26- recalling memories

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In no way shape or form do I own or even attempt to own the Bleach series and/or its characters. Please don't read if you aren't into that sort of thing. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thank you!

chapter 26- recalling memories

Shiro felt like he was falling in the darkness as he could hear a very faint voice calling out his name. One that he somewhat recognized but couldn't figure out who it was.

"Who... who is calling me?" Shiro asked out loud as he could feel hot tears streaming down his face.

"Shirosaki Ogichi... you must remember." called out a mysterious voice.

"Remember what?" Shiro questioned.

"Shirosaki Ogichi... you must remember everything!" called out the mysterious voice again. Shiro screamed out in pain as memories came pounding into his head all at once.

Images pounded into Shiro's brain of a demonic looking man and a human woman. The demonic looking man had raven black hair, snow white skin, and bright emerald green eyes as teal tears ran down his face. The woman had long orange hair, Caucasian skin, and blue-grey eyes. The two looked totally opposite as night and day but despite that the two of them fell in love. A year later the two had a small child that was white as snow from the head down. The only thing was different about this child were the eyes as they were a brilliant golden yellow color resting in the sea of black. Shiro knew that in some way that he was looking at himself from when he was a baby. One day the two began running for their lives as a demon with dark brown hair, fair Caucasian skin, and crystal blue eyes resting in a sea of black began hunting the three. The two adults ran carrying their child deep into the woods trying to elude the other demon that was after them.

"I will lead them away. Take our son and run. No matter what happens know that I love you Orihime Inoe." stated the demonic man.

"I love you too Ulquiorra. Please be careful!" Orhime stated kissing the man. Shiro began to remember the two. These two people happened to be his parents. The demon named Ulquiorra and the human named Orihime Inoe. The two people that Shiro never got to truly know them.

The images showed Shiro as his mother ran hiding the young baby deep into the woods before the demon that was hunting them had found her and killed her. Orihime had risked her life to keep Shiro safe from the one that wanted him. After his mother was killed Shiro was found by another woman with aqua green hair, golden brown eyes, and Caucasian skin as she had a sun burn across her nose. She had picked up baby Shiro holding the small child close to her comforting the baby.

"Nelliel TuOdelschwanck is it really a wise choice to take a baby home with you that you have just found in the woods?" asked a man with a bald head.

"Come on Ikkaku Madarame, do you truly expect me to leave this child out here all alone?" asked Nell. Ikkaku shook his head no. Shiro began to remember this woman. This was his adoptive mother Nelliel or Nell for short TuOdelschwanck, the one who would raise him.

Shiro watched as he grew up under Nell's gentle and loving care as at times he would question Nell why he seemed so different from everyone else. Why he didn't look like the other kids?

"It is because you are very special Shirosaki. God has great things in store for you as you play a very special part." replied Nell. Shiro never quite understood what she meant as he watched himself underwent a change as he found out when he was a teen that he was only part human. It seemed that Shiro had demonic blood within his veins which raised many unanswered questions. Shiro watched as the events played out on his life as he meet and befriended Zangetsu, the black stallion and Kon, the orange hawk. Images changed showing Shiro as he became a hunter against demons despite him having demonic blood with inside of him. The events then showed Shiro when he first meet Ichigo a fox demon who also happened to turn out to be a forest guardian. Shiro watched as he would be willing to risk everything to help Ichigo when he found out the villagers had lied to him and attempted to kill both Ichigo and Shiro. Shiro began to remember this one who seemed very special to him. Ichigo, the forest guardian, the fox demon, his lover, and mate for life.

Memories and events became much clearer and more frequint. He watched as Ichigo mate mark him, what Ichigo truly looked like in all of his different and many forms, and now becoming pregnant with Ichigo's cubs.

*Shirosaki... please come back to me!* called out Ichigo lovingly.

"Shirosaki... it is time for you to awaken your full powers. You and your mate must full fill the prophecy and stop Aizen once and for all. Ichigo has all ready awakened his full demonic powers and transformed into his full guardian form. Now you must do the same. Do not forget those who have helped you along the way. The time has come. Awaken... now!" called out the mysterious voice.

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