Agent Ruby

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Y/n's POV

Ever since the accident at NDQ, Kai and I have been spending a lot of time together. We watched the latest movies in theaters, and we've just be hanging out all the time. You'd think that it would be easy to say the simple words 'I love you' to Kai, but for some reason I'm scared to. I'm not one who usually backs down from a challenge, but maybe this is a challenge I can't take head on. Well Kai and I were planning on meeting up at the park that is until I got a distress call.

I arrived in an alley way where the distress came from, and what I saw was a girl about my age. She was wearing a hoodie though so I couldn't really tell what her face looked like. She started laughing hysterically and said that she'd ruin my life before disappearing. I just stood there confused, but I shrugged it off as some kind of prank.

*time skip*

I was going to head to the park to see if Kai still wanted to hang out, but he texted me first.

Kai: Hey y/n I just wanted to say that I'll be at the Bounty with the team. I heard that there's some new person there so I want to see them. well bye! ;D

Y/n: oh cool could I come over too?

Kai: of course

And that was how the events that are about to be revealed to you started.

I had arrived at the Bounty shortly after my conversation with Kai. I entered the Bounty with ease since I had done it plenty of times before. "Hey Lloyd," I greeted while also giving the green ninja a bear hug. "Hi y/n," he started, "I can't breathe." "oh right sorry man," I said with a laugh as I stopped hugging him. "So who's this new person that I'm hearing so much about?" I asked. "Oh she's so cool! She's a lot like you! Her name is Ruby. Oh and she's in the kitchen with Kai," Lloyd answered all excited. I decided I wanted to meet this Ruby girl so I headed towards the kitchen. "Hello," I greeted the ninja team since they were in the kitchen except Lloyd. "Oh hi y/n! I was wondering if you wanted to help me out with this one machine since you're a mechanic," Jay spoke up. "Oh yeah I'd love to when would you like to work on it?" I asked. "How about next weekend? we could do it with Nya," Jay suggested. "Yeah that sounds perfect," I agreed. That's when Ruby pulled aside to ask me something. "Hey girl," Ruby started, "I need a favor." "Sure what do you need Ruby and by the way my name's y/n not girl," I said. She had asked me to help her with the blueprints to a mech that can fight crime. I of course agreed to help this girl. I quickly made the blueprints with some of the coolest designs and mechanics ever. I was very proud of my work, but I made sure to keep it simple since I didn't want to confuse her when she made it, so she'd pass her final exam. She quickly scurried away with the blueprint back to the kitchen. I slowly started heading back wondering why exactly I had helped this girl, but I shrugged it off. When I made it back, I found out she used the blueprints I made to make herself look good. And of course Jay believed that she made those designs. Okay Jay's a smart guy sometimes, but he must be stupid to thing that Ruby can make those blueprints. I mean it even looks like something I'd make! *sigh* I could tell Nya was annoyed, and I didn't blame her. I decided to stand next to Nya for extra support.

"Really you made these designs then lets go make this thing!" Jay cheered as Ruby followed suit. I didn't think much of it at the time so I let it slide.

"Hey y/n," Nya started. "Yeah what's up," I asked. "Do you want to build something better than the mech that they're building?" Nya smirked. "Yeah lets do it!" I yelled all pumped up for this competition. Nya then took a moment to tell me the plan. I'm not going to go into detail right now, but I'll tell you the important parts. Basically we were going to one up Ruby and prove to the guys that we're better than her. Yeah I know we're probably getting worked up over nothing, but there was something totally off about this Ruby girl.

*time skip*

"This is totally going to be better than whatever Ruby can do!" Nya said excited. "Yeah!" I cheered as I looked at the awesome Samurai X 2.0 suit that we built. Instead of going for the classic colors we changed it up a bit. The suit wasn't as bulky as it used to be so it was kind of like the stealth version of her Samurai X suit. It was black with red, gold, and white stripes as a design. "hey Nya, why do we want to one up Ruby again?" I asked understanding that there was something off about her, but I was really just wondering what made Nya dislike her. "First she thinks she's better than me. She pulled me into a corner and told me that she'd replace me, and then she had the audacity to work with Jay and force herself on all the guys!" Nya stated. "wow now that you mention it some girl told me that she'd ruin my life not to long ago. It can't just be a coincidence. Plus she lied about those designs being hers since I made them," I agreed. Somehow we were going to expose this girl, but we weren't prepared for what was going to happen. So since we wanted to prove to the guys that our mech was so much better than hers, we decided to have a mech vs mech to see which one was better. Of course we won, but I didn't expect Ruby to cry. And let me tell you she can cry. All the guys asked her if she was okay and then Kai and Jay pretty much scolded us. They said something like "What's gotten into you two?" but with more disappointment in it. Nya and I were angry because this Ruby girl was totally faking, so we left to go to the park. I kid you not I saw Ruby smirk when we left.

*A few weeks later*

Ruby has basically replace Nya and I, but what she doesn't know is that we've been keeping a close eye on her. You guys might be thinking that we're taking things to far, but Ruby was really bothering us. We had followed Ruby to an alley way where things started to connect.

Ruby's POV

My mission was complete. I decided to contact my boss so I could go back home. I pulled out my high tech communication device my boss gave me. My mission was to destroy any bonds y/n had with the ninja of this time, and I accomplished that by making y/n and Nya look like villains in the eyes of their friends. "Hello boss I've accomplished the mission. Agent y/n has been cut off from the ninja," I informed my boss. "Good job agent. I'm surprised you could out smart that girl. You can return back to the future now Agent Ruby," boss said as he hung up the call.

Y/n's POV

I was recording the entire conversation. I can't believe they thought she outsmarted me. I was about to come out of hiding with Nya when Ruby opened up a portal. 'Oh now I'm going to have to explain things to Nya, but she better promise to never speak of this again,' I thought. Ruby walked through the portal and just as fast as the portal appeared it disappeared. I sighed. 'I guess we shouldn't expose her,' I thought. "Hey Nya I've got to tell you a few things, but you've got to promise that you'll never ever tell anyone about what you just saw and what you going to hear, okay," I said as I looked Nya in the eyes. She just nodded not knowing what I was going to say.

That day I told Nya about who I was and what my friends and I are. I told her about elementals and how our elements worked in the future and about the resistance. And of course I told her who Agent Ruby was and who she worked for. I told her everything because I trusted Nya enough to know she'd never tell a soul. What Nya said in response made me laugh, "Hah I guess we were right there was something off about her!" Nya cheered. She then hugged me, and I hugged back. Nya then whispered "Thanks for telling me this. It means a lot." I just nodded with a genuine smile on my face. It makes me sad to think that one day I wont be able to talk to her like I can today. I know that the time machine is practically complete and that I wont have much time to spend with her

I spent the rest of the day with Nya. It started to get dark so I decided to go home, and what happened next excited me, but also saddened me.


Hi you guys! This chapter is shorter than the last one, but i hope you liked it. I'm not sure how this chapter turned out, but i hope you guys liked reading it. You guys are probably thinking 'what happened with the ninja? and did they ever find out the truth about Ruby?' and to answer those questions i don't really know, but i like to think that y/n and Nya never told them about who Ruby was. I'm glad i was able to write this chapter. Well till next time ✌️😋

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