Work as Usual- I think?

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Y/n's POV
I woke up early that morning surprisingly without my alarm going off. I got ready for work and sped off. While on the way, I noticed something shiny. I parked my motorcycle nearby and examined the area I thought I saw the shine. After a minute or so of searching, I finally found it. It was... a lamp? "What is this the movie Aladdin?" I sarcastically said while becoming curious of my find. I rubbed the lamp like in the movies, and it started to shake. A genie came out of the lamp thingy. I was a little confused, but I mean this beats working so I'm not complaining. "Hello miss" the genie said. "uuuhhh hi" I responded stupidly, like why can't I just speak normally, but no I have to say 'uh' all the time. "so what are your three wishes?" the genie asked rudely if I might add. Like he acted like he had something better to do! What's he going to do, sleep in his crammed little lamp?! Anyway enough rambling ٩( ᐛ )و "oh! idk, mhmmmmmm......OH! I know! I wish my friends and I could be dogs for the day!" I blurted out without thinking. "you're wish is my command" he said while bowing and snapping his fingers.

Suddenly, the world around me changed, or rather I had a new perspective of the world. Everything felt huge! I looked all around still unaware of my current state, and I started to walk back to my motorcycle when I realized... "OMGOSH!!!! I can't believe it!! I have paws! Paws! Wait does that mean I'm a... I'm a... I'm a DOG!!!" I excitedly yelled. I soon found out that being a dog meant no motorcycle *tear drop* Trust me I tried and it did not turn out well. Anyway, I started walking around Ninjago without a care in the world. I mean I was a dog after all. After about 20 minutes of walking around two dogs come running into me, like at lightning speed! I soon found out that the two dogs were some of my friends.

"OMGosh your a dog too y/n?!" Bella excitedly spoke. The three of us were really happy and excited about this, but some people or should I say dogs weren't very happy. (Quick little detail the ninja look similar to the dogs in the picture from the very beginning of the chapter, and the others are also dogs, but idk if I'm going to put them into this chapter) The three of us decided to give our ninja friends a visit 'cause why not ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ

We walked up to Darek's Dojo place to find the ninja since we can't get on the Bounty with just paws. Derek started fangirling hard, or is it fanboying since he's a dude. Anyway, Derek started scratching our backs and stuff, and oh my swirls it was amazing. I guess I know how dogs feel now. After about a hour or so of back scratches, Shae, Bella, and I went to go look for the ninja. We weren't sure if they too got turned into dogs, but we can hope. We started roaming around the city of Ninjago until low and behold we saw Nya. Sadly, Nya wasn't a dog, but maybe this was a good thing *dog smirk*. "Follow my lead you guys," I barked. The others both agreed and followed my actions. I started barking (happily barking) and jumping up and down trying to get on her soft side. Bells and Shae did the same. And of course, we succeeded. "Awwwwwwwww, you three are adorable!!!!" Nya said to us as she fangirled. "Hey do you guys want to go home wit me?" she spoke with a weird voice. You know I've always wondered why people do that you know. The three of us barked at her. Not a bark bark just one of those 'yes' barks that dogs will do when they're happy.

*Back at the bounty with Nya*

"you guys just make yourselves comfortable, ok?" Nya said while she walked into the kitchen. So that's just what we did. We made ourselves comfortable, but we were wondering where exactly the ninja were. We were wondering around the Bounty till we heard arguing or something of that nature.
"WHAT AM I!!!!!" Jay screamed. "Man he's totally loosing it" Cole commented. "I believe you are a dog just like the rest of us," Zane answered calmly. "Yeah and I'm a pretty cute dog too if I do say so myself," Kai bragged while looking in a mirror. The girls on the other side of the door facepalmed to Kai's words. "Ugh, let's get this door open shall we, ladies?" I suggested. "Let's do this thing," Bella and Shae said with determination written on their faces. Since it was rather impossible to open the door with our paws, we went with a different approach- ramming ourselves into it. I know what you're thinking 'that's so stupid they're idiots' but it worked! I mean we did break the door, but it worked! Yeah it was pretty awkward when we just rolled right into their conversation. "Heheheh hi" I said waving my paw. "oh hi!" everyone greeted but Kai. "hi," Kai said a little behind the the rest while turning his head the other way. I did that little tilt that dogs do when they're confused. "You ok, Kai?" I asked him giving the tilt of confusion. "oh yeah of course, hehehe" he responded. "okay then....." I said trying to end the awkwardness. "Hey you guys! There's an attack in Ninjago City! You better hurry!" Nya yelled through the intercom. "oh, and I wont be joining you guys today 'cause I'm busy with some stuff, but it shouldn't be anything you can't handle" she finished. "Well you heard her lets save the city!" La-loyd heroically said. "yeah I agree, but how are we going to get off the Bounty?" I stated the obvious. "By summoning our elemental dragons of course!" Lloyd continued. "And how exactly are you going to fly them with paws even if you could still summon them in your state," I said. Man I'm not being very optimistic today am I? I thought. "Oh" Lloyd said with that sad aura radiating off of him. I felt kind of bad after crushing his chance of leadership in the situation, so I decided to you know cheer him up. "hey why don't we try anyway. For all we know it could work" I said clearly trying to cheer him up. "You think?" he asked as if I wasn't clear before. (I'm kidding I'm not that mean) "Yeah" I responded.

So we headed out onto the deck. We all held that 'lets do this' face on our dog faces. The ninja all jumped off while the girls and I crossed our claws. We all let out a sigh when they all flew back up on their elemental dragons. Zane stretched out his paw for Shae and Bella to grab while Kai put his out for me. I do admit I was a bit flustered, but that's beside the point. I grabbed his paw, and we all flew throughout the city. "There!" Jay shouted pointing his paw towards a bank robbery. "Well at least the entire city wasn't under attack huh" Cole said trying to be funny. lol I thought mentally. We did our best to defeat the thieves, and we did just that. "I think we put the fear of God in them" I commented to their faces after we talked, attacked, hurt, and whatever else we could have done as dogs. "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha it's funny cause it true" everyone responded. We all enjoyed a good laugh. So there's something that y'all probably should have known, none of us have collars on, so we might seem like strays. Yeah the reason I'm saying this is because well we got caught by the pound people. Jay was freaking out big time and he was making the rest of us freak out!-It was not a pretty sight *shakes dog head*

*time-skip to the pound place*

"We're all going to die!!!!!!" Jay and I panicked. "WILL YOU GUYS PLEASE JUST SHUT THE-" Kai shouted before Bella, Shae, and I cut him off by saying "door." Everyone but our little clueless child Lloyd glared at Kai. "Kai there are children present, and by children I mean Lloyd" Bella said while shaking her head in disappointment. "I'm not a kid anymore you guys!" Lloyd complained. "Yes you are. You are a little innocent child in an older body that just happened to be our ages" I said while patting his head.

After that, things started to take a weird turn, like really weird. Kai started flirting with me. Jay was really being the motor mouth Cole always calls him, and Zane well Zane was dancing to some song. Shae and Bella were dancing like maniacs with Lloyd, and I was weirded out and sitting in the center of if. Then this nocking sound started, and it just kept getting louder and louder. So much was going on, then all of a sudden..............

I woke up with sweat dripping down my face and a shaky breath. I sighed knowing that it was all just a dream. "Hey you okay in there y/n?" Joy asked from the other side of the door. "You were supposed to be at work an hour ago," she told me. "oh, OH!!!! I'm late!!" I urgently said with realization. I quickly got ready and called my boss.
*phone call* "hello sir, I'm sorry I over slept and I'm late now and I-" I got cut off my by my boss. "hey it's alright we aren't very busy today anyway. Plus you're a hard worker so just take the day off, kay" my boss told me. "really! thanks!" I gratefully answered. "don't mention it, just don't be late tomorrow, okay" he warned. "Of course Sir" I said while doing a little salute to him (even though he can't see it). Then he hung up.

"Hey Joy," I started. "Yeah what's up?" she asked. "I got the day off!" I told her. "That's great!" she responded. "So do you mind telling me about that dream of yours 'cause you usually don't wake up sweating and scared, if you know what I mean" she said. "Oh yeah I know what you mean, So it went something like this............."

I am soooooo sorry for not updating sooner. You guys are probably like "it's not that big of a deal" well true it's not, but I do feel bad that I didn't update sooner. I've been really busy these past weeks so yeah. Hopefully my updates will be more frequent, but sadly I can't make any promises. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! It was supposed to be something fun and enjoyable for you guys to read, so I hope it was! Also I just want to recommend two stories to you guys so here they are- SylvyTheSylveon321  story that's called My Brother's Best Friend and then TheActualCorgi story that's called the Nexo Ninja
Both are good stories so you should check them out ✌️😋

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