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Two years quickly passed, and Naruto had spent much of that time with Loona. He had shown her many things and told her so much about his life, it was like meeting someone he could truly trust for once.

Sadly, for them the time with each other was short lived. The last time that he had gone to see her was the day that ruined everything, it was the day he found out she had been taken away. He did know eventually she would be adopted even so he still wished he could have been there for her.

He did know he would find out, even if he had to look all over hell and one day he would see her again. He did not know why he cared so much about her, yet he did not understand this new feeling that was growing inside his heart.

Naruto had never cared much for the grimoire, yet he never opened it for the last two years. The book itself just seemed very odd to him, like he was scared to even touch it. This dark feeling he got from the book, like it was cursed.

He did learn much of the shinobi scrolls even so with Loona being gone, he looked over at the black leather book. He wondered it could help him find her, if there was something in that book that could help him in anyway to find his friend.

When he opened it, he was taken away from his room. He looked around to see the room he was inside was somewhere he had never seen before. He slowly looked around the room to see it was very fancy, like something a rich person would live in. He slowly left the room only for him to be spotted by a woman.

She was a tail looking almost human like woman long blonde hair her lips were black and she had rosy, red cheeks. Her red eyes with yellow in the middle, her eyes were staring over at him in shock.

"A human in my hotel and how did you get here?" She asked while walking over to him, she just stopped right in front of him.

He could see her smiling like she was happy to see him even if he did not know who she was nor where he even was. He did know he wanted to go back inside the room and lock the door, something about this seemed like a trap.

"I open this book that someone left for me on my birthday and got sent here, not really sure where here is." Naruto explained.

"My name is Charlie Morningstar and what is your name? Also, what kind of book was it that got you to hell?" She was curious.

"It did not get me to hell, it just took me from where I was staying at to here." He started to explain how he got to hell and everything.

"So, these two imps took you in after finding you in this village that treated you so badly?" She asked before hugging him which caused him to be shocked.

"Who in the world are you hugging this time?" A voice asked them from behind her.

They looked over to see a woman with knee length grayish white hair with light pink color eye with ivory iris. She was wearing a red blouse with a dark colored miniskirt, choker around her neck which he looked at it for a bit.

"Vaggie, we have a real human down here, his name is Naruto Uzumaki." That name caused her to stare at her in shock.

"How did you get down here? This is a place you go when you die not just come down here for a trip." She did not want to tell him that heaven planned for him to be a hero in the future.

She had heard that name many times, many great plans for him to be heaven's hero and may even replace Adam one day. The very idea of replacing that asshole was something she wished would happen even so she could not believe her very own eyes. This hero, this champion of heaven is inside hell like he belonged here.

Both filled Vaggie in on what was going on even though they both looked over at the book before he pulled out the coin. That coin caused Charlie to move her hand to the coin only to stop before grabbing it.

"That coin, it is the same one that dad liked to flip all the time. Who gave you that coin Naruto if I had to guess I already know who." She looked at him worried.

"Millie and Moxxie said he was the king of hell Lucifer and if I had to guess right, he is also same one that left this grimoire for me." He answered, even if she had already figured it all out.

"I wonder why dad is acting this way, he never cared much for other people before, yet he is doing so much for you." She was not mad or upset, she was more confused by her dad acting so bewildered.

"I have no idea, the first day I got into hell with my new family he had already known and was there to meet me. I only opened this book just now but was hoping it would help me find someone in hell." Naruto explained.

"Who are you looking for?" Charlie asked.

"Loona, she was someone I met in hell, but I guess she found a new home." He had told them about meeting her for the first time, then slowly telling them how he often visited her.

"That's such a cute story, I hope you do find her, but it may take time. So, don't go giving up before you do find her and tell her how you truly feel." She smiled at him.

"What you are talking about Oba-chan, how I feel?" Naruto stared at her funny.

"Auntie, now that is a funny one." Vaggie giggled which Charlie's one eye moved a little.

"I am not that old you know? I mean, I am not that old." Charlie told him, yet both just laughed at her.

The three of them spend some time together before having dinner which Naruto never had any food that good in his life besides ramen which he loved. He put extra in a bag for his family when he got home.

He slowly figured out the book and went back home, he did promise to visit the two of them again in the future. When he gave the food to Moxxie and Millie told them what happened they were shocked that he met lucifer's daughter and could not believe he had called her auntie so easily like that.

Four more years passed while Naruto did his best to find Loona, not giving up only he did learn his family got hired for new job. This job was given to Moxxie by his old friend that he met during his time in jail.

He was also told that their new boss would be stopping by later, he just hoped this person would not be an issue with him. He was currently reading the grimoire learning new spells to mix with his jutsu when it came to fighting. He did learn firsthand that learning magic was not as easy to him as learning jutsu, it took far longer for him to even learn simple ones let alone master them.

He could hear someone banging on the front door which he did know both Moxxie and Millie were out shopping for food. He went to open the door to see someone staring back at him, he just looked at this imp like he was a fool.

This imp was the tallest he had seen any imp before, he had same red skin as any imp. He had white marks here and there on his body, he had two long horns on his head. He was wearing a long jacket like outfit which he did know this person was glaring over at Naruto.

"Who the fuck are you and why the hell is there a human in this place?" He asked which Naruto just narrowed his eyes.

'You were the one that was banging on the door and act like this, you really are an idiot do you know that?" Naruto counted back.

"Don't make me have to put you down, I'm here to see someone not you." He took out a gun and pointed it at Naruto.

Outside the apartment people could hear gun shots which caused two imps to rush inside to make sure that Naruto was ok. There was another person worried that her adopted father would have done something dumb, so she slowly started to head inside.

Inside the place, Naruto had dodged all the shots before kicking the imp right in the face, he sent the imp back on ground for the third time. He did know he was about to put this imp down for good if he did not calm down and stop trying to shoot him.

Fighting a shinobi in close combat was dumb, even more dumb when you were trying to shoot the same shinobi. Naruto simply was about to end the imp with a blade before he got tackled to the ground by someone. He looked up to see an angry growling wolf like hellhound, even if he slowly realized he was on top of him.

"Loona, not that I mind seeing you again you also the fact that you are being on top of me but...why are you here?" Naruto was confused yet happy to see her again.

"Naruto...." She looked down no longer growling and blushing up a storm that she was on top of him.

"What is going on here!" Millie asked while glaring down at the imp for trying to hurt her son like that.

"Finally, you two get here and why is there a human here?" He asked.

"Sir we told you that we have a human son living with us, did you forget...again?" Moxxie had asked him.

"I guess I fucking did, and the name is Blitzo asshole."

His words had fallen on deaf ears as Naruto just rubbed Loona's back while she was now laying on top of him, no longer pinning him down. She was smiling while her face was against his neck, she missed him dearly.

"What the fuck are you doing to my lovely daughter!" Before he could do anything dumb the other two imps dragged him into another room to talk.

"How have you been Loona? It has been four years since the last time I seen you, when I found out someone adopted you, I did my best to look for you." He asked while rubbing her back softly, feeling how soft her fur was again.

"It has been surprisingly good, but he may seem like an idiot, yet he isn't that bad. Even if he does take being dad overboard too many times. At least he did not try anything with me and treats me like a daughter, even if he can be embarrassing to be around most of the time." She nuzzled harder into him.

He noticed she kept the necklace safe, and he just held her close to him, he did notice the three imps walking back inside the room. He just did not care because his mind was only on Loona, he could hear that she was fast asleep.

"You better not do anything to my daughter and if I find out you did, I'll fucking kill you. Make sure you bring her with her to work tomorrow." He did not even slam the door due to noticing his daughter was asleep.

Naruto, with help of Millie got Loona on his bed so she could sleep better, he was going sleep on the floor. When he was about to lay down Loona grabbed his arm before pulling him down on the bed with her.

"This is your bed, so you will be sleeping beside me not on the floor idiot, I swear you never do change do you know that?" Loona sleepy asked.

She did know that he was the one for her, she just could not bring herself to say anything. She had just simply feared that he would only see her as a hellhound or pet for him to give belly rubs too and nothing more. She did not want to risk losing all of this by telling him how she felt about him, she just hoped she could before it was too late.

"What is it Charlie, I have never seen you go to this part off thisplace before because didn't your father tell you not to?" Vaggie asked, which Charlie did not speak which worried her.

When Vaggie got closer to Charlie in the dark room that had been locked for years, longer than she could remember. When she got to her, she could see a huge painting, this painting was what caught Charlie's eyes.

"Who is this...." Charlie asked, she could never remember this person in her life.

Lucifer was standing beside what looked to be a ten-year-old girl with long red hair.

"I told you, this room was off limits dear, please let's leave this room now." Lucifer's voice spoke outside the room, not letting himself even walk inside.

Charlie looked back at the door, yet she looked around one last time to realize this room looked to be some kind of old bedroom. It looked not been used in so many years, dust everywhere like a person was too scared to even clean up here. 

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