Chapter 1: New Life

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Welcome to the sequel of Hufwe Makto!!! This story will focus on my OC and her mate battling parenthood for the first time alongside Jake and Neytiri as they settle into a new life and a new Hometree. They will also get visitors from Earth in the form of Sky People, but they are there to help push back the RDA. One of them happens to be someone from my OC's past. Also, I do NOT own Avatar, it belongs to James Cameron, I also do NOT own the image above. Credits to the artist Maria22882288 for making such a stunning image of Jake and Neytiri!!

(Alex's POV-Pandora, 2169)


What Earth once was, she is.

Like both my mate and friend, I would die to protect her.

This is the story of the Time of Great Sorrow, when darkness had swallowed the world. You can't understand the Time of Great Sorrow without understanding what we endured the first time we fought the Sky People.

My mate had been pregnant with our first child during that war, and she fought alongside myself, Jake and Neytiri. But nonetheless, she is strong, if not hard-headed and stubborn at times. Not a day goes by though that I don't think about it however, what we endured, how much pain we suffered, how much pain I've suffered. I won't forget what Quaritch did to my mate. He could've killed her without remorse, and I never knew until the day I almost lost her to him. Seeing her hanging by that cable cord wrapped around her neck while she was unconscious and slowly dying almost killed me inside and I wanted to break that bastard's body. Also, we've lost many warriors that day, under not just Jake's command since he is the great Toruk Makto, but also Hufwe Makto, who just so happens to be my mate herself. I hate to say it, but she's stronger than me, emotionally anyways. She knows more about death than I have, because she was a Marine. Then again, so was I. I've seen death, but I never really caused any until the day of the battle for Pandora, our home. So many warriors died in that battle, so many families torn apart. Yet, we've healed. We've healed from the past transgressions of what happened during the war. I'm just surprised that my beloved didn't lose my child during the war, even after the transfer from our human bodies to our Na'vi bodies. But I'm grateful, because if anything, I want to raise a family with her.

Siera Hope Starling. That is her name. She is the embodiment of beauty, and she is gorgeous all the same. The last time that we were together, we ran into this human by the name of Nash McCosker, he is a major pain in the butt for not just myself, but my mate as well, calling my unborn child an abomination. There hasn't been a single moment where I haven't tried to shank him with my knife on occasion. I was there for my mate as she went through the pregnancy without a hitch, and had given birth to our firstborn daughter, Kai'lani in 2155. It was around that same year or so that Neteyam, Jake and Neytiri's firstborn son was born, and then we adopted our son, Sutko. As the years pass, Neteyam, Kai'lani, and Sutko not only grow, but they have at least a couple more siblings in the mix.

However, with my middle daughter, Seina, it proves to be a problem to both me and Siera. Seina has been born blind. But it hasn't hindered her at all in the next coming of years, following the birth of Jake and Neytiri's middle son, Lo'ak in 2156, and then a couple of years later in 2162, my youngest child, my only son, Artut, would enter this world as well. Now I'm a father to four children, four amazing and beautiful, not to mention handsome children who pull pranks and make me laugh and find ways to get themselves plus their cousins in trouble. By the time 2163 rolls around, Tuktirey, the only biological daughter of Jake and Neytiri enters this world. However, we have another problem on our hands.

Jake has just so happens to bring a human baby boy into the camp, saying that he is an orphan from Hell's Gate. This was back in 2154, months after the war. Not only that, McCosker seems to have taken in the human kid as his official foster son, alongside his wife, Mary. I'm not extremely happy about it, but Neytiri is livid. She refuses to call or even acknowledge the human child as her son, seeing him as one of the people that killed her father and burned down Hometree, not to mention the scarring on my mate's right eye. However, Jake doesn't see it that way, trying to reason with Neytiri and telling her that even though he's human, he is still a kid, there's no blaming the kid for something the adults did years ago. It's almost like the saying "the sins of the father should not be visited on the son." Yet, Jake isn't even the kid's father, nor is he Kiri's father either.

Speaking of Kiri, we learned that Kiri was eventually adopted into the Sully family after she was found in a tube alongside none other than Grace Augustine's Avatar, giving us the indication that Grace's Avatar conceived little Kiri, carried her to full term and with the help of Eywa Herself, was able to give birth to Kiri naturally. Despite Grace's Avatar being brain-dead when she had Kiri, she has been quite the addition to our family, or better yet, the Sully family, for the past thirteen-fourteen years now. Kiri is now thirteen years old, Sutko, Neteyam, Lo'ak, Kai'lani and Seina sitting at least fourteen and thirteen years old respectively. (Kai'lani, Sutko, and Neteyam at fourteen, and Seina and Lo'ak at thirteen years old, like Kiri.) Tuktirey and Artut are respectively seven and six years old. Artut is older than Tuk by a year. Nonetheless, they are amazing cousins and love to play pranks on each other. Even Seina and Lo'ak when they're not looking, of course.

Life just couldn't get any better than this, can it?

I'm pulled out from connecting my queue to the Tree of Souls by none other than my younger daughter, Seina. I turn to her, my eyes resting on hers. She and her older sister and adoptive older brother are sitting side by side in a small line, but it turns out to be almost a bit of a circle, with me sitting there. Not really a full circle though since my wife isn't here. She is actually busy with Artut, making sure he isn't doing anything stupid. It's kind of amazing that Seina knows what's going on around her, despite her being blind. She blinks her pale, blind amber eyes at me as she says,

"Father, are you okay?" I nod, my gaze on her as I answer her while placing a hand on her shoulder tenderly,

"Yes, my daughter, I'm fine. Let's go find your little brother and your mother, shall we?" Seina nods her head, then gestures to Kai'lani, as she follows her. As I watch my girls leave, I turn my head to my adoptive son. I'm once again lost in my thoughts, unsure of what to do next. I have a family to raise now, I can't screw this up. Being a father is what I'm meant to be.

"Daddy!" Once again, I'm pulled out of my thoughts as I see my youngest son, Artut, scrambling up the side of a tree, his little blade out and ready. His golden eyes are wide and wild, as he grins at me. He jumps out of the tree and into my arms, bringing me back to the days when he was just a babe, crying out for his mother as she collects him in her arms with tears in her eyes yet she's smiling from ear to ear. That reminds me.....I put Artut down as I look him in the eyes.

"Artut," I say to him. "Where's your mother?" The little Na'vi/Avatar hybrid looks up at me with a flick of his tail as he says,

"She's with Aunt Neytiri and Uncle Jake." I just nod my head to him and ruffle his little braids as I say to him in Na'vi,

"Thank you, my son." I then break away from my children while I head deeper into the foliage to find my wife. I then hear water being splashed and I peek around a corner to see that Jake is playing with his kids, Neytiri looking on. And.....there she is. My amazing, beautiful wife, sitting with Neytiri while both women are chatting. I come up behind her, attempting to wrap my arms around her, but I think I may have spooked her, because she turns around, and her foot meets my gut, knocking me back in the water and almost toppling Jake over in the process. Jake just laughs.

"Alex, get off me," he says with a chuckle. "I'm chasing my children around and you're letting them get away." I chuckle before I get up, my locks sprayed with water as I glance at my mate. She is just smiling from ear to ear, my little Angel. I chuckle as Neytiri looks at her and says,

"You might want to run." Siera just chuckles, a chuckle that is like music to my ears, before she sees the serious look on my face.

"Oh crap." She says, then she gets up and she books it, running across the water, spraying Kiri, Neteyam and Lo'ak with water, before she scrambles up the tree. Big mistake for her—I immediately leap on the branch, then with narrowed eyes and precision thanks to my military days, I leap for her, colliding with her front and knocking her on her back and off the tree, sending us both to the ground in a tumble of blue. After a bit of rolling around, we come to a halt near the water front, our legs tangled with each other, my arms around her, and our hair a bit tangled from messing around. Luckily, our queues aren't together, I don't want to hear what her thoughts are right this moment. But nonetheless, I stroke her cheek with my hand, then I pull her in for a kiss. The kiss would've turned passionate, but Kai'lani bursts out of nowhere, catching us beforehand.

"Daddy, Mommy, let's go! I don't want to be late!" I hear her say. I chuckle and immediately say to my wife,

"Come on. Otherwise, she'll bug us." Siera just chuckles and gets to her feet. We then walk along the shoreline towards the new Hometree.

"So," Siera says, fidgeting somewhat as she adjusts her necklace. "This is the Omatikaya's new home, huh?" I nod and say,

"Yes, my love, it is. I think we can raise them here." My wife blinks her eyes at me as she says,

"Can we? Even with the remaining humans at Hell's Gate?" I frown at her, noticing her worry for the children. She has every right to worry about them as a mother. My only concern is that hopefully by next year or so, we can continue raising our children until they're old enough to look after themselves. I cup her cheeks and kiss her tenderly.

"Yes," I say to her. "We can." Siera sighs softly as I wrap my arms around her and keep her close to me. I then hear the bushes rustling and I turn my head to see that Kai'lani has appeared. She seems to be waiting for us, because she then rushes up to us. Neytiri stands with Tuktirey and Jake as Kiri smiles.

"Shall we? It's time for Iknimaya with Lo'ak and Seina," Jake says. The Omatikaya clan leader looks tired. I can see clearly he does. But I nod my head and we leave to head to where Seina is with Lo'ak.

(Siera's POV-Iknimaya)

As we ascend with our Direhorses, I can see clearly that Kai'lani is already on her Ikran, a beautiful lime green with specks of yellow and purple. Honestly I think she chose well for her Ikran, that's for sure. Now it's her sister's turn, and hopefully it will work. But I do fear for her safety. I've raised my kids since I gave birth to them to be strong, and always face the enemy head-on. Yes, I've been a little harsh with my daughters as of recently. Alex seems to know, and has talked to me about this, saying that I shouldn't be hard on them since I'm their mother. That is a problem for me, give or take. Then again, he's the same with Sutko, our adoptive son.

Since I was born and raised in a military background and a military father, not to mention that same father was there when my mother wasn't, that is why I'm so hard on Seina and Kai'lani at their ages. I mean, Kai'lani is the oldest at fourteen, she should know this by now. She needs to start taking more responsibility as a matriarch for this family going forward. So I have to be hard on them. I'm trying to protect them and prepare them for the reality of Pandora, the dangers of it. Honestly, it's unsettling for me, but I don't have a choice. Alex takes my hand as I'm readying my bow.

"Don't you think you're being hard on Kai'lani and Seina, Siera?" He asks me. I turn to him.

"Why shouldn't I? 'M their ma. It's kinda ma job." I answer him. I don't want to be blunt with him, I don't. But he's making it that much harder on me as a mother. I want to raise Kai'lani, Seina, Sutko and Artut to not only be fierce warriors and independent as they get older, but if they want to someday choose who they want to be with as they get older, that's fine with me. But as I look up, I can see that the day is starting to wane, and if I don't hurry, I'll miss Iknimaya for Lo'ak and Seina. So, I head out.

After a bit, we end up just outside the banshee rookery, where the Ikrans are. Seina already has a catcher in hand and is twirling it. I fear for her safety though. Out of all my children, she was the weakest, having been born blind, but someday, she might prove to be stronger than most of the Na'vi, maybe even Lo'ak. Who knows? I'm pulled out of my thoughts as Seina spots a beautiful forest green and gold Ikran. She twirls her catcher, then hisses at it. It hisses back at her, and I know, this will be a challenge for her. Alex stands at my side alongside Kai'lani, Sutko, Jake, Neytiri, Neteyam, Kiri and Spider. I don't know why Neytiri hates the boy's guts, he's only human, and he's still a kid. But I keep my cool for now. I watch Seina as she gets close and wraps the catcher around the Ikran's snout, then leaps on top of it, trying to pin its head and neck down.

"Come on, sister! You can do it!" Kai'lani says, cheering her younger sister on. I'm glad she is, otherwise, I would've kicked her butt into next week. She's stubborn, that's all I can say. She's very stubborn, and she takes after me. Seina takes after her father more, being calm until someone in the family is threatened, then she goes all out, despite being blind. I do notice that the Ikran she's facing has very pale eyes. What do you know? She has a blind Ikran.

"Don't let it take yah out! Make the bond, Seina!" I screech at her. Seina seems to get the point and reaches for the neural queue, only for the Ikran to throw its head back, hitting her in the face, then nearly knocks her off. Gasping, Jake steps forward.

"Enough!" He calls out. "This Iknimaya is over! They can try again tomorrow." I whirl on Jake, mad.

"No!" I hiss at him. "Let them do it, please! Seina knows this and so does Lo'ak. They're ready." Jake flicks his tail at me as a warning not to undermine his rule. I get it: he's the Omatikaya clan leader. But still, he knows the risk of Iknimaya. After all, we went through it, and we almost got ourselves killed. But I can't say anything to him. Instead, I nod my head and lead Lo'ak and Seina back to Hometree.


Once we're back at Hometree, I'm greeted by Artut, my youngest son and Tuktirey, Jake and Neytiri's youngest daughter. I glance at Seina, who doesn't look happy that she failed her Iknimaya and is now stuck at home for the time being. Neytiri then walks up to me.

"I noticed something," she says. "You've been too hard on your children." I roll my eyes. First Alex, now Neytiri? Seriously? I sit down as I watch my children start to play with each other, except for Kai'lani, who sits near Neteyam, chatting with him as they eat dinner. Alex then comes back with food and I calmly eat.

"It doesn't matter," I tell Neytiri. "I don't need parenting advice on how ta raise ma children. Okay? I was raised by ma father, and trust me when I say that he was a giant pain in the tail when I was young. But I sucked it up and pushed through." Alex turns to me.

"You never spoke to me about your father," he says to me. "Now that I think about it." I shake my head.

"It doesn't matter. He's gone, so I can't do anything 'bout it except try and raise ma children ta the best of ma ability." My husband just nods his head, clearly knowing that I don't like to talk about my father, and he knows it.

"Can you at least try not to be hard on the girls, please?" He asks me, his fingers locked with mine. I sigh and nod my head.

"I'll try, Alex," I tell him. "But I can't promise otherwise." He gives me a nod, and I get up and walk towards Jake. I greet him in the Na'vi way, but he lifts his hand, telling me with his eyes not to. I kinda have to; he's still the leader of the clan, no matter what. I sit down as I flick the tip of my tail.

"Let them try again, Jake," I say. "Please." He nods and says without looking up from tending to the gun,

"I will let them. If Kai'lani doesn't act so stubborn." I glare at him. That, I can't help but blink rapidly at him. I sit down at my adoptive brother's side.

"Jake," I hiss at her. "Let me an' Alex handle her. She is our daughter, not yers." Jake turns to me.

"Sorry," he says. "Guess I must've forgotten my role, and not just as Olo'ekytan either." I roll my eyes again as I tend to my bow.

One day, one day, we will ensure that our children are raised right and safe in this world. But we will have to wait for that.

I just hope that I can protect my children from this upcoming battle.

I can only hope......

And that's the end of this chapter!! See y'all in the next one!!!!!!

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