Chapter IV: A keyblade?

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Y/N POV ( four years later )

Y/N: I've been having these werid thoughts lately. Like is any of this for real or not.

I was floating in water until there was a flash of light and I was back on the island. As I looked around I saw Kai was in the water and as he turned to me with his hand out and as the wave got closer it got bigger and stronger. So I ran towards him with my hand out but when I got close enough Kai dissapeared in a flash of light but before I could turn back I got caught up in the wave.

As I was floating in the water I looked amd Kai still his hand out so I tried to reach him but the current was to strong so I got pushed away. As I was rising up from the water I saw I was back on the island, I quickly caught my breath and started to look around and only saw Zane, Riku and Neo waving towards me.

I than waved back and started to make my way towards them, and as I got closer towards shore I ran out of breath and after catching it I saw was giggling and Zane patting my back. But then Neo was pointing towards the sky so we turned to see some purple stars falling from the sky and someone falling from the sky as well amd as I got a better looked at them I saw it was me.

As the shock of the incident I,started to fall back which instead of falling on the ground I was in the sky and when I looked up I didn't see Zane and Riku but I did see Neo and she was trying to reach for me but then the sky started to ripple like water and like that she was gone.

As I was falling there was a flash of light and which I was back underwater and as I kept going I soon landed on the surface, and I looked around there was a light and the ground started to envelop in such light and doves started to fly away into the darkness know as the void leaving me alone where ever here is?

After landing on this stain glass tile I saw what looked like a princess with seven dwarfs.

???: So much to do. So little time. But don't be afraid. The power sleeps within you. How will you shape it?

Just then three pillars appeared with three weapons. A sword, a shield, and a staff.

???: What power do you desire?

Y/N: I guess I'll choice the sword.

I than grabbed the sword and held it.

???: The warrior. Incredible courage to face any challenge. Is this what you desire?

Y/N: I guess it couldn't hurt to check the others out.

I than put the sword down and walked towards the staff.

???: The mystic. Inner strength. Is this the power you desire?

Y/N: No thanks.

I than walked toward the shield and held it

???: The guardian. Kindness to aid friends. Is this the power you desire?

Y/N: "To aid friends? I like the sound of that." Yes.

With that the shield disappeared but then that voice spoke again.

???: Now what power will you discard?

Y/N: Now I have to get rid of one. I guess I could get rid of the warrior because ( rubs the scar on his right eye ) I did use a form of inner strength back then.

So I decided to get rid of the Warrior and then that voice spoke again.

???: Is this your power?

Y/N: Yes

Just then the glass started to break and I started falling on to another glass tile but with one had a princess in front of a castle. Just then some creatures started to appear with completely black co eared bodies and black antennas but then the sheild reappeared in my hand.

???: You gain the power to fight. Keep your buring light strong.

I than armed myself with the shield and started using it by swinging it and send those things flying.

When the were defeated they disappeared into black dust.

???: Beware the stronger your light gets so will the darkness.

Just then some darkness started covering the glass which caused everything to go black but then I awaken on another glass tile but this one is pink.

???: Behind you!

Just then another one try to jump me but I rolled out of the and when I killed it a key fell to the floor and when I picked it up a giant door appeared. When I approached it and used it on the door I was blinded by the some light and next thing I know I was on the ship and saw I was surrounded by Zane, Riku, and Kai but no Neo.

Y/N: Zane where's Neo?

Zane: What is most important to you?

Y/N: My friends the people who care about me.

He then just smiled and nodded.

Y/N: Ok? ( Approaches Riku ) Riku wheres Neo?

Riku: What are you afraid of?

Y/N: "What's going on?" Losing the people I care about or learning that the people I care about don't care about me at all.

He just nodded and smiled and now only on left is Kai.

Y/N: I feel like your going to ask a personal question so what is it?

Kai: So what do you want out of life?

Y/N: To go on a bunch of adventures with my friends.

With that he nodded and smiled and that voice return.

???: Your friends are the thing most important to you, your afraid of losing your friends or being betrayed, and you want to go on adventures with your friends. Is this who you are?

Y/N: Yes.

With that everything went white and saw I was on another glass tile but this one is yellow.

???: The closer you get to the light the greater your shadow becomes.

I felt some odd presence so I turned and saw my shadow started to grow and turn into a giant monster

???: But don't be afraid. And don't forget.

With that the voice disappeared with only leaving me with this thing.

Kai's voice: Have courage Y/N.

Y/N: "Have courage" Got it.

I than held the shield and charged in. I started by bashing in its hand and and ever jamming the shield in its hand. It than tried to shake me off but I was able to hold on and then when it tried out I ran up it shoulder to it's head and impaled it threw the head but it was still alive. It than shuck me off and made a ball of darkness and tried to slam me with it but I used the sheild to block it and then I threw the sheild threw its chest which coasted it to envelop in light and disappeared.

Suddenly I felt something dragging me down and it felt like it was holding my arms and legs so I couldn't move or couldn't even breathe.

???: You'll be the one to open up the door.


I than felt the ocean breeze and the sound of birds. I than open my eyes to see I was back on Destiny island.

Y/N: Woah!!! What a werid dream.

I than looked up to the sky and then Neo face popped in out of nowhere.

Y/N: Woah!!!

Neo: ( Giggles )

Riku: Y/N you lazy bum. Neo had a feeling that you would be here.

Y/N: No guys this big black thing swallowed me up I couldn't breath, I couldn't-.

Neo than booped me and signs

Neo: ( Signs: Y/N are you still dreaming )

Y/N: It wasn't a dream! Or was it? I don't know. What was that place? So bizarre.

Riku: Yeah sure.

With that Neo walked pass me while her necklace I gave her four years again swung side to side and glimmered blue in the sun light.

Y/N: Say Neo what was you home like? You know before you came here.

Neo: ( Signs: I told you I don't remember. )

Riku: I still remember when we found those books about other worlds and how this island isn't not just an island but a whole world initially.

Y/N: Yeah I can still remember our reaction to about that.


Me and the rest of the team were resting after playing on the beach which we were all tried and decided to rest with Kai napping while snoring really loudly. I then found a blue book with the title "Worlds" so I picked it up and started reading and what I read surprised me so much.

Y/N: ( Deadpanned ) Guys you might want to read this.

They than ran to me even Kai who just woke up. When they came to me they started reading what I just red.

Zane: ( Deadpanned ) This isn't an just an island it's a whole different world.

Kai: No wonder no one is able to find us.

Y/N: If this is a different world then. There might be more worlds. You know what I want to go to them.

Kai: Yeah! Going to other worlds would sound so awesome!

Y/N: Yeah so we should build a boat and go find other worlds.


Neo: ( Nods )

Y/N: And remember. All for one!!!

ZRK: And one for all!!!


Neo: ( Signs: Yeah. But you know I wouldn't mind visiting my old home. )

Y/N: I would to see it too and other worlds out there. I want to see them all.

Kai: Aren't you guys forgetting about us.

Zane: Yeah what about us. ( Drops a log on Y/N ) From the looks of it you two are just as lazy as him combine.

Riku: Come on give us a break.

Neo: ( Signs: So you've notice. We'll finish it together. We'll race you. )

Y/N: Ha?

Kai: Your kidding me.

Riku: Ready.

Zane: Set.

Me and Kai smirk.

Riku/Zane: GO!

We both bolted to our legs and ran like there was no tomorrow with man slowing catching up behind him with Riku right behind me, Zane lagging behind me infact Neo was actually a little ahead of him giggling yet again he wasn't the most physically built together like me or Kai with Riku in thrid.


After our little race I was talking to Neo of what things we'll need. Fish, coconuts, pineapples, and fresh water. Right now Riku was chilling by the water fishing for himself, Zane was doing gathering the fresh water that we need, and Kai was looking of to the horizon of the ocean.

( By the way I haven't played the new animal crossing and I was wondering is it worth buying? Just asking )

I gathered the fish first, the pineapples and what was left was the coconuts but it wasn't easy just shaking them but using me wooden sword to hit them out of the tree was easier. Without one bonking me on the head.

Y/N: Ow!

Kai: You alright bro?

Y/N: Yeah just had a coconut hit me on the head.

Kai: Cool anyway look what I found ( Shows a Papopu fruit )

Y/N: What's that?

Kai: It's a Papopu fruit it's said to bind those who share it.

Y/N: Cool. Can you carry the pineapples while I carry the Coconuts?

Kai: Sure.

After carrying the stuff to Neo we saw that the boat was finally finished and with having all things ready we're ready to set sail. Except we don't know what to call it.

Kai: Hey Y/N let's have a race if I win we'll call the raft 'The Excaliber' and if you win we'll call what you want.

Y/N: Got it.

Kai: And if I win I get to share the Papopu Fruit with Neo.

Y/N: What?

Kai: You better win bro.


After a hard race I was victorious and that meant we where calling it 'The Highwind' and that meant I got to share the Papopu Fruit with Neo which I thought was a nothing but a rouse. Right?

Right now me and the rest of the team where just watching the sunset as it will be the last one we'll see on Destiny island.

Zane: I can't believe we're going to another world.

Riku: Yeah. I wounder what they'll be like.

Kai: I don't care where we'll go. I'm just glad we're going on sometype of adventure and we finally get to see something new.

Y/N: Yeah I'm excited right Neo?

Neo: ( Nods )

Zane: But theres one thing I'm scared of.

Y/N: What is it Zane?

Zane: What if we wind up in Remnant again.

Y/N: I think the chances of that happening are low but if we do we'll just hide our identity.

Kai: Well guys I'm going to sleep.

Riku: Same here come on Zane.

Zane: Coming.

As the others left it was only me and Neo so I decided to share the Kupo Fruit.

Y/N: Hey Neo?

Neo: ( Tilts her head )

Y/N: Do you ( pulls out Papopu Fruit ) want to share this?

Neo: ( Nods )

With that we split the Kupo fruit and if Kai said true then me and Neo faith's are bound together.

After that I decided to check out the cave and to see if I could open that door but none to vale.

???: This world is connected.

I than turned to a man in a cloak just standing there.

Y/N: What the where did you come from and what are you doing here?

???: I've come to see the door to this world.

Y/N: Wait "The door to this world" does that mean this door leads to other worlds?

???: As I said this world is connected and tied to the darkness. Soon to be completely eclipsed

Y/N: Darkness? What darkness?

???: You want an answer? How about a fact. There is so much too know. But you understand very little.

Y/N: Wait what do you mean?

???: A meaningless effect. One who knows nothing understands nothing.

Just then he just dissapeared leaving me with many questions like. "Who was he?", "What did he want?", "Do I have to face him someday?", "Can I face him someday?". With that I decided to leave the cave and go to bed.


I was sleeping but then there was a sound of thunder woke me up and to see that a huge storm was happening outside so I got up and ran outside and saw the island was going crazy.

Zane: Y/N.

I looked and saw Zane and-.

Zane: I don't feel so good.

He than started glowing blue and blasted into blue pixels. I didn't know how what I was feeling but it's like a part of myself just disappeared. But right now I have to save Riku, Kai, and Neo. I'll save them for you Zane.

I than ran to where I saw Kai but then the black creatures from dream started appearing out of the ground so I grabbed my sword and started fighting them but it did nothing.

Riku: HELP!!!

I looked and saw Riku being surrounded by those creatures. I ran towards him but it was to late those things swallowed him up and left a giant shadow hole in the ground and left behind his swords and from that hole a cartoon shaped heart flew out.

Y/N: No not you l. Not you too! I swear I promise to get Kai and Neo out here and get them to safety.

I than saw Kai just standing out our relaxation spot just standing there menacingly staring over the ocean so I ran to him before those things get him too.

Y/N: Kai what are you doing here? Listen Zane just vanished into sometype of pixel stuff and Riku just got attacked by these weird creatures but I couldn't save him. So we need to find Neo and get out of here before something happens to her too.

Kai: The door is open.

Y/N: What are you talking about what door?

Kai: The door. It's finally open we can finally leave this world. Come let's together like brothers.

Y/N: But what about Neo!

Kai: Neo will be coming with us I promise! The door to other worlds is opened all we need to do is take the first step!

Y/N: Kai!!!

Kai: I'm not afraid of the darkness!

Just then a pool of darkest appeared underneath Kai so I started to reach out for him which he did the same but he had a calm face when this was happening.

Kai: Don't be afraid.

We than started to be dragged into the darkness until everything around me was nothing but darkness. But then a light appeared right infront of me and I saw I was back on the island but this time I was holding what could be described as a sword mixed with a scythe but in a key shape

Y/N: What's this?

???: Keyblade. Keyblade. Keyblade. Thorned Rose.

Y/N: Keyblade?

Just then some of those things tried attacking me so I used the "Keyblade" to fight back and surprisingly it was able to destroy them in one hit.

After taking care of any of these creatures I made my way to the cave beause I think that where Neo is and luckily she was there just standing there.

Y/N: Neo!

She than turned to me with a tried expression but and it looked like she was trying to say my name. But then the door flung open and sent Neo flying at me and when I tried to grabbed her she just went right threw me and disappeared and with that the light coming from the light blinded me.

Next thing I knew I was on a chunk of land still with the blade in my hand still but I was with the same creature from my dreams and it was ready to smack me off this land but I ducked and ran to it's leg. I than shacked it in it's left knee which caused it to crouch down and this gave me enough time to run to it's hand an jab the blade part into it's hand and start running up its arm to it's shoulder. When I got to it's shoulder I than jabbed the blade into it's ear which caused it to let out loud screech and it started to shake me off but I was able to hold on. When it got tried out I jammed the blade in its eye which I backed flipped off of and then I rammed the blade in it's back and rode it all then it then split if half and disappeared into black smog.

Just then the chunk of land started to break away and I was being pulled into a giant black orb so I grabbed a hold of some debris but sadly I wasn't able to hold on which caused me to be sucked and with that all I saw was darkness.


I was passed out until I felt something licking me. When I opened my eyes I saw I was being licked like what looked like a yellow cartoon shaped dog with a dog collier with the name "Pluto".

Y/N: Ah. Woah!!! Where am I?

I than got up and saw I was in what looked like an alleyway. I than ran out and saw I was in some weird town.


Y/N: This is so strange.

???: They'll come out at you out of nowhere.

I than turned to see a man with brown hair, a black jacket, a lion necklace, blue eyes, a white shirt, black pants, and black boots.

Y/N: Who are you?

???: And they'll keep coming at you as long you have the keyblade. But why would the keyblade choice a child.

Y/N: Hey what does that suppose to mean?

???: Never mind let's see that keyblade.

He than started appearing me but seeing I didn't know who this was and hearing what he said was important I wasn't going to let him have it.

Y/N: What!?! There's no way I'm letting you have this!

???: Alright.

He than pulled out a sword which also looked like a revolver.

???: Have it your way.

He than charged at me but I blocked his attack and then I countered by performing an upward slash which caused him to stumble back. I than followed it up by doing a downward slash then hitting him in the gut with the tip of the blade and the doing a sideways slash. He than tried to slice me but I jumped and hit him on the head with blade. He than kicked me in the gut which sent me flying but I used the blade to get a hold of a pole which caused me to spin which gave me. I kept spinning and then I launched myself into the man which I kicked him in the face. When I landed I was completely tired and dizzy and from the other guy he looked tired as well.

Y/N: Now- you're gonna-gonna

And with that I passed out and landed on my back and got myself real good sleep.

Leon POV

I saw that the boy had passed out so after catching my breath I got up and that's when I heard a familiar young voice.

Yuffie: Aw, Your slipping Leon.

I turned and I was right. I saw standing there was a familiar little female ninja thief commonly known as Yuffie.

Leon: I went easy on him. Looks like things are worse then we thought. A lot worse.

Yuffie: Well why don't we take him with us. He does look like he could use a good rest and I'm wondering where he got that scar from?

"Scar?" I than looked back at the boy and saw she was right. On the boy's right eye was a giant scar which got me thinking did he get it from the heartless or did something or someone else gave it to him. But that wasn't important right now I than put Lion Heart away and picked up the boy and hurried back to the hotel.


???: Come on lazy bum. Wake up.

I started to open my eyes to see Neo standing right next to the bed I was on but right now I couldn't believe this. Neo is talking!!!

Neo: You okay?

Y/N: I guess?

Neo: Those creatures that attacked you are after the Keyblade. But's it's your heart they really want, because you wield the keyblade.

Y/N: I'm so glad your ok Neo and look you can talk.

Neo: Neo? Who you talking about? I'm the great ninja Yuffie.

I didn't get what she meant until there was a flash of light which changed from Neo to a girl with black hair in a ponytail, a green crop top, peach shorts, yellow leggings, a white headband, and yellow shoes.

Yuffie: I think you might have overdone it Squall.

Just then the man from before stepped out of the doorway and into the main room.

Squall: That's Leon.

So what is it Squall or Leon?

Y/N: The Keyblade

Yuffie: Yeah we had to get it away from you to shake of those creatures. Turns out that's how they been tracking you.

Leon: It was the only way to conceal your heart from them. But it won't work for long. Still hard to believe that you of all people are the chosen one.  

He than grabbed the keyblade and swung it only once which then it glowed red and vanished into roses and reappeared back in my hand. When it did reappeared Leon started walking towards me.

Leon: I guess beggars can't be choosers.

At this point what was going on I need answers not more questions.

Y/N: Why don't you start making scene! What's going on here?


 Aerith: Okay so you know there are many other worlds out there besides your castle and this town, right?

Donald: Yeah.

Goofy: But they're supposed to be a secret.

Aerith: They've been secret because they've never been connected until now. When the heartless came that's when everything changed.


Y/N: The Heartless? 

Yuffie: The one's that attacked you. Don't you remember?

Y/N: "Could she be talking about the things back on my island and the things I saw in town?"

Leon: Those without hearts.

Yuffie: The darkness inside of people's hearts. That what attracts them.

Leon: And there's darkness within every heart.

Yuffie: Hey have you ever heard of someone named Ansem?


Goofy: Ansem?

Aerith: He was studying the heartless. He recorded all of his findings in a very detailed report.

Goofy: Garwsh, uh, can we see it?

Aerith: It's pages are scattered everywhere.

Donald: Scattered?

Aerith: Too many worlds.

Goofy: Oh, then maybe the king went to find'em.

Aerith: Yes those where my thoughts exactly.

Goofy: We gotta find him quick!

Donald: Wait! First we need to find the "key"!

Aerith: That's right. The Keyblade.


Y/N: So this is the key?

Yuffie: Exactly

Leon: The heartless have great fear of the Keyblade. That's why they'll keep coming after you no matter what.

Y/N: Well I didn't ask for this.

Yuffie: The Keyblade chooses it's master. And it choose you.

Leon: So tough luck.

Y/N: How did all of this happen? I remember being in my room.

Then Y/N then remember something important.

Y/N: Wait a minute! What happen to my home? My Island? Kai! Neo! Riku! Zane!

Leon: You know what? I really don't know.


I than got up and walked over to Leon who was standing by the door but Leon started talking to me and it sounded important.

Leon: Sooner or later the heartless will find you. You've better prepare yourself.

Y/N: Prepare myself?

Leon: To fight for your life. Are you ready?

At that moment I know what to say.

Y/N: I'm ready!

He than nodded and turned to Yuffie.

Leon: Yuffie, Let's go join up with Aerith. She should be there with the other visitor by now.

Yuffie: Leon!

She than pointed to something purple forming in the room and when it was done forming a heartless in armor appeared right in front of us.

Leon: Yuffie, go!

She than ran passed him in another room while it slammed into the wall in the next room. Leon than pulled out his gun sword thing and held it on his shoulder.

Leon: Y/N lets go!

He than kicked it out a window and jumped the than he broke and I than ran out of the room into the hallway which had more heartless in it so I than started slicing my way threw them and made it out side where Leon was waiting for me.

Leon: Don't worry about the small fry! Find the leader!

He than ran off but I than ran off in the opposite direction while slicing away any heartless that got in my way.


I then found myself in some unknown area with a glowing yellow sign of what looked like two dogs ( You know the Area where Sora meets Donald and Goofy. Speaking of which ) I than heard an explosion of what looked like two people falling in the air. I than noticed they are going to fall where I was standing I then started running but they fell on top of me. After they where on top of me I noticed that the one in blue was a duck and a the one of the green was a dog, they then stair at the keyblade.

Dog/Duck: The Key!!!

The ground started to shake and some pillars started to rise out of the ground blocking all of the exits. Just then a bunch of heartless showed up with so after getting off each other we armed ourselves for a fight.

I started off by charging at them and started slicing away at them, another tried to up me but the dog then uppercut them with the shield, the ones on my left were turned into ice thanks to the duck which he then electrocute them by summoning a thunder bolt. After that a big one appered with it's limbs floating around it but this gave me an idea.

Y/N: Ok I have a plan. ( Looks at Donald ) I need you to Freeze it's limbs. ( Looks at Goofy ) then you take care of the frozen limbs. I'll deal with the torso.

They nodded and got ready, I started charging in with the dog right behind me. The arm to the left tried to swipe me but froze which the dog bashed it with the sheild, he than threw it towards one if it's legs and hit it on return I jumped on it and landed on the things head. I started to slice away at it and when it tried to punch me I jumped off and used the blade to get ahold of the arm and launched it out it. It than fell to the ground, the duck then fired a much of fireworks at it, then the dog started to spin constantly bashing it in the face and I finished it on by driving the keyblade into the bead which caused it to disappeared into dust with a giant heart flying out of it.


Y/N: So you two have been looking for me?

They only did was nod to my question.

Leon: They, too have been seeking the weilder of the keyblade.

Yuffie than nodded and agreed with him.

Dog: Hey why don't you come with us? We can go to other worlds on our vessel.

I than looked down.

Y/N: I wonder if I could find Kai, Neo, Riku, and Zane?

Duck: Of course.

I than looked up and saw them whispering which I couldn't hear.

Leon: Y/N, go with them. Especially if you want to find your brother and your friends.

Y/N: Yeah. I guess.

Duck: But you can't come along looking like that. Understand? No frowning, No sad face. Okay?

Dog: Yeah ya gotta look funny, like us!

He than pushed him away.

Duck: This ship runs on happy faces.

Y/N: Happy?

( Drum roll )

I than made a werid funny face which casued them to laugh.

Dog: That's one funny face!

That made me feel better.

Y/N: Ok, why not? I'll go with you guys.

Duck: Donald Duck.

Dog: Names Goofy.

Y/N: I'm Y/N

Goofy: All for one, and one for all!

We than put our hands together which remind me of our teams thing.

Y/N/Zane/Riku/Kai ( Memory ):All for one, and one for all!

Guys I promise I'll find you all. No what happens matter. Because we are not just a team, we're not just friends. We're a family so no matter what we'll together no matter what happens and we'll always look out for each other. Don't worry guys, you've been there for me and now it's my turn to be there for you.

( I hope that was a good speech. I'm still new to this )

I hope you like this chapter and of you are woundering what happened to the others. I'll make chapters showing want happened to them and how they got their keyblades until then. This is DuelknightX and I'll see you next BYE BYE!!!

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