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{written by joles}
I should probably have mentioned in my authors notes that most if not all of my oneshots will be mostly based on what I want to happen or my imagination. Because despite me helping with some of Lilith, I did not plan it and have no idea what's going to happen in the series, other than the knowledge I have on what it's based on. Though I cannot wait to find out. Anyways, onto my oneshot.

Lilith and Jade walked onto the crime scene. The sky above them was cloudy, grey, and bleak. It matched the pavement they walked on. Lilith lifted the police tape for Jade to walk under. They ducked under the tape and walked oh so casually up to the crime scene, a seemingly abandoned pod hotel. Lestrade turned around and sighed in relief at the sight of the two trolls.

"Thank god, you're here. We really need your help."

"That's why you called isn't it? And that's why I'm here," Lilith replied flatly, "what's the case, Detective Inspector?"

Playing off this flustered annoyance with a cough, Branch turned back to the scene of the crime where a door was covered in bright yellow police tape. Poppy smirked with a giggle at Branch who was telling Lilith about the case.
"Neighbours called last night saying that they heard screaming coming from inside. When they went to check though, the door was locked. Others also say that they saw blood stains on the window."

Lilith reached for the door handle, ready to throw the door open, strut inside and began her observations. But before her hand even touched the brass handle, the door was swung open. A clean apartment was seen on the other side of the police tape, as well as a familiar family of 4.
"Hey, why is there police tape on our door? Lily? Jade? Lestrade? Donovan?"

Lilith ignored the confused man. She just ducked under the tape and pushed the troll out of her way. Jade, Branch and Poppy followed behind.

"Sorry," Jade apologized to him.

"Lily? What the he- uh, what are you doing here?" Jolly stuttered, having to change her words so she didn't swear in front of her children.

Her eldest child stood behind her legs while the youngest one sat in her arms.

"Your house is a crime scene," Lilith replied curtly, then asked sarcastically "oh, I'm sorry, did you not know?"
"Mummy, what a cwime seen?" the child at Jolly's feet asked his mother.

"Crime scene? What crime scene? If you're talking about that fight that happened last night, that happened in the apartment above us," Jolly explained, pointing her free hand up to her roof.

"Upstairs?" Donovan questioned.

"Yeah, we heard the fight and everything. By the sounds of it, it got dark really fast," Briffle answered, still standing beside the door where he had been pushed to.

"If the crime scene is really upstairs then why was there police tape across your apartment door?" Jade interrogated.

Briffle shrugged, "I dunno. Did you hear me properly when I opened the door? I was wondering the same thing."

Lilith sighed in annoyance, "Lestrade, who was in charge of putting the police tape up?"

"I believe it was, Anderson."

She rolled her multi-coloured eyes.

"Well sorry to intrude, we must go now, have a nice day," Lilith rudely announced before turning to strut out of the room.

A ringtone interrupted her though. Briffle searched his pockets for his phone and picked it up.

"Hello?... Uhm what?... But there wasn't supposed to be any concerts... Can't someone just fill in for me? I can't just leave my wife alone with my kids... Well, I hope you're ready to take that back."

With a growl, Briffle hung up the phone and angrily stuffed the device back into his pocket.

"Jolly, we gotta go. Carol just called and said I have a gig right now."

"Do we really have to go though?"

"Well I'm going to kick her arse for saying that you, being the stay at home mum, can look after the kids because that's what you're supposed to do."

"Language, Playboy," Jolly scolded.

She covered both of her kids ears with her hair.

"Son of a bitch," she cursed.

She uncovered them, "Alright let's go then."

"But what about Vine and Roxie."

"Right, they kinda can't come with us, aye."

Jolly just walked straight to Lilith and put Roxie in the lavender haired troll's arms.

"Here, hold her," Jolly ordered a very stunned Lilith.
Then she spoke to her children, "Ok, Roxie, Vine, be good to your Auntie Lily and Auntie Jade, ok? Me and dada will be back soon."

She blew them a kiss before thanking the adults and rushing out of the room with Briffle.

Everyone stood, frozen. They tried to comprehend what had just happened.

"So... you can't work right now I'm guessing," Branch broke the silence.

"Obviously not."

"I thought you of all people would be the first to bring a child into a crime scene," Poppy snarked.

"Sorry to disappoint you, Donovan. But I'm not the psychopath everyone thinks I am," Lilith stared harshly towards the pink troll.

Vine tugged gently at Lilith's skirt to gain her attention.
"Auntie Lily, what's a psychopath?"

"You're too young to know," Jade interjected before anyone else could say anything.


Back at 221B, Jade and Lilith sat in their chairs while the children sat on the carpet. Lilith had bought Satan out of his aquarium for the kids to play with. Roxie just squealed every time the turtle moved while Vine stared at him intently.

"You can pet him, you know? Just be gentle," Lilith said softly to Vine.

The young troll poked his finger at the turtle and lightly stroked Satan's shell.

Jade watched, astonished and amused by her podmate, "Who knew that the great Lilith Holmes would be so good with kids?'

"No one until you, just now," Lilith answered with a smile.
"Auntie Lily," Roxie babbled, her arms lifting in the air and her hands grabbing at the air.

Lilith picked the child up and she let her play with her tie.

"Why were you at my house?" Vine asked Jade.

"We were just working," Jade assured him.

"Was it about da sweaming?" Vine continued to ask.

Jade decided there was no use in lying, "Yes it was."

"It was wewy woud," Roxie babbled.

"It was really angwy but then it turned into scared sweaming and I also heard loud doors and a window breaking," Vine recounted to his aunts.

"A window breaking?" Lilith asked.

But there were no broken windows in the apartment above when Lestrade had cased the place after they left. So, some kind of glass had been broken, that was new.
Lilith dialed Branch.

"Lestrade, did you find any glass at the crime scene?"

"The only glass here are the windows and what seems to be the opening to a secret case of chocolate. Lab techs confirmed that the chocolate was poisoned, and Max has just called, Mrs Penhouse had ingested them before she died."

"It was a murder-suicide, if your moron detectives haven't figured it out yet. The couple had a fight which then turned violent. The wife grabbed a bottle of wine, probably hers from the night before, smashed it then killed him in a fit of blind rage. When she came to terms with what she had done she became overwhelmed, went to her secret stash of poisoned chocolates and ended her own life. Open and shut case, Lestrade."

Lilith hung up her phone and stuffed it back into her pocket. Roxie and Vine stared up at her.

"Wha happen?" Roxie asked.

"Nothing you two should be concerned about. But thank you."

"For what?" Vine tilted his head.

"For helping me solve the case."

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