Chapter 30

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After a few days

They all went to the police station.

K- Sir you've called us.

P- Ya I remember , we have her in the room , the room will be separated by a glass for safety reasons

Ri- We understand

They were taken to the room , the glass was covered with a curtain. They took their seats and the police left. The curtain opened automatically.

Everyone was numb that who will it be???

They all looked towards the girl sitting their , she was young as they were but with a evil smile.

Naira immediately stood up from her seat and walked towards the glass and shouted


S(evil smile)- yes me Naira , remember me??

N- But you were in coma??

Everyone understood who she was because they knew about the case in which Naira banged her car and she landed in coma

S- Oh! Coma , that was only for two days...hahaha

Ke- But why you did this , don't you know how worried Naira was??

S- Hell to her worries , if she had worries for me , she would have accepted it of what she has done.

G- Why didn't you told the police

S- The naive police of our city might have arrested her for this but what about her other crime , I mean you all committed it?

K- What the hell is she speaking , tell us everything clearly , got it??

SHRUTI took a deep breath

S- Let's begin from the time when Ankita went missing.

Everyone was feeling tensed.

S- Ankita was my cousin

Gasps could be heard.

S- She was my dearest cousin , but one day she came to me and started crying and then she committed suicide.

Shruti shouted.

Ke- What!! But why?

S- Ask yourself drug addict

She looked towards Keerti.

Keerti was shocked.

Ke- I was not a drug addict , that were some pills I took and I didn't knew that something was mixed in them ok??

S- I don't care!!!!

N- Tell us what happened then?

S- Nothing much...huff....As Ankita was very popular in your school , she had enemies , that too dangerous one's. She had received threats many times but she ignored them. Then one day , when you guys were having a party and slept . She sneaked out to meet her BF , she didn't want to tell anyone about him because he was her step brother that's why they met secretly but Keerti saw her.

Everyone looked towards Keerti.

Ke- I don't remember

S- Because you were under the effect of drug. Keerti threatened her to tell everyone about her secret , Ankita knew about her addiction she , so she also threatened her. And their argument heated up. Keerti picked up a shovel but Ankita somehow saved herself and ran from there.

Everyone was shocked , Keerti started crying

Ke- How could I do this?? I could have killed her, oh no

Rishi tried to console her

Ri- If she knew about her addiction then why she didn't stopped her

G- She was evil minded Everytime , she just mocked everyone

S- Ya and you were her favourite Gayu

Gayu looked away

S- Then she came to me , I somehow made her sleep but the next day she suicided before I woke up , I didn't knew what to do, I buried her body. And after sometime I got the news that Naira was coming to our college , So I became friends with her purposely.

Naira was shocked.

S- And then she kissed my boyfriend Ajay

N- I didn't , I told you I was drunk , why don't you understand

S- If I agree to this even then why didn't you saved me when I was hit

N- I was numb , nervous , I didn't knew what to do , but my dad helped you

S- Whatever , but after that my anger was triggered when I woke up after 2 days from coma , I told Ajay everything , he helped me and your cousin Kartik Anjali also helped me....they were so good...haha

Ro- You're just a maniac , you should be in mental asylum

K- And I'll make sure you end up there for lifetime

Ri- Whatever murders happened was all your plan?

Shruti nodded smiling proudly

S- My sister would be in peace now

They all left.

To be continued................

So how's it??
If the revealed person and the revealed reasons have not satisfied you , then I'm really SORRY!!
This is the best I think I could do.



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