Chapter I - A Basic Day

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Terry Buckler heard the final rope snapping and breaking as he finished sawing through it with his dagger. The palette of boxes fell to the docks with a loud crash. They were full of material shipments, like Quazaruim metal or Saphir-Mahagoni wood, along with food and seeds like wheat, potatoes and corn.

Terry looked around, hands on his hips. Talon Bay, his hometown, was a small mountain town, nestled in between two relatively small mountains. It was called Talon Bay simply for the fact that the Bay itself was nestled into the "Talons" of Eagle Lake.

Talon Bay was full of people, like blacksmiths, farmers, instructionalists, etc cetera, but it was run by Chief Starker-Kiefer, the strongest member of the Talon Bay Council, both physically and mentally.

Terry wasn't the kind of kid that blended into his surroundings. All of Talon Bay's residents were strong and beefy, but Terry was skinny and lean, however he was surprisingly strong. He had a thin, oblong face, with defined features and bony ridges. He was wearing a light tunic, with a wolfskralle fur vest with rough-sewn leather pants made by his mother.

Terry thumbed up the sailor, signifying his load was delivered. The sailor thumbed Terry back, and headed to the ship's bridge.

"Oi, Jackie! Come help with this shipment!" Terry shouted into the mountain town.

"What?" A voice asked. Jack Ares, or Jackie, emerged holding a small, metal box. "What?" He asked again.

"Help me load these onto the mainland!" Terry yelled, motioning towards the mountain of crates.

"Yea, sure." Was all Jackie replied with. He walked over, and placed the green, metal box on top of some of the other wooden boxes. Jackie was a lot like Terry; he was scrawny, surprisingly strong and incredibly brave. He had a rounder face, with less bonyness. He usually wore a dark brown riesigerwaschbar jacket, with light, loose pants. Both Jackie and Terry wore that same kind of rough-hewn leather boots.

"What is that?" Terry asked, looking at the metal box with curiosity.

"Hm? Oh, that's just a birthday gift for... Someone." Jackie replied, looking away. He rested his back on some boxes, crossing his arms.

Terry smiled knowingly. Jackie was an impressive kid, but hiding his emotions was one of his weak points. But the biggest giveaway was that the only birthday in Talon Bay today was Ashley Burlun. Jackie was Ashley's boyfriend, and he was absolutely infatuated with her, and she him.

"Ash again?" Terry asked, mirroring Jackie.

"Sh... Shut up and move the stupid boxes." He said, scowling. His eyes darted from the ground to the box quickly, like he though Terry would tackle it like springendmotte.

All of a sudden, an intense shock wave shook the ground fiercely. Villagers cried out in surprise and fear.

"What the Hell was that?" Jackie exclaimed, holding onto the boxes.

"I have no clue," Terry said, wide-eyed, "But it was intense."

Another shock ran through the ground, more intense than the last.

"Ok. Something is definitely going on." Jackie commented, looking at the ground. A sudden cracking sound rang throughout the town, causing everyone to drop what they were doing.

"Oh, that's bad..." Terry trailed off, staring into a small crack that appeared in the ground. It was pure, deep black, and tens of meters deep.

"You don't think..." Jackie said, looking up to him.

"No..." Terry repeated.

The crack suddenly widened, as shadows, black as night, began leaking out. A large, clawed hand formed, pulsating and throbbing. It clawed at the ground, rising and formulating from shadows. The crack continued to widen, like the shadows were physical things. Another arm came through the dirt, followed by a body, and legs.

All that was in the way of the shadow's path was absorbed into it, like a dragon with raw fish. It took steps, turning markets and houses to dust and rubble in an instant. It's legs were twisted and deformed, like a wolf's.

Two red, burning orbs lit up like fireworks in the center of a shadowy growth on the thing's "shoulders".

"Oh my Gods..." Terry gasped, feeling the ground shake and tremble, like the planet itself was afraid of this amalgamation. Dirt and rocks rained down on the citizens like hail as the shadow towered over Talon Bay. It stumbled, like it was relearning how to walk. Two curled horns emerged from it's head as an ear-bursting roar shook the bay.

"Tun Tufel... She rises again..." Terry said breathlessly.

Tun Tufel was the almighty hellspawn within Arcunian mythos. She was said to be a being created purely of shadows, being Tun Thaigir's arch nemesis. She was made solely to balance out the purity of the world. A being of pure evil, to face a being of absolute purity.

Tufel darted her eyes around the bay, analyzing her surroundings. Suddenly, her eyes locked onto Terry's. He felt his eyes burn, as Tufel's eyes flared an intense orange. His vision went wholly white, as Talon Bay washed into white...

Five Hours Later...

Terry's eyes snapped open, and he took a deep, panicked breath. Everything beneath his neck was sore, and he felt grass scratching the back of his neck. He shot up, straight as a board. He was in a dark forest, only a small light at a breach in the foliage. Small beams of light breached through the heavy trees, but it was incredibly dark.

"Ahh, what happened..." He asked himself. He didn't recognize the forest at all. The trees were twisted and bent, and most of their leaves were either gone or singed and ashen, torn and ripped flesh through teeth.

He rose, holding a slightly bloody wound on his arm.

"I'll patch it up at home." He said simply, looking at the stain on his tunic. He shambled towards the opening on his sore legs. This was going to take a lot of Heilmittel's magic to fix.

Terry parted the foliage, guarding his eyes from the harsh sunlight with his good arm. What he saw was... crushing.

Talon Bay was gone, and in it's place was a large, smouldering crater. The houses, the markets, the docks, even the water was gone. Terry fell to his knees, unable to process anything.

"What... What has she done..." He asked himself, tearing up. He doubled over, supporting himself with his hands. Not that they were much help, being as shaky as they were.

He felt something searingly hot beneath his right hand, snapping him out of his daze.

"Aah!" He shouted, holding his burnt hand tenderly. He squinted at what he'd touched,  dusting if off. It was...

It was a dented, green box, covered in ash and scratches.


It was Jackie's box, Ashley's birthday gift. It was still closed, but dented and beaten to Hell. He dug it up, setting it on the ground quickly.

Suddenly, a crash rang through the air. Terry looked up from Jackie's box, and saw her...

Tun Tufel was in the center of the crater, a purple, burning sphere in her hand. Tufel herself had morphed significantly since Terry's whiteout. She was much more human, her arms and face now solid flesh, with shadows covering her like a dress. Her eyes still burnt red, and her horns had turned into some sort of dark brown or black hair, neatly tucked in a way that made her... Attractive, oddly. Her lips were the same blood-red shade as her eyes.

She was sitting down, staring into the glowing ball like it was revealing secrets.

Terry felt his body fill with rage, like it was a tangible material, but he knew he couldn't act on it.

She was too powerful. If she decimated his entire village, he knew he stood no chance.

He slowly backed into the woods, not wanting Tun Tufel to notice him. Luckily, she continued to stare deep into the orb, watching it flare up in some areas.

He turned into the woods, sprinting away from the crater.

Suddenly, he felt his legs fall from under him as he tripped on something. He dropped Jackie's box, trying to break his fall with his arms.

He looked at what he had tripped over. It was...

A carriage? It was relatively whole, only missing a few planks, some glass panes were shattered, and one of the wheels was broken. It reeked of burnt wood, ash and molten iron.

But the most significant thing sticking out of it was a reddish-brown axe handle, with a dark yellow base. Three sharp, curved prongs, were carved into the rock at the bottom. Two were short, right-curving prongs that stood out like teeth, while a larger, left-curving prong shaped to the middle prong like a crescent moon. The top of the handle was shaped similarly, only having two prongs. Near the top, the right side of the weapon was simply an axe, rectangular in shape, probably used for cutting trees down.

However, on the left, was a scythe-shaped blade: Slightly curved upwards, with a long, sharp blade extending two-thirds down the wood, before curving back up to the handle, only about 8 inches from the top to the bottom against the wood. The blade itself was a copper colour, most likely made out of Quazarium. The two blades were secured by two, thick metal plates, drilled in with screws.

The most eye-catching feature, however, was a carving. In ancient Arcunian runes, Terry could faintly make out...

"Drakonische Kampfaxt..." He whispered, as if unsure he were reading it correctly. The Drakonische Kampfaxt, or Draconic Battle Axe, was simply a myth. Only a legend told in honour of the ancient Drakonier tribe.

Legend goes that Kapmf, the age-old God of Combat, and former chief of the Drakonier tribe, used the Drakonische Kampfaxt to cut entire armies down with a single slice. With the ability to summon it back with a wave of his hand, Kampf was unstoppable. But, the old Arcunian saying stands. 'Selbst gotter mussen irgendwann fallen.' or 'Even gods must fall eventually.'

Luckily, Kampf fell with honour, as he valiantly fought and grievously wounded Tun Tufel when she overpowered Tun Thaigir. It was said Kampf's axe was shrunken upon his defeat, and bestowed upon his progeny. When that progeny failed to create another, the Drakonische Kampfaxt was said to have disappeared, deleted from the memory of history.

But why was it here of all places? Why, when Talon Bay was destroyed, would Lowelchochburg bestow the Drakonische Kampfaxt- a legendary weapon lost to history- upon someone who couldn't control  a carriage? Unless...

Did he bestow unto Terry?

The thought rang through his head like an explosion. Was he the extremely distant progeny of Kampf? Was he who the Kampfaxt rightfully belonged to? Was he... The one who was destined to wield it?

Buried in legend, it was said if one that did not share blood with Kampf attempted to wield it, they were immediately sealed within its blade, powering it with an unholy energy.

"Can't hurt to try..." Terry sighed. He picked himself off the ground, feeling his wound sting dully. He approached the carriage with caution, as if it would lash out like a feral kakaokrabbe.

He rested his hand on a dislocated plank of the carriage, and immediately pulled it away. It was searingly hot, and Terry was amazed the wood wasn't ash beyond ash at that temperature. He took a deep breath, and rested his hand on the rock handle. Judging from the colour and texture, the butt of the weapon was carved from Cathaniumn-moonrock- which also explained its coolness.

Cathaniumn-moonrock had a very low specific heat capacity, therefore it took less heat energy to raise its temperature (thermodynamics, Yay!). He moved his hands up the handle of the weapon, apprehensively feeling the wood of it.

It was definitely Saphir-Mahagoni wood, judging from its bright shine and smooth texture. It was also cool, which was highly irregular. Saphir-Mahagoni had a very high specific heat capacity, meaning that to be the same temperature of the carriage, it had to contain a ludicrous amount of heat, but it did not.

It was actually rather cool, like the surface of a lake.

Terry gripped the axe tightly, feeling a sense of anxiety and slight excitement as he imagined how heavy it would be, or what the feeling of being absorbed into pure, solid Quazaruim would feel like. He wrapped his other hand around the handle, gripping it solidly.

Terry took a deep, slow breath, for it could be his last.

He quickly tore the axe from it's place, and was immediately hit with a sudden feeling of extreme weakness...

That wraps up part one. I'd like to apologize really quick for how long this took, but I feel like this is. gonna go well. Also, feel free to point out any typos, because I finished this at one in the morning, so errors are probably plentiful. Also, will Terry survive, or will the Drakonische Kampfaxt feed again, after millenia of dormancy?

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