Chapter 4: Meeting New People

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Winter and Emmet up top!!

Hey everyone!

Okay so I'm really sorry about not updating when I was suppose too. I didn't feel good and then we were under tornado warnings, so I couldn't update.

And let me tell you. When you are driving home from school and you see a funnel's not really all that fun lol.

And there is this guy at school that is trying to get with me and he likes a challenge and apparently I'm hard to get so I'm his challenge...and uhhh idk what to say about that lol.

And it was really awkward the other day because it was me, him, and my friend and we were all eating lunch and he was pretty much confessing his love for me, and I didn't know what to say, so I just kept drinking my drink lol. But seriously, what does one say in that kind of awkward situation??

Oh well....


Sorry for my little outburst there. I just wanted to let you guys know.



"How was the shopping ladies?" My dad asked as we walked in the house.

"Fun." My mom smiled. "I got some new picture frames and a vase since our other one broke."

I let out a nervous laugh. "My bad."

"Damn. You just break everything don't you." Winter teased.

"Okay first of all. It was not my fault. And second of all. Roman should know not to sneak up on me when I'm eating." I defended.

"Ya, so word of advice." Roman said taking Payton's bags. "Don't scare anyone that is sitting next to a vase. Because the vase will hit you and you will have a couple cuts and a black eye for a day."

"At least it was only for a day." I said laughing.

Roman glared at me, but he cracked a smile. "If I wasn't a werewolf, I would have had that for weeks."

My mom laughed. "Okay children. I got a new vase so that's all that matters. Tomorrow we are going school shopping."

"Why didn't we just go today?" I asked. "That would have been a lot easier."

"Because do you know how many school supplies that we will have to get? They would not have fit in with the stuff from Hobby Lobby. The car would have been packed." My mom pointed out.

"That's fine. We could have strapped Emmet to the top of the car so we didn't have to hear his awful singing." I suggested.

"You know I'm standing right here." Emmet growled.

"Bring it wolfie." I taunted with a smirk.

"Oh I will foxie." He laughed.

"There will be no shifting in this house!" Victoria shouted trying to hide a smile.

"But mom she started it!" Emmet whined.

"You know." Ashe said walking in with David. "I sometimes think you guys are 5 instead of 18."

"And girls don't start fights. We finish them." I said nodding to myself.

Roman only rolled his eyes and carried Payton's bad upstairs.

"Be a gentleman and carry my bags to our room please." Winter smiled at Emmet.

Emmet blushed and nodded.

"Eh. I'm gonna throw up." I said shuttering.

"Just wait till you get a mate." Jagger smiled.

"Not happening!" Roman yelled from upstairs.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my truck keys. "I'm gonna go get some coffee."

"Take Steven and Trip with you!" My Roman yelled before my parents could say anything.

I groaned but nodded.

'Meet me by truck. We are getting coffee.' I mindlinked Steven and Trip.

'Coming Belle.' Steven mindlinked back.

'Okay. Can we stop by Game Stop?' Trip asked.

'Eh. Why not.' I laughed as I heard them both cheer.

Guys are so easy to amuse.









"Follow the gray cement road." Trip cheered.

"Did you watch The Wizard Of Oz the other day?" I asked laughing.

He nodded. "Shelly wanted too. She loves that movie."

Trip has a younger sister. She looks just like him. Both blonde, both with brown eyes. She is adorable.

Trip's parents waited awhile to have another kid. Trip is 20, whereas his sister is 6.

Both of his parents died in a rogue attack that we had awhile ago. Shelly was only 2 at the time, so Trip has been taking care of her ever since.

He needs to find a mate. I have tried to find him a girlfriend, but he says he doesn't want one because he's waiting for his mate.

Steven already found his mate. Her name is Bailey. She is studying at Iowa State right now.

Steven hated the fact that she is at college, but he wants her to be happy. So now he just visits her every weekend.

"We're here!" Steven yelled as he pulled into the McDonald's parking lot.

I snapped out of my thinking and quickly unbuckled my seatbelt.

"Coffee!" I yelled as I ran for the door.

"Damn girl." Steven laughed as he and Trip caught up with me.

"Hello, what can I get for you?" The girl asked that was up at the register.

"Hi. Uh can I have a medium carmel frap with no whipcream but the drizzle?" I asked as I grabbed a 5 from my pocket.

"Is that all?" She asked and I nodded. "Okay. That wil be $2.79 please."

I handed her the money and she gave me my frap.

"Have a nice day." She smiled.

"You too." I said smiling back.

"Game stop!" Trip yelled jumping into the car.

"Who knew a guy could get so excited over a store." I mumbled.

"That's my with Victoria Secret." Steven winked putting the car into drive.

Uhh whaaa?

Oh wait...

"Steven!" I yelled. "That's so gross!"

"What?" He laughed. "When you see your mate's gorgeous body, you'll understand."

"Oh my gosh." I laughed shaking my head. "I don't even have a mate."

"Yet." Trip said wiggling his eyebrows. "Which by the way, I'm suppose to keep guys away from you."

"Let me guess." I said sighing. "Roman?"

"Ding ding ding. We have a winner."

"Shut up." I laughed hitting Trip's arm.

We finally made it to Game Stop and we piled out of the car.

"Um excuse me." The worked by the door said. "You can't have that drink in here."

"What drink?" I asked taking a sip and walking right passed him. "I don't know what you are talking about."

He looked really confused and tried to piece together on what just happened.

I snickered and kept on walking.


I walked over to Trip and Steven and they were talking about some game.

"Which one should I get? The new Call of Duty or the newer Halo?" Trip asked.

"Halo." Someone said the same time as me.

I looked over and saw a short girl with dirty blonde hair and green eyes.

"You like Halo too?" I asked her.

She gave me the look. "Of course. Halo is way bettter than COD. The guns are cooler and the graphics."

"Finally someone agrees!" I yelled laughing.

"I'm June." She said smiling at me.

"I'm Isabelle. And this is Steven and Trip." I introduced.

"Hey." Steven smiled.

I looked over at Trip and he was drooling.

"Trip?" I asked waving my hand in front of his face as June laughed.

"Uh what?" He asked snapping out of it.

"Aren't you going to say hi?"

"Oh right. Uh hi." He said smiling at June.

June's face got bright red and she quickly looked away.

'Mate.' Trip said quickly through the mindlink.

'Careful man.' Steven said. 'She's human.'

'I know. And I don't care.'

"Do you wanna go get something to eat?" Trip asked.

"Sure." June smiled.

"Hey! How are we gonna get home?" Steven yelled shocked.

"I'll drive." June said still smiing at Trip.

"Okay." Trip nodded and handed Steven the game. "Steven can you buy that?"

I watched dumbfounded as Trip and June walked out the store.

How ironic that he would find his mate the day that I was thinking that.

"What are you thinking of?" Steven asked.

"About how ironic it is that Trip found his mate today. Because in the car I was thinking about how he needs to find her already. And now look! He did!" I laughed pointing to the door.

Steven laughed. "Okay. That is kinda ironic. Now hold this game because my bladder is about to explode."

I quickly caught the game that he threw at me.


"Halo? Good pick."

I jumped as I heard a deep voice behind me and I quickly turned around.

As I turned around, I came face-to-chest.

I slowly looked up and saw that a guy was towering over me.

Damn. He had to at least be 6'5" or 6'7".

He had a strong build and had short light brown hair with brown eyes.

And damn did he smell good. I good make out the smell of axe and a hint of pine cone.

'Holy shit! He is one fine specimen!' Rojo growled.

I took a quick and small whiff of the air. Well shit. He's a wolf. And a strong one at that.

I gulped as he looked at me with big brown eyes.

"Uh. Y-ya." I stuttered.

What? Why the hell am I stuttering? I never stutter!

"May I see it?" He asked with a sweet smile.

I nodded and handed him the game.

I gasped as I felt a spark where he touched my finger.

A spark? For a werewolf that meant......oh no.

He had a huge grin on his face, and his cheeks were tinted with pink.

"What's your name?" He asked me.

"Umm Isabelle." I said with a small voice.

"I'm Daxton." He smiled.



What's gonna happen next? You'll have to keep reading to find out!!

Keep the comments and votes coming!!

Love you all Faithful Shifters!

Until next time!

Momma Shifter out!

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