Wide dance class concert

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I know she left aikatsu stars episode 19 but snap it. Yay!
And i make @Goodheartyas blush! Once again Yay!

Haruka pov
Iam Worried for yume-chan, right after her stunning performance did she just faint. There were no auktions she just falled.
I got to join yume-chan and her group of friends. There Nice, but i cant there name still.
"Hey haruka-chan you okey?" Asked a purple haired girl.
"Why yes of course! Haruka-chan is always okey!" I jumped from my seat. "I dont mean to be rude but whats your guys name?" They looked at me with weird Looks then there eyes with.

" oh sorry haruka-senpai! Iam nanakura koharu" (i live doing intreductions okey!) Said the purple haired girl.
" iam sakuraba Laura" Said the pink bubble Gum haired girl intreduce.
"Iam kasumi Miharu and iam with" the light Blond girl Said as she pointed at a red haired cat.
"Saotome Ako, Nice to meet yo- nyaaaa!" I jumped at the girl and Petted her, "Kitty!" I meowed non-stop.
"Hey stop that!" She pushed my hand away, i giggled and smiled "okey Kitty"
"My name is Ako!" She bursted out.
"Okey Ako-Kitten " i giggled.

Then i Saw Yuzu-senpai, tsubasa-senpai, Yozora-senpai and a Worried Hime-senpai.
"Why is Hime-senpai Worried?" I asked yuzu-senpai
"I dont know" yuzu-senpai responded.
Then came Subaru-kun, kanata-kun, Nozomu-kun and a Kinda horrible looking Asahi-kun.
"Kanata-kun why is Asahi-kun looking like that?" I asked Nozomu-kun innocent.
"He's just sad. I dont think he want you to know" i looked at nozomu as he Petted my head lightly.

"Haruka-chan maybe you should go and train, tomorror is dance concert and i think one of my favorits want to make a good exprestion." Yuzu-senpai smiled at me.
"Okey yuzu-senpai!" I ran towards my dorm, Number 57 and took my gym clothes. It was a yellow jacket.
All colors got an perpective like.
Yellow-pop blue-cool purple-sexy and pink-cute.
So me, Ako and yuzu was pop, yozora, koharu and Miharu was sexy, Hime and yume was cute, tsubasa and Laura was cool.

I was jogging a bit then a Guy with Brown curly hair and Greenish -blueish eyes, he wore a same outfit as me but with shorts instead of Pants, and the color pink. I most say the color matched him.
"Hi! Iam haruka ruka! Whats your name" i asked i stoped running.
"Iam hilo, momoyo" Said the Guy.(momoyo isen't my oc and he isen't in aikatsu stars i just wanted haruka a lover okey! Please dont be mad)
"Well momoyo what sections did you take" i asked as we started jog.
"I choosed dance, you?" Responded momoyo.
"Well, momoyo-kun! We toke the same!" I hugged him.
"Heh i guess" momoyo blushed and hide his face.
"Um momoyo will you help haruka-chan with her dance moves" i looked at momoyo with pleaded eyes. He nodded and smiled.

First he helped me stretch, "okey just bend down a little more, do you feel the pain in your muscels?" He most of the time asked as i all ways nodded or screamed "yes!"

Then momoyo started some warming up music and i was going to dance like him, then alone.
"Put your arms up like you mean it! Like its a big party!" He helped me, when he named party i was always happy and tried my best.

Then i started the music i wanted and he helped me with my dance moves. "I think we should and: left, right, up!"
"Then a fantastic spin in the end!"

When the night came i Said godbye and thank you to momoyo and started to walk to my dorm.
When i opened my dorm i Saw yume-chan and Koharu-chan in theres.
"Yume-chan koharu-chan!" I screamed and jumped on them.
"Haruka-chan!" The Both screamed and laughed as i hugged them.
" yume-chan are you okey! Your performance was awsome, can i get a autog-"
"Haruka-chan you blow many questions at once." Yume giggled.
"Haruka chan is going to perform tomorror! Dont miss it!" I screamed.
"Well haruka i wish the best of you in your performance!" Koharu-chan and Yume-chan giggled.
"Arigato!" I bowed and ran to my dorm.

-time skip by 'five years later'-

Okey next its my turn.
I tan towards the machine and looked at my cord.
"Summer cord, feeling with extra happines!" I thought.
"Haruka Ruka, i will dance, dance!" I ran towards the Doors and set my cord in it.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I bowed and everyone cheered.
When i walked out, Saw i momoyo-kun.
"Haruka your were awsome" he screamed
"Thank you momoyo" i smiled.
Behind him i Saw M4?
"Oh maybe you wonder why M4 is here? Becouse then i coulden't meet you!" He hugged me and spinned around.
"I wish that was me and koharu.." I heard Asahi-senpai say as he looked down.
"Its okey Asahi-senpai, koharu-chan told me that she always run off becouse she got a letter each week or every other day" i smiled. Asahi looked at me with hes eyes full of anger "from who..." He mummled.
"Oh haruka i have a precent" momoyo Said.
"What is i- huh!" This is the first time in years i got suprised as momoyo kissed me. On the lips.
When he separated he smiled and ran off.

I was shocked becouse
That was my first kiss

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