Chapter 34 - Vennela flirts with Amar

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"Vennela wake up. It's 7 am." Amar woke her up.

"You have the worst timing ever" said Vennela, groggily.

"Did I interrupt some beautiful dream?" asked Amar.

"Yes. I was dreaming about going on a long drive. The bike was so beautiful. I was about about to put a garland around its neck and marry it." Vennela blushed.

"Thank God, I woke you up on time." Amar chuckled. "Brush your teeth and get ready. Now that you are stronger, we are about to start the treatment for your left leg."

Vennela's smile vanished on hearing it. She looked scared. Amar wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "Nothing to worry about. It won't be painful. You will be fine."

"What if my body doesn't respond to the treatment?" Vennela clutched his shirt tightly. He became habituated to this in their four months of marriage. She clutched his shirt whenever she was frightened or anxious.

"Be positive. Throw all the negative thoughts out of your mind. This treatment is very effective. But, it is not the only treatment available. If it doesn't work we will try something else. Never lose hope." Amar always stayed strong for the sake of his family.

She nodded. "Did I ever tell you what the most attractive thing about you is?"

"No. What is it?" He was curious.

"I won't tell you. Now go away and let me brush my teeth." She laughed when he faked hurt.

The servants helped her get ready. Amar took her to the pooja room. "We are about to start something new. Pray to the almighty to let it succeed." They prayed for about ten minutes. Despite being a bad singer, Amar sang a hymn. Vennela joined him. He stopped singing and looked at her, mesmerized. Her melodious voice was always soothing to hear.

They reached the clinic by 10.30 am. The specialist doctor examined her reports. "You are very lucky. It's not a permanent damage. You just need 5 months. And then you will be able to walk with the help of crutches. It is only a matter of 6-7 months before you start walking normally." He assured Vennela.

"Thank you doctor." Vennela smiled.

"Now let's start the treatment." He stood up. "Please wait outside." He requested Vennela's family.

"Doctor, please let my husband stay" said Vennela. She didn't like the idea of going inside with a complete stranger.

"Don't get scared. You are in safe hands." The doctor smiled.

"Please. Only this time. He will stay silent. You won't even know he is here." Vennela was adamant.

"Doctor. She won't be able to co-operate with you if she is scared. Please let Amar stay with her." Bharat told the doctor. He nodded.

He took Vennela inside and removed the bandage on her left leg. Amar observed that it was bruised. He felt a sharp pang of guilt as he remembered it happened because of him.

The doctor took an instrument and gently tapped her leg to see if she felt any pain. After making similar tests, he started the procedure. Amar and Vennela held hands. The doctor observed that Amar looked more frightened than Vennela.

After about an hour, the procedure ended. Amar hugged her when the doctor left the room. Vennela patted his back. He looked vulnerable at that moment. Vennela felt the sudden urge to cradle his head in her arms. "Amar, everything will be fine." She gently rubbed his back.

They went to meet the doctor again. "She is responding to the treatment. But she needs to be stronger. I will send you to a nutritionist who will prescribe the diet to be followed till the end of treatment. And Mr. Amar, I will show a few exercises which should not be missed." He gave a demo of the exercises along with a file of written instructions.

It was 1 pm when the consultation with the nutritionist was over. As they sat in the car, Vennela checked the file. She knew Amar was feeling guilty. She wanted to cheer him. "It's a very long list." She complained pointing at the diet plan. "And just look the number of things I have to take as medicines. Why can't doctors prescribe chocolate as medicines? Or why don't they have chocolate flavored medicines at the very least?"

Everyone laughed. "I will buy a chocolate factory for you in future" said Amar.

"One of the many advantages of marrying a billionaire" remarked Vennela. He laughed again.

"You sound like you have cold." Vennela touched his forehead. To her relief, he didn't have fever. "You are coughing too. Amar, tell the truth. How did this happen?"

"Well, I may or may not have eaten ice cream last night." Amar answered.

"You ate an ice cream? You didn't share it with me? I hate you" said Anirudh.

"Who eats an ice cream on a rainy day?" Shambhavi scolded Amar.

"I will prepare a medicine for you. Don't make that face. I know it doesn't taste good but it's effective." Vennela decided.

As soon as they a reached home Vennela went into the kitchen and prepared a simple medicine for cough and cold with the help of servants. She offered it to Amar after having lunch.

"Vennu, I have so many tablets in my bag. I don't have to drink this." Amar tried to protest. But Vennela didn't agree. "Not a word. Finish it."

"Okay amma." He emphasized the word amma and gulped down the medicine complaining how bad it tasted.

He inhaled steam for some time, covering his head with a towel as instructed by Vennela. His shirt was drenched in sweat. "I have to change." He closed the door and started taking the shirt off.

"I don't understand how you feel so comfortable changing in the presence of a girl." Vennela closed her eyes.

"The girl you are talking about is my wife." Amar unbuttoned the shirt and picked a red shirt from his wardrobe.

 Her moral values stopped her from looking. But her heart urged her to look. 'Come on. He's your husband.'  Slowly, very slowly, Vennela opened her eyes. 

She looked at him. Her jaw dropped. He was the perfect definition of a well built man. His dusky skin, broad shoulders and muscular arms were extremely dazzling to her eyes. She shook her head and closed her eyes again.

"It's alright. You can look at me. I don't mind. I know I am swoon worthy" said Amar.

'How did he know I was looking?' Vennela was surprised.  'Did he sprout another pair of eyes on the back of his head?' She wondered.

"Don't look so shocked sweetheart. I saw your reflection in the mirror." He pointed at the mirror.

"Oh! no" Vennela buried her face into her hands.

"How did it feel? Do you like what you saw? If you feel like touching me, go ahead. Your conditions say you can touch me." He sat down beside her.

"I don't want to touch you. I just want to..."

"You just want to what?" Amar's eyes were twinkling.

"I just want to make babies with you. Do you think our children will be as beautiful as me?" Vennela asked mischievously.

Amar gasped. He immediately turned around and buttoned his shirt. He clutched his heart and turned towards her. "What was that, moonlight?"

Vennela burst into laughter. She laughed until she had tears in her eyes. "This is called flirting. You are not the only one who can flirt with your spouse. Is the mighty Amar Pratap feeling nervous? Did I scare you, Amar darling?"

Amar blushed. They laughed for a long time. After they stopped laughing, Vennela rested her head on Amar's shoulder. He observed a frown on her face. "Is something bothering you?"

"I shouldn't have joked about babies. What if I am not fortunate enough to have kids?" Vennela was having this discussion with him for the first time.

"We are not old enough to be parents. We still have a lot of time." Amar tried to ease her mind.

"That is not the answer to my question. How will you feel if I remain unfit to be a parent?" Vennela felt vulnerable.

"We don't need a child to complete our world. We complete each other. If you want to have a child that badly then I will try to be your kid." Amar grinned.

Vennela felt that she was extremely fortunate to have him as her husband. "You don't even have to try. You are a kid. I never knew I can frighten you so easily. The expression on your face was worth a million bucks." She caressed his face affectionately.

She made a resolution to focus on her health and follow the diet plan strictly. She was ready to go through all the scariest treatments in the world to recover as soon as possible. She wanted to get well soon for the man who stood as an epitome of selflessness in her life. 'The day I walk again will be the day I confess my love to him.'


Who is your favorite character? Mine is Anirudh.

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