Welcome to London

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"We'll will arrive to London in just about a few minutes, please stay in a your seats and wait while we arrive to your destination."

Bianca, Rayman, Bianesis and Raymesis were sitting in their seats in a train heading to London. It was because they were moving together and planning to spend some time together thinking how it would be like exploring a new state of England.

"Can't you imagine how it would feel living in a new city?" Bianesis asks with both Rayman and Bianca nodding, "I have planned to explore a little more about London and I heard it has one of the most fanciest malls we should really-" But she was interrupted by Raymesis.

"Haven't heard about UZZ?" He asked in which the others look and shake their heads no, "You guys there is base called UZZ where I heard was run by that man named Changed Daily and there are just four agents who are with a strange scientist and they fight this random lady named Doctor Doctor."

"Never heard of that," Bianca says before pulling our her phone and asks, "Hey wanna sing some music while we arrive to London." "Heck yes," Rayman says and Bianca beigns to pick a song from her phone.

Song: Wonderland by Caravan Palace (music plays)

Bianca: Just imagine a trip to a wonderful land. Of candy, and jam, and ice cream.


Bianca: I gotta hit that street you better watch it. With a gun that I cock with a full clip.

Rayman: I got the whip, got the pitch thought I'd keep it undercover. All up in the club just to live it up.

Raymesis: See the stone cold face, try to knock it. I can't be stopped, never walk, I'm a rocket.

Bianesis: I gotta be in it, I gotta be in it.

All: I gotta be-ba-da-be-ba-da-be-da-be-it.


Bianesis: See the big gold chain that I'm rockin'.

Raymesis: I got the ring for the bling, not a problem.

Rayman: I got a stash full of cash that I owe to my brother.

Bianca: All up in the club just to live it up. Look how the streets turn cold when I walk it.

Rayman: It's my rules no man can stop it.

Raymesis: I throw a kick so quick that'll leave you in the gutter.

Bianesis: Leave you in the gutter, gutter, gutter...


All: All up in the gut-all up in the gut, all up in the gutter...


♡Just imagine♡

Wonderful land ♡

Bianca: I know all these things never happen.


Bianesis: I'm just a random girl with gentle manners.


Rayman and Raymesis: If my dreams aren't rocked and I rule the wonderland...


All: All up in the gut-all up in the gut, all up in the gutter...

*Song Ends*

"Attention passengers," The engineer controlling the train spoke up, "We have now arrived at London, please step off the train and we hope you enjoyed your ride."

The train stops at the train station which made the four heroes get off the train and walk out of the train station.

The four arrived to see London for the first time and were really in awe to see it.

"This is absolutely amazing." Said Bianca as everyone nods before bringing their luggage and going to find their apartment.

Their apartment was located just a few blocks away on the third floor at room 302. The four arrived to their apartment and went inside to check the whole room.

Bianca and Bianesis's bedroom:

Rayman and Raymesis's bedroom:



Living Room:

"Wow and I thought we would never find the great home for us." Bianca claims. "Well now that we are settled in our new home, we should go explore London a bit more. I heard there is a mall nearby, should we go there?" Rayman asks. "Yeah," The others replied as they got up from living room to get money and shopping bags and headed out their apartment, locked the door, and began to head to the mall.

10 minutes of walking.

"Whoa," they gasped, the mall was very big and people were there shopping at each section.

"Come on let's go buy some souvenirs," Bianesis cheers as she speeds up with her wings to shop while Raymesis says, "Slow down Bianesis we can't fly that fast since you have wings," as he, Rayman and Bianca begin to run as fast as they can.

Another 10 minutes of shopping.

The four came back for buying stuff, well mostly Bianesis. Since this was her first time on Earth, she was growing more into it ever since she spends her time in The Glade of Dreams. She bought everything Earth related stuff like a pink fluffy bunny that was so soft to cuddle. "Goodness this bunny is so fluffy," Bianesis said as she hugs the bunny tightly in joy while the others look each other and shrug. As soon they continue, they got encountered by two people.

There was a girl who has a dark magenta hair, dark brown eyes and she has a lollipop in her mouth. Next was a boy with dark blue hair and green eyes.

"Oh hello there," the boy said while the four replied with a 'hi', "Are you four new here in London?" "Yeah, we're just here in the mall to buy things or let's say not all of us." Rayman says as Bianesis nervously chuckle only for the boy to smile.

"Anyways I'm Jayden, Jayden Kingsview," the boy named Jayden introduces to himself only to the girl to take out her lollipop and say, "And I'm Angelina Armor. What you dumb idiots want?" "Angelina! Don't be so rude to them, they are new," Jayden elbows her only for her to huff, "Geez sorry."

"Sorry about her," Jayden apologizes, "Sometimes she can be a bit moody." "Hey no problem. We always can sometimes be moody," Raymesis replies. "Yeah anyways I'm Rayman," Rayman introduces and points at Bianca, Raymesis, and Bianesis, "The girl with wings is Bianesis, the one with the pink bow is Bianca, and the guy behind me is Raymesis."

Suddenly Angelina and Jayden's watch begins glowing. "Oh uh we should get going right now. We'll see you four next time." Angelina replies as she and Jayden scurry off as fast they can leaving the four confused. "Uh well that was a weird way to introduce yourself," Bianca tells the others as they watched only the shadows of Angelina and Jayden before it disappears.

Suddenly there was stomach growling. "Gosh and I am now hungry. Well let's go eat," answers Bianca only for them to slowly nod and head to the food court. There was one place that seems to be good and that was McDonald's since Bianca suggested. "You've been working out for a long period of time and you've been eating healthy." Rayman claims and Bianca shrugs. "I've never eaten it for a long time and I'm starving now come on let's go eat," she replies heading to the front counter.

The person at the counter was a lady with brown hair under a beanie and she wore a red shirt and hazel nut brown eyes and she welcomed with a smile. She had a name tag pinned on her which was named, Cecilia.

"Hello and welcome to McDonald's" greeted Cecilia, "How may we take your order from the menu?"

"I'll have the ten piece chicken nuggets combo with medium fries and cinnamon roll." Bianca orders. 

"Hm," Rayman thinks for a second before replying, "I guess I will take the Cheeseburger with medium fries and a vanilla shake."

"For me," Raymesis begins, "I will take the Big Mac meal with apple slices and a hot fudge sundae."

"I'll want the four piece chicken nuggets, with a Minute Maid Pink Lemonade Slushie and a chocolate chip cookie."

"Um do we need to pay for the food?" Rayman asks but Cecilia replies, "No since you four are new here, I will take your orders for free just for today."

"Oh uh okay," they say before heading and sitting down at a table. Cecilia huffs and checks her watch since it was 9:59 PM, she switched the time and it changes to the three letters that stands U.Z.Z. She pressed it and reports: "Sir I think they could be the four that were heard from the news.... I didn't get their name yet. . . . Okay so I just leave them for now..... Okay talk to you after I finished my work..." She turned off her watch and begins to make Bianca, Rayman, Bianesis and Raymesis's order.

Meanwhile the four were busy talking. "So," thinks Bianesis as she clutches her bunny to her, "I don't know about you, but what do you think we can earn something from London." "We could score ourselves some villains that we fight off," Raymesis adds, but Bianca cuts him, "Wrong, there is no evil happening so when can only fight when something bad happens." "She could be right," Rayman pulls out his Gem Charm, "Didn't you said earlier that the four agents fight off a lady named Doctor Doctor?" "I'm not sure," Raymesis thinks, "I don't know if it is true or not."

"Oh I'm gonna go get the food," Bianca got up from her chair and heads to the counter to see Cecilia smile with the food ready. "Thank you madam'" Bianca thanks her before she heads to her table and gave out the food to the rest and they begin to eat. Cecilia watches them and smiles and heads back to the counter.

After eating, the four thanked Cecilia for the food and then walked to their apartment to get ready for bed. Both Bianesis, Raymesis, Bianca and Rayman had to share the bathroom since it is the only one here. As soon they finished brushing their teeth and changed into pajamas, they headed to their bedrooms and slowly slept at just 11 pm.

Meanwhile at McDonalds, Cecilia was done working at 11 pm and said bye to her friends as she walked off having her friends think she was heading home, but wrong. She was wondering off to a strange building as it has the big words: U.Z.Z

When she scanned her ID, Cecilia went to the elevator inside and pressed the top floor button and the door closes in front of her. Only the elevator can be seen moving up and once it reaches the top floor, it opens and Cecilia steps out, but somehow her appearance changed.

Instead of the worker shirt and the pants, she wore a dark blue shirt under a white vest and she wore a cream white skirt, and she has a black pantyhose and she wore black heels. Her hair that was under the hat had changed as now it was dropped down and it was wavy. Cecilia also have earrings, necklace, and some makeup on her.

Cecilia, now in her new look, approaches to a room that shows only three big sofas and in front was a fireplace with some decorated small furniture on it. She sees a man with gray hair and a mustache and wore a black suit vest and see hers.

"Cecilia," the man said, "You're back from work, did you find the four new kids?" Cecilia nods, "Yes Changed Daily, I have but I didn't get their names quite yet. Did anyone else get their names?" "Yes, but it was only Jayden and Angelina. There names were Rayman, Bianca, Bianesis and Raymesis," Changed Daily replies as Cecilia nodded after looking at the phone, "The problem is that Anita and Victor don't know these four yet." "But what about the T.H.E.M? Would they realized that these four newcomers have magic and they planned to get them to fight against us?" she asked. "We are U.Z.Z remember," she explains, "And remember we stop crime from happening and maybe these four will slowly realized who we actually are. When will we be able to tell them that?" "I don't know Cecilia," Changed Daily responds, "We just have to see what happens, for now you should just rest for tomorrow." "Well I'll be done working in 6 hours tomorrow so I'll see you tomorrow." Cecilia waves as she left the room.

The room fades to a dark a blue sky only to see the apartment that Bianca, Bianesis, Rayman and Raymesis were sleeping before it moves up the dark sky and slowly begins fading black.


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