Chapter 25: New Patrol Routes

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We are getting closer and closer to this book being done :(

I'm sad now.

But. This book is gonna go out with a bang!!!!

My faaaaaaaavorite ex texted me the other day *insert middle finger emoj*

He texted me saying hey. And I was like uhhhhhhh, didn't I tell you to delete my number???? Like just wondering here.

But whatever helps to sleep at nice moron.

And I don't have a job anymore!!

Yep. Thanks to the accident, I had to resign.

So besides that everything sucks lol, let's get this story goin!!!!



Daxton growled as he punched the wall. Again.

I sighed for the billionth time. "You need to calm down."

"Calm down? You want me to calm down?" Daxton growled as he paced. "I just learned that they want you so they can make strong babies. I can't calm down."

"You need to stop punching everything you see. You are gonna knock down the walls by doing this." I said as I pointed to the various holes around our room.

Daxton growled one last time and sat down on a chair with his head in his hands. "I don't want them to take you."

Daxton looked up at me and my heart broke at the look on his face.

He looked vulnerable, sad, and defeated.

I smiled as I came over to him and sat on his lap.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and laid my head on his shoulder.

"They won't take me. I have you and a giant pack here for me." I smiled. "Not to mention Roman and everyone else."

"You're right." He smiled as he pecked his lips against my mark.

"When am I not?" I moaned as he wrapped his arms tighter around me.

He chuckled huskily. "You got a point foxie."

I shivered as I felt his hands slowly drift down my back to my butt.

I jumped in his lap as he squeezed it.

"You know." Daxton started as he licked my mark. "Watching you kick ass during training was really hot."

"Really now?" I giggled as he rubbed my sides.

Something you should know about me...I'm extremely ticklish.

He nodded. "Vincent and I were going crazy when you took your shirt off."

"I had to win." I said as I looked at him. "You cheated. So to make things fair, I did."

Daxton smirked. "Well if that's your way of cheating, I don't care if you cheat anymore."

I laughed as I leaned forward to kiss him.

Right as our lips were about to touch, I pulled back quickly.

Daxton growled slightly and I leaned forward again.

Right as Daxton closed his eyes, I leaned back again.

"Isabelle." Daxton warned.

"I think your mom called for me." I smirked.

"She can wait." Daxton growled and pulled me too him.

I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck.

Daxton deepened the kiss and pulled me closer so my legs wrapped around his waist.

I moaned as he grabbed my butt and stood us both up.

He ran his tongue along my bottom lip and I kept my mouth closed.

His chest rumbled and I felt him tickle my sides.

I gasped and he used that to plunge his tongue into my mouth.

I groaned and tightened my fists into his hair and pulled a little.

"Isabelle." Daxton moaned as he laid me on the bed.

"Hmm?" I hummed as I focused on his lips that are attacking my neck.

"W-we need to stop. I-I don't think I can hold myself back anymore." Daxton gulped.

I looked up to see his eyes shifting from gray to gold.

I smiled up at him and leaned closer to his ear.

"Then don't stop." I whispered and then kissed right below his ear.

Daxton stiffened and let out a low groan.

"I-Isabelle." Daxton moaned as I continued to pepper kisses down his neck.

"Hmm?" I hummed against his neck.

"I-I don't think w-we shou-" Daxton stopped talking and let out a moan as I rubbed my hands down his chest.

"Don't think we should what?" I asked batting my eyes innocently at him.

Daxton took a moment to look at me before his eyes went to gold.

"Fuck it." He growled before he attacked my lips with his.

"Bout time." I smiled into the kiss.

Daxton chuckled. "You made it hard to say no. I wanted to make sure you were ready. You are ready right?"

I nodded smiling up at him. "Yes I'm ready."

Daxton smiled and pulled me back to him.

I rolled us over so I was on top and pinned his arms up by his head.

I smiled and kissed his neck.

His muscles flexed under me and I swear I was drooling.

He titled his head to the side and I smiled.

I think he finally had enough, because he lifted me up and put me under him.

I let out a small squeak as my back made contact with the mattress.

"My turn." He growled seductively as he pinned my hands above my head.

He attacked my neck and I lost it.

I was a moaning mess.

"Are you sure?" Daxton asked as he took his shirt off.

Hold on while I die and go to heaven.

That eight-pack is just begging to be licked.

"Earth to Isabelle." Daxton smirked as he flexed.

"Huh?" I asked looking at him.

I could already feel my face getting red.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He whispered in my ear as he slowly took my shirt off.

I nodded.

"I need to hear the words foxie." Daxton smiled as he sucked on my neck.

"Yes." I moaned.

"I love you foxie." He smiled as he pulled my head closer to his.

"I love you too wolfie." I smiled as I closed the pace and kissed with all the passion I could muster.










I started to blink as I slowly woke up.

I yawned and went to stretch, but something heavy was blocking me from moving.

I looked to my right and I was staring at a muscular chest.

Daxton mumbled something in his sleep and pulled me closer.

He moved his hand from around me and tucked my head under his chin.

He smiled and wrapped his arm back around me.

I'm pretty sure if someone saw us, they would think he was holding me like a baby.

I moved my head slightly so I could see the alarm clock.

I almost wanted to scream as I saw that it read 8:47 AM.

"Daxton." I whispered as I poked him.

I had to use my left hand since my right hand was kinda squished in between our chests.

He mumbled something and pulled me closer.

I huffed and tried to scoot back.

He growled and I stopped.

He smiled and let out a little snore.

Ugh. Come on! My bladder is about to explode!

"Daxton." I tried again but this time a little louder.

I poked his cheek and he grabbed my hand.

He brought my hand back down and wrapped his arm around me.

'Gab!' I yelled through the link.

'What the hell Belle? I was sleeping.' She yelled.

'Sorry.' I laughed. 'Daxton won't wake up and my bladder is about to explode. Help me!'

'Try poking him.' She said back.

'I did. He stuffed my hand in between our chests so now I can't move them.' I groaned.

'Fine.' She huffed.

'God bless your soul!' I yelled.

I heard her laugh and I could hear footsteps outside the door.

The door creaked open and Gab walked in with a...trumpet?

"What are you doing with that trumpet?" I asked as she smirked. "Gab? Don't you dar-"

I was cut off when she blew the trumpet.

Daxton screamed and jumped backwards, causing him to fall off the bed.

"I've always wanted to do that." Gab smiled as she walked out of the room.

"Relief!" I yelled running towards the bathroom with the bed sheet wrapped around me.

After I did my business, I came back in the room to see Daxton putting a shirt back on.

Dammit. It was nice while it lasted

"Why did Gab do that?" Daxton asked as he pulled it over his head and turned to me.

"I had to pee and you didn't get up. So I asked her for some help." I shrugged like it was no big deal.

He rolled his eyes and walked up to me.

"Last night was amazing." He smiled as he put a piece of my hair behind my ear.

I blushed and looked down.

Daxton laughed and put his finger under my chin and lifted my head up.

"Don't hide your blush. It's cute." He said pecking my nose. "Cruz and Rocco are in my office waiting for me. After you are done getting dressed, come down to my office."

I nodded with a smile and pecked his lips.

After a couple minutes of getting ready, I walked down to the kitchen and got a water.

"Good morning." Troy smiled.

"Morning." I smiled back at him.

"Where are you heading too?" He asked as he followed me down the hallway.

"Daxton's office." I said.

"I'll walk with ya. That's where I'm headed too." Troy smiled.

The walk to the office wasn't awkward at all. It was nice actually.

Troy and I talked about a bunch of random stuff. Like sports, what it was like being a werefox, and what not.

Troy opened the door and I froze.

There had to be at least 20 wolves in here.

They were all warrior wolves. They could probably kill me with their freaking pinkies!

"Umm." I said as I looked around the room.

"Isabelle." Daxton smiled.

I gave him a small smile and walked over to him with my head down.

He smiled and pulled me into his lap.

I felt my face go red with embarrassment.

"Luna." All the men said.

They all bowed and gave me a smile before their faces turned serious again.

'They all smiled. They smiled. That was creepy.' Rojo said.

'I couldn't agree with you more.' I said looking around the room.

"Okay. So how is patrol?" Daxton asked from behind me.

I looked down at his desk and saw a bunch of notepads with his scribbling on them.

"Good alpha. We doubled up and there have been no signs of rogues at all." A wolf with blonde hair said.

"Training is going well too." Kevin said as he smiled at me. "The pups are really improving."

"This is all wonderful to hear." Daxton smiled. "Good job guys."

The wolves all looked at Daxton with respect and bowed their heads. "Thank you alpha."

"What do you think Isabelle?" Daxton asked me.

I gulped as suddenly 20 pairs of eyes landed on me.

"Umm." I said nervously. "The training is actually really good. I've seen some of the younger ones train. They are getting better."

The wolves smiled at me and they looked relieved.

'Why do they look relieved?' I asked Daxton.

I heard him chuckle. 'You're the Luna. To be honest, I think the wolves want to impress you more.'

I giggled. 'They don't have to impress me. I already know they are great.'

'True. But their wolves feel proud when the Luna is impressed with them. It helps them feel better.' Daxton explained.

"I feel like we should do something with the patrol." A wolf spoke up.

"What do you mean?" Daxton asked.

The wolf looked really nervous. I think he thought he messed up.

"Umm." The wolf said. "The rogues got passed once. Maybe we could think of an idea with a new route or something alpha."

"That's a great idea." I smiled.

"I-it is?" The wolf asked shocked.

I nodded. "Well if you think about it. The rogues did get passed it once. That means they have been studying the routine that you guys do for patrol. If we switch it up, they won't know what hit them. Then that way it would be easier. We would be able to catch them quicker because they won't know that we switches routes. And with the double patrol, we have a better advantage."

Daxton's eyes shined with pride as he stared at me.

"I think that's a good idea." Daxton smiled. "Good job Tim."

"T-thank you alpha." I'm guessing Tim smiled.

I nodded. "Good job indeed. We could really use that as an upper hand."

I could practically feel Tim's wolf proudness.

I wanted to laugh. That was so cute.

"So new patrol routes?" A wolf asked.

Damn. Now that is what I call having a deep voice.

"New patrol routes." Daxton confirmed.


The restricted scene will be posted sooner or later. I don't know just yet.

But hopefully I will get it up soon.

Thank you Faithful Shifters! Keep the comments and votes coming!


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