Chapter 12

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Next Morning

Naira goes to Kartik's apartment. She rings the bell , kartik opens the door and was surprised to see her

N- What surprised??

K- Umm...ya little bit

They go inside and settles on the couch. Kartik continued to do his work on the laptop.

N- I brought coffee

K- I really needed that.

He takes the glass from Naira's hand and then kisses her cheek.

N- So what are you doing , what is the progress of that disk

K- Nothing so far , It is protected with a strong security system , I've tried every pattern

N- Really!

K- Naira I've made this hacking software myself .

N- Cool yr...let me give it a try

They try many things...but nothing happened

N- What the hell

K- Damn it

In a cafe

The girls were sitting , having coffee.

Ke- 0604, what is it

G- A room no. Key , but we cannot go around every apartment and hotel

Ke- Naira where did you find it exactly

N- I was in grocery store and when I was going out , it was on the door step.

Ke- Do you saw anyone droping or the last person left the store before you or entered

N- I only saw Ajay going , but then I was busy in the billing stuff , I didn't pay attention.

G(casually)- Might somebody had cilcked a picture

N- What did you said

G- Picture??

N- Yes! , We can check cctv footage

Ke- Ya

G- But how will we do it , we cannot just go in the store and say hi we want to check the cctv footage

Ke- Then we'll break in

N- No we can't , don't forget we are just one video away from getting into jail

Ke- I don't care , don't you see what happened to my arm , I missed my competition , then Rishi , I just want to choke that A PERSON

N- There might be another way.

G- Hey Naira isn't that Ajay.

They all looked towards the corner table , there was ajay sitting reading a newspaper.

Ke- I don't feel good about it

N- Nor me....come on let's go

They go.


Here Rohan and Gayu were spending a lovely evening in a cafe.

Ro- So my designer is quite busy these days


Ro- I brought a gift for you

He gives a wall hanging made out of wood  to her , it was decorated with flowers and all.

G-Wow... it's amazing , the design , where did you find it

Ro- I didn't...I made it

G- Really??

Ro- Yes...I like make objects out of wood....and I'm planning to make a house for us to live in.

Gayu blushes. Then her phone beeped

Time to go to the store.

G- Oh I forgot....I gotta go

Ro- But where

G- Some work

Ro- Everytime we try to spend have something to do...why??

G- It's complicated

Gayu goes

Here keerti brought Rishi home from the hospital.

Ke- I'll bring some water

Ri- It's ok

Ke- How are you feeling

Ri- Not so great

Ke- You're gonna be fine in few days

She kisses her cheeks , then her phone beeps

Time to go to the store

Ke- Rishi I'm going , I called kartik , he would be here in 10 min

Ri- But you said you are gonna spend night with me

Ke- I will , but right now I have some work , but I will come in an hour or two

Ri- And where are you going

Ke- It's complicated

Keerti goes

The girls were outside the store , it was closed today as it was Sunday today.

Ke- How do we go in

N- We'll use the back door , Gayu you'll wait here , call us if anyone comes

G- Ok , but please be fast

Naira and Keerti goes to the backside of the store.

Ke- It is getting dark , we should be fast

Naira and Keerti climbs the wall. Then they slowly walks towards the backside door.

N- It is locked

Ke- And where are we suppose to find a key

N- Hair pin

Naira uses the hair pin.

Ke- Will it even work

The door gets unlock

N- Ahm Ahm

Ke- I should never underestimate you.

The door opens with a creaking sound , it was pitch dark inside and outside the wind was blowing so fast as if a storm is about to come.

They go inside and lights up the flashlight

Ke- I think this is a storage area

N- Ya , come on let's search for the control room

Ke- Aren't there cameras here

N- There are but Kartik took care of them.

Ke- Oh good boyfriend you got

N- Can we just focus

They search some rooms , then finally found the control room , as soon as they open the door , they hear footsteps at the back , the turn and flashes the light here and there, it was dark so they can't see clearly and the mobile flashlight was not at all helping in that

Ke(shouting)- Is it you gayu

No respond.

Then they again hear some footsteps

Ke- Is anyone here???

N(whispering)- See there , i saw something moving.

They slowly moves towards it , then suddenly there was a thunderbolt which lights up the whole room for a second and they saw a person wearing black hoodie pushing the shelf towards them and then runs outside and locks the door.

Naira somehow manages to come out , but keerti was stuck

Ke- Aaahhhh naira help it's too heavy

N- Wait wait I'm doing

Naira somehow pulls keerti out.

Ke- I thought I was dead

N- Come let's go

Ke- No no , the cctv footage

N- But see , I think your stitches have opened , come on

Ke- No no , I too saw how that thick rods fell on your foot but you're still standing so if we have come here why don't do the job

N- Ok , I'll just take a minute

Naira checks the footage but the footage of that time was missing

N- It is missing

Ke- What

N- Ya see I'm standing here and Ajay has left a minute ago but his leaving footage is not here

Ke- Someone deleted it

N- Don't tell me that someone is the person in a black hoodie who tried to kill us a minute ago.

Then Naira limps to the door with the wall's support as keerti is already struggling with her hands stitches
Naira unlocks the door in the same manner , they come out in the front , and they saw Gayu lying on the side of the road unconscious , some blood was bleeding from the side of her forehead.

Ke&N- Omg....gayu

They try to wake her up , then keerti splashes some water on her.

G- Aah

Ke- Are you alright

G- Ya i think

She sits somehow

N- What happened

G- I was standing here but then somebody hit me on the back , I think with a rod or stick and then it went all black

The clouds thundered above with lighting , then it started to rain heavily . The girls looked up drenched in rain , with blood flowing out from their fresh wounds not only physically but also mentally.

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