Royal Rumble 2018

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January 28, 2018

The Royal Rumble commences as fans are anticipating the matches with both Raw and Smackdown Live, especially the two Royal Rumble Matches, with the Women getting their own Rumble match after many years.

Michael: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and Welcome to the Royal Rumble. I'm Michael Cole here and-

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Michael: Oh My God!

The crowd got started by that sound. Then...

Corey: Holy Crap!

Booker T: What is going on here?!

The lights go dark after the lightning struck the stage. The crowd is wondering what is going on. Then...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

This unnerving yet enchanting sound was heard everyone went quiet. We then cut to a dark and grey cemetery at an unknown location. The camera roams around the area, looking for something. Then, the motion starts to repeat until a message is seen with lightning strikes followed after.

The crowd was unnerved by this message. Soon, one more lightning struck on the stage then everything went silent. Then...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Soon, everything went back on. The crowd looks around in confusion as the commentators question each other as well. Who sent that message? Whatever it was, it surely doesn't mean anything good will be happening.


After the match between the Usos vs Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin for the SDLive Tag Team Championships, it was time for the Royal Rumble Match for the men. The match goes on with a surprising entrant being the Hurricane who hasn't been seen in WWE in years. Though he was quickly eliminated by John Cena.

Soon, Number 25 is coming in as the crowd was chanting the countdown.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Michael: Oh My God!

Corey: What the Hell?!

The Superstars stopped fighting as they were spoked by the sudden lightning strikes. The arena went dark once more as the stage began to go static. We then get another shot of the cemetery from earlier and a new message came.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Soon, a mist came out as a finger comes out of the stage and makes its way to the ring. Upon further viewing of the new participant, the crowd went insane.

Michael: Oh my God! Guys are you seeing this?! Is this who I think it is?!

Corey: It's Damian Calaway! The Reaper is here!

Booker T: The Son of the Undertaker has just arrived in WWE! And during the Royal Rumble! What an arrival!

The superstars are looking on in shock and terror as Damian stands at ringside, glaring at them. He then takes off his coat and stretched out. He then enters the ring as the superstars stare at him with uncertainty.

Soon, all of them charged at Damian, throwing strikes at him to try and wear him down. Damian then pushed them away, unfazed by the attack. Adam Cole tries to strike him but Damian tosses Cole out of the ring, eliminating him.

Shinsuke starts hitting several shoot kicks, but Damian wasn't fazed by these kicks. He caught Nakamura's leg and hits a Dragon Screw.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Randy runs and went for an RKO on Damian, but the Reaper caught him and tossed him across the ring.

The buzzer sounds as the Intercontinental Champion, the Miz, came out with his Miztourage and makes his way to the ring. Only to go around the ring and stand at ringside and start posing for the crowd. Damian hits a Big Boot to John before seeing the Miz posing at ringside.

He then slides out of the ring and stands behind him. The crowd cheers as Miz thought he was being cheered. Then he steps back and felt something behind him. He gulps as he slowly turns around, then gets punched by Damian.

Damian then grabs him and lifts him over his head before tossing him inside the ring.

Corey: Oh my God!

Michael: Damian just sent Miz inside the ring!

Damian glares at the Miztourage as he reenters the ring and targets the Miz who tries pleading with him. Damian grabs him by the neck and brings his back up. He glares at him and then hits a Reverse Chokeslam.

Finn Balor tries to get him to go down as he hits a dropkick on Damian's legs. Damian just walks around, unfazed. When Finn tries again, Damian stops him by grabbing his legs and dropping an Elbow on Balor.

*7 minutes later*

Soon, Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Seth Rollins, and Goldust are eliminated, leaving Balor, Cena, Nakamura, Reigns, Orton, Mysterio, and Damian in the match. The other six start taking on Damian who is the obvious threat to them.

They lean him against the ropes as they try to toss him out. Damian however knocks them away with strikes, avoiding being eliminated. Roman hits a Superman Punch to Damian, barely stunning him.
He hits another as Finn and Rey hit with a Double Dropkick.

Then Cena lifts him up and hits the Attitude Adjustment to Damian, but Daikon sat, getting a huge reaction. Cena and the others are shocked to see him unfazed as Damian stands up. Cena tries to go for another but Damian gets out of his shoulders and tosses Cena out of the ring, shocking the crowd but they cheered loudly.

Damian looks at them in confusion before he gets caught by an RKO from Orton. Orton goes after Rey but gets taken down. Suddenly, Balor tosses Mysterio out of the ring, eliminating him.

Damian gets up as Randy and Roman take on Finn and Shinsuke. Soon, Nakamura and Balor took down Orton and Reigns until Damian hit a double clothesline on both of them. He picks up Finn and tosses him out of the ring.

Finn hangs on as Damian tries to get him down. Finn hits a kick to Damian's head as he tries to attack him, but Damian hits a Throat Thrust, knocking Balor down, thus eliminating him.

Shinsuke tries to eliminate him, but Damian knocks him away. Suddenly, Roman hits a Spear on Damian. The crowd boos as Roman roars until he gets an RKO from Randy Orton. Randy went to hit another on Nakamura, but Shinsuke counters and kicks Orton in the face. He then tosses Randy out of the ring, eliminating him.

Shinsuke starts targeting Damian as the Reaper gets on his knees. Shinsuke starts feeling it as he went to hit Kinshasa on Damian, but Roman hits a Superman Punch on Nakamura. Then, Damian charges at Roman and hits a Spear of his own.

The crowd pops as Damian sat up as he stares at Roman. Damian gets up as he picks up Roman and lays him against the ropes. He steps back and hits a Big Boot on Reigns, eliminating him. Damian then turns to Nakamura as both men stared at him.

The crowd was cheering loudly, seeing two rivals from NJPW in WWE at e Royal Rumble as they were the last two to win the match. Damian and Shinsuke stared at each other as they circle the ring. Then, Damian takes off his gloves and shirt, getting a pop from the crowd, as it shows he means business.

Nakamura grins as the two start to exchange blows as the crowd went wild. Damian throws punches and knees while Shinsuke throws kicks and Forearms. Soon, Damian throws several strikes before hitting an Irish Whip.

Shinsuke ducks under the Big Boot bounced off the ropes and hits a Yakuza Kick, making Damian stumble. Shinsuke went for a kick, but Damian caught his leg and tossed it away. Nakamura then hits a Spinning Wheel Kick on Damian.

Damian goes against the corner as Shinsuke starts hitting several knees and Forearms on him until Damian grabbed him and switched places. He then unleashes several punches that will make his father proud.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Damian then pulls Nakamura and lifts him onto his shoulder. He charges at the corner, but Shinsuke got out of it as Damian crashes into the turnbuckle. Nakamura capitalizes as he hits an Inverted Exploder Suplex on the 300-pounder.

The crowd cheers loudly as Nakamura feels it as he goes to the corner. He gets ready as Damian slowly gets up. Shinsuke went for the Kinshasa but Damian ducks under it.

Shinsuke gets up and Damian caught him, spins out, and hits a Side Slam.

The crowd flinched at the move as Damian gets up. He then picks up Shinsuke and tosses him over the ropes. Nakamura hangs on as he lays on the apron. He slowly gets up as Damian goes after him. He went for a punch but Shinsuke caught it and locks in an Armbar on Damian.

Damian grunts as Shinsuke applies more pressure on the hold. Soon, Damian stomps on Nakamura's stomach, making him let go. Shinsuke gets up as Damian went for a clothesline but Shinsuke caught his arm before hitting him with a forearm.

Nakamura went for a leap but Damian caught in by the throat. Damian then chokeslams Nakamura on the apron as Shinsuke falls to the floor, and the bell sounded.

Damian wins the Rumble as the crowd was cheering loudly. His theme plays as he looks around, accepting the fact he won the Royal Rumble in his debut match.

Greg: Here is your winner of the Royal Rumble Match, the Reaper, Damian!

Michael: What an incredible moment here tonight! Damian Calaway has become the Royal Rumble Match!

Corey: Nearly Ten years ago, his father, the Undertaker, won the Rumble and main event Ed Wrestlemania against Batista. Now, his son won his first Rumble in his debut match.

Booker: What an impact!

Damian looks at the Wrestlemania sign above as he steps to the center of the ring. He then kneels, rolls his eyes, and sticks his tongue as the arena turns purple, as the crowd cheered loudly.

The camera zooms in on Damian's face, but it couldn't tell his facial expression. Though, it was obvious he is staring coldly at the camera. Damian stands up, as fireworks flares at the sign as he stares at it.

Now the question remains, which brand Damian will go to? Who he'll face against at the main event of Wrestlemania? We'll have to wait to see.


After the Tag Team Match against the Bar and Seth Rollins and Jason Jordan, it was time for the Universal Championship match with Brock Lesnar defending the title against Braun Strowman and Kane. It was chaotic as all three beat the living hell out of each other. Tables and chairs were used and in the end, Lesnar won, obviously 🙄.

Paul Heyman follows the Beast with the Universal Championship as Braun is seen yelling at them in the ring. Brock grins at him as they go to leave until...

Michael: Woah!

The lights go out after that as everyone looks around. Then another lightning strike struck the stage, setting it on fire and it catches a tall figure standing behind Brock Lesnar.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The lights go back on and the crowd is shocked to see Damian standing behind Lesnar and Heyman. Paul turns and yells in fright as Brock turns as well. He was met with a Big Boot from Damian as the crowd looks on in surprise.

Damian picks up Lesnar and starts hammering with several strikes at Lesnar, who couldn't fight back. Then Damian picks up Lesnar and sets him up.

Paul: No!

Michael: Oh my God! Is Damian gonna-

Corey: No way!

The crowd gasps as Damian hits a Tombstone Piledriver on Lesnar onto the floor.

Michael: Tombstone Piledriver!

Booker T: Right onto the floor!

Damian stands up as he stares down at the unconscious Brock as Heyman was having a panic attack. Braun is looking on in shock as Damian then turns to him. He then enters the ring as he stares down at Strowman, who has to look up at the 6'11 Reaper.

The two giants glared at each other as Braun is telling something to Damian. He then goes to leave the ring, until he strikes at Damian. Damian strikes back as the Reaper and the Monster Among Men exchange blows. Soon, Damian wins the exchange and punches Strowman several times.

Soon, he goes for an Irish Whip but Strowman counters and sends him to the ring. He went for a clothesline but Damian ducks under it, standing behind him and grabs Strowman by the neck. He then hits a Chokeslam on Braun.

Damian glares down at Braun before his theme plays. He then leaves the ring as he stands before Paul Heyman. Paul is begging him to not harm him until Damian snatches the Universal Title from him.

He then looks at it before he raised it, getting a loud reaction with Heyman looking in shock. Damian has chosen who he'll face at the main event of Wrestlemania.

Damian drops the title before leaving as Paul looks at him in shock and horror. Damian stands on the stage as he slowly turns back at the beaten Brock Lesnar and Braun Strowman. Mist covers the stage as he slowly leaves, disappearing through the clouds.

A/N: How's the new chapter?

How do you feel about Damian Calaway?

What was your reaction to him choosing Brock to face against at Mania?

Now that Damian's a RAW superstar, who safe will the Red Brand be with the Reaper around?

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