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Jin was knocking on the door on the suffocating corridor for some time. He was feeling disgusted looking around, how did Arya survive here all these days?

Suddenly the door made a slit and a tired voice came from inside, "Yes?"

"Are the programs ready?" Jin hoped his guess be right.

"Hold on," the door closed and some ruffling sound came from insiders.
The door opened again and a pale hand came out with two floppy discs in it.

He didn't wait any longer, he pushed the door open and went inside and kicked the door closed behind him, his Smith and Wesson was aiming at Arya.

He noticed she was watching him with a tired and indifferent look. Her sleepless eyes were red and puffy. Dark circles were under her eyes.
With all her messy and cruel appearance, she was still the beauty he remembered from back then.

A very mild smile made surface in her lips, almost mocking Jin.
She shoved her hands in the pocket of her baggy pants.
"It's you." She scoffed, "Again!"

Jin put down his gun and put it back in his jacket.

"What now? I told you that I am not interested in your made-up stories."

"Yet, you waited for me." Jin indicated her towards her packed-up backpack.
Clearly, She was ready to disappear again.

"Stop imagining things." She clenched her teeth, "I waited for nobody. What are you gonna do to me? Kill me? If so, get on with it."

"Why didn't you go then? I gave you enough time." Jin's words were calculated.

Arya picked up her backpack and stormed towards the door, "Then get the hell out of my way."

Jin didn't answer rather came very close to her in a swift movement.

"What…!" She was startled.

Jin pressed her against her door and pulled up her hand in front of her eyes.
She was quick to respond to block him, but the man was quicker. He easily avoided her kick and whip-like attack.

Jin's thumb caressed against a faded scar on her wrist, "Nice scar."

"So what?" She tried to get off from his hold, "Let me go."

Jin brought up his left hand and removed the sleeve from his wrist,
"looks similar, doesn't it?"

She looked unsurely at the scar mark on Jin's wrist, almost the same as hers. She averted her gaze, "it has nothing to do with me."

Jin didn't let her go, "You want some answers."

"You can't give those either. None can." Her voice was a little vulnerable this time, "just let me go."

"let's play a game."

She looked at him with mocking eyes, "seriously?"

Jin looked around her tiny, jumbled-up, messy room. Some unknown machinery was scattered all around, a pretty good computer set up, some books on dark webs and programming on the table, and a messed up bed. Looked like her daily necessity items were packed hurriedly in that backpack. There was a passport on the desk.

Jin let go of her and picked up the passport.

"Give it back." Her voice was commanding.

Jin didn't give her a look but looked inside the passport.

Of course a false passport. The names and everything were changed. She created a new identity before she goes.

"I'll give it back I promise. Just play a game with me. You are free to go after it. I won't stop you."

She considered the option and sat down on her bed, "fine."

Jin took his seat on her chair and sat in front of her.

"I'll ask you ten questions. Tell me whatever comes to your mind first. You'll get exactly two seconds to answer for each. Believe me, I'll not let you go if you take longer than that."

"Are you kidding me?" her voice was full of mockery and frustration.

"Shall we?"

She shrugged, "all right cowboy! Bring it on!"





Jin felt satisfied feeling her competitive personality coming out.




-"The Falcon."





"Who is Seokjin?" His question was sudden and abrupt.

She was startled and frowned immediately after. Trying to remember.

"It's a child's trick, very old school but effective without any doubt." Jin's voice was calmer than usual if that's even possible.

"What?" She was confused still.

"A child's play of psychology. Brings out information from the subconscious mind."

"I...I..." She was still confused. Fiddling on the name she just uttered but doesn't know who that person was.

"Let me introduce myself first," Jin looked at her, "I am SJ7, the name is Kim Seokjin."

She just looked at him with a blank and confused look.

"Do you want to listen to me now?"

She was in the startle still. She nodded a little silently.

"First, You are Arya. One of our agents. Got yourself killed in a plane crash in a mission. MOSSAD extracted you, taking advantage of your amnesia, they manipulated you and made you believe that you are one of them. What happened between you and MOSSAD I don't know. I came to take you back as soon as we knew that you are still alive."

"You didn't come here just because you came to know that I am alive, did you?" Her voice gained her composure back.

"No. You had some important documents that you were on the mission of extracting. And you did. We want those."

"Very straightforward," Her voice was sharp, "clearly I don't matter, all that matters are those documents."

"Those are important documents. Do you have those with you?"

"What do you think?" Her voice was stubborn.

"You tell me."

"I even don't recall what those documents were about. I don't know my name even. What is true or false I don't remember anything! let alone know where those documents are!"

"All right." Jin got up from his seat.
"Seems like I have nothing to do with you anymore then. And you made it clear that you don't need help and don't want to come back."

"Wait!" Her voice was sharp.

"You have your new identity and all plans sorted out. I won't force you to come with me if you don't want to. One piece of advice though, be careful out there."

Jin opened the door to go out.

"Please." Her voice suddenly broke down.

Jin looked at her.

Her voice was a mere whisper, vulnerable with tired hopelessness for the first time since Jin met her, "Take me with you."

Jin didn't say anything.

She extended her hand and touched his hand where the wrist had that scar, "I am tired of running. I can't do it anymore."

"How come so suddenly you trust me? I could be lying," His voice was soft.

"Handcuffs. We were tied together," she indicated at both of their wrists where the faint scars were. She looked at his eyes," I don't know why though."

She looked back at her scar again,
"feels like a long-lost life I have lived before. I even don't know who you are. What happened to me? God!"

"You remember it?" Jin's voice was calm.

"Just...just this, nothing from before or after. Why we were tied together, I don't have any idea, but it was with you, I am sure about that," Her voice broke down completely.

"You stayed for me, didn't you? If you don't remember who I am, why would you?"

"I..." Her voice trembled, "I saw you before. In my dream."

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