Bonus ~ Chocolate pudding (WillxOlixRenan)

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A/N: Welcome back, everyone ^^ It's been a while so I hope you still remember a thing or two about this story lol. This chapter is based on a suggestion (see below) by @ChloeBuzzard  (thanks again!) Hope you'll all like the fluff! There's also, erm, a tiny bit of smut and swearing here and then (I tried to stay PG-13, but girls will be girls)

"Can we see some more fluff between Renan, Will and Oli? Literally love the whole OlixRenanxWill thing as Renan is kinda like their child... can you maybe write a chapter where they are doing something cute together? Not sure but perhaps baking or a picnic - I dunno 🤷🏻‍♀️ just moreeeee cute fluff?"


Will grabs me by the neck and deepens the kiss, making me moan in satisfaction. I feel him smile against my lips, as his other hands starts caressing my back in gentle motions. For once, I don't mind letting him take control. He is good at it, too. His lips are firm against mine and he is strong and demanding, though not as demanding as he usually is with Renan, because of the little human's submissive nature and secret kinks. The boy never admitted it - except for that one time when I put his favorite dildo up his fine little ass and would not let him cum until he begged for it  -  but he loves a healthy dose of manhandling from time to time. 

Speaking of which...

"Oli! Will! You've got to be kidding me!"

I cringe at the outraged, pitched cry. Ouch. My poor, sensitive ears. I usually love Renan's voice, except when he is mad, because it becomes so shrilled! I turn around to see the smallest of my two lovers looking at us with his arms crossed against his chest, an annoyed expression on his face. 

He is jealous. And he apparently thinks he look tough like this. Tough enough to impress two dominant werewolves. Cute.

"Are you jealous, chick?" Will asks him with a smug face, mirroring my thoughs. 

"Of course not! I'm just mad because I've been hiding for like twenty minutes, only to come back and find out you guys are making out instead of looking for me! Do you even know how to play hide and seek, your good-for-nothing wolves?" Renan huffs and I have to stiffle back a laugh. 

Of course, he would deny being jealous and pretend he is just mad because we didn't stick to the rules. Are all humans really that predictable?

"Twenty minutes, really? My my, how time flies" Will comments in a casual way. 

I decide to quickly intervene, before Renan comes up with one of his snarky comebacks and things start escalating too quickly.

"We're sorry, Renan! Listen, let's say you won this time because we couldn't find you, right? You and I can just hide again and Will will have to find us." I tell him in a calming voice.

"Hey, why me?" Will protests but I just give him my sweetest smile. 

"Because you're the one who started kissing me, and because you need to practise your sense of smell anyway. You need to train more often Mister, you've been slacking off lately. How can you hope to protect our sweet little chick if you become a fat, lazy dog?"


"And because I say so" I say with a definitive tone and to my greatest delight, he pouts before nodding. 

"Okay, fine. I'll find the chick in less than two minutes, anyways. This is gonna be a walk in the park"

"Aww, looks who's being an obedient little wolf! Good job, Will!  Always listen to Daddy Oli! " Renan teases him. 

"Watch it, chick" Will growls but Renan's smile only widens further. 

"You don't scare me, Garfield." he retorts but Will snorts, a mischevious gleam in his eyes. 

Oh, no.

"I don't scare you?"  he asks quietly - too quietly. "Are you sure about that, kiddo?"

"Positive" the brave fool replies. "And I reckon I'm older than you anyway, pup"

"Well, I guess we will find out soon enough who's afraid of who"

"What? Garfield, what do you m-"

"One! Two! Three! Four-"

We both scream and start running away while Will keeps counting, purposefully using a low, guttural voice. 

I quickly locate the perfect hiding place: at the top of a majestuous oak tree. Will doesn't like climbing as much as I do, so I'm pretty sure he won't bother coming up here. 

"... Twenty-five, Twenty-six, Twenty-seven, one-hundred! That's it! I'm coming" Will chants and I shake my head in amusement. No patience at all. My boyfriends are worst than children. 

Deciding that now is a time as good as ever to take a nape - nah, bitches, I would never fall, why would I? - I make myself comfortable before closing my eyes, a satisfied smile on my face. 

However, not even five minutes later, I hear a defeaning scream, closely followed by a loud bark. 

"Will! That was nowhere near funny!"

I quickly descend the tree and wait for my idiotic boyfriends to appear. 

Will is the first to get there, of course and I immediately scowl when I see him in his wolf form. He looks at me sheepishly before shifting back. A few seconds later, he is standing in his naked glory, looking a little too proud of himself. 

"Will!" I admonish him. "Have you lost your mind, shifting in a public park?"

"Come on, Oli! There's hardly anyone and it was worth it! You should have seen Renan's expression when he turned around  to find himself face-to-face with a huge wolf. I think I scared him for life" he cackles and I tut him. 

"You should be careful, Will. Payback is a bitch" I warn him but he just shrugs in a careless manner. 

Fine. Have it your way. 

"Okay, Oli, I'm just gonna get my clothes and I'll be back. Renan should be there in a minute. Can you lend me your jacket?"

"No, that's what you get for being silly. Now just go get your clothes and try not to be seen, alright? I don't wanna children being traumatized for life"

He nods, and I watch him leave as quietly as he can - which means not quietly at all. 

Sure enough, a few minutes later Renan emerges from the bushes, looking a bit shaken but also a little too pleased. 

"What did you do?" I ask, trying - and failing - to look serious.

"I hid his clothes." he replies proudly, making me laugh before giving him a high five. 

"CHICK! Where the fuck did you put my clothes?"

And two minutes later, we hear a much more childish, softer voice exclaiming: 

"Mummy! Look! There's is a naked man behind the bush"

"Lord above, Elisabeth! Give me your hand, quick! We're leaving!"

"But, mummy -"


Well, that felt very satisfying, watching Will loose his cool.

I still had to give Will his clothes back, especially after he threatened to jump me right in front of the child and his mum, those sweet innocent souls. 

Of course he would do it. Garfield is capable of everything, believe me. 

We're now all lying down on the grass under the sun, in Oli and Will's garden, which is more like a forest, to be exact. 

Well, they keep telling me it's also my house, but somehow it doesn't always feel like it. They would feel hurt if they knew I was still feeling so insecure, but what happened in the park was proof enough. 

I mean, they were kissing. I don't mind watching them kissing, of course. We're all boyfriends plus, watching them is hot as fuck. 

No, what hurt a bit was watching them being so lost in their own little bubble. So lost, in fact, that they had completely forgotten about me. 

They looked so perfect together, why would they need an addition? Especially when they are way out of my league, at least based on looks. 

A loud, undignified burp suddenly pulls me out of my dark thoughts.

"Aw, chick, thanks for the snack! I loved the sandwitches and the chocolate pudding looks almost too perfect to be eaten!  Your cooking skills have greatly improve lately, yet you're still pretty skinny. You're like the perfect housewife!" Will marvels, making Oli snorts. 

"Yeah, because that wasn't sexist at all, Will" I mumble.

"That's true" Oli acknowledges, before adding "Thank you for the lunch, though, honey. You're the king of picnics"

"Hey, I thought that was me" Will immediately protests.

"The king's dead, long live the king!"

"That's only sandwitches, guys. No need to overdo it" I sigh. 

There's a short silence, then Oli asks with hesitation clear in his voice as he starts playing with my hair:

"Why the long face, short stuff? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm just tired is all" I grumble, rolling on my stomach and hidding my face against the ground so they can't see my expression. 

"Tired?" Will asks with an incredulous expression. "How can you be tired, when we haven't even fu- made love today"

"Will" Oli sighs. "Please, please, be serious at least once in a time"

"I am!"

"That's what worries me"

Will huffs and playfully smacks him on the chest. It goes without saying that Oli immediately retaliates and soon they engage in a playful wrestling contest. 

Good thing my face is still smashed against the grass, so they can't see how shiny my eyes suddenly became. 

God, what's wrong with me! I'm not usually so emotional! Nour is the one who is pregnant, so he's the one who should have mood swings, not me! 

A very low sob escapes my lips and I immediately tense, praying that they didn't hear it. 

Except, they are werewolves so of course they did. 

They stop fighting and I can feel their gazes on me but I choose to ignore them. 

"Oli? What's wrong with our chick today?" Will wonders.

"I don't know but I think maybe we should leave him alone. Give him so privacy" Oli replies in the same hushed tone. 


"Absolutely not!"

I don't even have time to warn them that I do want some privacy before I'm suddenly lifted so that I'm now sitting between Will and Oli, on their laps. I hide my face against Will's shoulder, loving the scent of his warm skin, while Oli is deposing light kisses on my nape. 

"Is it because we were fooling around without you this morning? Is it what it is?" Will asks, for once sounding serious. 

"Maybe" I mumble, still not looking at them as I feel a bit ashamed of my needy behaviour. 

"It's alright to feel insecure from time to time" Oli immediately comforts me, somehow sensing my discomfort. "I just wish you would tell us when you feel this way"

"I'm sorry, Oli" I apologize immediately.  "I'm already lucky enough as it is to have such hot, brillant and funny boyfriends when I look like noth- OUCH!"

Will just pinched my left nipple. Hard. 

"You crazy motherfucker" I complain but swallow back any further insults when Will's hand then hovers threateningly above my right nipple. 

"Look, Ren" the redhead eventually says, as he soothingly caresses the abused bud.  "As much as I like it when you start enumerating all of my physical and moral qualities - although a lifetime wouldn't be enough to list them all - I hate it when you depreciate yourself like this."

"He's right" Oli continues. "You're crazy, insecure and sarcastic, so you totally belong with us. Plus, you're also caring, witty and too smart for your own good. We could never let you go. Maybe we play more with each other than with you, but it's only because you're a human and we have to be more careful whenever we're touching you."

Will nods, before adding: "And don't get me started on your physical assets. Your big eyes, your soft skin. And you know I could eat your ass all day. I've kinda proved it already"

"Thanks for the input, Will dear" Oliver groans. 

"I'm just trying to create a more relaxed atmosphere" Will defends himself. "We were starting to get too mushy for my taste. Plus, it worked! Look, Renan is laughing!"

"You shouldn't encourage him, Ren" Oli tells me sternly, but I can say he's trying hard not to smile. 

"Thank you, guys. I love you both. Sorry for being such a baby" I tell them truthfully. 

They nod, and I'm suddenly being engulfed in a bone-crushing hug - those are the best kind of hugs, really. It just feels so perfect. 

Of course, the sweet, bonding time couldn't have last longer than five minutes with Garfield around and I'm not even surprised when he clears his throat, before declaring:

"Right, chick, so now that you're feeling better, does it mean that we can slip a couple of fingers in your-"


"What now, Oli? I was going to say: chocolate pudding!"

A/N: Soon to be edited chapter!

Aaah it felt good to be reunited again with these three idiots! Hope you enjoyed reading the chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! Next one will be centered on Nour and Rémy. I'll see what I kind do to fulfill all of your mpreg and daddy wishes ;-)

Stay strong xxxx


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