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Before I say goodbye, let me have a little chat with our beloved Amar and Vennela.

Harshi: Hello Amar. Hello Vennela. May I ask you a few questions?

Vennela: Sure.

Harshi: Vennela, what is Amar's favourite color?

Vennela: Black.

Harshi: What is his favourite hobby?

Vennela: Long drive on bike.

Harshi: What is his biggest fear?

Vennela: Most people might think it is the storeroom. But I know him better. His biggest fear is losing his loved ones.

Harshi: Okay. When is your wife's birthday?

Amar: Birthday? Yes. I just love her birthday. We have lots of fun on that day--

Vennela: Amar, tell the date.

Amar: It's in April.

Vennela: Entire April?

Amar: Well, you see, birthdays are a bit overrated. 

Vennela: You don't remember?

Harshi: Shame on you. Look at her face. I never saw her this sad. Not even on the day her favourite character died in Game of Thrones.

Vennela: It's alright. It doesn't matter.

Amar: 25th April 1993.

Harshi: You remember?

Amar: How can I forget the day the Goddess descended from heaven to earth? Don't blush like that moonlight. I feel like pulling your cheeks.

Harshi: So sweet. Ever felt the need for a ship name?

Amar: How about VenMar?

Vennela: Absolutely not.

Amar: ArNela? PraNela?

Vennela: Definitely not. There is no need for a ship name. This ship has the capacity to sail without a name.

Harshi: Wow. Excellent logic. Vennela, did you ever feel insecure by his huge female fan following?

Vennela: Initially, yes. But not now. If a girl stares at him, I just go, wrap my arm around his waist, pull him closer and smirk at her.

Harshi: Ever had any feeling other than friendship for Sameer?

Amar: The only thing I have ever felt for him is intense anger.

Vennela: I think that she asked me, not you.

Amar: Don't be ridiculous. Who would dare to ask you that in my presence?

Harshi: Fine. What is the one thing all the girls should learn from Vennela?

Amar: Cooking.

Vennela: Amar!

Amar: Alright. Alright. Her self-respect and kindness. But she is not meek. Whenever someone tries to harm me, she turns fierce like a lioness protecting her cub. That is something all girls are supposed to learn from her.

Harshi: That's very well put Amar Pratap. Now it's Vennela's turn.

Vennela: His righteousness. He always chooses to do the right thing no matter how hard it is. He got into trouble loads of times because of that. But eventually he is the winner. 

Harshi: Describe each other in a word.

Vennela: King.

Amar: Queen.

Harshi: I like how you answered simultaneously. Before signing off, is there anything you wish to say?

Amar: Thank you for loving our story.

Vennela: We love you.


To all the readers who have given this book a chance: Thank you very much for reading this book. It means a lot to me.

To all the voters: Thank you very much. Your votes are the reason, this story reached the peak rank of 7. 

To all the readers who have written such beautiful comments: Thank you very much. Your comments are undoubtedly the best part of this book for me. They kept me motivated to make the story better.

To all the readers who have added it to reading lists: Thank you very much for promoting my story and making it reach a wider range of readers.

To all the critics: Thank you very much for pointing out my mistakes. I learnt a lot because of you and tried not to repeat them.

To all the followers: Thank you very much. I didn't even know that follow option exists in Wattpad until I started writing this story. Thank you very much for following me.

Really sorry if I have missed out someone. 

Coming to the story. I am going to miss Amar's sweetness, Vennela's kindness, Shruthi's cuteness, Rishi-Raj's pranks and most certainly I am going to miss Anirudh. (Did I tell you, Anirudh is an exaggerated version of me and few of my friends?)

Shruthi's character is inspired from all the cute little sisters of my friends. Rishi-Raj are inspired from Fred and George of Harry Potter (But they can never be Fred and George. Fred and George are the best.)

A few funny moments in the books are inspired from my real life. (Not Amar-Vennela moments. they are purely imaginary).

Most of Vennela's favourites are my favourites. Her fears are also my fears. 

Amar's character is purely the result of my imagination. I wanted him to be a man who respects a woman for who she is and doesn't expect anything in return. (Hope I did justice to his character)

I wanted Vennela to be full of ideals yet realistic. (Toughest part to be honest.) For example, she is virtuous, brave, kind and what not. But she also has her own weaknesses which makes her relatable.

I will try to come up with another story which is equally lovable. (Maybe not now. In future.)

Finally, I wish to thank everyone who made The Friendzoned Husband a great success.  

Thank you. Hope we meet again.

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