#3 The hearing

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"Uncle.." Aditi ran to Uncle Prakash as soon as we spotted him and he enveloped her in a warm hug.

We are finally at the airport and Uncle Prakash personally came to pick us up.

"It's Dad, Call me dad" He scolded her lovingly "But what happened to your lovely hair? Aditi, You looks more like a boy now!"

I was angry at her too, Aditi has cut off her beautiful hair completely, Leaving it very short.

With the skinny jeans and white shirt with a denim jacket over, She looked more like a Boy now.

When I was angry, She told me that she no longer cares about how she looks.

I tried to block my worries as I walked to uncle Prakash with a smile.

"Dad" I reached him "We are finally here," I said

After we lost our family, It was Uncle Prakash who saved us, Recordically we are his son and daughter now, Officer Ajith Roy had helped us with hiding our real identity, So it was foolproof all this time.

Ajith sir was going to expose Surya group and We were planning to come back to India after that.

"I'm glad to welcome you back, "Uncle said. "C'mon, Let's go home"

"We..um..can we get our own place? It will be difficult for you to share it with us"

"No way," Uncle Prakash said sternly. "I won't be comfortable if I let you live alone, At Least not for the next six months, You are my kids and there's nothing wrong with staying with me," he said "Moreover, I won't be home most of the time, I will be spending most of the time in the hospital," He said.

I nodded quickly.

"Do you really want to...go after them?"He asked us slowly.

Aditi and I exchanged a glance and quickly looked away.

He didn't want us to go after Surya group, He wanted us to settle down and have a normal life. But with Ajith sir's death, everything changed.

"Okay" he changed the subject and turned to me "once you join the emergency medicine department in the hospital, You will be very busy too, So Aditi will be left alone most of the time, It's better this way," he said.

Aditi changed her career after the death of our family, She couldn't face trauma cases and she took business as her major.

"Yea, We will do that" I nodded.

"Come on, I have a surgery scheduled at night, I need to leave after seeing that you are settled"

He's the cardiothoracic surgeon at the same hospital where I am joining.

"You shouldn't have come here, uncle-"

"Aditi...It's Dad" he corrected her again "And I'm here to pick up my kids, What's wrong in that?" He asked us.

Guilt filled me, Like every time I watched him.

He had lost his only son and I am currently using his Identity to live.

I cannot tell him sorry for anything, So I just agree with him most of the time.

"Aditi, You should start calling him Dad," I told her seriously "It's not difficult once you start it"I added.

I know what her problem is. She doesn't want to acknowledge anyone else by that term, She was a daddy's girl when our parents were alive.


As soon as uncle left, I walked to my room.

We are in India...finally!

And it's payback time.

I opened my laptop where I had been working all this time.

I will never forgive them...I will get back at them even if it's the last thing I do.

Surya hospital groups.

I typed and pressed the search button.

I read the name.

"Abiram Surya Narayan- CEO"

My blood boiled at the sight.

If you think you can keep that position, I will prove you wrong.


I sat there in the courtroom, unable to process what's going on.

Surya corporation is doing it again!turning the victim into the preparator...

I watched as the victim, Maya breaks down crying at the final verdict of the judge.

Even though she was brutally raped, She has been sentenced 6 months in prison and fined for "defaming Mahesh Surya Narayanan"  with the false accusation of rape.

And worse-She has admitted to it at the last moment!

I looked at the Surya group defence lawyer that I absolutely loathe with all the hatred.


He had conveniently turned the whole situation around...again.

He had made everything to look like Maya is some kind of monster, seducing the billionaire and trying to blackmail him.

Even with all the medical evidence, He had proved that Maya made up the whole thing.

So instead of the real guilty party getting jailed, They had just destroyed another girl's life.

"Surya law firm" I fisted my hand, watching as Maya was taken away by the officers and her family crying helplessly.

"Trisha, you are here" Nitin, my cameraman appeared beside me "Mahesh Narayan is going out, we need to ask them a couple of questions," He said and I snapped out.

I nodded and took the mic and joined the dozens of reporters already waiting for Mahesh Surya Narayan.

"Sir, what do you want to tell the public about winning this case?"

"Do you think Surya group's share will rise again?"

Mahesh and his lawyer kept walking without comments as their bodyguards made the way for them.

"Sir please tell something about the case, Is it true that she fabricated the medical certificate?"

"Is it true that you bribed the prosecutor?" I asked as he reached near and he stopped in his track, Just for a second before his lawyer guided him forward again.

I pushed forward and moved towards him.

"Is it true that you have been accused of the same crime before?" I shouted Over the people around "5 years ago, A girl committed suicide-"

Mahesh stopped this time and turned to me slowly.

"If you are not clear about your accusation, we can sue you for defamation," His lawyer said rather threateningly.

"Is it true sir?"

"You were accused of the same crime in the past?"

"So it's your second time-"

"I'm one of the heirs of Surya corporations, It's common for strange rumours to spread around," Mahesh said sternly "that doesn't mean it's true! I don't even know half of the girls I have been named with"

"Are you saying that you don't know the victim?" I looked into his eyes as he looked back "Nandana, she was only 18 years old-"

"I told you, I don't know, It's my first time being retained"

"Because the police didn't even bother to investigate the case and concluded it as a suicide case at that time"

"Miss, be very careful of what you are talking about, we can really sue you for this," His lawyer told me sternly "we don't tolerate any baseless rumours"

"What if I can prove you that it's not baseless? I have clear evidence on-"

"Who do you think you are to accuse me?" Mahesh Narayan turned to me, His real self-appearing through the fake mask. "She was just stalking me, I had no interest in her-"

"Didn't you just say that you don't even know the victim? Now you just confessed that she was stalking you! What lie are you going to say next?" I stood my ground as he stared me down.

His lawyer was still repeatedly trying to stop the other reporters, Blocking Mahesh from view.

"If anyone reports any unnecessary thing, you will have to face the consequences," The lawyer said as he tried to move Mahesh out of the way, who looked angry and mad.

The next thing I know, Mahesh turned to me and I realised that we have been isolated from others, His bodyguards were surrounding us in a tight-knit circle and I was in the middle with Mahesh.

"That's right" He lowered his voice and leaned down to me "I used her and dumped her, It's her mistake if she committed suicide, I didn't tell her to do it," he said evilly "And Maya too, I offered her a lot of money for all her trouble, it's her loss that she was ungrateful and decided to sue me instead, look where it brought her" he stopped "What are you going to do?" He challenged me.

"Hey!" Nitin tried to get near me, but he was held back by Mahesh's bodyguards.

We were both surrounded by his bodyguards that it was impossible for the others to see us or hear us.

"You bastard" I gritted my teeth and tried not to slap him hard.

"You know what? I can even buy you, Just name the price" he looked me up and down in the dirtiest way. "You are not much to look at, But I am sure that you will be wild in bed"

I snapped at that.

"You bloody-" but before I could raise my hand, I was stopped by one of his men.

"You can't even touch a hair of mine, Ms..." Mahesh looked down at my ID card, "Trishana," He said. He paused for a moment and narrowed his eyes at me.

"Trishana...Trishana Hariprasad" Recognition flashed across his face and his face turned furious. "You are the same reporter who was following me back then..five years ago" He stated, "Do you think I couldn't recognise you just because you decided to hide?"He sounded threatening.

So he remembers me well.

I had followed him and tried everything in my control to bring out the truth 5 years ago when an 18-year-old girl committed suicide because of him.

I had literally interrogated him in a live interview and I had suffered the consequences for that and our CEO had to apologise for it.

Nandana case was concluded as suicide and All of my data were turned to the trash by his police officers.

I took a deep breath and corrected my thick nerd glasses on my nose.

"I am glad you remember me, Mahesh Surya Narayan, I will keep on following you until I see that you are punished for your crimes"I retorted back "And if you think I was hiding from you, Think again, I have never given up on the case, not now, Not five years ago," I said.

He smirked.

"I will remember you, Ms.Hariprasad," He said, Then he drew back to his full height and turned to his men.

"Take her mic and camera and settle everything" he walked away without a care in the world as his men started to take my mic from me.

"Hey! Leave me!" I started to get out, But they took it away from me.


"Are you okay?" Nitin reached me when I walked to our van.

"Did they erase everything?" I asked him and he looked down.

The bastards! How can they manhandle reporters like this!

The worst thing was, I know I can't sue them, It will only do more damages to us.

15 minuted later, Nitin and I were on our way back.

"Are you ok Trisha?" He asked again.

"Don't worry" I said as I unpinned the small button camera from my shirt,
"even though the clarity is compromising, I have recorded his confession," I told Nitin.

"Wow! That's really great!" his eyes lit up, "let's get that rascal now,"

"No," I shook my head, "I had been thinking, Nitin," I said, "they will obviously deny this, they will say that we fabricated this voice clip."

"But it's the original one, we can cooperate with the investigation if they sue us."

"And what do you think will be the result? Do you think we will win it?" I looked at him, "no, Just like Maya's medical certificates were proven to be fabricated, ours will be rejected too" I said.

"Yea...They are Surya group" Nitin nodded thoughtfully, "That bloody law firm is there with them, helping them to get away with anything," he stopped. "What are we going to do now?"

"I will keep it for now, Once I get strong support and it's  the right time, I will release everything I had been storing on them, All at once and I won't allow them to get away."


"I will kill her." Mahesh was fuming angrily. "If we had taken care of her in the past, It wouldn't have come to this! She was challenging me, Without even blinking her eyes!" He said.

All of us were gathered around the conference room, waiting for the father to come.

I really wonder who was stupid enough to provoke him!

"Leave it to me, I will take care of her quietly," Abiram said "If we don't eliminate such people, They will keep on obstructing our path"

"No need, I will personally like to meet her and teach her a lesson," Mahesh said.

"No, you don't!" All of us heard the commanding voice and everyone straightened in their places as father took his seat.

He looked around and his eyes stopped on me.

"Good work, Arjun," He said "I was following the trial closely," He said.

He is acknowledging me for winning Maya's case.

"That's my job here," I said. "But I would like to stick to the cases regarding the merging and acquisition of the company from now on," I said. "I don't want unwanted attention to the Surya law firm, It's already notorious enough, I don't want the media to keep following me or Surya law firm."

"I was going to talk to you about this," Father looked around. "Even though Ajith Roy case has been concluded as a car accident, Everyone who knew him suspects us, I too don't want to attract too much attention to the company now, lay low for a few days."

"One more thing," Raghav sir moved a file to him. "Shahid Khan is still ignoring our people who tried to contact him."

"Offer him a price he can't refuse," Father said, "or take care of him well," he said.

"Leave it to me, I will personally take care of him," Abiram said, too eager to prove his worth.

"Keeping Shahid alive is important," I looked at him, "If he disappears, Everything Ajith Roy collected will disappear with him." I reminded him, very aware of his short temper.

"That's good too," He looked at me rather challengingly, "If everything disappears, Nobody will be coming after us," He said.

"No!" Father said. "I need to get my hands on those files." He said sternly. "Ajith Roy was investigating the largest corporations, I need to see the files," he said, "Besides, We already have one part of his data with us, It will be a loss if we don't get the main file." He added.

Father managed to get his hands on those files just before Ajith Roy's Accident.

"What's the use of getting an encrypted version of the files?" Abiram muttered, "Isn't it better if we destroy everything, We could be safer-" Abiram started.

"Ajith Roy case files may contain details on other corporations, Abiram," Mahesh explained.

"More specifically, It could have details on palace group too," I added.

It was funny to see him realising what everyone else has already figured out.

"Uh...I was just thinking of taking care of him once and for all," He said.

"Even though we can't open the files with us now, We can merge it with the files he secured in the file house and decrypt it, But we need shahid khan for that," I said.

"Okay," He said "Let me deal with him then," He said.

"Don't make it a messy business" Father warned him, "We are already at a critical time." He reminded everyone and Abiram nodded.

"I have already cornered the CEO of the latest industry" Mahesh spoke up  "But he's still refusing to sign"

"Find his weakness, take care of him quietly," Father said.

So as soon as the meeting was over, I walked out of there.

Karan was already waiting for me.

"Who was that reporter who got on Mahesh's nerve today?"I asked Karan as soon as he started the car.

Karan's eyes popped out.

"What about her? Does he want to kill her?" he asked me.

"Obviously," I said "But she's lucky that we have another project now," I said "otherwise Mahesh wouldn't have let her off easily"

"It's no wonder he's pissed, You should have seen her talking back to him" Karan shook his head "Even the police fear him, But she was standing her ground and lecturing him"

"Who's she? Why is she so concerned about attacking the Surya group? I heard it's not the first time?"

"Why?... It looks like you are...interested?"

"I am merely curious to know who was stupid enough to provoke Mahesh Surya Narayanan" I shrugged, Now opening my phone.


"Your request is denied"

I read the mail and frowned.

"Dad, can't you open the case files in the government house using your ID?" I asked him.

"You need to submit a request first," Dad said.

I was trying to access the files by Ajith sir using my dad's ID.

I used his ID since I don't want anyone in my organisation to know that I am following Ajith sir's case.

"I did," I said "But the request is denied"

"Then it will be top security files," Dad said "It will be a hassle to open it"

I got annoyed instantly.

We were having dinner and Amma took my phone away.


"You are coming home after a long time and you are still discussing work over dinner!?" She gave me a glare.

"Sorry" I murmured quickly and dad smirked at me.

It doesn't matter that her husband and her only son is police officers. My mom can be quite scary if she wants to.

"You are here on vacation, right?"Amma asked me again.

It's my vacation time, But I need to follow Ajith sir's case.

"Um..yea, But I have a small assignment," I said and dad looked at me doubtfully.

"Alright! I don't even want to know how small it is" Amma said and I smiled at her annoyance.

"You are always busy too, I don't think you should complain too much" I teased her.

She's the president of a women welfare organisation in our area and she's often outside for helping with social service or orphanages.

"My husband and son are rarely home and you can't expect me to rot away at home," she said.

Dad gave me a look, which means "Stop arguing, You are never going to win anyway"

I smiled at her.

"I was simply kidding mom," I told her "I missed both of you" I added.

It was the truth. I was away for the past six months on a new assignment, that's only finished now.

So after having dinner, I walked to my room and dialled Jacob sir.

"What's it Karthik? Do you miss work that much?" He asked me.

"Um...I can't access the case files of Ajith sir, I used Dad's Id and it denied access, Can you get it for me?"

"I don't think anyone can open it, they are guarded in the top-secret safe"

"But I need to get hold of it"

"Then get hold of it yourself," he said simply.

"But they are not allowing access to it"

"Listen carefully, Karthik, I won't repeat this"Jacob sir said slowly "Get it by your means, You are well trained and best in your batch, there's no way you can get it with permission"

"But it's in the government file hou..."I dragged off as what he said registered "you..you mean to get it by myself!?" I exclaimed.

Yup! I know it too, It's the only way I could get my hands on it before Surya group take it away or manipulate it.

"If you are caught, our organisation will deny it, You are on your own" Jacob sir warned.

"Can you get me the blueprint of the building?" I asked again.

"I can help you with that, But remember, You are on your own"

"I got it," I said.

I disconnected the call.

All these time, I never thought I will be breaking into a government file house!


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