《 Bits & Pieces 》

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✧ Reviewer :: CoolWhenUrBatman
✧ Reviewee :: sunangel6
✧ Book :: Bits & Pieces


Basics :: 12 | 20

⚘ Cover :: 01 | 05

◍ It's not very professional or something that would catch the eye. I'd suggest maybe the same background but instead of the pieces of paper taking the whole background, instead make it more aesthetically pleasing. (you can look similar for aspiration or order from a graphic shop). Also do consider putting your whole username or full Pen name to avoid being stolen from.

⚘ Synopsis :: 3.5 | 05

◍ Due to the fact that it's a book of one shots of sorts, it can't have a fixed summary. But I do suggest making it a bit more pretty. You can find a quote to add at the beginning and then the summary you already have.

⚘ Title :: 4.5 | 05

◍ Accurate and appropriate.

⚘ Execution :: 3.5 | 05

◍ I think it's very promising but the issues I've mentioned are big and very important. They can't be ignored if you're hoping to improve your book.

Plot & Creativity :: 04 | 10

◍ The plot is rushed and doesn't give the readers any time to know the characters before it's over. Do look at the points I've made in 'writing style', 'plot and creativity', 'emotions conveyed', 'characters and development' to really understand the different aspects that together are making your story weak.

Writing Style :: 04 | 10

◍ It's standard, but also confusing. The pace, the characters, everything is just there and without any preparation you give us the main plot. It's, to be honest, very disappointing. As I've said in both 'plot and creativity' and 'emotions conveyed', try and write more in depth and write as much as you can. Introduce the characters, set the foundation for the main plot and then write the climax of this whole thing.

Grammar & Vocabulary :: 14 | 20

⚘ Grammar :: 08 | 10

◍ In whole it's good but do check it out for some small details. Sometimes you forget to put a space after a comma, double space, forgotten comma and the lack of full stops at times. they're very few so it's not from your lack of knowledge and their uses as it's evidence as you use them perfectly in other places, but a case of fast typing and just honest errors. I think running the chapters through grammarly should do the job or maybe ask someone to beta.

⚘ Vocabulary :: 06 | 10

◍ It has a pretty wide range and words don't become repetitive. But do look up synonyms so the words can match the theme of the one shot —for example, if it's in court, then it needs more formal wording and then considering the race, it needs to be adjusted— and reading it becomes more pleasing. Likewise, the same goes for the grammar about the era appropriate grammar.

Emotions Conveyed :: 04 | 10

◍ For the reasons I've mentioned in characters and development, it's difficult to connect with the characters. Not to mention the fact that your plots move at a fast pace so the whole story —from introduction to end— wraps in under 2k, sometimes even under 1k.

Character Development :: 04 | 10

◍ I know they're one shots, but do take the time to build the characters and solidify them. Lengthening them can also be a huge help. The characters don't have any characteristics, and thus it's difficult to feel connected to them.


Total :: 42 | 80


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