17| Tales of Beasts and Solemn Sands

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Seres City, Hyrule's largest city, lay on the eastern coast of Hyrule. The city wasn't very wide, with there only being about a bit less than a dozen streets from the city's edge to the water, but it was long. It spanned from the top of coastal Ordon to nearly the southern coast of Necluda. The people who lived here were some of Hyrule's richest, indulging in the seafood and precious luminous stones that were brought over from Zora's Domain.

It was halfway through the day when the group arrived in the city. The sun beamed down from a cloudless sky, bouncing off of the buildings' white exteriors and making Link shield his eyes. He had no clue why the city folk had the need to color every structure pure white. It was just blinding. Relief came in the cloth awnings that nearly every building had. Each one was colored a vibrant blue or green, which surely had to be replaced often due to sun bleaching.

If it weren't for the higher-quality clothing that the citizens wore, then the buildings displayed the city's wealth. They were three to five stories tall and paneled with many windows, each of which were not only paned with glass, but stained glass. Blues and greens were thrown to the cobblestone roads in flecks, and patterns of waving grass and rolling waves dazzled passerby.

"This place is so beautiful," Zelda gaped, in awe of the scenery. She gazed at the road-lining planters, which were filled with white flowers that seemed to dance about in the light breeze.

"Yeah, and that's why it has such a high crime rate," Link muttered to her. "Thieves of every brand flock here to snag a silver rupee or two." He remembered fondly the things he'd managed to steal from here. If they weren't rupees, then they were items he could sell for the things. Zelda frowned at that.

"Well, I'd like to visit the Nayru Archives if I could," she said, lowering her voice then. "Perhaps I could find something that could give a clue of how to control our powers, or just information about the Holders in general."

Besides its wealth and being the gateway to Zora's Domain, Seres City housed Hyrule's greatest public library, being the Nayru Archives. It was only fitting that a hub of knowledge be named after the goddess of wisdom herself.

We need to find a way to reach Zora's Domain first, Resa said. Though it would be useful if you could find out something for us.

"Then why don't we split up?" Link proposed. "There's five of us, so it's not like we'll be stuck on our own."

Zelda looked thoughtful. "I suppose we could," she said.

It's a good idea, Resa said, which surprised Link. Courage and I will search for a ferry of some kind, and Wisdom will head to the archives with Luce and Fira. Luce let out an unsure bark, and Resa explained. You're still recovering, so you should be resting as much as you can. I'll make sure Courage stays safe.

Luce still looked wary, and Link shared her sentiments. But he couldn't disagree with Resa again. Even after a week, Luce still had the bandage on her arm and her fractured ribs. "There's probably some benches or chairs in there that you can rest on. And ya know how to guide 'em, right?" Luce nodded, and Link felt guilt pang him. But she still seemed to be in agreement, and her comfort was all that mattered to him then.

We will meet you at the archives by late-afternoon, Resa said. But if anything happens and we cannot meet there, we'll meet up by the southwest entrance. Agreed? Everyone agreed, and moments later they were heading their own ways.

It didn't take too long for Link and Resa to find a ferry, since there were several that ran to the Domain. It was thirty rupees per person, so practically all of their money. Link was obviously upset about this, especially with the ticket-seller's snooty attitude, though he managed to hold his tongue long enough to purchase five tickets.

"I'm obligated to tell you this," the ticket-seller said boredly. "Due to the time of year, there's been reports of increased Tentacool and Tentacruel activity in the channel between here and Zora's Domain. Does this affect your choice to ferry at the moment?"

"No, it doesn't," Link said, snatching the tickets from the seller and walking away. "Damn snob," he grumbled, looking at the single yellow rupee in their coin pouch. Ten rupees couldn't buy them anything worthwhile. "I oughta try to steal every one of those back..!"

You will not be stealing anything, Resa objected. Link sighed, still spitting out curses under his breath. They started to make their way to the archives, which were located near the city's center. It would take a about an hour to reach it.

"I'm surprised that you wanted me to come with you," Link muttered to Resa, his voice barely heard over the din around him. He repeatedly had to suppress shudders as the amount of people—and auras by extension—were as stifling as Castle City's. Their visit wouldn't be able to end soon enough.

It's less suspicious for a Pokémon such as myself to be wandering about without someone to act as their Trainer, she said.

Of course that would be her reasoning. "Oh, okay," Link sighed, rolling his eyes.

Also, I've noticed that you really don't like to sit still, so being confined in a place filled with books seems like torture.

"Uh, thanks," he said. "Didn't think I'd hear ya say somethin' like that."

I'm surprised as well, Resa said.

Link didn't respond, actually a bit at a loss for words. It was incredibly odd that she was even trying to make conversation with him in the first place. "So... um, Zelda told me somethin' the other day," Link cautiously started. "Why don't ya know how to talk about anythin' besides the mission?"

Resa responded without hesitation. Those thoughts were only ones that were given to me when I became Overseer, and that was all the Great Deku Tree would speak of. My role, its importance, and how I should never allow myself to become distracted.

"What'd he think you were gonna do during all the time we spend walkin'?" Link smirked. "Spout off like a Chatot?"

I suppose so, Resa said. She went silent again. But for once, Link really had something to ask her. It had been confusing him since he heard Virizion bring it up.

"What did Virizion mean by bein' 'chosen'?"

Resa looked back at him. Apparently, Aegislash Overseers are meant to be crafted, she said. Without a spirit, an Aegislash is a mere sword. Hylia doesn't want to rob a departed spirit of their chance at resting, so she crafts spirits whose roles are to be Aegislash Overseers. However, these spirits are weak and can only last a dozen or so years.

Link frowned, feeling sickened. "What kind of goddess would make a life, only to trap it like that?"

One who doesn't want to see her other creations suffer, Resa responded. These spirits only know how to obey and carry out orders while being equipped with the knowledge every Overseer has, which is to travel to the temples and recruit the Swords of Justice with the Holders of Wisdom and Courage. Creating a lesser spirit is better than making a full one, only to condemn them to a possible lifetime of waiting in a forest clearing somewhere, no?

Link shrugged. "I guess not, but it's still not right."

I... She trailed off for a moment, like she was greatly considering her next words. I-I share her views as well, she said. And I don't expect you to agree with me.

Link pursed his lips. It took her that much to just share her opinion? He couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity. Even if Resa was technically human, he still was reminded of Trainers who wouldn't let their Pokémon act of their own volition.

But if an Aegislash Overseer perishes before their time, Hylia asks a recently-departed spirit if they would like to be an Overseer. It takes time to create a spirit, and it isn't worth risking any amount of time in which the Holders could return, Resa said, sounding much more confident speaking her usual rhetoric. She put a sash to her blade, emulating someone putting a hand to their chest. I am the second chosen Overseer. The first was King Dorphan of the Zora six-hundred years ago, who is now resting peacefully.

Link hesitated before he spoke again. "Do... ya ever wish you were still alive?" he asked.

Yes, I do, Resa admitted wistfully. I-I encounter things I adored and still do, though I can't perform them, like dancing.

That caught Link's attention. "Dancing?" he echoed. He expected her to go quiet again, and she did, though it was brief.

She looked at him. Do you actually want to hear this? she asked cautiously.

Link considered it for a moment. Zelda would probably kill him if he said no. And besides that, he actually found himself curious about this. "Yeah, I am," he said.

Resa's aura gained a cautious warmth. I loved to dance. My mother taught me when I was young, and it became my passion for my whole life, she said. If I hadn't pursued the position I was in, I would have become a dancer.

The words slipped out before Link could stop them. "My mama liked dancin' too," he said. "Taught me how to also, and... I actually kinda liked it."

Your mama? Resa asked. Link glared at her. I don't mean to say that in a rude way, she corrected. I'm merely shocked that you're even telling me this, though I suppose I'm one to talk.

Link let out a short, sharp laugh. "That makes two of us," he said.

Did your mother like any songs in particular?

Link went quiet at that. He really didn't like talking about his mother, least of all to somebody he hardly knew.

I knew it, I was too bold for saying that, Resa sighed. I apologize for prying, then.

He still did owe her for fighting with her though. "The Song of Storms, and Ballad of the Wind Fish. Those were my mama's favorites," he replied simply.

Resa almost seemed to brighten at that. I love the ballad as well, though I prefer the Requiem of Spirit to the Song of Storms. It's a bit too lively for a slow dancer like myself.

Link put a hand to his mouth to muffle a nervous snicker. This was just getting stranger by the moment. Oh how he wished Luce was here to see this. Then again, she probably wouldn't let him hear the end of it, actually having a normal conversation with Resa.

I appreciate you talking to me like this, even if I know you don't like me, Resa said. I have to admit that it does become tiresome only speaking in terms and definitions from textbooks.

"Ya ain't wrong there," Link said. "So really, this was a decent change of pace." If I'm usin' that phrase right... he thought afterwards.

Link's attention was then drawn to what sounded like a faint shout from somewhere down a side street. They were trying not to stick to the more crowded streets and stay to the quieter ones. Resa noticed it as well, and before Link could say anything, she went in its direction. Link wanted to just ignore it and keep going, but he knew he couldn't leave Resa behind. Reluctantly, he pursued her.

No more shouts followed the first, though Link was soon able to pick up on a distressed aura. He then saw Resa stop at the mouth of an alley, and he stopped beside her.

Halfway down the alley was a young Hylian woman and man, the former in the process of being robbed by the latter. Link shook his head. This was why nobody should walk through alleys in Seres City. At least a patrolling Gerudo guard at the other end of the alley seemed to see the scuffle taking place, which was good for the woman, but not Link and Resa.

"Resa, get back. There's a guard!" Link hissed, trying to pull at one of Resa's sashes. She didn't seem to see the guard though.

We should help her! she said.

"Stop!" the guard then demanded as she ran to the woman's aid. The robber panicked and dropped the woman's bag before he fled, blindly rushing past Link and Resa in his escape. At least the guy wasn't an idiot, only an ameatur would try to take his prize if it would slow him down. The guard kneeled beside the woman and picked up her bag. "Ma'am, are you—"

"Don't touch me!" the woman snapped, snatching her bag from the guard. "Why didn't you arrive sooner? Because of you, I got my skirt dirty."

The guard stuttered for a moment until she spoke again. "I-I'm sorry, ma'am. I didn't walk past until—"

Again, the woman cut her off. "I don't want to hear excuses! You probably wanted him to steal from me, didn't you? Once a thief, always a thief. But what should I expect from someone who spends most of their time rolling around in the sand like some Rattata?" She got to her feet and shoved past the guard, loudly muttering, "Good-for-nothing desert scum."

Abhorrent, Resa muttered from beside Link. The ends of her sashes were curled as if they were fists. What had she done to you? She would have noticed you if you raised a larger commotion... And not even a word of thanks afterwards? Absolutely abhorrent. I don't understand why the Gerudo must be treated this way, even when they try to help.

Link wasn't nearly miffed as Resa was. The guy was probably just trying to get money for food or something. But oddly, he almost found himself agreeing with Resa yet again. That woman was being nasty for no real reason, and the guard was trying to help.

He scoffed. What the hell was he thinking? Of course the woman would respond like that to a Gerudo. Still, there was an uncertain twinge deep in his gut. He chalked it up to his more rouge emotions as of late and again tugged at Resa's sash.

"C'mon, we should go," he hissed. The guard then noticed them "Resa!"

Resa finally acknowledged him, turning to face him. Right.

"You two, wait a moment!" the guard called, but Link and Resa were already fleeing themselves.

The pair ran until they had left the side streets and had emerged out onto one of the main roads. Already worry had begun to take over Link. The guard seeing them had already been bad enough, but running had been worse. He was sure that she would inform her cohorts, and soon the whole south side of the city would be on the lookout for them.

Resa seemed to realize this as well, as she seemed a bit guilty when she next spoke. We need to hurry to the archives head to Zora's Domain, quickly, she said.

The Nayru Archives, was the largest building in the city, taking up almost an entire block. It was also the most distinct building, as a large dome made of blue stained glass took up most of its roof. The whole front of the building was supported by tall pillars made from blue luminous stone and lapis, matching well with both the city's aesthetic as well as Nayru's.

For the first time, Link was taken aback by a building's interior. The archives were essentially one huge room, from the ground floor up to the fourth. One could stand in the center of the ground floor and look up to the dome's underside. The main floor was spread with tables and chairs as well as tall, wall-lining bookshelves. Thin staircases led up to balconies that were about twenty feet wide, extending out from where the flooring of the second through fourth floors would normally be.

Above all of this was the dome, and it bathed the walls and floor in shifting blue light. It was reminiscent of the ribbons of light that trailed across a clear pond's bottom when the sun shone into it. Link was struck by this sight, and he couldn't help but stare for a few moments.

She must be on one of the upper floors. Courage, let's go! Resa said, snapping him back to reality. He followed her up one of the staircases, chastising himself.

They found Zelda on the fourth floor, squirreled away in a corner surrounded by books. Luce sat by the railing, leaned against it while Fira stood right next to Zelda. Fira noticed Link and Resa first and alerted Zelda. She looked up and offered them a small smile.

"Hello, you two. Did you find a ferry?"

Link's lips pursed. "Yeah, we did. Also managed to raise some suspicion of us though, so we should get the hell outta here." Zelda's face fell in disappointment before it paled with fear and worry, and Link almost felt bad for her.

"W-wait, before we go, I need to finish reading this," she said, looking back down at the book.

Did you find out anything about the Holders? Resa asked.

"Sort of?" Zelda said uncertainly. "Apparently the last clash between the Holders resulted in the Triforce being formed and a wish being made. But I can't find anything that says what the wish was." She put the book she was holding down and picked up another. "I found something that's more interesting, to me, at least." She showed the book to them.

Across both the book's pages was a sketched image of some kind of mural. It depicted the Triforce in the center with three figures beneath it. On the right side of the page was a group of Pokémon silhouettes; Link could make out a Pikachu and Charizard. The left side had more creaturesque silhouettes, though they were none that Link could recognize.

"This mural was found in south Central Hyrule's Temple of Hylia, and I find it quite fascinating yet confusing," Zelda said. She then pointed to the unknown shapes on the left side. "Do you know any of those Pokémon?" she asked.

Link shook his head while Resa said, I've never seen anything like them.

More disappointment from Zelda. "Darn it, I thought one of you would know. Well, I suppose that means that this endeavor proved fruitless." She glanced at Link. "I didn't find anything worthwhile," she said, and he understood it then.

At least we found out something, Resa said. A wish had been made during the last clash. Perhaps we can ask Keldeo about it, though I'm sure Virizion would have told us about a previous wish.

"She just might not have known," Zelda said hopefully.

That might just be the case. She nodded. If you're finished with your research, let's try to catch the ferry out of here before the word about us spreads too far.

"Yeah/Agreed," Link and Zelda concurred.

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