Chapter 5: Science Versus Pokemon

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*Nathan's POV*

Outside, the area is actually quite pretty- or, it would be, had there not been an enormous caldera right in the middle of the verdant paradise. I can hear the cries of a few daytime Pokemon skittering about through the trees and tall grass, but I can't seem to redirect my attention from the hole for long enough to notice much of it. It's like the crater had just decided to destroy everything in its path, because nothing grew around it. Stumps lined the chasm like the teeth of a large creature's maw, and no grass would dare to poke their green heads nearby. To top it all off, the weather seems to have taken a turn for the worst. I look up at the sky, over the tops of numerous fallen trees and scores of panicked Pokemon, and a loud thunderclap practically deafens me. A horde of angry storm clouds are forming overhead, yet they seem to be centralizing around a decrepit tower about ten miles to the east. I wonder, for a moment, if that's the Dragonspiral Tower that N is headed to, and I silently hope that it isn't.

Maxwell brings me back into the reality of our own mission.

"Funny that I used to be the one telling that to the grunts back at HQ. Now, we're rescuing Voltflare from a crazy Scientist instead of for one. Ironic, isn't it?" he quips, and he throws his Pokeball to the ground. His signature orange Dragon Pokemon appears in a flash of light, and it beats its massive wings assuredly. Maxwell's Dragonite looks up at the foreboding sky and smiles, like it's eager to accept the challenge of flying through the storm.

"We're headed to the P2 Laboratory," Maxwell tells his Pokemon,

"It's an old, run-down place off the coast of Route 17- directly south from here. Think you can get us there?"

His Dragonite roars and motions for the both of us to leap onto its back. I quickly oblige, wrapping my hand around a few of the scales in the Pokemon's back, and I hang on for dear life when the Dragon Pokemon suddenly takes to the air in a rush of wind. Within seconds, the Dragonite is pointed directly south, straighter than the straightest compass needle. The air feels devoid of anything- of Pokemon, of color, and of life. The only view as far as the eye can see is a uniform grey, brought on by the expanse of stormclouds overhead. To make matters worse, a heavy rain ensues, making navigation almost impossible. The entire party grits their teeth and presses on through the storm.

While Maxwell's Dragonite speeds through the sky towards Colress' supposed hideout, my thoughts drift to my kidnapped partner. I don't know what I would if I found out that Colress had inadvertently killed him in his scientific curiosity, as if that somehow excuses what he's attempting to do.

So N brought me here to save me from Ghetsis, but Colress is the one who wanted Voltflare to begin with. This whole situation just doesn't mesh correctly. Either those two aren't working together, or there's just something else here that I'm missing...

A loud thunderclap from above us decimates my eardrums, and I cover my ears to protect my hearing.

"This storm..." Maxwell's voice carries the slightest bit of fear with it,

"I've never seen anything this rough before... Come on, Dragonite, we don't have time to lose!"

His Pokemon continues to speed through the air, and a large, ominous vessel soon appears on the horizon, moving to the east with as much speed as it can muster. Maxwell's Dragonite can easily catch the watercraft, but its appearance catches me off-guard.

It's a massive ship! A frigate! The hull is definitely made of bronze, but it has an odd blue color to it. There seems to be an underlying girder to hold it all together... Wait, look at the size of those enormous white sails! That barge could be carrying practically anything! Where is it headed, though?

"Maxwell," I tap him on the shoulder, and I have to yell for him to hear me over the rushing winds and storm,
"See that frigate up ahead? Land there- we need to find out what's on that ship. Something tells me that it's working for Colress."

"You sure about that?!" he roars back,

"You do realize that the longer we spend perusing that ship, the longer Voltflare stays with Mr. Obnoxious Haircut, right?"

I nod, and he shrugs,

"Alright. Don't say I didn't warn you... Dragonite- full speed towards that massive vessel. We're intercepting it!"

Dragonite veers through another stormcloud to point itself towards the ship, but a large metal cannonball of some sort quickly speeds from the vessel's stern and slams into Maxwell's Pokemon, forcing it backwards and tearing a hole in its right wing as the object passes. Luckily, although the wound trickles blood into the ocean, it's not enough to stop the hardy Dragonite, and the Pokemon roars in defiance. Maxwell echoes his Pokemon's sentiment.

"It'll take more than that to stop us! Come at us!" he yells.

As if the ship had been listening to his taunting, it fires another cannonball at us, which Maxwell's Dragonite narrowly dodges. A sudden gust of wind threatens to blow us off course, and both Maxwell and I lean in the opposite direction to steady his Dragonite against the gale. While it slightly helps us to remain upright, the movement puts a great deal of strain on Maxwell's Pokemon, and it looks up at us in protest. In that instant, the ship discharges a third cannonball and smashes into the back of Dragonite's head, cleanly shoving the Pokemon out of its intended line of travel and straight into the side of a large outcropping of rock. The Dragonite makes a short whimpering sound in pain before it begins to lose altitude. Maxwell looks at me with alarm.

"We only have one option," he says, cautiously staring at the torrential waves about a hundred feet below us,

"We're jumping!"

"From this height?! Are you nuts?! Don't you even think about...!" I yell over the wind.

Maxwell grabs me by my wrist and leaps off his Pokemon, pulling me over the side with him. His Dragonite tries to descend after us, but its injury must have been too severe for it to see straight, and it immediately flies straight back into the same rock again. This time, it isn't so lucky to remain conscious. The sequential impact knocks it out within seconds, and Maxwell, still in free-fall, returns it to its Pokeball before it can harm itself any more.

I look down at the water, which is now only about a second under me, and I straighten my body in an attempt to brace for the shock of landing in the hungry waves below.

The second I hit the water, pain immediately spreads across my body, and I pass out.



*N's POV*

A large spire looms in front of me, surrounded by a large lake of tumultuous water. The only way to cross is a small, rusted bridge. The way it elegantly dances across its watery-blue stage, despite the storm's raucous wind, gives me a sort of hope that I've never felt before.

This is the place. The Dragonspiral Tower... Augh!

A thunderclap overhead detonates with a boom, scaring me half to death.

Alarmed, I gaze towards the top of the massive decrepit obelisk in front of me, which seems to be the epicenter of the recent storm. Acting as the tempest's eye, the top of the tower pulses with a blue energy, most likely from Zekrom, the electric counterpart to my Reshiram.

The spire's cold stone exterior must have been at least two hundred years old, judging by the erosion and growth that's eaten away at it. Large masses of brick have been shaved into many of the holes, which, while they do make the tower more structurally sound, they resemble a patchwork quilt more than a sturdier foundation. Nevertheless, the faded brown surfaces of the massive stronghold seem to beckon me, and a large brass stairway looms out of the entrance like a waiting mouth.

Another deafening thunderclap.


This time, a lightning bolt arcs from above me, setting a nearby tree on fire and throwing the nearby Pokemon into a ruckus. Almost immediately, however, a group of Water-type Pokemon leap from the stream, ready to fight the impending forest fire. The leader of which, a bulky blue turtloid Pokemon - Blastoise- rears two large cannons out of its brown shell and aims them at the immolating tree. The Shellfish Pokemon roars, and in immense spray of jetted water spews out of the cannon, faster than any man-made garden hose. I watch in awe, feeling quite helpless to stop the situation myself, as the two forces connect, and the fire is quickly extinguished. The Blastoise roars in approval and disappears back into the water.

While the Water-type Pokemon can hold out for a while, I know that if I don't stop the source of the electricity, the forest will eventually be overrun by stray sparks.

I just have to trust that they can stop the blazes long enough for me to apprehend Ghetsis!

I shake my fist at the lightning bolt's source.

"Father! I'm going to stop you!" I yell, and I ascend the brass stairway to fight with destiny.

The interior of Dragonspiral Tower is, oddly, deathly quiet. While I could easily deafen myself outside, between the storm's torrential rain, crackling thunder, and flashy lightning, the tower's inside is the exact opposite. It's almost calming. The green marble that heralds the floor under me welcomes my footfalls. Several crumbled pillars attempt to stand tall- attempt to hold themselves up, like the earth, itself, is struggling under the weight of Ghetsis' tyranny. The walls, albeit, what's left of them, offer a few windows to the outside, stormy world- a gruff reminder of my mission, as well as the severe punishment for failure.

All the Pokemon that Ghetsis will harm if he succeeds here... I refuse to let that happen!

A marble stairway stands in front of me, seemingly waiting for me to climbs its fabled steps. I can't quite tell what lies beyond them, but it doesn't matter to me.

Whatever I come across, I'll overcome it. I silently cajole myself,

And, when I've ascended this sacred place, I'm going to stop you Ghetsis. It's not me that haunts the Harmonia lineage- it's you and our sadistic machinations!

I shake my head at once, dismissing the disparaging thoughts about my father, and a heavy footstep jars me back into reality. I jump back in surprise, as a large marble pillar comes crashing down right where I had been standing only microseconds before. The pillar shatters into numerous bits of white and gray shrapnel, sending the contents of the monument in every direction imaginable. Some of the debris grazes my side and carves a small hole in my leg, but my adrenaline has already looked past the wound to face whatever danger lies on the other side of the rubble.

"TRESPASSER!" a booming mechanical voice shouts from all around me, and another pillar crashes to the ground, only adding to the mighty noise. Then, a massive golem Pokemon steps out from behind a third pillar. The Pokemon's body is heavily covered by a teal-colored amplified obsidian, with yellow swirls of mesh on its chest and shoulders. Two pale yellow eyes stare at me with a sort of purpose in them- a life that reflects its duty as a guardian. Its body simply looks like a large suit of armor, I immediately know what kind of Pokemon this is- this is a Golurk.


I quickly hide myself behind another pile of rubble to avoid being eviscerated by the ensuing wave of debris, Terror radiates through me.

That Golurk is going to kill me! I panic,

If I can't prove my reason for being here to it, it's going to pound me into the ground!

The Automaton Pokemon walks towards my makeshift shelter, and an inherent lack of emotions adorns its two yellow eyes. As it approaches me, bent on finishing its "job," its footfalls ring in my ears like a death knell. I'm paralyzed in fear- unable to move- while the massive golem continues to draw closer.

Somehow, I can't help but wonder why the Pokemon is acting like this- Golurk are usually docile guardians, but this one doesn't seem to follow that same pattern. It throws its heavy hand at me in an attempt to grab and crush me, and that's when I notice something different about this specific Golurk. I can see a small slit, the same size as the small cube on my necklace, carved into its armor.

The seal on its chest! That's it- Golurk's seal, if undone, is what releases its power in a violent torrent! Its open seal must be what's causing it to act out of control! I'll bet I can fit my necklace into that hole to fix the seal! If I fail, though... Never mind that! Don't worry, Golurk, I'll save you!

As the colossal fist speeds towards me, I have just time to scale the side of one of the nearby pillars before it slams into the ground. The Golurk's titanic punch immediately pummels the marble where I had been standing only a moment before into dust, and, before it has time to react to my sudden idea, I quickly leap onto its retracting hand and tightly grip it.

"WHAT IS THIS?" the Golurk booms,


But I have other ideas than listening to the spectral apparatus. Although its threats to strike fear into me, I can't stop focusing on its open seal. If I fail to close the insignia now, I'll be crushed without a second thought. The Automaton Pokemon pulls its fist back, with me in tow, and aims it at another large pillar. Its intent is clear- to smash me between its massive hand and the marble slab.

With one last desperate burst of adrenaline, I leap over the Pokemon's arm and land directly under its head. I have to dig my feet into its side to find a foothold, but I am eventually able to steady myself, despite the Golurk's attempts to shake me loose. Without a second thought, I quickly rip the cube from my necklace and slam it into Golurk's chest. A powerful explosion of bright light emanates from the Pokemon and flings the two of us apart. I fly backwards into a pillar, and the Golurk falls to the ground in a daze. The impact causes my spine to jolt and my back to arc in pain, but, judging by the force of that blast, I have successfully closed the Pokemon's seal.

"... HRMMMM..."

The Golurk slowly picks itself up off the ground, visibly dusting itself off, and restarts itself.

"WHY IS...? WHAT IS...? WAIT! YOU ARE A HUMAN!" the Pokemon rumbles sympathetically. It slowly walks over to me, shaking the entire tower in the process, and curls its meaty fingers under me to support my back and lifts me up into the air to see the Pokemon face-to-face. I don't have the strength to resist the gesture, but I don't think that the Golurk will hurt me anymore, now that its inner power is under control again.


I attempt to straighten my back, but a new regiment of pain prevents me from doing so.

Something's broken, I can tell. But, Ghetsis...

"My name is N," I smile warmly and address the massive Automaton Pokemon, knowing that it could understand me,

"I appreciate your hospitality- I really do- but there's... My father is at the top of this tower, and he must be apprehended! He's plotting to use the legendary Reshiram and Zekrom's powers to conquer this region! As much as I'd like to stay and talk with you, I need to stop him before anything happens!"

"... HRMMM..." the Golurk whirrs, pausing for a moment. Then, the seal on its chest flashes a bright green color, similar to that of Voltflare's eyes.


The Golurk steps to the side and disappears behind another marble pillar. It looks away, sad, and its eyes flash blue to reflect its mood. I almost feel bad for the gentle giant.

Being unable to leave one single room. What a lonely life, but it's one that I can relate to, at least for the most part. All the more reason to stop Ghetsis right here and now!

I turn my attention to the stairs leading higher up the tower, and I grimace. Not in stress, though- in anger.

Ghetsis, this is for all of the Pokemon that you've hurt and all the people's lives that you've tarnished with your malice!

Driven by that thought, I quickly ascend the massive spiral staircase towards the top of the spire. My footsteps echo across the desolate walls and tiles, as if calling out to me to finish my mission. What I'll find when I reach Dragonspiral Tower's top, I have no idea, but one thing is for certain- I need to put a stop to it!

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