Halloween Trick-OR-Treat

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*author smirks*- 'you have know idea what I'm planning' *smirking*

Y/n's POV
"Ah! Halloween is coming up and I'm not ready! I don't even have a costume yet!" I panicked as I scurried around the house trying to find my phone that I seemed to have missed placed. I let out a sigh as I saw my phone sitting on the kitchen counter. "At least I still have you huh" I talked to my phone like a nut job. I had lost it at this point. I think the panic of not even having a costume for Halloween was driving me bonkers. I was having a one on one conversation with my phone when Bella came up to me. "Ummm are you alright?" Bella asked with a little bit of worry evident in her eyes. "Huh? oh you see I'm not at all ready for Halloween and I'm worried that it won't be any fun this year," I informed her with tears brimming my eyes. "I don't even know why I'm being so emotional right now," I said as I started to cry into her shoulder. "Hey don't worry I got you covered," Bella said. "Really" I said with so much hope in my shinning eyes. "Yeah I already planned out all of our costumes for this year," Bella told me proud of her accomplishments. "alright!" I cheered while throwing my fist in the air. I was pumped. Bella and I started out on our shopping spree. We had bout all kinds of good candy just in case we didn't get much during trick or treating. We stopped by Ninjago Doomsday Comix to pickup our pre ordered costumes. We had gotten ninja suits. We went home to get ready for the fun to come. I was wearing a red gi with sword (the suits look like the ones from season 2 just so you know). Joy was wearing a black gi and a sword as well. Shae was wearing a white gi with a sword too (all of the them have a sword) while Bella wore a blue gi. Keila and Libby were going to be busy so they didn't join us.

(The swords look like these with the gems matching theirs gis)
So the four of us started decorating our house with all kinds of creepy Halloween decorations. When the clock hit 5pm, we were out of the house. We walked for hours and collected a lot of candy, but when we came to one house you wont believe what happened. I knocked on the door like we'd been doing for the past hours when this old dude opened the door. He looked at us with this weird skeptical look and then he spoke. "Aren't you girls a little old for this," he stupidly spoke. Then Bella and I's sass came out. "Well aren't you a little old to be alive" we responded while we both grabbed handfuls of candy that he was still carrying from when he first opened the door. And just like that the four of us left that old dude behind. Eventually our feet had gotten tiered after all the walking. We sat down on the concrete sidewalk of one of the neighborhoods we were in. *sigh* "You guys what should we do now?" I asked since I already had a lot of candy. "I don't know," Bella said while thinking. "Oh I got it!" Bella started. "Yeah what is it!" I said excited. "You know how people always say 'trick or treat' during Halloween," she continued. "yes," I responded while urging her to continue. "well we could literally do trick or treat." Bella explained. "like a game?" Shae asked. "mhm" Bella clarified. "Alright but only with the three of us?" Joy questioned. "I could invite the ninja. Im sure they would want in," I suggested. "Ok then it's settled we'll make a game out of trick or treat and see who comes out on top," Bella concluded. We all cheered as we jumped in the air to high five each other. "Oh and one more thing how 'bout we invite them to the haunted house first to see if they are easy to scare or not," y/n suggested. "Alright!" Bella shouted enthusiastically.

*timeskip to after you call the ninja and they agree at the haunted house*

We had left a note on the door of the house to let them know that we already went inside. I saw the ninja slowly open the creaky door as they walked in a single file into the short hallway. I did a silent nod to Bella to start the fun. The ninja had left the door open when they came in so I made myself ready to chase them down the hall further away from the door. I jumped down from my hiding spot on the ceiling to the floor just in front of the door. I was wearing a Scream mask and a black cloak. I held a fake knife as I started talking creepily through a speaker that changed my voice. "Run," was the word that really scared them. I started to chase them down the hall. Bella successfully locked the door and Joy and Shae held the door nob constantly shaking it. I eventually lost the ninja when they booked it to the second floor. I smirked under the mask as Bella approached me. "You ready," Bella said. I simply nodded as we made our way to the front door. I started to chase Bella over to the door while she screamed the loudest ear-piercing screams she could muster without laughing at how scared the ninja were. She attempted to shake the door nob, but it wouldn't budge. "Oh well" I spoke calmly while playing with my knife. "I guess this is the end for you" I continued as I walked closer to her. I then 'stabbed' her in the gut and there was 'blood' everywhere. She let out one more blood curdling scream before she 'died'. "I wonder who's next?" I said slowly while turning around to the ninja staring down at the scene before them. I started to run up the stairs attempting to by time for Bella to change into her outfit. Jay let out a shrill scream as he ran down the hallway to one of the bedrooms. "I don't want to die!!!" he panicked as he grabbed Kai as a human shield. I started slowly walking towards them like I did before, but then the rest had surrounded me. In my mind I started to panic, but I didn't let it show. So during all this commotion Joy and Shae had left the door to change into some other outfits. Bella, Shae, and Joy all dressed up as Five Nights at Freddie's characters. So while I was in this predicament the other three were quietly surrounding the guys. "Boo" was all I said as I pointed behind them. Cole surprised me because I thought he would be the hardest to scare, but when he let out a girly frightened shrill scream I knew we had hit him hard. Jay was still using Kai as a human shield while shouting "Take him instead! I can't die! I still need to win Nya's heart!." "What!" was all Kai could say during Jay's outburst. I was trying so hard not to laugh, but that made me look all weird because my body was shaking. Bella desided to take charge of the operation since I wasn't able to and jumped Lloyd who had his guard down. Shae followed her lead and tackled Zane while Joy did the same to Cole. That left me to take down Jay and his human shield Kai. I attempted to regain my composure, but I was failing miserably. I started to approach the two in my seizure like laughing state. Kai decided to take a defensive stance since Jay wouldn't let go of him.

Kai's POV
I was attempting to brake free from Jay's grasp while watching my friends getting abducted. I gave up trying to escape when I noticed the cloaked figure slowly coming towards us. It looked really creepy as it approached with it's body shaking as it came closer. I pulled my legs up since the thing started running towards us at a fast pace. I kicked the person in the gut as they were sent over the railing that overlooked the door. Then I heard a moan escape their mouth as the mask fell off. Then I noticed who it was!

Y/n's POV
I started running towards Kai in hopes of scaring him, but things took a wrong turn. He power kicked me so I went flying over the railing. The air got nocked out of me the second his feet made contact, and it didn't regain until a few seconds after landing on the hard solid ground. I let out a moan of pain as I started feeling the pain. "I'm never doing this again," I mumbled while I noticed that my mask had fallen off. I continued to moan a little bit longer as I rolled onto my stomach.

(ok really quick I'm going to be switching back and forth between y/n and Kai so I'm just going to put their thoughts in italics like I usually do, but i'm going to make sure you know who's thinking. I guess it'll be like third person huh)

"Y/n!" Kai yelled once he saw her face.  Kai forced himself from Jay's frightened grip as adrenaline ran through his veins. Her friends were all panicking once they realized what had happened. Stupid, stupid Kai! You're such an idiot!  Kai screamed in his head. He really was hopping that she was alright. Kai had a look of pure concern written on my face. "Are you okay?!" He asked along with her friends. y/n just started laughing. "Oh it feels good to let that laugh out hahahahahah" y/n said between laughs. "Why are you laughing you could have broken a limb or something!?" Kai yelled at her still worried for the girl. "Hey relax I've fallen out of a lot of things, Bella can confirm," Y/n started. All Bella had to do was nod her head as laughter soon erupted from her mouth as well. "and besides I'm a tough kid," Y/n finished while putting her hand on her hips. She then got up and grabbed her mask. "Yah see," Y/n tried to convince Kai. He continued to look at her with worry clear in his eyes, but she let it pass.

"So what'd you guys think? were we good or what?" Y/n said trying to change the mood. "I was freaking terrified you-you-you meany" Jay retorted while clutching on to Zane now. "Eh I could've done better," Cole casually said. "Oh really" all the girls said while raising an eyebrow. "I don't think I could ever forget that high pitched scream you let out," y/n laughed out while slapping her knees. Cole blushed from embarrassment since his 'manliness' had been shamed. "If you don't mind me asking was this all you wanted us for or are we going to go trick or treating?" Zane innocently asked. "Oh yeah! we were actually wanting to ask you guys if you wanted to walk through the lit forest with us, but the catch is that I got to go to the bathroom, but we can meet you guys there," y/n answered. "Actually I'd prefer if we stuck to neighborhoods," Jay timidly said. "Ok then we'll meet you at the nearest neighborhood then," Shae complied. The girls then headed off towards the closest bathrooms while the ninja went to go trick or treat. The boys innocently started trick or treating while the girls went to the bathroom and devised a new plan.

Y/n's POV
"Wow are we going to be doing a lot of scaring this Halloween or something?" Joy jokingly asked. We all had a serious face as we nodded in response even though we weren't. We decided since we couldn't really play a literal trick or treat game we would just play it casual and just hang out. It was actually kind of funny when we finally joined back up with the ninja, I realized that they had dressed up as themselves. We were all matching!- or well for the most part if ya know what I mean. "How the heck did you get that much candy La-loyd?" I said amazed by the fact that we were only gone for less than 30 minuets. "Oh I have my ways," he simply replied. "Well you got to teach me your ways for next year," I informed him. "Sure I could," he answered.  We trick-or-treated with the guys for a good hour which doubled our previous candy supply. The ninja had offered that we come to their place to play some games.

We all gladly excepted and joined them at their humble flying abode. "Cool decorations," Bella said sarcastically to all the 'decorations' nowhere in the Bounty. "hehe yeah," I agreed. "Well in our defense we were busy saving the city and what not," Jay defended. By this time Jay was able to compose himself after being scared to death.-lol. "So what exactly are we going to do?" I asked since I was actually curious. "well Zane made some Halloween sweets, and we could watch a movie," Kai answered while grabbing the huge plate of delicious sweets. Jay decided to grab the Lion King. He stuck in the movie and we all sang a long to the Circle of Life. Y/n started reciting almost every line from the movie (especially Old Rafikie's lines). Bella laughed when Mufasa died while Cole looked at her with fear as he cried into a pillow. We all sang Akunamatata well except for Zane who was dreadfully confused. Bella and I started to sing the parts for Can you feel the love tonight while braking out into laughter when the two lions tackle each other. "Oh did she just lick him! Things are about to get real!" y/n shouted. Bella, Shae, Joy, and Kai all laughed at her joke while the rest were either confused or disgusted. Y/n started to recite the movie again during Mufasa and Simba's remember scene. The rest of the movie went smoothly, but for some odd reason we were all in tears by the end of the movie. "D-d-d-did Scar die?" Shae asked with disbelief. "I know I've seen this movie before, but it's never been this good," y/n commented. We all chose to ignore Shae's question since we didn't want to hurt her. Sadly Sensei Wu told us that we had to leave so we did just that.

When we arrived home, we couldn't believe how much fun we had. "Oh, i wont forget this," I said sighing as i relaxed on the couch. "I don't think any of us will" Bella concluded. We ended up falling asleep on the couch that night only to be awoken the next day by my dreadful alarm.

An-quick hopefully
I hope you enjoyed this chapter cause it turned out longer than I thought it would be. Things took a weird turn after the beginning because I had an idea as to what I wanted to do but then.........Anyway have a happy Halloween I'm so happy I was able to finish it by Halloween.

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