Chapter 2: The New Location And A Lady

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Up top is Payton and Roman! What a cute couple lol. XD

Ey!! Wud up my peeps??

Ha. Jk jk. ;)


Anywhore, I'm pretty sure I passed my test, so that's good.

And my Updates book is #22 in the Random category, which is kinda cool :D

So on with the story!!

I have decided to make my dog Zeus the mascot for the Faithful Shifters! He got really excited when I told him that and he started to wag his tail really fast lol.

(Don't forget to check out my other books because you love me!!!)



"Should we let her sleep?" A voice asked.

"No Jagger. I think we should let her sleep." My brother said.

"But we are here, we can't leave her in the van." Jagger said in a hushed tone.

"True. I'll carry her in." My brother said.

Hell ya mother fuckers! I don't have to walk.

I felt Roman pick me up and take me out of the van.

"Steven, grab her bags." Roman said.

"Yes alpha." I heard Steven say quietly.

As we were walking, I snuck a glance really quick at the pack house.

Damn! This place is huge!

"I'm gonna take her too her room." Roman whispered.

Maybe I should wake up so he doesn't have to carry me the whole way.

"But her room is on the fourth floor of the pack house." I think Emmet said.

Ya, nevermind.

"Eh. I got this." Roman laughed.

I tried not to laugh as Roman tried to very carefully walk up the stairs without waking me up.

I give him props for this.

Big brother of the year award goes too......Roman Clay Taylor!

I felt myself about to fall, but Roman caught me at the last second.

"Oh shit!" Roman whispered/yelled. "Please Lord help me open this door without me dropping my sister."

I wanted to laugh, but I really didn't feel like walking the last five steps to my room.

Ya I know. I'm lazy.


Roman opened my door and slowly set me on my bed.

"Thank you." I said sitting up.

"What the hell?!" Roman yelled scared as he jumped away from me. "Were you awake the whole time?"

I nodded. "I didn't feel like walking."

Roman looked at me like I grew two heads before he let out a chuckle.

"You are definitely Isabelle." He laughed.

"The one and only." I smirked.

I heard a knock on my door and Steven walked in with my bags.

"Here are your bags Miss." Steven smiled setting them next to my bed.

"Thank you." I smiled back at him before getting up and reaching for them.

He gave last smile and a bow of the head before walking out.

"The house is huge." I commented while setting my bags on my bed.

"Let me guess. Snuck a glance?" Roman laughed walking to my door.

"You know it." I smiled at him.

He gave me a chuckle before closing my door.

I sighed and walked out on my balcony.

'Maybe this place will be good.' Rojo said quietly.

'I suppose.' I sighed as I look across the giant forest. 'But I miss our old territory.'

'Me too. But something good will happen. I can feel it.'

'Okay.' I smiled. 'Just promise me we can go back and see our hidden spot sometime.'

'Well duh.' Rojo laughed.

'Good.' I said laughing with her.

When I was younger, my mom showed me a spot where Lilly and her use to play when they were younger. It had the perfect meadow of flowers, a small little stream, and a beautiful waterfall type thing.

"Isabelle!" My mom yelled from outside my room.

"Coming!" I yelled back.

I gave one last glance to the forest before walking back into my room and closing my balcony doors.

"Yes?" I asked as I walked out of my room.

"Come on. The girls and I are gonna go shopping for some home decro stuff. Wanna go with?" My mom asked with a bright smile.

"Ya." I smiled back. "Sounds nice."

"Sweet. You can pick anything for your room too. Dad's buying." She smirked as she held up dad's credit card.

"So are our mates." Payton laughed holding up Roman's.

I rolled my eyes and walked out with them to the Yukon.

"I get shot gun!" I yelled running to the front seat.

"No fair!" Winter yelled running after me.

"My dad's Yukon. It's totatlly fair." I smiled in victory as I shut the door.

Winter growled an flipped me off while she tried not to laugh.

I stuck my tongue out at her and my mom let out a light chuckle.

"Fasten your seat belts. It's an hour till we get to the city." My mom explained as she pulled out of the driveway.







"Finally!" I screamed as I threw off my seat belt and got out of the car. "I have never been so happy to see a Hobby Lobby!"

"Same here!" Tay yelled as she jumped out of the car.

"I can see why you and Emmet are mates. Both have horrible singing." Payton teased.

"Bitch please. I have the most amazing voice ever." Winter huffed as she flipped her hair.

The girls and I all busted out laughing.

"Okay okay." My mom giggled. "I'm gonna go do some shopping. You girls stick together. We haven't met the other pack that is next to us yet."

"Yes mother." I smiled as Tay, Winter, Payton, and I ran into the building.

We each grabbed a cart and made the journey through the store.

"I'm gonna look at the mirrors real quick." I said outloud so the girls could hear me.

"Okay. But come right back." Payton said sternly.

"Yes mom." I teased.

Payton flipped me off and I laughed walking away.

How the hell did we get out of the house without any guards? That's my question.

'Uh your father might not know.' My mom's voice chimed in.

'You didn't tell dad?' I asked her laughing as I was looking at the mirrors.

'Uh no?' My mom said.

I laughed but it got cut short when another cart hit mine.

"I am so sorry." I rushed out as an older lady looked at me.

She laughed. "It's alright dear."

I sighed in relief. I thought she was gonna shoot me. Damn.

I stiffened when I smelt that she was a werewolf.

Fuck. Play it cool. Play it cool!

I saw her sniff the air real quick and give me a strange look.

It turns out my mother and I have the same smell. Except you can smell a little more rain in her scent. The rain scent for me isn't as strong. And I have a small hint of lavender. I know, weird combination.

Well shit.

"I have to go back to my mom." I rushed so she didn't ask questions.

"Uh okay dear." She said looking at me like she wanted to ask something.

"Uh..bye!" I yelled as I ran away with the cart.


Now that that chapter is done. Time to go write the next chapter for Kyle's Revenge!

Tootle loo my faithful shifters!!

-Momma Shifter

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