Game 3: BANG! THE WITCH IS HERE! (Edited)

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Leanbox Stadium.

Neptune, Noire, Blanc, and their sisters were attending a live concert. IF, Compa, Emu, Parado, Taiga and.........POPPY! Were dragged along. The star of the show was 5pb, a widely known idol in Gamindustri.

Neptune: "Wow!"

IF: "You wouldn't expect anything less from Leanbox's diva, wouldn't you?"

Parado: "Yeah, but I prefer rock, though, What about you, Emu?"

Emu: "Hmmm....Can't say. I like every music."

Poppy: "Uhh.....since when?"

Emu: "Since I was a kid, silly!"

Nepgear: "By the way Parado-nii, Have you ever sung before?"

Parado: "No."

Nepgear: "How about you, Poppy-nee?"

Poppy: "I always sing!"

They stopped talking as they saw two jets flew in a shape of a heart, then another jet through it, symbolizing 5pb's voice going right to her fans' hearts.Beneath the docks near the stadium, a mouse in a diving suit was skipping on the seafloor.

???: "I don't care if it's a live concert or whatever, but you're being too noisy! Put yourself in the shoes of those who have to work in this racket."

It looked at its portable radar and noticed a red X on it.

???: "First things first, I'd like to know why a mouse has to go underwater. A 'sea mouse' means something else entirely!"

The diving mouse finally found what it was looking for; a glowing red stone.Back to the surface, 5pb had finished her song.

5pb: "Thank you, everyone! The next song is popularized by a fellow singer,"

(RF2: Hmm.....should that fellow singer be......Daichi Miura?)

(Me: I'm not sure... anyway, roll the intro)

Leanbox Basilicom

The gang went to the Basilicom after it was over. Oddly, Vert herself didn't attend it.

Noire: "It's all well and good that she invited us to the concert, but what's with Vert not showing up herself?" 

Blanc: "I'm sure she has her reasons,"

Neptune, Ram, and Rom were trying to open each door in the hallway, but most of them were locked. One door wasn't, and Neptune opened it to see what was inside. There were video game boxes, unopened figurines, and posters featuring two men with a little too much bromance.

Parado: "Wow, it's really messy in here," 

Noire: "Someone's not keen on cleaning it up," 

Neptune: "Look, this is a game that can be only be bought by those over eighteen years of age!" 

IF: "Hey, we've got little girls here!" 

Parado: "We can just clean it up and–" 

Parado paused as his eyes widen noticing that Nepgear was admiring one of the posters.

Parado:"Don't look at that!"

Covering the Purple Sister's eyes in the progress.

(RF2: Good thing we ship both Parado and Nepgear as a perfect ship.....)

(Me: *Mr. belt voice* Excatly)

Nepgear: "Eh?" 

confusion of the sudden darkness. 

Then, Vert's voice filled the room. It came from the other side of a door in the room. When they entered, they saw Vert playing a game called 'Four Goddesses Online' on her computer, while Kiriya is nowhere to be seen in her room but his floral jacket hanging on the chair.

Neptune: "Hey! Sorry to see you couldn't make it!" 

Neptune grabbed Vert's attention.

Vert: "Oh my, welcome. Sorry, I'm a little tied up right now."

Noire: "Hold it! Why did you ditch us to play games!?"

 Vert: "I thought I'd just play for an hour before leaving, but my faction ended up laying siege to the enemy. I couldn't just leave."

Blanc: "I thought you were going to throw a party for us here after the concert,"

 Vert: "We're right about to topple their castle, so if you could wait just a little bit longer..."

IF: "Now what? Looks like we'll be waiting a bit longer. Let's see..."

Later Noire changed into a maid outfit. With a broom in her hand, she commanded, 

Noire: "Let's get everything ready!"

Neptune: "Why do we have to?" 

Poppy: "Quit whining, Neptune-sama. We've come all the way to Leanbox, so let's make it a party worth the trip."

Taiga: "For once, I agree," 

Taiga: "First off: Nepgear, IF, Compa, go shopping for ingredients! Make sure you get tofu!"

Emu: "Wait, tofu?"

Nepgear, IF, Compa: "Yes sir!"

Parado: "Everyone else can help clean up the room. Alright, let's go!" 

Parado shouted wearing a red and blue striped headband. Everyone then got to work.

Shopping District

Compa was waiting for IF and Nepgear when someone, or something, tripped on its foot. It was a gray male mouse with bat wings and a spade-tipped tail. His boss never calls him by name, but his name's Pirachu.

(RF2: More like the bootleg version of Pikachu.)

(Me:.......No comment.)

Trying to get up, Pirachu saw Compa and at that moment, he was lovestruck. 

Regaining his senses, he shot a glare,

Pirachu: "Is it that amusing to see a mouse trip and fall?"

Compa: "I'm glad that you're okay. You look a little bruised, though."

She took his wounded hand and treated it with a Band-Aid.

Compa: "There, all better! Be careful, Mister Mouse."

Pirachu: "O-okay."

Compa: "I'll take my leave then."

Pirachu: "W-wait!"

Compa: "What is it?"

With a blush on his face, he asked, 

Pirachu: "Um... could I have your name, please?"

Compa: "It's Compa."

Pirachu: "Compa-chan, such a sweet name."

Nepgear, done with the groceries, noticed a red cross-shaped crystal which Pirachu dropped when he fell. Out of curiosity, she picked it up and suddenly felt weak, dropping her paper bag in the process. Pirachu saw her, quickly snatched it, and ran away. Compa went to her aid.

Compa: "What's wrong, Gear-chan?"

Nepgear: "I don't know, it's like all my strength just left me."

Compa: "Is it anemia?"

Pirachu passed IF, who was carrying a bowl of tofu with one hand. She caught sight of him and looked back. Running into an alley, he sighed in relief.

Pirachu: "That was close. Never thought I'd run into one of the CPU Candidates. That aside, Compa-chan is an angel, a total angel!"

Leanbox Basilicom

The food was served and Vert began the party with a few words.

Vert: "Everyone, sorry to keep you waiting."

Noire: "You didn't do anything, Vert! Not even the food! Taiga-kun and I had to cook for us all!"

Taiga:"On that note, you were quite the cook," 

Taiga looked at her with a small grin.

(RF2: Wait, since when did Taiga can cook this good? *currently eating a dish from the Basilicom which he did not steal*)

(Me: Wait, did you just stole that from the Basilicom?)

(RF2: Uhh...........)

(Me: Welp, you're dead.)

Noire: "It was a slip of the tongue!"

After she said that, the rest of the Riders arrived aka only Kiriya, Hiiro and.....KUROTO!


Noire: "Where have you guys been!?"

Kiriya: "Found Kuroto here trying to make an evil scheme."

Kuroto-Shin: "It's DAN KRUOTO SHIN DA!"

Kiriya: "Hai, hai, Kuroto-shin..."

Hiiro: ".........I've jut bought some cake."

Hiiro then took out a box of cake.

Vert: "Thank you, Hiiro-kun. Now that everyone is here, let us eat, drink, and make merry! I've prepared an extraordinary game for us today!"

The feast was uneventful, save for some girls saying "Delicious!".

 Then Vert started the game which 'console' could generate a virtual reality and capture movements from a specially designed camera. Vert also mentioned that there was a combat simulation mode for training. They played this for a while until someone knocked on the door. Vert opened it, revealing one of the servants of the Basilicom. She told the goddess an urgent matter. Noire stopped the game and approached her.

Noire: "What's wrong?"

Vert: "Well, I hear a lot of monsters showed in a waste disposal plant in the Zune district."

Neptune: "Why is it a big deal?" 

Vert: "It's an area under this nation's rule, so this shouldn't be happening."

She went to the door, saying, "I'll be going there now."

Neptune: "Let me tag along!"

Vert: "This is a problem for my own country to deal with."

Neptune: "C'mon, fate must have brought us here today. Let us help."

Noire: "Doing the whole 'we're all friends because we signed a treaty' thing again, are we?" 

Neptune: "You got that right."

Blanc: "I'll help too, I owe you one ofter you helped us during the kidnapping incident, after all."

Neptune: "Okay then, the three of us–"

Noire: "I-I'm coming too! Who knows how long you three would keep us waiting otherwise," 

Vert: "Very well, let the four of us go," 

Nepgear: "Um, I'll come too!" 

Blanc: "You girls stay back. This isn't a game," 

Noire: "You can't even transform yet,"

 Neptune: "Nepgear, leave this to your trusty ol' sis. I gotta show off once in a while!" 

Nepgear: "Okay."


Outside the four goddesses transformed to their CPU forms with the rest watching. After saying their goodbyes, they flew to the waste disposal plant. As they leave, Nepgear had a look of worry on her face. Later, Nepgear was on the balcony staring at the city. All of a sudden a voice entered her ears.

???: "Nepgear-chan?"

She turned around and saw Emu's Bugster and the key of the Genius Gamer M, Parado approaching her


Parado: "You seem out of it, is there anything wrong?"

Nepgear: "No. It's just I'm kinda worried about Onee-chan."

Parado: "She's strong, so what are you worried about?"

Nepgear: "I don't know, but I have a bad feeling about tonight."

Paraod: "Bad feeling?" 'Now I feel something's gonna happen to them.'

They went back inside and was informed by IF who got the info from a friend of hers that the mouse she saw back then was a wanted criminal. Compa was shocked by this as she thought he was just another mouse. She went on and said that he went to the Zune district a few hours ago. Her conclusion was someone probably arranged the monsters to appear at the plant.

IF: "If I leave now, I can still make it by ebb tide. I'm gonna go check things out."

Nepgear: "Take me with you!" 

IF: "No way, I can't put you in danger too."

Nepgear: "But I'm worried! Please, IF-san!"

She was still adamant on not getting Nepgear into it. However, a certain Rider was going to change her mind.

Emu: "Take her, IF-chan." 

IF: "Why?"

Emu: "Because I- no.....we're going there."

Every non-Rider shouted in unison, "What!?" and the Rider Guardians, and Kami and Poppy, nod in agreement.

IF: "Of all people you should be the level-headed one!"

Emu: "Neptune and Nepgear were my patienst and friends I also don't want the both of them to get hurt."

Surprised by this statement, Nepgear thought, 'Emu-nii...'Finally, she was convinced. 

IF: "Alright, I'll take her with me."

So, the three of them rode for Zune. IF and Nepgear were riding a green and black motorcycle, and the Riders.........well......They a carriage.

Parado: Why did we rent a carriage?

Emu: Majority of us all don't have any Rider Machines. And I am not counting the BMX, Kuroto-shin..

Kuroto: Dang it.

IF wore a blue full face helmet and glove. On the other hand, Nepgear wore a lilac open face helmet.

Zune Waste Plant

IF: "Listen up, Nepgear. Whatever happens, don't try the impossible. We'll retreat the moment we sense any danger."

Nepgear: "Right. Thank you, IF-san."

They, sans the carriage, sped through the dry land and saw a faint dome of light. It felt ominous. Reaching a vantage point, a transparent purple pyramid entered their field of vision. The CPUs were bound within.

Kiriya's eyes widen as he poked his head from the carriage window. He shifted his sun glasses as he whistled.

Kiriya: "Talk about Fan Service....."

Nepgear: "Onee-chan..." 

Hiiro: "Don't!" 

Hiiro shouted as he poked his head from the window.

Nepgear: "But she's–"

Hiiro: "I said don't!"

To hear him raise his voice was startling since they did saw Hiiro do that. Taiga poked his head out of the window.

Taiga: "IF, bring her back to theBasilicom."

IF: "What about you guys?"

Then came Emu and Parado's heads.

Parado: "We'll bring them back."

Emu: "Besides, we can't risk anything here."

IF: "Fine, make sure to come back okay?"

The riders didn't answer and instead rode towards the pyramid and the goddess captor.

Nepgear: "Onee-chan..."

IF: "You hear them, Nepgear. Let's go!"

Nepgear: "Onee-chan!"

Inside the pyramid, the already de-transformed goddesses looked at the source of the shout.


The riders haved arrived at the pyramid,the rest got out of the car, including poppy and kami.

Kuroto: "So the goddess are kidnnaped."

Parado: "Right let's break that pyramid!"

???: "That won't do."

Taiga: "Hmm?"

They heard footsteps as a figure reavled.

Hiiro: "Who are you?"

???: "I'm a rider who's passing through, Tsukasa Kayoda. Remember that."

Poppy: "Are you the reason that the goddess are kiddnaped."

Tsukasa: "No, but you will find out soon enough."

Emu: "Not without a fight!"

Both took out there belt place on their waist.

Tsukasa tooks his card from ridebooker as emu takes out both ghasts, his mighty action X and dragon knight hunter Z.


Emu and Tsukasa: Henshin/ Dai,dai,dai,dai,dai Henshin!





Ex-aid(Emu): With no continues, let's clear this round!

Ex-aid flies upwards and stragiht down to decade, only for decade to dodge.

Decade(Tsukasa): A dragon huh? Well I got one right here.



Hiiro: Huh?

Neptune: He can change other rider?

Decade(Tsukasa): Heh, I'm suprised that you actually notice you airhead goddess.

Neptune: Hey! I'm not!

Ex-aid(Emu): Take this!

Ex-aid shot a fire ball, but D-Ryuki slashed the ball, like it was nothing.

Parado: I'm joining in.


Parado: Henshin!



D-Ryuki(Tsukasa): and you are?

Para-DX(Parado): Kamen Rider Para-DX. Level 50.

D-Ryuki(Tsukasa): I wasn't ask about your level.

Para-DX runs up to D-Ryuki for punch, D-Ryuki dodge.

Para-DX(Parado): M, go! I'll buy you sometime!

Ex-aid(Emu): Alright!

Ex-aid flew up fly straght towards the pyrmid, he extended his right arm to make an attack, but...


Ex-aid(Emu): W-what?

Tagia: It didn't make a dent.

D-Ryuki: So you've notice.



Para-DX remove his ghast gear dual than turned the dial to knock-out fighter





D-Ryuki(Tsukasa): You changed your form.

Para-DX runs up to D-Ryuki to punch him, D-Ryuki blocks the punch with the strike vent.

Para-DX: Who are you working for?!

D-Ryuki(Tsukasa): This is none of your bussniess.

D-Rykui kick Para-DX in the gut, then throws him towards the others.

Poppy: Parado!

D-Ryuki(Tsukasa): Now, do me a favor. Get lost.



D-Ryuki does his rider kick to Para-DX, that's when until Para-DX makes finising move.


Para-DX does his multiple punches on D-Ryuki.

(like this)

D-Ryuki: *grunts* You're good.

Para-DX: M! Try to find a way to break that pyrimind!

Ex-aid(Emu): Right! Everyone!

Kiriya: You got it!


(Transformation starts here)

D-Ryuki: Five aganist one, eh? I don't see why not. But you're done anyways.


D-Ryuki split himself into five.

Neptune: No way! He can do that!?

Vert: All of you, don't give up!

Lazer(Kiriya): You heard the CPU, let's go!

The five gamer riders charged towards the five decades. D-Ryuki punch ex-aid in the face at first, then takes out another card.

D-Ryuki(Tsukasa): Henshin!


Ex-aid(Emu): Wha-what? Is that, takeru-kun's...

D-Ghost(Tsukasa): I can tell that you're suprised.

The other 4 decades transforms as well.





D-Ghost(Tsukasa): Now we're even.

Ex-aid(Emu): No way that's going through! Everyone!

Lazer(Kiriya): Yeah!

Snipe(Taiga): Let's end it quick.

Brave(Hiiro): Commencing Decade removal operation.

D-Ghost(Tsukasa): Oh really?



The four send their final attack at the four deacades, but they dodge the attack.

Brave: What?

D-Ghost(Tsukasa): Now, let's end this.

The five decades clones jumps up and does thier rider kick.


All five riders were forced out of their transformation, as the four clones of decade dissapperes. Now the only left is D-Ghost.

D-Ghost(Tsukasa): Heh. That was easy.

Neptune: No! Get up you guys!

The five are struggling to get up, but they're to injuried to move.

D-Ghost(Tsukasa): Now, were we?

D-Ghost look towards Poppy.

D-Ghost(Tsukasa): Oh, right. The witch told to me that you should be  with them.

Poppy: What?

D-Ghost walk towards Poppy until someone shot me in back.

D-Ghost(Tsukasa): What?

D-Ghost turns around see.... A black colored version of Ex-aid.

Neptune: Hey isn't that-

Blanc: Ex-aid

Vert: But his color...

D-Ghost(Tsukasa): Okay, now you're starting to get on my nevres.

Dark Ex-aid: You're not going to touch her!

Dark Ex-aid runs up to decade and slashed him two times. Dark Ex-aid slashed again, but D-Ghost counters his attack.

D-Ghost(Tsukasa): Who are you?

Genm: I am, Kamen Rider Genm.

D-Ghost: Genm eh? Well, fest your eyes on this.

D-Ghost takes out a rider and shows it to genm.

Gemn: That's...

D-Ghost(Tsukasa): Henshin!


After the transform, the riders' eye widen in shocked.

Brave: Why is he using intern's power?

D-Ex-aid: Now let's get this started. 

Both Genm and D-Ex-aid run to each other to attack. Genm summoned his Gacon Breaker while D-Ex-aid did the same.

(Their fight is basically this)

(A/N: This video was deleted or set to private.)

Genm's rider gauge is almost reaching to zero.

D-Ex-aid(Tsukasa): This is the end for you.


Genm: Not... yet!

Genm remove is gashat and inserted to his gashcon breaker.


D-Ex-aid close his driver to end it.



D-Ex-aid jumps up does his rider kick, while genm slash towards D-Ex-aid.


D-Ex-aid lands to grounds while Genm rolls of to the ground as his rider gauge has already reached to zero. Then genm reverts back to kuroto.

D-Ex-aid(Tsukasa): Is that you gamer riders got? 

Kuroto stuggles to stand up, but.... purple pixles starts to foam over him.

Emu: Kuroto-san!

Kuroto: D-dammint! 

D-Ex-aid just stood there for a second turn his back and walk towards poppy.

Kuroto: Oreno..... DECADE!!!


Vert: Kuroto...he's...

Emu: Kuroto-san...

D-Ex-aid: Now where were we?

D-Ex-Aid takes out that looks similar to genm's weapon.

Hiiro: That's...!

Taiga: Why the hell did he have that buggle visor..!

D-Ex-aid(Tsukasa): Oh, so that's what it's called. Good enough for me.

Emu: MATTE!!

Emu grab D-Ex-aid's arm.

Emu: I won't you let touch her!

D-Ex-aid then kick emu in stomach  and punch him in the face.

Poppy: Emu!

Then D-Ex-aid extended his right arm, then press a purple button to send poppy to the buggle visor.

Emu: NO!!

D-Ex-aid stomped on emu.

Neptune: Hey! Leave him alone!

Blanc: It's no use of calling him Neptune.

Vert: Agreed we have lost a rider.

Emu: Grk..!

Then D-Ex-aid took two items.

D-Ex-aid(Tsukasa): You can have these two for a exchange.

D-Ex-aid drop the items, then kicks him again, causing emu to roll over in pain. Then, D-Ex-aid walks away.

Hiiro: Intern!

Taiga: Hey!

D-Ex-aid stops walking. Then slowly turns towards taiga.

Tagia: Just who the hell are you!? What's your purpose?!

D-Ex-aid(Tsukasa): I just told you. *reverts back to human* I'm just a passing through rider. 

Tsukasa continues walks away with the bug visor in his hand. Emu couldn't do any but helplessly watch Tsukasa carrying the bug visor inside poppy. Then emu look at the two items that Tsukasa droped. 

Emu: That's...

Kiriya: Emu!

Emu look towads kiriya and the rest.

Hiiro: We got to withdraw!

Emu: But what about Neptune, and the others!!

Taiga: There's no time for that Ex-aid! We can come for another time!

Emu has no other choice but leave the kiddnapped goddess behind. Including their friend, poppy. Emu got up, then towards the primid.


Emu tighten his fist.

Emu: I'll save you. Please. Wait for us.

Emu runs back to group. And drove away to let the others know.


Tsukasa: So... is this what you wanted?

???: Yes. Now give it to me.

Tsukasa tossed the bug visor to a figure.

???: *chuckles* You did a fine job. Here's your reward.

The figure give tsukasa four rider cards.

Tsukasa: Look, I accept this,but I'll really feel uneasy transforming into one of them.

???: Doesn't matter. Now that throes so called kamen riders are retreating. I'll be surley to meet them.


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