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Violence ahead:

"It's done," Arya took away her hands from the keyboard, "navigation control backed up again."

"Check it," One soldier who was holding a gun at Arya's head looked at the technician beside them.

The technician took away the laptop and his fingers flew over the keyboard and declared, "She is right. It's all good."

The butt of the rifle this time came down to Arya's jaw and she saw black in front of her eyes. At this point, her body wasn't just taking any more pain.
She heard the hammer being pulled and she closed her eyes anticipating a bullet ending everything this time.

"Don't kill her," the technician this time stopped the soldier "we might need this one. She is good at this."

The soldier scoffed and brought down the revolver once again to one side of Arya's jaw and blood seeped out from the corner of her lips.

Arya chuckled and spat on the floor, "can't wait to see how many ways I can kill you, you bastard!"

"This bitch!" the revolver was going to come down once again but suddenly the emergency alarm cried out loud throughout the whole gantry way.

The whole frigate was in chaos and the soldiers tried to comprehend what was happening outside and got out after a few minutes locking the door behind.

They kept two soldiers behind.
Arya looked at Jungkook this time.

"We did the right thing, Noona." Jungkook nodded.

Arya sighed a little.

They decided to fix the problems they caused in the missile so that these bastards could launch the missile.

But Arya did some tricks so that the missile targets back to this frigate.
They both will die, but it was worth it if it could save millions of lives.

Arya wasn't afraid of death. And dying this way couldn't be more beautiful and meaningful.

But her heart felt numb whenever Jin's face came to her mind. She is going to leave him again.
How would he feel about that?

She didn't want to leave. Not before she tells him how she has been feeling.
She wanted to tell him everything she couldn't until now.
All of her lives she lived as if there is no tomorrow and did whatever she wanted cause she didn't want to leave any regrets for later.

Well, she is regretting it now.

In the darkness of the anti-chamber, every one of Yoongi's team reloaded their weapons.
Nabi informed in low voice, she only had two magazines left in her harness.

The throbbing pain was radiating through her whole hand from her wounded shoulder. She didn't get the time to pay attention to it. Her whole right hand was soaking with viscous blood.

Another grenade came flying.
Taehyung caught it swiftly and threw back from where it came. The grenade exploded in the midway, dispersing fiery shrapnel everywhere including the lower side of the platform.
The platform once again caught on fire. In a place that can't be put off by Yoongi's team this time.

"If the fire increases, we'll just turn into dry toast!" commented Taehyung.

Taehyung's figure was this time slightly visible from the mild light coming from the fire.
Yoongi's mind turned bitter. Taehyung was right. They hung in this fight up until now only because of the advantage of the darkness. But if the fire increases, they'll lose their leverage and the militaries will get the upper hand.

Now comes the point of the most important question, should they stay here, hoping something good will happen? Something miraculous that the militaries will retreat without any cause?
Yoongi sighed, they should retreat right now, they should try to find a way out. It is now or never.
There is no other way.

He concluded, "ok, Nabi-sshi, Tae, listen up. I'll cover fire for a moment. All of you will get down from this platform meanwhile, find any defensive position. Hope I can cover you for thirty seconds. Then I'll stop it and run to you. You must find a position, ok?"

Taehyung didn't like the idea.

Yoongi was betting on his life, sighed Nabi.
Yara wanted to protest but stopped. Yoongi took the decision knowing every risk. She can't stop him unless she has any better idea.

Everyone took their position beside the platform. The wood wasn't burning properly yet so the destroyed exit door wasn't visible from here. But ten to fifteen yards were visible in front. At the end of their vision, a few Military soldiers were lying down. Dead.

"Fire!" ordered Yoongi and everyone started firing towards the covers taken by the militaries. They are determined to not let the soldiers come near the path they were taking.

As soon as the magazine emptied, Taehyung and Nabi jumped up and crossed the railing with Yara tagging along with them and got down from the platform. Taehyung held her strongly, or she'd stumbled forward with two injured hands.

Yoongi was still firing standing behind the railing, trying to restrict the military to come out again.

Three of them started to plunge forward, hands extended forward and after a few seconds, the cold titanium wall of the chamber was felt against their fingers.
The wall bent to the right after going a few feet forwards.

They walked along the walls for seventy feet more like a team of blind people and heard that firing again started more vigorously.

Taehyung lit up his torch taking risks. At the end of the wall, there was a small door. Maybe there was another chamber behind it for god knows why.

"Let's get inside!" pushed Yara.

And everyone complied without any complaints.

Nabi closed the door behind her and stopped there with her Glock pistol, ready to shoot if someone comes into that room through that door.

Taehyung checked out the room carefully with his torch. There was nothing significant in it except various machinery and equipment. Maybe this room was used as an equipment shed for the launch pod.

There was no door inside this room. The only way out was the door through which they came inside.

The firing was continuing outside. Nabi peeked out of the door towards the platform in the anti-chamber.
The sound of Glock machine pistol was impossible to hear among the screaming AK 47. Side of the military was now on fire from the previous grenade, the flames were almost touching the ceiling, the chamber was already filled up with smoke.

"Sir, we are here!" Nabi talked towards a shadow in the dark beside the wall. Her hunch said it was Yoongi who was succeeded in following the path they took.

"I am coming." Yoongi's voice was heard.

Nabi opened the door completely and Yoongi ran inside, "Any escape route?'

"No, hyung." Taehyung shook his head, "that is the worst news."

The two ships were so close now that this time cannon fire on one another was even impossible. Both were at stelmet for now. But Haenyo was using its extra weight and power this time to push Sundew towards the narrow cliff of Chinuk pass. To evade Haenyo's push, Sundew had to move towards the starboard side again and again.
Few soldiers tried to get out in the deck of Sundew with RPG but Jimin was extra careful this time after the first RPG attack. Haenyo's .30 mm cable machine guns were raining bullets on the deck, stopping the soldiers to come out on the deck.

There was hellish chaos in the corridors inside Sundew. Damage control teams were running in every direction. There was a fire that broke out in the front of the frigate, the oily mist was swirling in the air. The aged old scrubbers were working but the air was not being that clean with the constant eruption of smoke from the cannons and the fire. Alarms were off everywhere. Officers were shouting orders.

All these sounds were raining in both Arya and Jungkook's ears like honey drops.

The engine of the frigate was speeding up, the superstructure was vibrating a little.
They knew cannons were being used.
It was some kind of battleship.
Some kind of destroyer or battleship was firing at Sundew.

Who were they?
Not Korean navy, that is for sure.
They'll not dare to attack a US attack class frigate.

Arya was feeling good this time.
They'll die even before they will be rescued, but sensing these people get back what they tried to do made her smile a little in contentment.

"Oh no!" suddenly Arya gasped.

"What?" Jungkook looked at her eyes from the side.

"Whoever came to attack this ship, they'll also sink if they will not go away in time from the blast area!" Arya's voice was a bit panicked.

"Can you do something, noona?" Jungkook asked her in a low voice,  "anything you can think of?"

"God! Why do they have to come!" Arya almost cried out in annoyance, "we had everything under control!"


"I can buy some times," Arya nodded and indicated Jungkook towards the satellite uplink, "but I need to get my hands on those."

Jungkook eyed the two guards inside the room both of whom were busy panicking and guessing what the hell was happening outside, "we should try."

"Are you thinking what am I thinking?" smirked Arya looking back at Jungkook.

"You two shut the hell up!" one guard kicked on Jungkook's knee.

"Will you mind if I kill that one?" Jungkook looked at Arya, anger seeping through his cruel eyes.

Few commandos fell on Haenyo's deck.
Jin looked at there, he knew he couldn't help them now. And he can't go back either. Both ships detached a little, now there was a few feet gap between the two ships, and a zodiac was floating in between now to rescue two commandos that fell in the water.
Besides, he didn't come to go back.

Five commandos were able to land on Sundew. Four of them were able to get back to Haenyo, injured.
The rest one- Jin has no idea where he went.

Nobody in the frigate gave attention to him. He slipped through the hatchway into the corridors easily.
The sailors were running inside, no time to notice others.

Jin quickly passed the bend in the corridor and stopped. The fire control team was running towards him. Moving out of their way, Jin let them go. Any trined sailor would do that.

After they went out of his sight, Jin started running. The staircase was just in front. He started to get down, passing three steps at a time, and got down to the next deck, running towards the control room.

But in front of the room, there were two guards, unbothered about the chaos going around.
Maybe they were strictly ordered to not move from their position.

Jin approached two steps, his compact machine pistol was already in his hands.
The eyes of one guard widened seeing the weapon in the hands of someone in their uniform. The next moment a bullet pierced his skull.

The wall behind him splashed in red and brain matters. The rifle fell on the floor, and the corpse next.

The second soldier took the bullet to his chest.
He backed a few steps and went inside the control room, Jin followed him inside almost the very next second.
He saw within a few seconds the condition of the room.

There was Arya, her hands dancing on the keyboard of the satellite uplink console-like a storm. One soldier was on the floor, still struggling with blood covering his neck.

The second guard was fighting with another man, apparently wounded, ill-looking but tenacious.


Following Jin, four people entered the control room.
Jin almost skidded and halted on his feet, got down on his knees, and pressed the trigger fast while shooting back.

The first two died before even they were ready. The third one died while aiming his rifle.

Another two entered the room.
The rifle of the third man was in full automatic. Falling on the ground, its barrel jumped up and the fourth man got shot in his throat.

Jin retracted his finger from the trigger for one second and tried to aim at the new targets, but the sixth soldier shot first.

The bullet went away one foot right from Jin's head and penetrated the bulkhead behind.

Jin adjusted the site and pressed the trigger. Two bullets lifted the man almost on the bulkhead in the momentum.
Jin moved to the last man.

But that man was something else. Jin never had seen someone move that fast.
His finger was still on the trigger, but he knew he was late the moment he saw the last man move towards the left.

A curtain of darkness engulfed Jin's vision as soon as a heavy blow hit the side of his head.

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