Chapter 15: The New Fox Form

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What Rojo's new form looks like is up top. (And I know the eyes look a little weird. When I put the pic on this chapter, it glitched and it looks a little weird. But oh well lol. You get the gist of it.)

I'm working on making a Tony and Lilly book. Do you want one or nah?

Okay.... I need to vent so much right now and I'm sorry if my venting gets annoying. But I love you guys so much and I know I can tell you guys anything.

Okay.... so this starts my venting session. And I have like 4 things I need to get off my chest. So bare with me.

You can skip this and go straight to the story if you want.

1. I love my friends so much, but I'm getting really pissed at them. They always hang out without me and then later text me saying that they miss me and ask where I have been. Like umm I've been at my house this entire time but you guys wouldn't know that because you never ask. And then they proceed to get mad when I hang out and go places without them. Like hell no. It doesn't work that way.

2. Copying my books. This is seriously getting out of hand. There is this thing that is called plagarism, and it's ILLEGAL. THAT MEANS YOU CAN'T COPY MY WORK AND TAKE ALL THE CREDIT FOR IT.

Do you people not realize that my fans are better than the FBI? Like I shit you not. They WILL find you and they WILL tell me. Like this is why Faithful Shifters are so amazing. They know everything, they know who's copying my books, and they know where the book is at in wattpad. Nothing can get past them. Just saying. And they can also get your book taken down because you copied mine. So fair warning.

3. My ex texted me the other day and I have no idea why. Like we are friends and now he keeps texting me. And I ignore them of course. But now he is proceeding to tell everyone that I want him back SSSSOOOO badly. HA! More like the other way around.

4. And finally. My last vent before the chapter starts lol.

What gets my blood boiling is bullying. Like idk why people even do it. Being an author on here has its perks. I have had many people message me about them being bullied and they tell me their story. I find that awesome. I find it awesome because you guys trust me enough to tell me your stories. And I love that. I have actually talked some people out of suicide. (I will not mention who. It is their privacy.)

But it amazes me how many people get bullied. I don't find bullying a joy. Idk how some people do. Like how is bullying so much fun?

Anyway, don't let people push you around, call you fat, or ugly, or a whore. I haven't seen any of you, but I know that you are all fucking gorgeous and kind.

Don't let anyone judge you. Only God can judge you.

And don't let anyone take away your spark. God gave you that spark for a reason. You are important to this world whether you know it or not. God put you on this beautiful earth for a reason. Don't give anyone the satisfaction of them knowing your hurt. Don't let them break you. God has a special place in heaven for you when HE is ready.

And if you ever need someone to talk too. I'm right here. Okay?

Okay. Venting is finally done.

Grab a piece of cake and sit back and relax. The chapter is starting.......NOW!



Why is everyone staring at me in shock?

I know I'm gorgeous, but come on.

'Let's just say.' Rojo giggled. 'You don't look like a normal fox anymore.'

'What are you talking about?' I asked as I sat down staring at everyone.

'I may or may not have changed forms.' Rojo said sheepishly/

'So the doc was right.' I said, but more to myself.

'Yes. You now have a new fox coat. And don't forget about the eyes Belle.'

'So is this why you were gone for so long?' I asked.

I heard Rojo sigh. 'Yes. And I'm so sorry. I wanted to tell you. I truly did. But changing forms took so much energy. I couldn't even talk to you. And my body was going through the new change, so that's why you couldn't shift either.'

'Then what why were my eyes changing color?' I asked her.

'Remember all those times you got angry?' She asked me.

'Yes.' I said back to her.

'Because you got angry, your body wanted to shift. So it was pushing the changing process faster. So by being angry, you actually sped up the change.' Rojo explained.

'So is that also why I didn't heal as fast as I normally do?'

'Yes.' Rojo said. 'And the headaches were from the pain I was feeling from the shifting process. Since we are one together, you also felt the pain I did. But I tried so hard to take it away from you. I was so weak I couldn't take all the pain away.'

I heard Rojo whimper and I cringed.

'Rojo.' I called out to her. 'Don't feel bad. I'm willing to take some pain away from you if it means that you feel better.'

'B-but you passed o-out.' Rojo cried. 'I-I thought you weren't g-gonna wake up.' Rojo cried.

I smiled to myself.

'It's okay.' I laughed. 'I have a hot new fox form. So what about your mom?'

'My mom is Red.' Rojo said.

'I thought supernatural spirits didn't have parents?' I asked her.

'They don't. But I guess the moongoddess gave me one.' Rojo said confused.

"Isabelle?" A deep voice called out from infront of me.

I snapped out of talking with Rojo and looked at Daxton.

"You're beautiful." He breathed out smiling at me.

'And you're hot.' Rojo whistled.

'Because I missed you so much. I will let that go.' I laughed.

I looked down at my paws and saw fire orange fur.

I gave my mom the best confused look I could and she laughed.

"Hey doc? Do you have a mirror?" My mom asked.

The doc smiled and nodded his head while he walked back into his office.

He returned a minute later and brought back a fairly big sized mirror.

He put it infront of my face and I gasped as I jumped back.

The area around my eyes, my ears, my legs, and my paws were all this beautiful fire orange color. Then everywhere else was whitish/gray. I had glowing purple eyes. And I was also a little bigger than my other size.

Damn! I look hot!

I started jumping around and walking to get a feel of what it's like with this new form.

"Having fun?" Rocco asked laughing.

I looked at him and started to nod frantically.

'And to just change back, this of yourself in your human form.' Rojo informed.

I thought back to my wavy brown hair and brown eyes.

I felt the familiar pops and cracks of my bones and the next thing I know, I'm lying on the floor.

"My baby's back!" My mom screamed as she grabbed me off the floor and cradled me to her.

I wanted to laugh at Daxton because he looked like he was ready to grab me before my mom did.

Weird overprotective mate.

"I was so worried about you. I didn't know what to think. All those headaches and you passing out-"

"Avery!" My dad laughed as he cut my mom's rant off. "She's okay now."

My mom sighed and put me down. "I'm glad you're okay."

I smiled at her. "Rojo talked to me. She's back now."

"What did she say?" Roman asked.

"The reason that she didn't talk to me was because she was going through the shifting process. That process took so much energy out of her, that she couldn't talk, shift, or heal. All her energy was going towards changing new forms." I explained to them.

"So what was with the whole mom thing?" My dad asked.

"Rojo said that Red is her mom."

"I thought supernatural spirits didn't have parents." My mom said confused.

I shrugged. "Rojo said the same thing. But she also said that the moongoddess gave her one. So I don't know."

"So how come she changed forms?" Roman asked the doctor.

"Many people don't know. But also many people don't believe it's possible. There is only one record of someone doing that and people think it's only a myth. But the rumors say that when a supernatural spirit changes forms, it unlocks their full power."

"Okay." I said nodding. "What's my full power?"

The doc shrugged. "Beats me."

"Some help you are." I laughed.

"So what does this mean?" Daxton asked.

Everyone looked around at each other and shrugged.

"Beats me." My dad said.










"Call of Duty!" Cruz yelled as he ran into our game room.

"You're going down!" Jagger yelled back as they both grabbed remotes.

"Boys." Gabrielle said rolling her eyes as Addison and I laughed.

I called Gabrielle and Addison to come over and told them everything. They both promised to keep it on the down low for their pack until I move in and everything.

"Bring it on Jag." Cruz challenged.

"I will Cruz." Jagger smirked.

"Southern Nightshade Pack against Western Nightfall Pack on Xbox live?" Roman asked laughing.

"You're on." Daxton winked.

Gabrielle, Addison, and I sat back and watched them fight each other on Call of Duty.

Emmet died about 9 times already and I think Rocco is about to pass out from laughing so hard.

"Come on man." Roman whined. "You suck at this game."

"Sorry." Emmet growled trying to shoot Rocco. "I'm better at Halo."

"Watch this." I whispered to the girls.

"We are gonna go to my room and hang out." I called out to the boys.

"Okay. Be safe." Daxton said as he kept his eyes glued to the screen.

"Have fun." Roman said as he shot Daxton. "In your face wolfie!"

"You little shit." Daxton growled as he waited to his character to spawn again.

I laughed as we walked out of the game room and towards my room.

"What are we really gonna do?" Gab asked.

"Beat them at Call of Duty." I smirked as I opened my door.

"How?" Addison asked. "The Xbox is downstairs."

I winked as I opened the dresser that my flat screen was on.

"He's not the only one with an Xbox." I laughed as I tossed the girls some controllers.

But of course I got my camo one. No one touches my camo controller.

I signed into Xbox live and got my character set up along with Gab's and Addi's.

"Won't they know it's us by our names?" Addi asked.

I nodded. "That's why we are picking different names."

"I call Bob!" Gab yelled.

"You would." Addi laughed as she rolled her eyes.

We finally got our names picked and we clicked the button to join the boy's team.

"Connect these microphones to your controllers. Roman has a microphone hooked up downstairs. So we will be able to hear everything that they say. But don't talk until I give the signal. They will be able to hear us and I don't want them to know it's us yet." I explained as I connected mine.

The girl did what I did and gave me a thumbs up as we spawned in their game.

"Who are these three guys?" I heard Roman ask.

"I don't know." Daxton said confused.

"It could be anybody. This is Xbox live we're playing on." Jagger said.

"Hello?" Emmet asked. "What's your name?"

'Don't say anything.' I mouthed to the girls.

The girls quickly nodded and covered their mouths so they wouldn't bust out laughing.

"Wanna be mysterious ey?" Roman asked as his player and the other guys' players stood in front of us.

"Are you an enemy? Or a friend?" Daxton asked.

I pointed my gun towards Daxton's player and shot my assault rifle.

"I'm guessing enemy." Daxton sighed.

Gab and Addi both shot at Roman and Cruz.

"I'm guessing they are against us too." Roman said. "Fine. Bring it on Bob, Travis, and Clay!"

The girls and I both ran while the war started and went to different spots on the map.

I found a spot and covered my microphone.

"We need to take them all out and win this." I whispered.

The girls nodded and stayed hidden as well.

I slowly crept out from my hiding spot and headed toward this balcony type thing.

I grabbed my sniper rifle and looked through the scope.

I smirked as I spotted Roman's, Daxton's, and Emmet's players below mine.

"Where are they?" Roman asked getting annoyed.

"I don't know." Daxton sighed. "I can't find them anywhere."

I chuckled before I aimed.

I took all three of them out and quickly ran back to my hiding spot.

"What the hell!" Emmet yelled.

"Where did that come from?" Roman asked.

"Dude. Whoever these guys are. They are really good." Daxton said surprised as he spawned back.

"I know. I haven't met anyone this good." Roman agreed.

We kept playing, and they kept dying.

2 hours later, they finally gave up.

"Okay, okay. You three win." Daxton said growling softly.

"Finally give up RoRo?" I asked using the nickname that I gave him from when were younger.

"RoRo? Did you just.." Roman's voice trailed off before he gasped. "Isabelle?!"

"Yes big brother?" I teased.

"What the hell!" Roman growled. "Are you Clay, Travis, and Bob?"

"We might be." Addi laughed.

"Addison?" Rocco asked in surprise.

"Damn big brother." Gab laughed. "You suck at this game. I took you out over 10 times."

"Gabrielle." Daxton warned.

"Bring it. Or do you want to get shot again." Gab laughed in victory.

"I didn't know your sister was this good." Daxton said to Roman.

"Neither did I." Roman said shocked.


Well damn.

This is why boys should not go easy on us girls when it comes to video games. Because we will kick your asses *insert sweet smile*

Keep up the comments! I love reading them!

Love you faithful shifters!

-Momma Shifter

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