Asahi's feelings

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Yozora pov
Asahi~kun haven't been himself lately i thought
"Its okey Asahi~Kun, i dont think she run off becouse of you" did Tsubasa say as she tried to help Asahi to get better.
"I think kohar-"
"Dont say her name" did Asahi interupt tsubasa.
He was close to tears.
"Aww come here nee~chan" I Said as i gave him a big bear hug.
"Yuzu dont want Asahi-kun to be sad before Yuzu's big dance day!" Did yuzu say. Asahi giggled and looked at Yuzu.
"yeah iam not going to be sad anymore, thank you Yuzu" did Asahi say as he embraced a Yuzu into a hug.
"You were always my favorit from the S4 you know." Did Asahi say to Yuzu.
"hey!" Did me, Hime and tsubasa say in the same time.
"Oh come on your my sister!" Did Asahi say to us.
"Iam sorry if i make you upset, but why did you just run off"asked kanata.
"Maybe this is dumb, but when i heard ko- her name.... When it was the beuty day she Said her name were Nana" did Asahi say. "Oh i remeber Asahi hate getting lied to, when i lied to him about me flying to china one time, he diden't talk to me in on week" did i say as Asahi got red and the other started to laugh.
"What should we do" did kanata ask. "I mean, me and Yuzu's dance day is tomorror so?"
"We dont we go to the beach!" Did Subaru ask.
"Yeah" did we all say together.

-mean while when everybody got dressed-
Me and the the rest of S4 Headed to meet M4 at the Beach.
When we came, we Saw many of the campers on the beach.
Then i Saw Miharu and her friends.
"Come on guys Lets go to Miharu!" Did i Say as i started to Run.
"Onee ~chan!!" I screamed as i jumped to hug my lil sister. She Stepped aside so i fell to the ocean.
She and her group of friends started to laugh and soon enough i started to laugh to.
"Onee~chan, Nee~chan what are you doing here?" Did Miharu ask.
"Subaru~senpai Said that we should go to the beach couse why not!" Did Yuzu say.
"Oi! Boiled octupuse are you going to finally join you family at the ocean?" Did Subaru say
Yume just stuck her tong out.
I Then when i looked at Asahi, i Saw he was off.
"Koharu, Sweet cheeks can you come with me?" Did i Saw to koharu, she looked at me and nodded.

"What do you need Yozora~senpai?" Did Koharu ask me.
"Well Asahi has been a little down, becouse-"
"I ran off" did Koharu interupt me. I Saw she was about to cry to i gave her a hug.
"Shhhh koharu its okey" did i say as i komforted koharu.
Koharu started to sob... Good job Yozora.
"I-i j-ust so-S-soru-yy! I d-did-en't me-an to-oo Ma-ake h-io-him S-S,S,S,Sad!" Did the small purple haired girl cry out.
"Shhhhh, just cry it out" i Said as i comforted her.
"Sis?" Did i hear someone say, i looked Behind me as i still had my ambrace around Koharu.
I Saw my little Blondie, Asahi be there.
He Saw Asahi look at who i am hugging and had his eyes wind.
"Yozora!" Screamed Asahi, he only call my real name when hes really mad."what did you say to koharu to make her sad!" I looked at Asahi with wide eyes, and so did koharu say.
"A,a,a,a,a-a Asahi!" Did koharu showingly say.
"Nee~chan..." Came out of my mouth. I was stunned.
"You know what! Forget it!" Screamed Asahi as he ran away.
"What have i Done.." I mumled.
"Its okey Yozora, it was half my fault to" Said Koharu comforting me.
"No koharu! It was fully hearted my fault! Now my little brother, that i love, HAtes me!" I losed it, i had tears forming.
"Yozora~senpai, calm down." Koharu took a deep breath. "It wasen't your fault at all! It was my fault, not yours! It was me that ran off like that! Who does that! Your amazing, loveable, beutyful! And me!? I dont know what either  you or Asahi see in me!" Koharu screamed, tears in eyes..
SHe took her hand towards her mouth.
"Iam so so so sorry" koharu apolegised.
"Its okey Lets go back shall we?" I changed the subject.
We walked back and started to have our fun!
But iam still sad i maked Asahi Mad!

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