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Arya waited for Jin throughout the week.

He didn't come back.

Her confidence was thinning out slowly.
She talked with Taehyung on the satellite phone.

Yes, Jin went back to Korea.

Taehyung didn't tell her details, but he seemed distressed when she asked about Jin over the call.
Did something happen?

Arya maintained all her training. She knew she was on the line of a routined lifestyle that needed to maintain strictly. Or else the temporary solution of her eating disorder and insomnia will dissolute even before it becomes habituated and fall into the normal clock pattern.

She woke up early, completed her cycling, her run, and routined workout.
She took her daily lesson of Fencing from Mr. Cadassi, worked on her punch bag, shooting, and knife throwing.

She completed her blind shooting of hitting target five out of seven, but Jin wasn't there to witness that.

She deprived herself of rest.
She threw knives until her hands couldn't anymore.
Every time one knife would fail to hit her target, she would become more stubborn to do that.

Chamiyu had to come and fetch her every time from the training ground or shooting pitch.

He was worried for Arya.
It seemed like she was tamed and domesticated as long as Jin was there, and that too was with her crazy impulsive personality.

After Jin left, it just turned wild.

She didn't listen. Nor took a break.
When she decided to go for cliff jumping and ended up doing so after taking attempt of probably a hundred times, and aimed for the second time just after getting up from the water, even after she threw up and trembled in fear- Chamiyu knew he needed to do something to stop her.

He was much much older than Arya and an experienced man in life. He knew something was wrong with her.
Something was bothering her that she was keeping herself distracted with all the shows she was pulling off in front.
Something so disturbing that Arya was not ready or capable of just facing it off.

She was like that from the day after the beach festival.
Did something happen after he left them that night?

Jin came back late at night.

Petlas was long asleep.
He carried his tired body up to the mansion and quietly entered the house.

The light in Arya's room was off. Probably asleep.
Jin went into his room, took a shower before changing into fresh clothes.

It was around three in the morning when he went for his long-forgotten dinner just to find nothing but eggs and orange juice in the mini-fridge.
Chamiyu probably forgot to restock the groceries.

They need groceries, Jin took mental notes.

After getting seated with a few eggs with a glass of orange juice, suddenly the loneliness of the house crept into him.

He looked at his plate for a long time without blinking.

He remembered the first time He saw Arya in the NIS.
Well, her sister.

She was gone for three years. He didn't think they'll meet again after she went away. But she came back and was accepted into NIS.

They were trained together for almost half a year, doing occasional mock missions together.

But that's just it.

Arya was changed. No, not changed. There was a 180 turn in her personality.

She became quiet, reserved. Extremely keen on rules that Jin had always doubt that something must be wrong with her though she was doing everything right.

She no longer meddled in Jin's affair and Jin couldn't be more appreciative of this change in her. She changed everything Jin had objections to her before.

But Jin never felt her there.

Like she was a different person.
Well, turned out she was indeed a different person.

After she complained about him, They were separated, naturally.
But unfortunately, fate again entangled them and at that time, she died.

End of her story.

Jin looked at Arya's door.

Shouldn't he try to know her what was going on in her mind?
Wasn't he too harsh on her these past few months?
The complaints always remained in his mind. So he tried to maintain his border around her. Tried to be aware of his limits and never crossed the line.

But all for what?
A lie?

Jin got up from the chair, cleaned his plate, and before going to his room, he momentarily paused in front of Arya's room.

He was hesitating.
Should he go in?
Should he knock?
Tell her what he wanted to tell her the moment they met again?

It was good to meet again!
He wanted to tell her, it was good to meet again!

His hand touched the door but he took away his hand and looked at his room.

No, he shouldn't. It's late.

Jin sighed a little and went towards his room, but before he leaves, he heard a little unusual sound coming from Arya's room.

Jin paused in his track and tried to hear the sound again.

It was a very slight sound. Seemed like someone was trying to muffle one's voice. And that voice seemed to be in pain and turmoil but trying to surpass it forcibly.

It didn't take another second for Jin to enter the room.
The room was as usual, messy.

Arya never was a neat person.
She had her few dresses on the chair, her sun hat hanging on the lampstand.
Her backpack was on the table with scattered belongings here and there.

The bed was empty.
Nobody laid down there for the last few hours.

The moonlight from the outside was melting on the white bedsheet through the open windows.

The light curtains were waving with the wind coming from the sea.
The door leading into the balcony was open.

Jin went toward the balcony.

There she was.

Sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall behind her, head buried in between her knees.
Body trembling in intervals, palms tightly clutching her knees in an attempt to not make any sound. But her muffled cry didn't remain unheard.

It was painful groaning rather than a pitiful cry.

Jin silently stood in front of her and cleared his voice to alert her about his presence.

"Chamiyu, I said I am fine. Go away." Her voice was kind of angry and she looked up to let Chamiyu know she was serious.

But seeing Jin standing there, her words stopped.

Jin sat in front of her silently.

Arya looked away, the grip on her knees tightened to subside the tremor unconsciously.

She felt like, this man saw her at the lowest point in her life.
She can't let him see it every single time. Rather it was high time to take control of herself until there is some of her left in herself. She can't go down further in his eyes.

"What happened?"

"Didn't hear you coming." Arya tried to smile not answering his query.

Jin's eyes observed her keenly for a few moments and his hand reached her forehead,
"You are burning up."

"I am ok." Arya moved away from his hand but the drenching state of her in her sweat was telling otherwise.
But disagreeing with her lie, a painful sob escaped her lips unconsciously and she immediately bit her lips to control her ragged breathing and trembling voice.

Jin frowned a bit and reached for her hand.

Arya moved her hand away, but Jin grabbed it nonetheless.

Her pulse was weak, skin pale and clammy.
Palms cold and sweaty, but the skin was burning up.

"Arya," Jin called her calmly.

"I said I am ok," Arya said through her gritted teeth.

"How many days has it been?" Jin asked.

Arya didn't answer.

"How many days has it been since you quit the drug?" Jin's voice was soft, with no scolding or complaints in them, still.

"Two," Arya sighed and leaned her head on the wall.

Jin got up and came back into her room. His hand searched through the drawers and finding what he was looking for, he came back to the balcony.

His hand again found her hand.

Seeing his intention, she tried to free her hand from his grip, "Don't, Jin! Please don't!"

"That's not how withdrawal works, Arya," Jin said calmly as he pushed the blue liquid into the syringe in her vein, "You'll die at this rate."

"I'll die either way." Arya's voice was raspy, "I stayed abstinent for three days you stupid, how could you ruin that?"

"Sorry." Jin sat beside her and leaned on the wall, "believe me, that's not how this works."

"I know." Arya sighed and tiredly put her head on Jin's shoulder and mumbled in relaxation as the familiar liquid put her tensed muscle at ease within her bloodstream, "I hate you."

She expected Jin to be stiff immediately after she leaned her head on him, but he didn't seem to mind.
Rather he lowered himself a little so that her head stayed in a comfortable position.

"Jin," Arya mumbled closing her eyes, "have you ever imagined you'd give someone a drug with your own hand? You, always the most righteous disciple, where life has brought both of us now?"

"Stop talking." Jin scolded her a little.

Sensing his concern Arya smiled a little, "what happened past seven years for you to change into this person, Jin? I am still not used to it. Please go back to your normal self."

"Mnn." Jin just hummed in response.

Ten minutes or so passed in silence.
Arya wasn't shaking anymore, her breathing also came to even and her painful groan stopped.
Her body was reacting to the necessary chemicals it is used to.

"Jin?" Suddenly Arya called him.


"How did my sister die?"

Jin looked at her.

She didn't bother to look back. She kept her head on Jin's shoulder and sighed, "I remembered a few events, Jin. With some powerful cybercrime cartel. And I guess I was supposed to be with you at that time. Something didn't add up."

Jin didn't answer.

Arya's one hand came up and patted Jin slightly on the bicep, "I looked through the files I downloaded from NIS. There was nothing specific, but the mention of a mission to bring out an agent from the web cartel. If my memories don't betray me, I guess I was that person. And adding up two with two was easier than I thought." Arya sighed, "you found out, right? That's why you went back to Korea, right?"

Jin again remained silent.

"I never should have left for England in the first place," Arya mumbled, "I never should have left. She'd be still alive if I didn't go there."

"It's not your fault. It was her choice all along to be what she became." Jin assured her softly.

"Tell me more, Jin. Tell me about her, my mother. Whatever you know."

Jin remembered.

He asked Taehyung to have a background check on the information Namjoon provided him.

Turned out, Arya never completed her study in oxford.

Her mother disappeared one morning from their house without any traces. After all the police and P.I investigation came to futile, Arya took the matter into her own hands.

She got involved in a few hacking groups that helped her trace any leads which led her to be noticed by a few cartels ruling the dark web and cybercrime.
Before knowing anything, she was deep down in the network.

The cartel took her in, of course at gunpoint and threat, she wasn't someone you can just tame with mere threat. But she knew what they were capable of, she knew she had nowhere to hide or run to avoiding the ever watching eyes of theirs. And thats how she was forced to do works for them.
They helped her find her mother- well she was just called back to her country after spying on MI6 for over a decade and was offered a prestigious position in RGB.

And came the thing- RGB already infiltrated her sister in NIS stealing Arya's identity and made sure Arya never gets away from the web cartel.

She tried to get away, and in the process, she helped them in their goals to get her freedom.
Her talent in hacking made her favorite. Well, she liked the challenge, too.
Hacking, money laundering, industrial espionage, political involvements, arms, and drug dealings, blackmailing, documents stealing- she had to do everything.

A few years later, an agent who was running after some huge amount of money laundered by a big company from Korea, discovered Arya in this famous cartel and reported back.

The NIS made some adjustments, freed Arya, brought her back, trained her separately, and sent her to North Korea as her sister.
And the whole situation of Arya remained a state secret, During this time, she built the security interface for NIS, wiped her presence from South Korea and went completely undercover and went to North.

And then the thing with the documents happened, her identity got flushed, she ran away with a jet, MOSSAD brought her down, treated her for her amnesia,
Used her as a test subject, trained her, brainwashed her, made her one of their most ruthless assassins, and kept her as their own.
Well, until Jin happened and he brought her back.

Arya remained silent the whole time Jin explained to her what happened.

"And my mother?"

"She disappeared. Nobody saw her or hear anything about her after she went to North Korea. Either she is somewhere confidential, or..."

"Or she was killed," Arya added and sighed, "just like Asahi. That's my sister, you know her name, right?"

Jin hummed in agreement.

"It's good that I don't remember them." Arya quietly stated, "it would be more painful if I remembered."

"I am sorry." Jin's sincere apology made her look at Jin.

"I should be the one to say sorry, Jin." Arya smiled, "You must be feeling so betrayed."

Jin again remained silent.

"And is it weird that I feel relieved thinking that I am not the one who complained about you?" Arya smiled a little, "to be honest with you, I was so worked up about it. What could happen that I did such a thing to you?"

"You don't want to ask what did I do to make her make that move?" Jin's voice was calm and indifferent.

"No." Arya nodded side to side, "I don't believe you did something wrong. I didn't believe it when I thought that person was me, now that I know I wasn't her, I still stand by it. I believe you are a good person, Jin. I'll always believe that. More than anything, no matter what happens ."

"Thank you." Jin's voice was sincere,
"For trusting me."

"Move closer?" Arya moved a little towards Jin, "I am feeling cold."

"Let me bring you a blanket." Jin attempted to get up but Arya didn't lose her grip on Jin's hand.

"No need."

Jin looked at her.

"I am sleepy," Arya mumbled, "let me close my eye for a few more minutes, ok? Stay like this, Jin. Just a little longer."

"You want me to help you get back to your bed?"
Jin asked softly.

"No," Arya whispered and fell asleep. Her body finally gave up after the exhaustion of the past few days.

Jin remained still. Making sure she doesn't wake up abruptly sitting on the floor leaning against the wall in the chilly wind of sea flowing over them.

He sat there until the sun came up from below the horizon greeting the first ray of the sunlight over the sleepy Petlas once again.

Starting of a new day.

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