#34 Truth & lies

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I am wearing a skinny jeans and a cute black top with my favourite denim jacket over it.

My make up is not as heavy as the last time since I didn't want it to be obvious that I have put too much effort for meeting him.

Varsha said that I have a "cool chic" look with a friendly air, At the same time, The skinny jeans with pointed heels made my legs look extra long and sexy- Her words, Not mine.

I am not a fan of high heels and I hope I wont embarrass myself by falling flat infront of him.

Yup, I am back here in his club house.

It was past 8 when I walked inside the crowded club and started to look around.

I walked to the place where he had taken me the last time and Arjun was already there with a glass in his hand, He smiled and raised up his hand, Gesturing me to come up.

Even though he was still in his executive style dark blue shirt and slightly messy hair, I could not help but notice that he is very handsome.

"Arjun, I am sorry I'm late"

"No, you are just in time, I only reached here now" he said and guided me to the empty round table in the quiet corner.

He pulled out the chair for me and I raised my eyebrows at his gesture.

He was still standing close to me and I just realised how tall he really is, Even with my heels, I couldn't even reach up to his eye level.

"Have a seat, Sanjana" he said and the way he looked at me was giving me goosebumps.

"Thank you" I said as I sat down and waited until he took the opposite chair.

"What would you like to have?" He asked me.

"A mocktail, I can't get drunk" I said and he nodded, then signalled to a waiter who came to take our order.

When our drinks came, I looked at him.

"I don't know if you will like this shirt I picked up for you" I said and took the paper bag from the side.

Arjun smiled and got it from me, then looked inside it.

"I like grey, A color between black and white" he said and looked at me.

The way he said that, I just felt my heart quickening it's pace.

"Thank you, Sanjana, you didn't have to go to so much trouble for this though" he said.

"it was no trouble at all" I said "I had fun picking up your shirt" I smiled "But I am sorry, I wasted your time calling you here" I told him.

"Dont be" he said "I am glad to meet you, Sanjana" he said "I was kind of...looking forward to see you" he said slowly and I looked at him in surprise.

There it is again, the strong magnetic forces binding us, The undeniable sizzling attraction.

Trisha! Focus! You are here to make him fall for you! Not the other way around!

He's narayan's son!

I looked down my glass.


I noted the slight anger that flashed across her eyes before she looked down.

"Would you like to take a walk with me?" I asked her and she looked up.

"Since both of us don't wants to get drunk in a working day, Let's just get out of here and get some fresh air" I said again.

"Sure" She smiled "I would like that"

So we came out of the building and we just started to walk through the pavement.

"Thank you" I told her softly "You don't know how busy my life is, There's no personal time, It's a good thing that you called me out"

"Don't you have any friends?" She asked me back.

"Friends?" I smiled a little "mm..yea, I have, But it's been quite some time since I have had contact with them" he said.

"What about today?" she asked "Didn't you have anything?"

I looked at her.

"Would you believe me if I told you that I pushed back my appointment to meet you today?" I asked her and she looked at me in shock. "I have been thinking about you since the last time we met, sanjana" I added, It was the truth anyway.

She broke eye contact and looked forward "Where are we going?"

We were already in front of a mall and I decided to walk inside.

"Just a small walk" I said and she just followed me.

There was a moment of silence between us.

"You..you cancelled your appointment? Why?" she asked me.

"Because I wanted to meet you, I felt like talking to you" I told her and looked at her sideways "I was feeling quite lonely these days, When you appeared that day, I had a good time with you"

Sanjana touched her watch with her right hand.

"Me too" she said

I smiled.

"I am just going to relax now, I will push my works back and have time for myself, would you like to hang out with me more?" I asked again and she looked taken aback.

"You..Are you asking me-"

"I don't know" I shrugged "I like spending time with you, I feel that we have great chemistry and I never felt such strong feelings to anyone before, so I just want to know if you can hang out with me?"

"I..er..I don't understand what you mean, But..I do like spending time with you too" She said.

"That's great then!" I said, now really happy that she's ready to hang out with me, even if I know that all of this is fake.

"I think we should go back" she told me suddenly "let's meet another day"

"But I need to get you something" I said and she turned to me .

"What?" she asked me.

"Since you got me a shirt, I should-"

"No..no..no!" she said "I ruined your shirt, that's why-"

"But I will feel bad if I don't get anything in return" I said and walked to the nearest lady's boutique in front of us "let's-" I stopped mid sentence.

She had unknowingly gotten hold of my hand while trying to stop me.

I stared at her in surprise, I have to admit that I am quite pleased to have her hold me, Even if it was as simple as this, She must've noticed it, Because she let go of my hand quickly.

"I mean..no, I don't want anything"

"I accepted your gift, it's only right that you accept mine" I took her hand and literally dragged her inside.

"Welcome sir..ma'am" the staffs welcomed us warmly "What would you like to see, Ma'am?"

Sanjana turned to me.

"Let's go" she said.

I ignored her and looked at the display.

"That dress look good"

"You have a good eye, sir, Your girlfriend will look beautiful in-"

"I am not his girlfriend!" She snapped at the poor girl, Obviously angry that I have dragged her here against her will.

"Oh sorry ma'am, You look cute together, I didn't know that you are already married" she said and I chuckled while sanjana looked shocked.

"Don't mind her, My wife's angry at me for something" I told the sales lady and she nodded understandingly.

Sanjana gave me a dark look.

"Do you like that dress dear?" I asked her.

"That's too flashy"

"What about the next one?"

"Look like a rainbow to me"

"Mm..I like the one on that mannequin" I said.

"That's too short"

I turned to her.

"Select something" I said, I know that she's being difficult.

"I don't like anything" she said back.

"Then I will select something I like" I said and looked around.

My eyes fixed on the peach color saree with golden work and I knew instantly that it's the right one.

"I will take it" I told the sales girl.

"It's a designer piece" She told me and I nodded.

"No!" Sanju turned to me "I don't wear saree!"

"That will look good on you"

"But I don't know how to!"

"We will figure it out later" I said and the sales girl smiled slightly while sanju gave me an evil look.

Uh..I swear, I didn't mean anything else!

But now that I am misunderstood, It really was not a bad idea..

"I will take the first one then" she said.

"But you said it's too flashy" I said

"The saree is going to cost you a fortune!" she whispered and I smiled.

Sanju sighed in defeat while I took out my card.

"Would you like anything else, Sir?" The lady asked me.

"No" sanju said.

"We will pay now" I told the sales girl and she nodded and took my card away.

"Have a look at this, sir, It just reached yesterday, This is a new night wear that's designed for young ladies" The second sales girl raised up a really revealing, Rather erotic nightwear.

"It's barely covering anything! why should anyone get this!" Sanju exclaimed beside me and I tried to hide my laughter.

"That's exactly the point" The sales girl winked at her "I think your husband will like it" she looked at me for approval and I nodded.

"I like it" I turned to sanju and said while her lower jaw opened in a cute way.

"See..tell me your size mam, I will get-"

"I..we..I dont like it!" Trisha said and I couldn't control my laughter anymore.


"Stop laughing!" I snapped at him while he continued to laugh at me.

We were already walking out of there.

"You know, you were rather cute" he said.

"Why did you tell them that we are married?" I asked him angrily "That's why they were-"

"You were the one who made them think that we are married and That night wear did look...um...Good" He said and I gave him another look.

"Sorry sorry" he raised his hands.

"You shouldn't have brought this saree, I can't even wear this"

"I will be happy to assist you, just give me a call if you need me" He told me and I gave him another glare.

"You..Arjun! You are so shameless!" I exclaimed "You are openly flirting with me!" I exclaimed as he laughed at my expression.

The rich sound made me feel warm all of a sudden and I am confused now.

Great! I am even attracted to the way he laugh!?

I shook my head slightly.

This is not a good sign. 

"But Sanjana, You should learn to accept gifts too" he said and I decided to close my mouth.

Sure..you don't have to care about the price, You are looting normal people and drinking their sweat and blood, You can afford to buy anything, it's nothing big for you..

"Sanju?" he was looking at me, a small frown in his face "Is something wrong?" he asked me.

Sanju? Seriously!?

"No" I cleared my face quickly "you are right, Thank you for this beautiful saree" I smiled at him.


After sending her off, I walked to my car.

After a long day at work, I was unexpectedly free today.

When I reached my apartment, Karan was already waiting for me.

"I thought you will be in the company?" I told him as soon as I entered.

"I moved the gun as you told me" He said.

"Good" I said "That's one thing less to worry" I said while removing my blazer.

"But it was really a dangerous move! How could you switch that gun with another, Sir, You were playing with fire, Abiram is watching you like a hawk!"

We had gotten hold of two guns from the gang when they were caught at mahesh's residence. I switched the police gun with another just before sending it for report, Even karan was unaware of it until I told him to move the original gun.

"I knew that pramod would never realise it" I shrugged, ED pramod was in charge of handling it. "As for Abiram, He will be very happy that I made a mistake in my theory" I laughed.

"You were the one who told them that it was a police officer's gun, And you are also the one who switched it, I don't understand what's going on"

"It's simple Karan, I don't want them to get caught, They are more like a sheild to me now" I said. "I had no other way to stop their punishment the other day, So I had to say it aloud, But things are different now" I said.

"I just hope that you will be safe Sir, Everyone is waiting and watching your each step" Karan reminded me and I nodded

"Don't worry, I got it under control" I said, reassuring him and he nodded.

I started to walk towards my room "Where's uncle Ravi?" I asked on the way.

"I told him that you are not coming for dinner today and let him leave" karan followed me "you even cancelled the dinner date with our important client to go and meet her, Why are you back so early?" Karan asked me.

"Mm..sanjana wanted to leave early" I said.

"Uncle Ravi was angry, He said you don't eat any meals and that you will die young if you continue to work like this"

I chuckled.

"I will remember to have breakfast tomorrow" I said.

"You are in a good mood today, boss" karan said.

"I guess I am" I nodded "But aren't you starting to talk too much, Karan?" I asked him.

"I am working 24/7 and following you around, I don't even have time for dating" he complained and I chuckled.

"How come you are free today? I asked you to work on palace group's contract"

"Yea, I was working on it when something odd happened"

"What?" I asked him.

"Abiram took his men out today" He said "He called out even nakulan, I don't know what's going on" he said.

"He better not make trouble for me, I am already working day and night" I said darkly.

"I felt something then, it was like he is planning something serious, He wanted to keep it low, It look like he doesn't want to alert anyone"

"It's Abiram, he can't keep anything down for long, let's wait and see" I said as I walked to the project room "where's the files on Trishana?" I asked him.

"You told me not to even mention her, you took down all her details and photos, you even erased the project board-"

"Now it's different" I said as I opened the file he gave me and started to stick it back to the project board "Now that she came to find me, I have no reason to avoid her, I should as well make use of this" I said while looking at her smiling picture.

Karan's phone beeped and he opened it.

"Sir!" He exclaimed "It's from Nitin" He said "Trishna's Cameraman and right hand man from truth magazine"

I know the guy.

"What does he want?"

"All the employees are asked to attend a meeting tomorrow morning" Karan looked at the message and told me "There's a new address below it!" He looked up at me "Sir do you think...?

"That they started the truth magazine again?" I frowned "The chances are very less, It will be difficult for them to start from scratch"

"Then what's it about?"

"Go and attend the meeting" I said "You will know"


"I really wanted to throw it in his face and walk away, He looked like he was giving me a gift, But I was thinking about his dirty money" I told them.

"This is really beautiful, Trisha, He has a good eye" varsha said "The fabric is also good" she turned to me "how much did it cost?" she asked me.

"I don't know" I said "He paid without my consent"

"I bet it's more than double of that shirt you got him" she said "If I'm right, this is......" She started to describe about the hand work pattern and the fabric type of the saree.

"Girls!" Aditya shook his head.

"You really are a professional, varsha, I can't even tell what type of material it is" Aditi said.

"Of course, She was the Director who was in charge of designing" I said.

"So, in short, He bought you a luxurious saree? Why did he do that?"

"He's interested in you, there is no doubt there" shahid said.

"He was treating me like a kid" I said darkly, Remembering the evening "He even teased me, No one has ever dared to do it before" I said "He looked so easy and comfortable around me, like he's known me for a long time"

"So let's assume that we got him where we wanted, So what's the next step?"

"Next we will-" I stopped when my phone started to ring.

"It's your dad, Karthik" I said.

"I feel like he is calling you more than me now" he said "see what's it"

"Hello sir?" I attended the call.

"Trishana, Are you okay now?"He asked me.

"I am okay, I was not injured physically anyway, What about the investigation sir?"

"That's why I called you" he said grimly "Do you know Abiram's private goon-sanjay?" he asked me.

"Yes, what about him?" I asked back.

"He was spotted near your magazine building on the day of fire" he said and I stilled. "The problem is, We don't have any evidence or anything, But I find it highly suspicious that he came there in the day of fire, it was too much of a coincidence" he said "The time kind of match too, But he was not captured in your cctv that we retrieved, He was captured on the cctv that's almost 100 mtrs away from your building" he said. "I think they started the fire"

"Can we arrest them?" I asked him.

"Unfortunately, we don't have anything solid against them" he said "And the fire and safety experts already gave their view, nothing look suspicious" he said.

I am angry now.

"So we have no way now" I said "they just destroyed the memories of my dad and mom and I am supposed to keep quiet about it" I said.

"Dont worry, I am heading the investigation in another direction" suresh sir told me "The fire alarm didn't work and if surya group is behind this, I am sure that they have done something to it, I am already investigating this matter" he said.

"I am really relieved that I can depend on you sir" I said sincerely "I dunno who else to trust in the police department" I said and karthik gestured at himself in front of me while I gave him a pointed look.

"It's the least I could do after you managed to transfer Mahesh's case to me, I promise you that I will start from him and enter surya group through him" he said.

"Then let's meet, Suresh sir, I have some more important details on them that are strictly confidential" I said "some of them are my dad's works, if I get a opportunity to release them, I will be glad to" I said and my gang were staring at me now.

"Then hold onto it for now, I will arrange a meeting with the police superintendent, Even though we can't attack surya group directly, He will know what to do"

"Is he trustworthy?"

"Yea, he is, the only problem is that he is prone to pressure from above, But I assure you that he won't backstab us" he said.

"Then I will wait for you to arrange a meeting with him" I said.

As soon as I disconnected the call, the gang started to question me.

"Are we handing over the datas?"

I nodded my head.

"I can't endanger my employee's from truth magazine, I think it's better this way"

"My dad is trustworthy, But I'm not sure about the others" karthik said "Our organisation is the top secret one, But even Ajith sir ended up dead and that shows there was a rat among the officers who assigned him the task" he said.

"That's right, If STOs are like this, we can't depend on the normal police officers" Aditya said "besides, It can put karthik's dad in danger"

"He knows how to take care of himself" karthik said proudly "I Am not worried about giving the datas to him, But once we handed over the details, if there is a leak, Surya group will know how much we have on them"

"Guys, it's our plan B" I said "now that truth magazine is destroyed, we need to find a source to get the news out and karthik's dad is our best option, we can't trust anyone else"

"But we are already following Arjun, we will take down him soon" Aditi said.

I sighed.

"I am still wary of Arjun.." I started.
"I have talked to Abiram, mahesh and even surya narayan and I have made deal with them before, But let me tell you, Arjun is different from them, I know we are tricking him, But I think it will be difficult for me to get anything out of him"

"Yea, that makes sense, If he was the one who was controlling surya law firm, Dealing with him will be difficult" shahid said and I nodded.

"Even shweta warned about him, okay, Let's go with this then" karthik agreed.

"But why are you not talking about this case to your dad, Karthik?" Aditya looked at him "your dad still don't know you are involved in this"

"You don't know him as much as I do" he said "he's helping trisha because she's an investigative reporter and it's her job, Moreover, My father know about Hariprasad's unjustified death" he said "But he will never..I mean never allow us to get together like this, He will think it as some illegal organisation and he won't approve of me working with you" karthik said "just like I..um..didn't like it when I saw you forming a group against narayan and I understand it"

"Mm..sounds logical"

"According to him, I Am doing my assignment with my team and let him think it for now" he said "I don't want my parents to get worried about me too"

"Ok, So your father is better off not knowing your role in this" I said.

"Let's get back to our topic, when are you going to meet him again?" karthik asked me "Did you make any plan?" he asked me.

"No,no!" I said "I was actually angry at him for..getting me this saree, I just came back" I said.

"What!" varsha exclaimed "It is such a beautiful saree and you didn't even thank him?"

"I thanked him, But I think he already know that I didn't like to accept this" I said "Now that I think about it, I was being childish! I should have jumped up and down like a girly girl and thanked him" I added

The guys laughed.

"Trying hard to get can be interesting too" karthik told me.

"Why do I feel like you are talking from experience?" I wagged my eyebrows at him.

"Did I ever do something wrong to you?" Karthik asked me "Why do I feel like you have a grudge against me?" He asked me rather innocently.

"I was simply being truthful" I said "Right, Aditi?" I turned to her.

"You guys, Stop playing around" Shahid scolded us "So what's next?"

"You should call him and thank him for this saree" Aditi said "this way, you are reminding him of yourself" she said "The more time he think about you, the better"

"I am surprised at you, Aditi" karthik said "I never thought you are a romantic at heart-"

"Shut up karthik, This is not funny" she glared at him and everyone carefully avoided looking at each other or smiling.

"Um..ok, That's actually a good idea, Arjun have to get used to your presence" varsha nodded.

"I don't feel like calling him" I said darkly "Especially now that I know my magazine headquarters was set fire by them" I said. "I will text him" I added.


It was half past 12 when I was finally ready to sleep.

I walked to the bed while checking the mails and I opened the notification from my message inbox.

"It's A lovely saree, Thank you so much"


I smiled and dialled her number.

The phone started to ring and there was no answer.

It's going to be 1 o'clock, She will be sleeping!

Yea, That's right, She also have a meeting tomorrow morning.

Just when I was going to disconnect, She attended my call.

"He..llo..?" her sleepy voice said "Arjun..what's it?" she asked me.

"Sorry, I didn't check the time sorry to disturb you" I said quickly.

"Is there something you want to talk?" she asked me, Rather....annoyed?

"No, I was thinking about today and kind of...missed you" I admitted "then I saw your text and just dialled your number"

"Have you gone mad? See the time Arjun, it's very late!" She said, still sounding annoyed at me for waking her up.

"Can I meet you this weekend?" I asked quickly "I would like to meet you" I said again.

There was silence at the other end.

"Forget it if you don't want-"

"Okay" she said slowly and I smiled.

"It's a date then" I said

"Date?.." She dragged off.

"Yea, I would like to date you, sanjana" I said and there was complete silence at the other end.

"Sanjana?" I called her.

She should be happy that I am proceeding with her plan!

"Um..yea, It's a date then" She said "I have to go now, Bye" she disconnected the call in a hurry.

And I stared at my phone.

She actually hung up on me!?.. This is the first time someone is hanging up on me, Especially a girl!


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