3- the deal

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I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think!

Chapter 3

Once Shiro lead his horse to the stables, Shiro proceeded to walk towards the closest inn to stay in while he was going to complete his task. When Shiro entered the inn all the chatter seemed to stop. Shiro sighed softly as he went up to keep placing some gold on the table.

"I would like a room." Shiro stated.

"There's no need for you to pay for your room as it has been all taking care of Shirosaki Ogichi. The mayor will be in shortly to speak with you." replied the owner. Shiro took his gold back placing it back within his pouch.

"Very well then. I would like to get some food as I have had a long journey." stated Shiro as the owner nodded his head. Shiro proceeded to take a seat at a nearby table. The chatter within the inn begins to start up as Shiro kept to himself.

Shiro was used to people judging him because of his strange and unique appearance. Nobody knew truly why Shiro looked the way he did. The truth was that Shiro actually was not totally human. Shiro was born a mix blood. Shiro actually had demonic blood running through his veins. It was one of the main reasons that Shiro looked the way he does. Shiro was raised by a normal family until she died of old age. Since then Shiro took up hunting demons as he found that his unique powers and abilities enabled him to hunt and destroy demons. This is the reason why he had taken this job as he was lead to believe that a demon was terrorizing these people. As soon as Shiro's food had arrived, the mayor had entered the inn as a smile crossed his face when he saw Shiro.

"Shirosaki Ogichi... Welcome to Karakura town. I am glad that you had managed to come as quickly as you did." replied Yamamoto. Shiro got up to shake Yamamoto's hand.

"I took it from your message that this was incredibly important. So tell me some more about the demon you wish for me to get rid off." stated Shiro as he sat back down to eat his meal.

Yamamoto smiled as he told Shiro about the fox demon who lives in the woods beyond their village. Every year the fox came and attacked their village. He would steal their food, clothing, attack people, and destroy some of the village. Little did Shiro know that Yamamoto was lying about the fox destroying their village and attacking people. And that the fox was only steeling enough to get by.

"So will you be able to help us out Shirosaki?" asked Yamamoto.

"I am not cheap as I do require payment for my services." replied Shiro.

"We will be more than glad to meet your price just please kill that damn demon." stated Yamamoto. Shiro sighed softly as he rose to his feet.

"I require 2000 gold pieces and 500 jewels."

"Consider it done. We will also feed you and give you a place to stay free of charge." added Yamamoto.

"Very well then, you have a deal. I shall hunt tomorrow morning!" stated Shiro before going up to his room that they had prepared for him.

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