#31 Family

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Dedicated to MadhaviLatha9, For the long detailed comments, Thank you dr😘, I love to read it!


It was very late when I reached back to the office.

"How did it go?" Father asked me, I was surprised that he was still waiting for me.

He had sent me to have a deal with palace group. He wanted to let them know that surya group had no part in mahesh surya narayan's plan to frame them for Abraham's death and wanted me to apologise,representing our company.

"They are not going to stop without a fight" I said "Their chairman still has not decided what to do with this matter, if they decided to take it to court, we will suffer"

"Is there a way around this?"

"Yes, I felt that they are eyeing our textile industry, They also want to merge with latest fashion world, if my guess is right, They will ask us to back down from merging with latest"

"That's ridiculous! surya textile industry is our mother company, We cannot give that up!" He said "It's also the only firm that I have direct supervision" He said

"If they decide to sue us for slandering their company, It will be grave, We can't afford to do that in our current situation" I said.

"Arrange a meeting with them, I will go personally to apologise" he said angrily.

"I don't think their ceo will be too kind-"

"I don't care, we need to improve our situation, If we loss our mother company in fashion world, We are as good as dead"

"I understand" I nodded slowly.

"Then..Trishana was your case, Find me a way to get rid of her without causing suspicion, Getting rid of her magazine is only a temporary solution" he said and I nodded again.

"I will start with it" I promised.

I knew it, Sooner or later, I will have to deal with this situation.

"I will count on you then" Father said and walked out of there.

As soon as he was out, karan opened the door and came inside.

"What's it karan?" I asked him.

"They already sent people there" He said slowly.

"Where's trishana?" I asked as I went through the file in front of me.

"Her house, I confirmed it" he said "Are you sure that you won't regret this?" He asked and I closed the file and looked at him.

"This is surprising, Karan, I thought you didn't approve of me interfering in her business" I said.

"I don't, Because you put yourself in danger a lot of time" he said.

"Then what happened now?"

"After thinking about it, I think she's what you need the most now, Sir" He said "Even though you are the MD of nation's best law firm, Even though you are a surya narayan, I know that there's no one on your side" He said "I had been working for you for five years now, All these time, You were always cold and calculated" He said "The only time I saw you relaxed and happy is when you are talking about her" he said.

"Do you know that you are sounding like a shrink now?" I asked him "Karan, I have my own plans here, I can't afford to waste my time"

"I know" Karan said slowly "you are trying to ruin Mahesh and Abiram" he said and I raised up my eyebrows in surprise.

He's been following me all these years, so it's not a surprise, I guess.

It's not just Mahesh or Abiram, It's the whole surya group...

"karan, You are a free man, you can leave any time" I said slowly "The fight is going to get only messier now"

"I will stick with you" he said "you are my boss, you should know that I will follow you until the end"

"I'm sorry karan, I have my reasons to do all these things, But soon, I promise you that we can be free from this bloody fight"

"You already take down Mahesh sir, congrats, Now your father has no way but acknowledge you as a possible heir"

I chuckled at that.

"Will he?" I asked slowly "let's see" I said "it's all thanks to trishana, that mahesh is out without trouble" I smiled.

"Then why don't you help each other sir?" Karan asked "both of you have same aim" He said.

I laughed humorlessly.

"Do you know how my father started surya group?" I asked him.

And he looked at me.

"He killed his boss's entire family in a car crash" I said and karan looked startled.

"I don't know what to say, I have heard a lot of rumors, but never thought it could be true" he said "I now understand why you ran away from home at a young age" he said

"Now you know why I can't drag her into my fight" I said "Abiram or Father will never let go of anyone around me if they discover my motives" I said "So I can only do this"

Karan nodded "I understand, You are protecting her again" he said "it's still a shame, Her office is going to be destroyed today" karan watched his phone for a moment and his expression changed.

"Sir!" he exclaimed "She's moving! Her car is moving towards the magazine headquarters" he said

"She must've already heard the news" I said grimly.


I was practically flying through the road, karan's words still ringing in my ears.

"Trisha! Our building has caught fire, It's very serious"

I accelerated again.

No, Truth magazine is my last resort, It's my parent's first working place and my dream.

Nothing can happen to it!

But even before I reached the building, I could already see the black, thick smoke so high in the sky.

I turned to the building road and stopped in the middle, Not bothering about anything else and I stepped down.

I froze at the sight infront of me, The whole building was already engulfed in the flame, Part of it already burnt down.

Fire fighters and people were already working hard to control the fire.

"Trisha!" Nitin and a few other staffs who were there ran to me.

"What..what happened?" I asked and Nitin looked down.

"Everything was still fine when I left, I was the last one" Karan said "It's Only been 15 minutes after that"

"Ma'am, All of us are heartbroken too, But-"

"No! I can't let it burn down, I..I can't-" I started to walk towards the building, But all of them were holding me back.

"Trishana" I heard another voice and turned around.

It was karthik's dad.

"I have already started the investigation, But the firefighters think the fire started from a short circuit" he said "Do you think there's anything suspicious in this?"

"I don't suspect, Iam sure!" I said "sir! It's surya group! I am sure, They were getting back at me, they were-"

"Trisha, calm down" Nitin told me and took my hand "All of us are already suspecting them" He said "But the police have already concluded that it was an accidental fire" he said.

"What about the fire alarm!? How can you explain that?"

"The building is quite old, They think it was defective" my staff said.

"That not true!" I was angry at the injustice now .

"Trishana" officer suresh said.
"I know the situation well" He said "You can trust me, I won't give up easily, I will find what happened here" He said and I slowly calmed down.

That's Right, officer suresh will take care it, He won't let me down.

I nodded.

"That you sir"

"Take some rest then" he nodded and walked back.

When he left, I turned to my group.

"I'm sorry, All of you left the TV station with me and I couldn't even protect you" I told the few people who were still staying around me "I will send you some cash, You need to take care of yourself-"

"Don't get discouraged, trisha, my father said he will set us up another office..we..we just need to wait for some time"

"Yea,We will wait for you ma'am, When everything is ready, you should call us back"

And all of them nodded.

I was really touched by their sincerity.

"Thank you so much, even though we lost our tv channel and magazine headquarters, I feel that my dad will be proud of this team" I said, trying to control my tears "I am really.. grateful..you..stayed with me all these..time"

"It's our pleasure to work with you, ma'am,We only speak the truth, No one will compare to us"

"Trisha, I will make sure that we keep running the online portal, Even though it's still in the developing process, I will keep it alive" Nitin promised me and I nodded.

"Thank you" I said.

So everyone bid me goodbye except nitin who stayed back.

"What are you going to do now?"he asked me.

"Contact everyone at office and inform them about the accident, Ask them to take a leave of absence until we set up our new place" I said.

Nitin nodded. "I will do that" He said "But what about you, Trisha?" He asked again.

"Nitin, you know my gang, I am thinking of staying with them"

"I know that I am not allowed there"


"I know, you are worried about my safety" he added quickly "I respect your decision, but promise me that you will call me if you need anything" he said and I smiled.

"I will" I nodded.

"Then dont worry about truth magazine, I will bring it back" he said and I nodded again.

"I trust you"

Silence fell once again.

"Nitin.." I turned to him after a moment "You always help me whenever I am in trouble, Thank you" I said slowly.

"That's what I should do, Trisha" He said "Don't Worry about anything now and go back, I will take care of everything here" he said.

I nodded, I am glad that I have someone like him to take care of things here.

I was suddenly too tired to deal with it, I looked one last time to the burning building where the fire force was still fighting to control the fire.

I fisted my hands and gritted my teeth.

I got inside the car and dialled karthik, not caring about the time.

"Trisha?" karthik attended, sounding worried "Are you-"

"Let's do it this weekend" I said "get everything ready now, I am going to meet Arjun"

* * *


I fixed one look at the project board that's cleaned now.

It looks like clearing her details from my project board is not going to work.

I took the necessary files from the project room and walked out.

I walked down and my housekeeper followed me outside.

"Arjun, breakfast-"

"I have a meeting now, I will eat from outside" I told the elder man and opened the door to my car.

Abiram will be very happy today, his men successfully carried out the task to destroy the truth magazine.

And sure enough, He was in high spirit all along the meeting, And with father's praise, He seemed flying around with self appreciation.

When the meeting was over, Father wanted me and Abiram to stay back.

"Shweta is home these days" father said and I was surprised to hear it from him. "After mahesh was arrested, Lakshmi was not well, Shweta asked everyone to drop by the family house for dinner" he said.

"Okay" I nodded

"I don't understand why she's still here, If it was before she would have already run away" Abiram said. "I hate playing house-"

"Abiram, You should be there for dinner" father said and walked away.

I turned to go and Abiram put an hand on my shoulder.

"So brother, Let's see each other during dinner" he said and I shook his hands off me.

"Enjoy it while you still can" I said "We don't know what's going to happen these days, After mahesh, it could be you next"

"You...are you threatening me!?"he shouted.

"How is it possible,Brother" I took my laptop "i5 will see you"


When I reached the estate house, no one was there.

I moved forward.

"Karthik, Where is everyone?" i turned to look at him.

"Tada! welcome home!"

The party pooper popped up and the big board with "welcome home" was in front of me.


That's right,I only have these guys now..

My eyes filled and they all pulled me to a hugg.

"We were waiting for you"

"Just stay with us "

"We know it was like losing your dad a second time" shahid said "But just know, trisha, That no matter what, We will be here for you"

They escorted me inside and consoled me.

"Ever since we heard the news, We were worried" Aditi said "you were the one who brought everyone here together" she said.

"The fire in the magazine headquarters felt too much of a coincidence, Are you sure that surya group have nothing to do with this?"

"The firefighters think there was some problem within the building wiring and the fire alarm was too old" I said.

"We can't trust any of this, trishana, when surya group wiped out all of our family, They blamed it on some psychopath murderer, it's how they work"

"Besides, If truth magazine is out of picture, Surya group is benefited the most"

"I have already thought of it all" I said "But the result is same, We don't have anything against them now, It's time we start our new move"

"You mean Arjun?"

"Yea, It's time to take him down now"

"Okay, That's our best shot now, Let's arrange everything tomorrow"


"I don't want you to stay here, Shweta" Mamma told me again "I think you will be better if you stayed away" she said "Especially now, With mahesh in jail, I don't want you to be dragged to this" she said worriedly.

"What about you mamma?" I asked her "I can run away and hide. What about you?"

"I will stay here and pray for-"

"How long are you going to live your life like this? They are not going to get any better, You shouldn't keep praying for them and starving for them, They already committed a lot of sins"


"You know it too, no matter how much you pray for them-"

"I am praying for the victims. It's the only way I can have peace. I will atone my whole life for it" she said and I engulfed her in a hug.

"Mamma" I whispered "I am glad that you are strong" I said "it's time I face this with you too"

"No shweta" mamma held me at an arm's distance "I don't want you to get involved. I want you to live in peace. now that mahesh is in jail, I don't know what else-"

"Mamma, I can't run away anymore" I said "A silent witness is as bad as the preparator itself. If I still close my eyes and pretend not to see the things what they are doing, I will regret it my whole life"

"But shweta..if you block them, They will not even consider that you are blood related-"

"I know, Don't worry mamma, I will take care"

"I have only you, If something happens to you-"

"Nothing will happen, Mamma, I promise, I just wants to stay here this time"

Mamma nodded slowly, then turned to me again.

"This dinner..why did you arrange this dinner? Is something-"

"Don't worry" I told her "I Am not planning anything, I just want our "family" to have a dinner together" I said.

I want to know the status of Arjun in this fight.


I drive inside the mansion and turned off the engine.

I sat there for a moment.

"Sir keys" the watchman came and I stepped out of the car.

When I walked inside, Shweta was sitting in the settee.

"You are here Arjun"

"Shweta" I nodded my head and turned to mamma, who was coming out to greet me with a smile.

"I am sorry, I couldn't visit you more often" I told her and gave her the paper cover.

"This is the best quality honey you always preferred, I got it on my way here" I told her.

"You shouldn't have gone to any trouble Arjun. I Am Glad to see you well" she smiled "let me put this away" she said and I nodded.

I watched her as she walked inside.

Even though we are not exactly on good terms, She was never rude to me, She even supported me to get out of here after the "Accident" I had, It was her idea to sent me to the boarding school.

So I kind of owe this favour to her.

I will never hurt her..

"This is surprising" shweta commented from the settee "you actually remembered the honey!? I don't think even Abiram or Mahesh know it" she said

I walked to the opposite side and took a seat.

"I have a good memory" I said "what about you? I heard you are searching for an apartment here, Decided to stay here for good?" I asked her.

"I would like to keep mamma company now" she said.
And I nodded.

"It's been too long since I was here" she said "care for a walk, Arjun?" she asked and I looked up at her, rather surprised.

"Okay" I nodded.

So five minutes later, we were walking through the pebbled way in the garden.

"I know you hate it here" She said and I didn't bother to correct her "I know we were never a family" she said.

"Where are we going?" I noticed the way and stopped in my track.

Both of us looked up at the out house.

"The house is remodelled after the fire" she said "But I know that no matter how good it looked, it will always be the most hateful place to you" she said "You nearly lost your life here once"

"Is there something you want to tell me, shweta? You don't have to go to so much trouble like this" I said.

She walked to the side bench and sat down.

"When you reached home for the first time, I hated it when you were bullied by Mahesh and Abiram. But I was powerless then" she said.

"You were only a kid then" I chuckled "Besides, All of it is in the past, I would prefer it if you -"

"Is it really in the past? Have you really let go of it?" she asked me and I stared at her.

She looked like she's in some kind of daze.

"Would you believe it if I told you that I have let go of it?" I asked back.

She nodded "I will, funnily, I trust you more than Mahesh or Abiram"

"Then I will tell you this, shweta, I'm over it, I am stronger and self sufficient now" I said "but that doesn't mean that I forgive them, I hate Abiram and Mahesh" I stated.

"I know" shweta nodded "And you hate father too, You blame him for your mother's death"

I didn't deny it.

"Is it why you are back now?" she looked up at me.

"I was brought back,shweta"

"You and I both know that you are not a person who will do something against your own will, You were willing to come back here" she said.

"It would have been much better if father really considered you instead of Mahesh and Abiram" I said.

"Are you here for revenge? Are you going to destroy everyone for everything you had to suffer?"

I took a deep breath and smiled.

"What made you think that I am here for revenge?" I asked back "Mahesh's issue was created entirely by him, if you think I have a part in it-"

"If you want revenge, Arjun, I will help you, I am ready to help you take away the power from Abiram or even father" she said, shocking me "But I won't allow anymore bloodshed, I won't allow innocent people to get hurt"

"There is no war without consequences, shweta" I said "you are right, I have my own reasons to come back here, but you could never understand it" I told her "even though we are not close, I would like it if you stay far away from this matter, I don't wish to to hurt you or mother"

"What if I stop you? Now that I'm here, I will do everything to stop it, I will-"

"Shweta" I looked at her straight in the eyes "Even father cannot stop me from getting what I want, you can never stop me" I told her sternly "I hope you will take my words more seriously and stay away from all of these"

My phone vibrated and I took it out.

"Looks like dinner is ready, let's go back" I turned around and walked back.


I looked at his retreating back.

Even though he had never done anything cruel like abiram or mahesh, I could feel the coldness around him.

I could always sense danger around him.

Arjun...this was my last chance to make things straight, To atone to everything you had to suffer in the childhood, But it seems that you are determined to have your own way.

Then dont blame me for the things I am going to do...


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