Chapter 28: The War Is On

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Only 3 more chapters left :(

Brb while I cry...

But on the bright side, there is gonna be a Tony and Lilly book :)


There will also be a brand new book coming out as well! It's called "Vet Tech Meets the Alpha".

Oh! And if you guys have covers, send them to me. You don't have to ask. Just send them away :) I love looking at them. They are really cool. You can either PM them to me or just email them to me. Whichever way works better for you!! And don't be afraid to send them.

And I entered Sexy Greek God Kidnappers and The Fox and the Wolf in the Watty's 2015 awards!!

On with the story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



It's been a week since Aunt Katie told us about the rogue they caught.

Aunt Katie and Uncle Keagen decided to stay here with my mom and they even brought over some fighters from their pack to help with the war.

Roman is doing a good job on training. He said that they are making a great improvement and he is really proud.

As for me. Welp. Guess who is on house arrest.

That's right.

Daxton is being an ass and was waiting till it got closer to when he might think the rogues will attack.

He just announced it this morning and the guards are everywhere.

Kevin has to follow me around no matter where I go.

Even if I have to pee. He stands outside the door and there are guards at every single window, exit, etc.

Needless to say that Daxton went to a meeting with a black eye this morning.

He wasn't very happy.

'I don't give a shit!' Rojo growled. 'That's what he bloody gets for locking us in the house on this beautiful day. I could be out here training. But noooo!'

I chuckled and shook my head at Rojo.

"What's so funny?" Kevin asked as he laughed at me.

'Your head on a pole.' Rojo growled.

"Nothing." I said shaking my head as I got up.

Once I got off my bed, Kevin stood up and waited for me to start walking.

I went down the stairs and into the kitchen to find some food.

"You hungry?" I asked Kevin.

He nodded with a giant smile and ran to the island and sat down.

"Hmm." I hummed as I opened the fridge. "Let's see what we have in here."

I mumbled to myself as I rummaged through the food items.

I gasped in happiness as I spotted meat and taco shells.

"We are having tacos!" I shouted doing a happy dance. "Tacos! Tacos! Tacos!"

"Did I hear tacos?" Nathan yelled as he and a couple other guards ran into the kitchen.

"Yes you did my kind friend." I nodded grabbing everything out of the fridge.

Everyone sat down at the island drooling.

'Men.' I laughed to myself shaking my head.

As I was getting everything out, I heard a loud boom.

I jumped and looked out the window.

The birds started to fly away from the forest.

"Did you guys-" I asked the guards, but stopped myself.

The guards didn't say anything. They all just kept talking to each other.

What the?

I looked back out the window, but everything was calm.

What the hell was that?

I looked at the guards.

"You okay Luna?" Nathan asked.

"I...but...uh nothing." I stammered as I shook my head.

Must be hearing things.

After I finally got everything out, I started to make taco for everyone.

I felt Rojo uneasiness.

'Are you okay?' I asked her.

'Something is wrong Isabelle. Very very wrong.' Rojo said worried.

I focused my hearing on the guards, but made it look like I wasn't ease dropping.

"Where did they attack?" Nathan whispered to Kevin.

"South border. They got through the patrol." Kevin growled softly.

"Shouldn't we go fight then?" Nathan asked about to get up.

Kevin grabbed his shoulder and sat him back down.

I looked up at them and they acted like nothing was wrong.

I shrugged it off and got back to making the food.

"We can't. Alpha ordered us to watch the Luna." Kevin whispered. "We can't go fight. We have to make it seem like the war hasn't started. Alpha knows that she will try to help if she knows. We have to make it seem like everything is normal."

I growled lightly as I bent the spoon for the sour cream.

"Luna?" A guard asked. "Are you okay?"

"What?" I asked as I looked at the bent spoon in my hand. "Oh ya. I'm good."

They laughed and I laughed with them.

Oh Daxton. Stupid, stupid Daxton.

I smirked as I thought of a plan.

'Instead of Kevin's head on a pole. It can be Daxton's.' Rojo growled.

"I'll be right back." I said as I passed everyone their food.

"Wait up." Kevin said standing up.

I had to suppress the urge to roll my eyes.

I walked up to the bathroom and opened the window.

"Hey." Kevin said as he walked in and stood in front of me. "What are you doing?"

"Asking him if he's hungry." I said calmly.

"We have to guard the windows." Kevin stated.

I nodded. "I know. That's why I'm only asking him at the moment. Then when he is done, he can go back to his post. And seriously. What rogue would enter through a bathroom window, let alone how the hell could he possibly get here? This area is heavily guarded."

Kevin stared at me as if thinking about something.

He sighed and nodded. "Fine. But then he has to get back there right after."

I smiled and walked back to the window.

"Hey!" I called down.

The guard jumped and looked up.

"Hello Luna." He smiled.

I smiled back. "Are you hungry? I made tacos."

"I can't leave my post. I'm sorry Luna." He apologized.

"Dude." I laughed. "Get your butt in here. You can go back right after you finish eating."


"It's an order." I laughed winking.

He chuckled. "As you wish Luna."

I smiled in victory as he gave one last look before turning towards the door.

I closed the window and walked back to the kitchen.

"Thank you Luna." He smiled as he sat down.

"No problem." I smiled as I gave him four tacos.

I waited for a little bit before I put my plan in action.

Right as the guard was on his last taco, I decided it was time.

'This is a stupid idea.' Rojo sighed. 'But you have a point.'

'Exactly. If we can get to where the rogues are, then maybe we can find out what they are planning.' I said. 'And besides, they won't kill me. They said they need me for something. So I have a little time.'

I stood up and Kevin did as well.

"I have to use the ladies room. Be right back. Help yourself to more tacos if you want." I said pointing to the giant plate full of them.

"Don't mind if I do." Nathan smiled as he grabbed three more.

I walked up the stairs and to the bathroom.

I closed the door and Kevin stood in front of it with his arms crossed.

"Daxton is gonna kill me." I said to myself quietly.

I looked back at the door and made sure Kevin didn't come barging in.

I carefully and quietly opened the bathroom window.

I crawled through the small opening and got ready to jump.

"You done yet?" Kevin asked.

"Uh ya. Hold on." I said as I got my body out the window.

I looked down and cringed.

Of course the bathroom would be on the second floor.

"Shit." I said as I saw how high I was.

"Luna?" Kevin asked as he knocked.

"Here goes nothing." I said as I let go.

I shifted right before I landed.

I surprisingly did a graceful land and headed towards the forest.

"Luna!" Kevin yelled as he appeared at the window.

I looked back and shrugged.

Yep. Daxton is totally gonna kill me.

'Oh well. Let's make these rogues wish they were never born.' Rojo growled.

I agreed with her and kept on running.

After running for about an hour, I came across a clearing.

"If it isn't the little fox." A voice laughed behind me.

I shifted and turned around.

"Hello rogue." I smirked. "Nice to see you again."

"Likewise." He laughed.

Ew. I guess rotten teeth is the new thing.

"Look who is all alone." Another rogue smiled as he walked up.

I saw a slight movement to my right.

I saw the buck from a couple days ago wink at me.

I winked back and focused on the rogues.

"We can make this easy ya know." The rogue said shrugging.

"But that would be no fun." I laughed.

"Fine." He shrugged again. "Have it your way."

Right before he was about to shift, the buck jumped out and charged at him.

The buck didn't give any time to recover.

I cringed as the buck pushed his antler right through the rogue's throat.

Uh ew.

The buck pulled his antler out and trotted over to me.

"You okay kid?" He asked.

I nodded. "Thank you."

"Y-you can talk t-to animals." The rogue stuttered. "I have to tell them this."

I growled and shifted.

I charged at him and landed on top of him when he turned his back.

Never turn your back on an enemy.

I quickly closed my jaw around his neck and pulled.

I spit out the huge chunk of flesh and his body laid still.

I shifted back and wiped the blood from my face.

"Damn kid." The buck chuckled. "Nice moves."

"You too." I said as we fist bumped.

Well I guess for him it would be hoof bumped.

"Isabelle!" Daxton growled as he walked out from the trees.

He had on an old pair of shorts and had mud all over his body.

"Are you alright?" I asked as I saw a giant cut across his chest.

"I'm fine." He growled as he pulled me too him. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Well. A buck and I just killed two rogues. And I heard about the war starting. How come you didn't tell me?" I asked looking at him.

"Well uh." The buck said as he started to back away. "I see this is a boyfriend/girlfriend thing. So I'll just umm leave."

I laughed and nodded. "Thank you!"

"It still hasn't registered that you can talk to animals." Daxton laughed, but then got serious again. "You need to leave."

"But that would be no fun." A rogue said as he walked out with 10 more behind him.

I rolled my eyes. They always come at the wrong time.

Daxton growled and put me behind him.

"Isabelle. You need to run." Daxton said quietly.

"I'm not leaving you." I said.

Daxton sighed. "Foxie. I love you. But you need to get the hell out of here."

Daxton shifted and charged them.

Fine. I'll leave.

'We need to get the rogues away from him.' Rojo said.

'On it.' I said.

"Hey uglies!" I yelled.

I smirked as they all looked at me.

"You can't catch me!" I said sticking my tongue out.

I shifted and ran.

I looked behind my shoulder and saw the chase me.

'What are you doing?' Daxton yelled through the link.

'Getting them away from you.' That was all I said before I blocked him out.

'There is a clearing up ahead. I can see it.' Rojo said.

I squinted my eyes and saw that she was right.

I finally got the clearing and turned around to face the rogues.

I stood there ready to attack.

But they only stood there.

What the?

"We meet again Isabelle." Sadie said as she emerged from the trees.

I rolled my eyes.

Ew. It's the slut as my mom put it.

"Nice to finally meet you again. How is your English grade doing?" Mr. Black laughed as he walked up next to Sadie.

Double ew.

"Nice joke babe." Sadie laughed as she kissed Mr. Black.

I cringed.

Okay. I seriously think I'm gonna throw up.

Are they...?

"Mates?" Mr. Black asked my unsaid question. "Yes we are."

"I met him a couple weeks ago. It's that wonderful?" Sadie asked as she looked at Mr. Black.

Ummm no. I'm gonna throw up for sure now.

I watched in confusion as she pulled out something from behind her.

I shifted back and took a step away from her.

"Is that weed killer?" I asked as she brought the sprayer up and pointed it towards me.

She laughed and shook her head. "No. But it's a type of killer."

I was about to ask what she meant, but she pulled this trigger type thing.

I watched as clear liquid squirted out and hit my hand.

I screamed in pain and jumped away from this liquid.

"Gotta love Strychnine." Sadie smirked.

I gasped.

How the hell did she know that?

"When your parents were your age and we were fighting against each other. Cindy told us some things. Cindy was your dad's pack doctor." Sadie explained. "She told us how silver and wolfsbane did nothing against your kind. It was all about the Strychnine and Fox-Off."

I growled at her.

She sprayed me one more time and I felt it hit my neck.

I cried out in pain and fell to the ground.

'Don't get it in your mouth!' Rojo yelled.

I tried to stand up, but my legs were shaking.

I immediately fell back down on the ground.

Sadie and Mr. Black laughed.

"This was easier than I thought." Sadie smirked as she walked towards me.

I growled a warning.

When she didn't stop, I tried to shift.

A burning type pain flashed through my body and I stopped trying to shift.

Mr. Black laughed as he grabbed my arm. "You can't shift dumbass."

I growled at him and he slapped me.

I fell back on the ground.

Sadie grabbed my arm and another rogue helped her.

They started to walk me towards a van.

Since when did a fucking van get here?

I struggled as they tried to get me in.

I bit a rogue's finger and I tasted blood.

"Ow!" He yelled. "You little bitch."

I chuckled as they threw me in the back seat.

"Personal hygiene is always good." I said to him.

"Personal hygiene is always good." He mocked as he slid in next to me.

He kept his injured finger to his chest.

"My beautiful finger." He whispered as he examined it.

I rolled my eyes.

'How are you so calm?' Rojo asked worried. 'We just got captured.'

'I know. I'm gonna do a little spying. But it worries me that she has that poison. If she can fill it up in that big of a container, I don't want to know how much she has.' I said looking at the plastic container in the back.

'Maybe if we find it, we can get rid of it. That was at least your mom and you will be safe.' Rojo said thinking out loud.

I mentally nodded. 'Ready to sabotage some shit?'

'Is that even a question?' She laughed.


Hello my lovely and weird Faithful Shifters!

Even though the book is coming to an end, I promise to make an epilogue :)

I mean I have to give you guys something worth remembering hahah XD

Love you all!!!!


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