kai to my left outcold.

Y/N: Kai. Kai wake up.

He than started to groan and then his eyes started to flutter open.

Kai: Y/N where are we?

Y/N: It looks like a cave.

I than got up and turned to see a door I tried than to open it but it was locked.

Y/N: I guess not this way. By the way why is there a door in a cave?

Kai: Beats me. Come on let's leave this cave.

Y/N: Can you walk?

Kai: What are you talking about ( jumps ups to his feet ) I feel great come on let's go!

Y/N: ( Laughs ) Alright wait up for me.

We than ran out off the cave and saw that we where on sometype of beach.

Y/N: Wow this looks so beautiful!

Kai: Yeah never in my whole life I would get to see this.

The more looked around I saw more of the beach I saw sand, the sea, the beautiful trees, a cat faunus-. Wait a cat faunus? I looked and saw a boy with black cat ears looking around like if he was lost.

???: Hello is anyone out there? Hello!

So I decided to respawn.

Y/N: Over here!

I than started to run to the boy.

Kai: Hmm. Y/N wait for me.

He than started running after me but then we heard a new voice and it sounded like a boy.

???2: Hold on I'm on my way!

I looked and saw a boy with dirty white hair with blue eyes running our way. The faunus than turned to us.

???1: I see you.

We all than stopped and looked at we other.

Y/N: Who are you guys?

???1: Well I'm Riku Belladonna.

???2: And I'm Zane Schnee.

Y/N: Well I'm Y/N Rose and this my brother Kai Xiao Long.

Kai: Hi guys.

Y/N: How did you guys get here.

Riku: Well you see-

Riku Belladonna POV

I was the ground with claw marks all over my body after being beaten by my dad. While it happened I tried calling out for my little sister Blake for help but like usually she ignored me and left to protest for her kind even though I was a faunus like her. Just then my mother came in with her eyes full lust and walked towards me while swinging her hips.

TIMESKIP ( One word: RAPE!!!! )

After she was done " Having her way with me" I was on the ground crying.

Riku: "Why do these things happen to me? My dad beats me, Blake ignores me, and my mom does that stuff to me. I wish I can leave this place and go somewhere else where I can have some friends."

Just then there was some light behind me and it felt really warm. I quickly got up when I heard foot steps coming to my room. Ether it was a my mom coming for round two or my dad wanting to beat me again. I quickly ran towards the light without looking back or not carrying where this light might take me.


Riku: ( says sadly ) And that's my story.

I than walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

Y/N: Don't worry about it your with us now so you don't need to worry.

Zane: Wait you were abused?

Riku: Yeah why you ask?

Zane: I was as well.

Zane Schnee POV

I was in my room after getting beaten by my father and then getting mocked by Weiss, Winter, and Whitey for what they quote "Being too weak" to be honest I didn't know what hurt more my siblings mocking me, my father beating me or my mother ignoring me.

Zane: "How come does my family hate me. Like I see why father and Whitey because they're assholes but Weiss and Winter why mock me if they get hurt too and why does mother ignore me if she loves Winter and Weiss. I wish I had someone anyone that cared about me."

Just then a light appeared and it felt warm. Just than I heard foot steps.

Winter: Brother we wish to speak to you!

When I heard it was Winter I started running into the light not feeling like being insulted again.


Zane: Well that's my story.

Y/N: You know me and my brother were abused too.

Zane: Wow what a small world.

As we were talking I saw Riku walking away.

Y/N: Hey Riku where are you going?

Riku: Well I'm guessing you don't want a faunus around here so I'm going leave you guys alone.

Y/N: So what.

Riku: Wait what do you mean?

Y/N: You've been through same thing as the rest of us so I don't see you any different besides it's not what you are is important its who are are is important besides we're friends right?

Riku: We're friends?

Y/N: Acourse we are and to be honest it hurts me more to see my friends hurt then being hurt myself.

He than ran up to me and hugged and started to cry.

Riku: Thank you I never had a friend before.

Y/N: Well you done now. Right guys?

Kai: Yeah you seem like a good guy besides like Y/N said you've been through the same thing so your no different then the rest of us.

Zane: I agree besides if I would hate faunus for what they look like I won't be any better than my father or any of those faunus haters.

Riku: Thanks guys your the greatest friends I could ever have.

Kai: No problem pal.

Just then we heard four rumbling sounds.

Y/N: Guys I'm starving.

Zane: What are we going to eat.

Riku: I have an idea.


After awhile we all sat on the beach by the water and all four of us started fishing.

Zane: You know I always wanted to go fishing when I was younger.

Kai: Well before my dad married my first mom and started abusing me he used to take me fishing.

Zane: Wait first mom?

Kai: It's confusing don't ask and to be honest I wish it didn't happen. It's like when he married her he became a different man.

Y/N: Same here with my mom. I wish she never changed but I guess if it didn't happen I wouldn't able meet you guys.

Zane: I guess good things come from bad things I guess.

Just then Riku's got something but he was struggling to pull it in.


Kai: Whoa that must be a big one!

Riku POV

Kai: Whoa that must be a big one!

I tried to pull it in but then I was pulled in forward but I felt something holding me. I looked and saw Y/N holding me trying to pull me in.

Y/N: Zane, Kai give me a hand!!!

They than grabbed a hold of me and try to pull me in while also holding onto the rod.

Kai: Heave, hoe, heave, hoe, HEAVE, HOE!!!

Just than a giant fish came flying out of the water.


Zane: I got it, I got it, I GOT IT!!!

But sadly Zane didn't catch it but luckily Kai caught but was struggling.

Kai: Oh it's a slippery son of a bitch!!!

Y/N: KAI!!!

Kai: What it fits. Just get a fire started.


After making a fire with some wood lying around and using some flints we had a fire roaring.

Y/N: Now what can we use to cut the fish?

Kai: Hey look there's a ship over there.

As we looked there was a giant wooden ship.

Zane: Hey look there something sticking in the ship.

Y/N: Me and Riku will go check it out you and Kai keep that fire going.

Kai: Got it bro.

After we made it to the ship we saw it was a broken piece of metal sticking out of the ship.

Y/N: This should do. We can use this as a kni-

When I grabbed it accidentally cut the palm of my hand.


Riku: Crap. We need to clean it.

Kai: What happen.

Riku: He cut his hand with the peice if metal that was stuck on the boat.

Y/N: Wait what about the fire?

Kai: Don't worry Zane taking care of it what matters now is your hand.

Riku: We should clean it with water.

Kai: Well what are you waiting for put his hand in the sea.

Riku: No if he puts it in salt water it can cause the cut to be worse. We need clean water.

Kai: Where do we get clean water?

Riku: Maybe something like a waterfall can work.

Kai: Wait there was waterfall while I ran here.

Y/N: Ok then Riku you help me get this cleaned sence you now what your doing and Kai you get the peice of metal so we can use it as a knife.

Kai: Got it.

Just as we left the boat we saw the waterfall. As we made to the waterfall we stopped right infront of it.

Riku: Ok Y/N all you have to do is put it under the waterfall.

When he said that I did what he told me what to do. I put my hand under the waterfall and started cleaning the wound with water which felt really nice.

Riku: Ok you can pull your hand out of the waterfall.

As I pulled my hand out of the waterfall I saw that he had a turned peice of clothing. As I let him see my hand he started to rap it with that ripped piece of cloth.

Y/N: Hey Riku how did you know how to clean up a wound.

Riku: Anytime my family was a sleep I would leave the house and would go to the library and read books must were survival guides.

Y/N: Why survival guides?

Riku: Well I always wanted to be a huntsman when I grow.

Y/N: Wow so did I!

Riku: Well maybe some day that dream will come true when we eventually leave this island.

Y/N: No not maybe definently I know I can become a huntsman!

Riku just stared in amazement in how confident I was in becoming a huntsman. After that he just finished taking care of my hand it was fully wrapped up and now if it that metal had something on it was gone now.

Y/N: Well let's get back to the others.

Riku: Right.

As we made our way there we saw that Kai was done cutting the fish as Zane was putting peices of the fish threw some sticks, four of them per one person.

Riku: Hey we're back.

Kai: Well what are we waiting for let's dig in!

We all sat down and started eating our fish. While me and Kai were eating our fish really fast.

Zane: Those two get like pigs right Riku?

He turned to Riku as he was ripping and tearing into his fish stick.

Zane: Never mind.

After we were done we just laid down on the sand and stared at the stars above.

Y/N: Hey guys can I ask you something?

Zane: Sure.

Kai: You can tell us anything bro.

Riku: what's on your mind?

Y/N: What do you guys want to be when you grow up?

Riku: Well you already know that I want to be a huntsman when I grow up.

Kai: Same here. I always wanted adventure when I grow.

Zane: Well I want a huntsman as well. What about you Y/N?

Y/N: Same as the rest of you guys. I want to be a huntsman.

Riku: Wait I heard that huntsmen are in a team of four. So what about we be a team?

Zane: That's sounds great.

Kai: That's an awesome idea Riku!

Y/N: But doesn't a team need a leader?

Riku: Acourse it does.

Y/N: Well who should be leader?

Riku: Well I think you should leader.

Y/N: Wait me? I don't know if I can.

Kai: Come man don't doubt yourself. I think you can make a great leader.

Zane: Besides we'll help you become a great leader and so far I think your not doing that bad.

Y/N: Thanks guys I promise not to let you down.

Kai: I know you won't. You got our backs we got yours.

Riku: So what do we do tomorrow.

Y/N: I don't know but what do know is that the future doesn't scare me at all. Infact I'm excited about it.

I than looked back at the ship we saw early today.

Y/N: I got it! Tomorrow we will go and investigate the mysterious ship tomorrow!

Kai: That's what I'm talking about! Some adventure.

Riku: Well if that's what we're doing tomorrow then we'll need some rest.

Y/N: Alright then. Team KNDM it's to hit the hay. Or sand in this case?

Zane: Wait "Team KNDM" where did you get that name from?

Y/N: I don't know I just thought of it just now. So what do guys think?

Kai: Its sounds awesome!

Riku: It sounds like the Three Musketeers if they were huntsmen and if there were four of them.

Zane: I have to agree it does sound quite heroic.

Y/N: Well then our team name is Team KNDM. ( Yawns ) Well guys I'm about to go bed.

Kai: Same.

Zane: Well what are we waiting for let's go to sleep.

We all than laid down on sand and started falling asleep.

Y/N: Night guys.

Kai/Zane/Riku: Night Y/N.

As the others went to sleep I looked at the stars.

Y/N:All for one and one for all.

I than closed my eyes and went to sleep along with the rest of my team. No not my team. My friends.

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