Chapter VII: Brothers till the end

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Before you continue check out the Bio and Update I updated them with some changes to them. Now with that let's begin


Me, Donald, and Goofy where outside of a castle that Maleficent was at.

Goofy: Hey Y/N can we ask you something?

Y/N: Sure what is it?

Donald: We've been wondering. Where did you get that scar from?

Y/N: ( breathes in ) You see when I was younger I was abused by my family.

They then gasped in horror of my story.

Y/N: One day my oldest sister Yang blamed Kai for something and then our dad proceeded to beat him.

I than sniffle with tears coming out of my eyes remembering that awful place.

Y/N: ( In a shaky voice ) After that Yang started to beat him to, and it pained me to see him get hurt so I ran up to her and punched her in the face. So after that my Mom grabbed her weapon and started to rain hell on me, she even used her sycthe to leave a scar on my right eye.

I than caught my breath after letting some tears fall out of my eyes

Y/N: But none of good things that happen would have never happen. Meeting my friends, learning about other worlds, meeting Neo, and even getting the keyblade along with meeting you guys. To be honest I would relive those moments all over again.

Donald: Y/N, we never thought you had a childhood that bad.

Goofy: Sorry about that buddy.

Y/N: Don't worry I left that life behind me and now I have some great friends and I promise to reunite with them, because I am who I am because of my friends and you guys to.

Donald: Thank you.

Goofy: I knew I made the right choice.

Y/N: For what?

Goofy: My best friend.

I nodded to them.

Y/N: Thank you, both of you.

I than turned towards the castle.

Y/N: Let's go.


After climbing up we saw some man creature thing on the ground with Kai standing infront of it.

Y/N: Kai!!! what happened.

Kai: So you finally made, about time. I've been waiting for you. We've always been rivals haven't we.

Y/N: Kai we are not rivals. We're brothers we always had been there for each other, what happened to the Kai I grew up with, The Kai whose always been there for me.

Kai: I've changed for the better. You've been pushing me as I was pushing you.

Y/N: Kai.

Kai: But it all ends here. there can't be two keyblade masters.

Y/N: What are you talking about?

Kai: Simple, let the keyblade choose, it's true master!

Then the keyblade was summoned and buy was being pulled to Kai so I tried to pull it away from him but it was to strong and and disappeared and reappeared in Kai's hands .

Goofy/Donald: Huh.

Kai: Maleficent was right, You don't what it takes to save Neo, It's up to me. Only the keyblade master can open up the secret door, and change the world.

Y/N: But that's impossible, how did this happen? I'm the one who fought my way here with the keyblade!

Kai: You where you just the deliver boy.

After he said I didn't know what to think, the guy that had been there all my life is just throwing me away over the keyblade. This can't be the Kai I know, the Kai I know wouldn't easily throw me away for something like the keyblade.

Kai: Sorry, your part is over now.

He than pulled the wooden sword I used to use.

Kai: Here go play hero with this.

He than threw it over to me, and after that I fell to my knee's with tears in my eyes as Kai walked away. After that Donald and Goofy where right next to each other

Donald: Goofy, let's go.

Goofy: Oh! Well, I know the king told us to follow the key and all.

But after that they walked off with leaving me alone.

Donald: Y/N, sorry.

After that they ran off. Then that creature thing started to follow them but he was clearly hurt so when he fell to the ground I ran up to him.

Y/N: Hey, don't move, your hurt.

Beast: Why. Why did you. come here? I came here to fight for Belle, and even though I'm alone, I'll fight, I will not leave without her, that's why I'm here.

After that I turned around picked up my old sword and walk towards his side.

Y/N: Me too, I'm not going to give up now. I came here to find someone very important to me too, and I know deep down what Kai said isn't true because he would throw the keyblade away for me any day no matter how powerful or how important it is, because I know that i'm more important to him because he's way too important to me, along with the rest of my friends. I don't care what he said because he's always been there for me and now it's my turn to be there for him.


After fighting our way into the castle we where in the main hall with no one there.

beast: Be on your guard. They're close, I can feel it. Are you ready for them?

I than started to walk forward and the I heard the beast say belle which I then turned and saw the doors lock behind him. I than turned to see Kai in front of me with Donald and Goofy.

Kai: Quit while you can.

Y/N: No way! Not without Neo!

After that he was covered in some purple light and he was in some weird amour.

Kai: The darkness will destroy you.

Y/N: Your wrong Kai. The darkness might destroy my body but it will never touch my heart. My heart will always stay with my friends forever. It will never die!

Kai: Really?

After that some dark light started to glow in his hand.

Kai: Well we'll see just about that!

He than fired a ball of darkness at me but it was deflected by Goofy.

Goofy: Y/N ain't going anywhere!

Kai: You betray your king?

Goofy: Not on your life! But I'm not going to betray Y/N, either because he's become one of my best buddies after all, we've be through together! See ya later Donald, could you tell the king i'm really sorry?

Donald: Hold on Goofy, well tell him together!

After that Donald ran over to me.

Donald: Well, you now. All for one and one for all.

Goofy: I guess your stuck with us Y/N.

Y/N: Thanks a lot, Donald, Goofy.

Kai: How will you fight without a weapon?

Y/N: I know now, that now I don't need the keyblade, I've got a better weapon. My heart.

Kai: ( Smirks ) Your heart? What good will that weak little thing do for you?

Y/N: Although my heart may be weak, it's not alone. It's grown with each new experience, and it's found a home with all the friends I've made. I've became apart of their hearts just as they've become apart of my heart, and if they think of me now and they never forget about me then our hearts will always will be as one. I don't need a weapon, my friends are my power!

After that the keyblade flashed in red light with leaving red roses behind and then it reappeared back in my hands once again. After that he pulled out a sword and charged at me. I than blocked his attack and pushed it away and countered attacked, and then Goofy charged on and rammed him with his shield, and after that he launched him in the air and started to spin which caused to hit Kai rapidly, then Donald fired a fireball at him and the summoned the thunderbolt attack to a electric him, I than dashed at him a preformed a sliding kick and then uppercut him with the guard of the keyblade and then performed another sliding kick and performed a stun impact and then finished it of with a sonic blade which finished him off.

After that the armor disappeared and he ran off, just then beast returned into the room.

Beast: So it was your heart that won this fight?

All I did was nodded to his question.

Beast: I can see why the keyblade choose you.


I was chasing after Kai after fighting Maleficent I entered some area with Neo lying on the ground with her eyes closed so I ran towards her.

Y/N: Neo, Neo. Come on, open your eyes!

Kai: It's no use.

I than turned and saw Kai sitting a giant heart like structure with the key to peoples heart.

Kai: That girl lost her heart. She can't wake up.

Y/N: What? You. You are not Kai!

Kai?: The keyhole cannot be completed so long as the last princesses of hearts still sleeps.

After that Kai? jumped off and started to slowly descend but I can't believe what he just said.

Y/N: The princess. Neo is a princess?

Kai?: Yes and without her power the keyhole will remain incomplete, it's time she awakened.

After that it started to make my blood boil, someone is using my brother, no My best friend like a puppet.

Y/N: Whoever you are? Let Kai go! Give him his heart back!

Puppetmaster ( Kai ): But first, you must give the princess her heart back.

After that he pointed the key at me which started to cause a sharp pain in my chest, I then fell to my knee's while holding my chest.

Donald: Y/N!!!

Y/N: Whats---

Puppetmaster ( Kai ): Don't you see yet? The princess' heart is responding, it's been there all along. Neo's heart rests within you!

Y/N: Neo. Neo is inside of me?

Puppetmaster ( Kai ): I know all that there is there to know.

Y/N: Tell me, who are you!

Puppetmaster ( Kai ): It is I, Ansem the seeker of darkness.

He than started to approach me but Donald ran at him but he knocked him away. he than approached me again and pointed the keyblade at me.

Ansem ( Kai ): So, I shall release you now, princess, complete the keyhole with your power. Open the door, lead me into everlasting darkness!

He was about to slice me with that keyblade until I heard a voice.

???: Y/N!!!

Wait that voice, it's Neo's. I looked up and then summoned my keyblade and started to push his keyblade away.

Y/N: Forget it! There's no way I'm letting you take Neo's heart!

I than pushed him off and got ready to fight.

After I pushed off he was on the other side of the area, he than started to glow blue and the started to blitz around the arena but I was able to block them, after that I then slide around him and started slicing away at him and the performing a sonic blade which I moved at pretty fast speeds, finishing it off in a powerful thrust, I than did a last Arc which I was slicing really fast, and after sweeping him up in a twister attack I than slammed the keyblade down but he blocked it so I used the momentum from it to bounce off it and the preform a strike raid, and then finished it off with one last Last Arc and this time it worked and with that Ansem disappeared along with Kai which I tried to reach him.

Donald: Y/N!, Y/N look!

Goofy: Th-The keyhole.

I than walked toward the keyhole and used my keyblade but it didn't work.

Goofy: It won't work. The keyhole isn't finished yet!

I than de-summoned my keyblade

Y/N: What can we do?

Goofy: Maybe we need to wake Neo up

Y/N: I think your right. If we can free her heart, but but how?

I than looked to the key to the people's hearts.

Y/N: A keyblade unlocks people's hearts, I wonder?

I than started to walk towards it.

Goofy: Y/N?

I than picked it up and held it for a bit and then I knew what to do.

Goofy: Y/N hold on!

Donald: No wait!

I then turned to them and smiled and then I raised the keyblade in the air and then impale myself with it releasing all of the princess' hearts and Neo's, as they flew into their respected bodies Neo started to wake up which fixed the keyhole.

Donald: Y/N! Y/N!

Neo than started to wake up and saw me falling.

Neo: Y/N!

She than ran to me but she was too late, I had already disappeared into light.


As the remains of Y/N flew off Donald was crying out for Y/N as Neo was trying to understand whats happening.

Donald: Y/N! Come back Y/N!

Meanwhile Y/N was diving into a see of darkness.

Y/N: What's. What's happening to me? Falling. Falling into darkness.

After that Neo, Donald, and Goofy where just standing there.

Neo: Y/N are you really? No. He couldn't be! I won't let him go!

They started to search for him but nothing until a man came out of a dark portal with Ansem standing in front of it.

Ansem: So, you have awakened at last, princess. The keyhole is now completed, You have severed your purpose, but now it's over.

He than started to walk over to the trio but Goofy and Donald armed themselves for combat.

Donald: Don't make another move!

Goofy then panned his head over to Donald.

Goofy: Do you think we can stop him ourselves?

Donald: I don't know!

He than stopped and started to twitch.

Ansem: Impossible!

Just then a image of Kai started to appear trying to pull himself away from Ansem.

Kai: No! You won't use me for this!

Neo: Kai!

Kai: You've got to run! The heartless are coming!

Just then there where some heartless surrounding them. Neo then nodded as all three of them ran away.

Goofy: What about the keyhole?

Donald: Let's just get out of here!

As they ran one heartless was just starring at them as they left, it than jumped down and started to follow them.


Goofy: Neo, hurry!

Neo than turned towards Goofy and Donald.

Neo: I can't leave them behind!

Donald: We can't stay here!

After that she ran to Donald and Goofy with that familiar heartless after them.

Goofy: Hurry A heartless is after us!

After she ran to Donald and Goofy it followed suit.

Donald: I'll take care of him!

When it got closer Donald started to whack it on the head.

Donald: Confounded heartless! Get lost will ya?

It than turned it's head to Neo which then it just stared at her.

Neo: Y/N, is that you?

Just then a bunch of more heartless shown up surrounding them.

Goofy: Uh-Oh!

Just then Donald and Goofy ran to go fight them meanwhile Neo was standing infornt of the heartless she thought was Y/N!

Neo: This time, I'll protect you.

More heartless started to get closer to them until they jumped her, She than turned and hugged Y/N.

Neo: Y/N!

After they jumped them Goofy and Donald had finished of their heartless and noticed they where piled on top of her and Y/N.

Goofy: Neo!

Just then there was a light which got the heartless off of them and Y/N was back in his normal form and he was holding her tightly.

Y/N: Neo, thank you

She than looked and saw that Y/N, the boy who helped her open her heart to those around her was back and was hugging her in his arms.

Neo: Y/N!

Donald/Goofy: Y/N!

But then more heartless appeared and they all had their weapons ready, but then the beast appeared and tossed one of the heartless away.

Beast: Go, now!

Y/N: Come with us!

Beast: I told you, I'm not leaving here without Belle. Now go, The heartless are coming!

Y/N: ( Breathes in ) Alright then, Come let's get out of here!

All four of them ran out of there while leaving the beast behind.



I was at where Ansem was and right now I was fighting Kai who was being used like a puppet which Ansem found humorous which the two brothers fight.

Ansem: Ain't this a sight, two brothers from separate bloodlines fighting, this is a sight to behold.

Kai: Y/N! There's no other way, you have to destroy me!

Y/N: No way Kai, like I said all those years ago I rather suffer along side you then leaving you all alone! Come Kai you've been through worse so come on Kai FIGHT IT!!!

After that he launched me back as he dropped his sword which broke after landing on the ground and he was holding his hands on his head.

Ansem: What is this?



After that his armor pealed of his body while some strings detached from his body, After that he fell to the ground.

Y/N: Kai!

I than ran towards his body.

Y/N: Kai are you alright?

Kai: Y/N.

He than look back me with a smile on his face.

Kai: Thank you.

Y/N: No problem.

After that Ansem's dark spirit picked up Kai on by the head and hurled him away.


Y/N: Kai!

Luckily Goofy caught him but he fell down.

Ansem: So I can see why the keyblade choose you.

But then he was covered in a dark aura.

Ansem: Prove to me that you are truly worthy.

After that his dark spirit spawned right behind him.

I got into my battle pose and charged at him, I tried to strike him in the head by his spirit blocked it, it then grabbed my leg and slammed me into the ground which I bounced off of, after that Ansem used his dark charge to ram me into multiple pillars, after that his dark spirit grabbed me by the face and threw me into the ground which Ansem summoned his spiral strings to impale me multiple times.

Ansem: Such a wasted effort, but don't worry-

A huge pool of darkness spawned underneath me and started to pull me in.

Ansem: You'll power the darkness even more.


Donald/Goofy/Neo: Y/N!



I was in the darkness and it felt like I was drowning, until there was a flash of light and this time I was able to breath.

Kai: Come on Y/N.

I than looked forward to see Kai in-front of me.

Y/N: Kai?

Kai: Are you going to let that jerk push you around? I've seen you gone through worse, so come get up.

I tried to get up but failed but then I felt someone help me up on to my left.

Zane: Y/N you've been there for us.

Y/N: Zane?

I then felt helped me up from the right.

Riku: And now it's our turn to be there for you.

Y/N: Riku?

Neo: So come on.

I looked and saw Neo with her and out.

Neo: Let us help you up.

I than smiled and reached out for her hand.

Kai: Y/N when someone fights one of us.

Zane: They fight all of us.

Riku: And don't forget Y/N.

Z/N/R/K: All for one!

I than smiled seeing even in my darkest hours my friends will always be there fighting along side me.

Y/N: And one for all!


Just then there was a big flash of light which blinded everyone.

Donald/Goofy: Ahhhh!

Neo was trying to cover her eyes as the same was Kai.

Ansem: What is that light?

After that the darkness that tried to drown Y/N was gone but when he opened his eyes light was flowing out of them.

Goofy: Donald do you know what this is?

Donald: Not at all.

Neo: Y/N?

Kai: Y/N?

Ansem: What is the meaning of this!

Y/N than summoned his keyblade which when it was held in his hand it ignited in white light.

Y/N: Ansem this is the power of the bond me and my friends have together, in other words. You through!

Y/N started to charge at Ansem which he called upon his dark spirit and when it tried to hit him Y/N just dodged out of way of it's strike.

Y/N: Out of my way!

Y/N than sliced it in half which Y/N charged at him again but when Ansem tried to hit him with his spiritual string Y/N was able to dodge all of them, Y/N then jumped in the air a furiously sliced Ansem up, he than kicked Ansem away which Y/N charged at him which Y/N than turned Thorned Rose into Crescent Rose and fired a shot which propelled him forward meanwhile Donald and Goofy were trying to understand what just happened.

Goofy: Did Y/N turn the keyblade into a scythe?

Donald: I think he just did.

Y/N that started to twirl Crescent Rose around which rapidly sliced Ansem up, He than impaled him with it and then flung him along with Crescent Rose which Ansem pulled it out of him.

Ansem: Enough of these games!

He than tried to impale Y/N with some dark spikes but then Y/N turned into a burst of red roses and was rapidly circling Ansem which caused a twister of roses with thorns attached to them, with the twister dissipated Y/N was then behind him.

Y/N: This is for Zane!

He than performed a sonic blade which Y/N was striking Ansem at insane fast speeds.

Y/N: This one is for Riku!

He than drove the keyblade into Ansem.

Y/N: This one is for Kai!

He than performed a last arc which he was swiping away a Ansem fast and furious which he than hit Ansem into the air.

Y/N: This one is for Neo!

He than slammed him into the ground which bounced him into the air which gave Y/N enough time to charge up the keyblade's laser.

Y/N: And this is for everyone you've ever harmed!

He than fired the beam at Ansem which impaled him.

Ansem: ahAHHHHHH!!!

With that Ansem vanished into a burst of light. After that Y/N eyes turned back into his normal sliver color which turned the keyblade back into it's normal form, Y/N than fell to the ground with his eyes closed.

Neo: Y/N!

Neo than ran to Y/N and caught him in his fall.

Neo: Y/N are you ok?

Y/N: Neo.

He than opened his eyes and looked at Neo.

Y/N: Your voice is beautiful.

Neo than peaked his lips with her own.

Neo: I'm glad your ok.

She than helped him up.

Donald/Goofy: Y/N!

Donald and Goofy ran towards Y/N

Y/N: Donald, Goofy!

He than hugged them but noticed Kai was gone.

Y/N: Where's Kai?

Donald: We don't know?

Goofy: He just disappeared.

Y/N: Well I'm sure where ever he his, I bet he's ok.


After Y/N defeated Ansem I found myself in a endless void of darkness but I don't care I'm just glad my brother is ok.

Kai: I guess my time will come another day.

( And that was Brothers till the end and next time Team KNDM will take on organization XIII and how they meet Professor Ozpin but before I go have an important announcement, Today is my birthday so I hope you wish me all a happy birthday and the gift you can get me is by voting for this story it will mean a lot to me, Until I'll see you all next time BYE BYE!!! )

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