#5 The gunshot

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I clutched the steering tightly in my hands, I know there is no turning back now.it was past midnight and the whole area was in darkness.

I drove through the long road, the only light was from my headlight, I came to a stop at the far End of the bridge that was extending to the sea, I opened the door and came out.

"I am here" I shouted.

"Do you have the files?"I heard one of them before the light came.

It was a black car, I saw outlines of them when they started to get out.

"yes," I said, Blinking my eyes at the sudden bright light from their car.

They started to move towards me.

"wait!" I said and they stopped.

"I want to see if she's alright first," I said, my heart beating painfully now. "I want to see jasmine is alright first," I said firmly as I clutched the hard disk tightly in my hand.

"untie her"

I heard the order, my heart was beating frantically now. I heard the car door open.

"Jasmine!" I ran to her as soon as I saw her. she stumbled without balance and I reached her in time.

I wrapped her in my hands, hugging her tightly to me, both of my eyes filled as I felt her fragile body.

"what have you done to her!? Why is she so weak!" I said in anger.

There was laughter around us and I tightened my grip around her.

"That is why you should have obeyed us in the first place, we told you we would starve her if you don't get those files"

My blood boiled at that.

They were starving her these three days?

I tried to hold my anger, I know I am helpless in front of them.

"Jas..mine.." my voice trembled as I called her.

"Shahid..I..I.. love you" she whispered in a hoarse voice.

"shh..don't talk, let's get out of here first, "I said, tightening my hands around her.

"you can hand me that files now, now that we are happily reunited" I heard the snickering voice.

I supported jasmine with my one hand and slowly pulled out the hard disk.

I outstretched it to them.

Being a software genius was my only gift. I was neither rich nor eligible for any other field, My life was easy for me as I am one of the "BEST" as they called me.

I never thought I will hate my gift one day, I never thought it will harm my family.

"check it" the order came again and one of them walked to me.

"This is the correct one," The guy said while connecting it to his device.

I supported jasmine and started to walk to our car.

"Are you leaving already?" I heard the leader's voice again. I stilled as I heard the clicking sound, there's no mistaking that, I turned around to see him pointing the gun at me.

"Abiram., "I said slowly, recognizing him with shock.

I never thought he would personally come to deal with me!

He laughed mercilessly.

I pulled jasmine behind me and we hide behind the car. I know it's a poor attempt, but it's all I got now.

"Are we playing hide and seek now?" I heard Abiram's voice and his people laughed.

Jasmine looked to my eyes and I hugged her to me, I don't know how I could console her.

"Izzy.." she said, "where's Izzy-"
"she's safe" I answered, the face of our baby girl flashed through my mind.

"That's all I want" Jasmine whispered as I moved her slowly away from the approaching footsteps.

"don't give up," I said, determined "we will escape them" I whispered.

"come out now, I don't have much time" Abiram shouted "to be truthful, I am a bit reluctant to kill you too, it will be a waste to kill such a genius," he said as his group laughed again.

I turned to Jasmine "I will block them for a few minutes, you should drive off now" I said, coming to a decision.

I don't think both of us can make it together.

Her eyes widened

"no" she shook her head "I will never go back without you," she said.

"Think of Izzy, you have to take her and run, don't come out, hide, "I said.

"I will block them shahid, you have to save Izzy," she said.

"I can't do that, Izzy loves her mommy the most," I said as my eyes filled and jasmine looked at me

"she feels secure with you, she needed you whenever she's hurt," she said.

I grabbed her hand "we don't have time, you have to run when I say"


"Listen to me one last time, for me, for our Izzy"

She shook her head, tears started to flow down her face.

"I love you.." I kissed her "take care of yourself and Izzy, tell her-" I stopped as I heard it.

Another car was coming to this road!nobody usually come down here.

"boss! Someone else is coming!" one of the men shouted. "Jasmine, now!" I said as I started to move out of the spot, but she grabbed my hand.

"We could get help, someone is coming, I can't leave you back!"

"GET THEM" Abiram ordered and people were coming from all around.

"Jasmine!" I shouted and she ran to the driving seat.

I punched the first person who tried to follow her.

"The girl is getting away"

"stop her"

"NOW!JASMINE, GOO.." I shouted, but instead of driving away, she turned on all the lights on the car and started to blow the horn continuously.

The sound echoed all around, penetrating the silent night.

"Aaah" I was kicked to the ground and my head hit the concrete.

"stop that bitch!" Abiram growled as they ran to stop her.

I blocked them with my body, hoping she will drive away.

Pain shot through me as they attacked me, but I refused to let them cross me.

"you bloody!"Abiram raised his gun at me and I closed my eyes tightly.

"Just wait there, I will send your wife and baby soon," he said before pulling the trigger.

A sharp pain pierced through me.

"shahid!" I heard the heartbreaking cry as jasmine ran to me "OH GOD! You are bleeding!" she pressed her hands to my wound on the chest, tears flowing down her face.

"Jas..mine..go..go bac-"

"you are quite interesting" I heard Abiram again, I looked up just to see him pointing it again.

"don't worry, we will take good care of your wife," he said before shooting again.

"noo!" I heard her scream and I felt her hugging me.

I closed my eyes again, but the pain never came.

"shahi..." I slowly opened my eyes in terror.

Jasmine's grip was loosened as she fell to my lap.

"Jasmine!no.." I touched her face.

"shahid..i..love..you..sa..save..i..izzy..te.ll her..i ..i..lov.."I hugged her tightly, forgetting about my pain.

Noo...God can't be this cruel...

Hot tears started to flow down my face, my heart breaking into pieces.

"boss!they are coming this way!" someone shouted and Abiram touched his gun to my forehead.

But I didn't care, I was still hugging her to me, Abiram pulled the trigger and nothing happened.

"Throw them out of the bridge, we have to get out now" he started to walk back and his men came forward, They dragged jasmine away from me.

"noo.," I shouted again, trying to fight them, but I was too weak, I was starting to sink into the darkness.

"Jasmine..." I tried to say as I saw her eyes moving to me while she was being dragged away.

I watched, unable to move and helpless, as they raised her over the divider.

Noo..please..please..she's alive..she's not dead..please don't-

My heart crushed as she disappeared from sight, I felt them dragging me then, I couldn't move even as I heard the sound of water splashing far below the bridge.

Then darkness engulfed me.


"Doctor!" my junior came inside "there is an emergency case with a gunshot wound"

"Gunshot wound?"I asked again.

It's rare to have something like that in the hospital.

"Yes, A 30-year-old male, his bp is falling rapidly and the pulse is weak, it looks like he's already lost a lot of blood"

I took my apron and started to walk out. "Quickly start his transfusion before he goes to shock" I ordered as someone blocked me.

"Doctor, I need to have a word with you, "the officer said.

"It can wait, I need to see the patient -"

"No, It's really urgent, Dr.prakash asked me to talk to you, "The officer said making me stop on the way.

Uncle told him to talk to me!?

"I will take over the case, Aditya, you reach the OT directly," Dr.srinivas said.

"Yes," I said and turned to the officer in front of me. "five minutes, that's all I can spare," I said "Mr.suresh Kumar" I added, reading his name tag.


"You want to allow his protection?"I asked the officer again.

We were seated in my cabin.

"I have reasons to believe that he's in danger," the officer Suresh said "His wife's still missing, Both of them were shot and He's the only one who can tell us what happened"

"How come his wife's missing? What if she's-"

"She's thrown to the sea, The rescue team is already there, Searching for her But we don't have any hope," The officer said.

My heart squeezed painfully at that.

"What happened to them?" I asked slowly.

"Your patient is Shahid khan, The security head of so many companies, Anyone could try to kill him," Officer Suresh said "We need to be prepared just in case the preparator come back" He added.

"Then will you allow the police officers to take the position?" I asked and he hesitated a moment.

"I don't want to make it public," he said and I looked at him.

"You are doing this on your own? you don't want other officers to get involved?"

I would have been suspicious of him if it was not for the fact that he brought the patient here.

"It's impossible to keep the police away from him, But I would like it if you keep an eye on this patient," He said.

I stared at him.

He's practically telling me that he doesn't trust the police department.

"I have my reasons to do this, Doctor, I heard you already have one patient isolated," he said and I became alert.


"How do you know-wait! you are the officer who brought Varsha here too?" I asked and he nodded.

Then is it Surya Narayan again?

My heart skipped a beat.

"The patient inside is a major witness, you need to take care of him doctor"

"I will have the hospital security guard him"I nodded "but I can't do much if the hospital director is against that"

"I will find another way to move him by then, thank you doctor" the officer turned around.

"Is it..is it the same people who were attacking Varsha Abraham?" I asked hesitantly and he stilled.

"Nothing is confirmed yet," he said

And something in his tone made me think that I guessed right.

It's Surya Narayanan again! I need to save the guy...


"I am sorry" Sam looked at me with guilt "I..I couldn't save you, "He said.

He still had a bandage on his forehead.

He was dragged away to a room and they locked him inside while Mahesh Narayan attacked me.

I know I can't blame anyone but Mahesh Narayan.

I had seen him occasionally when he visited my papa for the business purpose, He was respectful and polite.

I never thought that he would come back for me even after ruining my company.

I trembled at the thought of him.

I still can't believe that he tried to force himself on me, I feel dirty and tainted whenever I remember that.

"You are safe here, don't worry," Sam told me quickly, Probably watching my expression "I am still relieved that nothing happened to you, I called the police at the correct time-"

He stopped as I turned to him.

Nothing happened?

I nearly got raped and Drowned.

The memory of that day will forever be etched to my mind

He didn't rape me, Yes, But he touched me with his filthy hands...Nothing can wash away the pain he caused me.

"I..I am sorry, It was not a good thing to say, "Sam said quickly"I am just relieved that you are Alive, Varsha," He said.

I know I shouldn't take it on him.

"Th...Thank you...For..calling the police.."I said slowly And he looked relieved that I am not angry at him anymore.

"Um...Do you want anything?" he took a step closer and I moved to the wall unconsciously.

"I..am not going to hurt you" he stopped.

I looked up at him. He's my childhood friend.

He's not going to hurt you, Varsha...

"Did you hear anything from my Papa?" I asked him and he looked down.

"I..I want to be alone," I told him.


"I don't want any visitors, "I told him firmly.

"I..I will wait outside then," he said and walked out of the room.

I hugged myself on the hospital bed and looked at the mirror.

The bruise was starting to fade, But I still looked pale and white like a ghost.

I am no longer the proud, successful and beautiful Varsha Abraham, I am a victim now, A powerless helpless victim.

Everyone thinks I had an accident, Some people even think that I tried to commit suicide because of the company, But nobody guessed what really happened to me, And I can't bring myself to say what happened.

The officer who rescued me also thinks that it's the best way to keep silence now, He doesn't want me to go against Surya group without proper evidence, He said that they will turn the case against me, But promised to investigate secretly.

No wonder dad trusted officer Suresh, It was him who rescued me too, But I never wanted to be rescued this time.

It would have been better if Mahesh Narayan had killed me instead, but no, my fate is to open my eyes like a living dead girl like this.

In a blink of the eye, I lost my pride, I don't know if my papa is alive or dead and we lost our company.

Mahesh Narayan had said that my papa is dead, He said he would spare me if I could live by his side.

I would rather be dead than live as his mistress anyway.

I started to shiver again, I want to block the flashing images out of my head, but even the hypnosis is not working on me...

They said it's been a week that I had been here, they said I was unconscious for four days and woke up only in the fifth day, but it would have been better if I were to die, or never woke up.

My life, career, everything has come to an end now, even my soul feel dark and tainted.

I don't want to live like this anymore.

I detached the tubes from my hand.

I don't want to live like this.

I dragged my feet to the door. It still was difficult for my body to move.

Doctors said it's due to shock and that it will be alright in a few days, but I don't think that it's ever going to be alright again.

Everything is going to get worse...I don't have even a little hope.

They are going to come after me...Mahesh Narayan will come after me.

I opened the door and the security people turned to me.

"I want some fresh air," I said as sam ran to me.

"Varsha, Are you okay?" he looked concerned.

"I want to take a walk," I said and he nodded

"That's good, you will only get frustrated if you locked yourself in that room, I will walk with you," he said and tried to grab my hand.

I flinched back and he stilled.

"I..I am sorry.." he looked hurt.

I didn't turn to him and walked straight.

He was my secret crush, I was going to confess to him this time, that's why I came home this time.

But things like that do not concern me anymore. Anything good or happy had shattered on the night I had been attacked.

I stopped near the window and looked out, where people were walking around, cars were moving, life was buzzing.

"I need water, I'm thirsty," I told him.

"Water..yea..sure.I will get you, please wait for me here" he said and I nodded.

I waited until he was walking back and out of sight.

I started to move through the crowd.


I removed the head cap and mask.

It was a long surgery, it took all night to operate on him.

The surgery was a success, but the patient's condition was not good, so all that remains is him to wake up.

Shahid khan...I hope you will fight through this, I hope you will wake up soon...

I gave him one last look before handing the case to my fellow doctor to suture him.

I walked out of the operation theatre and the chief nurse ran to me.

"Doctor..the vvip patient, Varsha-"

"What happened to her?" I was alert instantly.

I had been taking care of her all these days and today's the first time I am taking my eyes off her.

"she's missing, she is missing in her room and her guardian thinks something's off"

"I isolated her for a reason, find her now or you all are going to get fired!" I ran out of the room, still in my scrubs.

My mind started to work frantically.

She's a victim, she's depressed and hates the world...

I ran to the stairs.

Just like I imagined, There was shouts and screaming.

"Varsha, please..you can't go there-" The head psychologist was already trying to talk to her.

She was holding up a bp knife.

"Go away...I will kill you if anyone comes near" she was screaming at the crowd around her.

I looked down and saw her standing in the glass pieces, bleeding, but she looked unaware of the pain.

I looked at the nurse nearby and she looked down.

"I..she took me by surprise, she pushed the tray and...bp blade-"

I didn't stop to listen and pushed my way through the crowd and reached the top of the stairs.

"Calm down," I said and took a step forward as she turned to me.

I held her eyes.

"Varsha..you don't want to hurt anyone, please calm down"

"Move out of my way or I will kill everyone" she pointed the blade at me threateningly.

I took another step forward and she took a step back, still pointing the blade at me "stay back" she shouted again.

"Doctor.." the head nurse called me.

"Doctor, stay calm..don't provoke her," Her psychologist told me and I turned to her.

"That door is locked, you can't get to the terrace anyway," I told her firmly "and you can't kill anyone with that bp blade," I said, taking another step as she took another step back.

"Calm down, Varsha, I will help you to-"

"You can't help me!" she screamed "no one can help me, I Am going to die! And if anyone is trying to stop me, I will kill them.."

"You are not a person who can kill anyone," I said as I took another step and she hit the wall behind.

"Stay back" she whispered threateningly.

"Listen to me varsh-" I moved out of the way as she slashed the knife with a cry.

The crowd shouted and moved back in Shock and I turned back to her, ready for the attack.

By the time she turned around to stab me again, I locked her from behind.

"Get me a shot of lorazepam" I shouted as I locked the struggling girl inside my hands.

Her guardian ran to me.

"Get the blade out of her hand" I shouted again as he takes it out.

"No..Nooooo" she screamed as the nurse reached with her shot and injected.

I turned her around, Our eyes met, She looked at me with pure hatred.

"Sleep it off," I told her gently "you will be better when you wake up," I told her.

A nurse came with a wheelchair.

"Guard her room well" I ordered and they nodded "don't allow a single person inside without my permission," I said again.

"Doctor" her guardian looked at me with a shaky voice.

"That includes you too, She's my patient, no one is allowed to meet her until I say so" I walked back.

"Well done brother" I heard Aditi's voice as I reached the room "I saw that, it was quite a scene, so you were staying here to protect that crazy girl?" she looked angry.

"That crazy girl is here because of the second son of Surya Narayanan," I said.

"What!" Aditi looked shocked "what did they do to her?"

"Mahesh Surya Narayan" I answered her "but I need some rest now, can you get out?"

"Everything is ready, Aditya" She exclaimed suddenly "All we need to do is get inside the file house and take the case files"

"Okay, Let me sleep for a couple of hours, we will plan our next step then," I said and she nodded.

We have decided to break into the government file house and take away Ajith sir's case files before Surya group gets their hands on that.



Do let me know what you think of the story.

Love you,


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