#51 The Past

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Read chapter #50 before this, Both are updated together.


"That's..impossible! Arjun is..Sidharth Rajnath?" I said and she nodded.

"Sidharth Rajnath escaped the Accident" She said. "He was in the car when the accident happened, The car was hanging by the cliff when the first collision happened, Even though he could have escaped, His father tried to help his kids, He got sidharth first, who was only half conscious and pushed him out of the car, Then he could have rescued Renuka too, If it wasn't for the second collision which sent the car straight down the cliff" She said.

My chest tightened.

"It was night and nobody realised that he was alive, he was unconscious and bleeding while officer Ajith roy found him"

"Uncle Ajith?" I asked again.

"She nodded. "Yes,He was already investigating palace group then, So he had had some idea about surya narayan, But there was nothing he could prove then"

So Aditya, Aditi, Shahid and I was not the only people to get help from uncle Ajith.

"What happened then?" I turned to Anjali.

"He took him to hospital and sidharth was in coma for a long time" she said. "Then he was enrolled in the witness protection, His entire details was wiped out, A new identity created for him"

I was hurting again at the thought of a 9 year old boy suffering through this alone.

I wiped my eyes.

He never was working for surya narayan..

"How..how did he end up..getting adopted by narayan?" I asked slowly.

"It's a long story, The moment Sidharth recovered, The only emotion he had was hatred, He wanted nothing more than to take revenge, But being a helpless 9 year old didn't help either" Anjali said. "He has high IQ than the normal kids around his age and started to get in trouble" She said. "he got transferred from safe homes to safe homes and all along, He had only one demand, He wanted revenge" She stopped.

"When the problem was too serious, Ajith roy promised him that he will consider this if he behave, So for the next year, Arjun was the best student, He was smart, Brilliant, and a model student, He was ranked first in every field and everyone praised him" she stopped.

"By the time Ajith roy returned back, He had already made plans, Plans to make Arjun adopted to the surya group" She said. "Arjun started training under him, On his 13th birthday, surya narayan finally came in search of him"

"How come.."

"Narayan's ex fiancee" she said. "Even though they were not married, They were still in a relationship for a long time, She had died and Ajith roy just made it look like that Arjun is her son, The son she kept as a secret from him"

I too have heard that narayan's marriage was purely for business purpose, I remembered shweta's words too.

"Tricked Narayan to believe that Arjun is his own son?" That's too much! "And Uncle Ajith let a 13 year old boy walk straight to danger?" I asked.

"Shyam told me that it was the only way for Arjun to be alive that time" She said. "He said if Ajith sir had not promised him to help him get his revenge, Arjun would have ended up doing something stupid, And the officer knew it" She said.

"Still..it's too much, Is it even legal to use kids like it?" I asked. "Uncle Ajith was supposed to be a STO, How can he promise Arjun to help him get revenge!?" I asked incredulously.

"Officer Ajith wasn't trying to help Arjun gets his revenge, He was using Arjun as a spy, He had been trying to get surya narayan and he slipped away every time, So Arjun was the perfect solution for him to get inside details" She said.

"But Uncle Ajith is Already dead" I said. "My dad is gone too" I whispered.

So Arjun is playing with fire now.

I couldn't even imagine the consequences of him getting exposed.

"What about Narayan then? How come he's not touching Dreamland?" I asked again.

"If there's a place where narayan won't dare to come, It's dreamland, All the people here knew him as the assistant of Chairman Rajnath, When narayan left palace group, He practically put palace group and Dreamland in danger"

"I know, when palace group splitted, it was some foreign investor who invested in the company, Dream Land was taken by him as a surety" I said. "I also heard that the new president is living abroad, That he don't even join the shareholders meetings"

"Actually it was Arjun's Dad who did that, When He knew about Surya narayan from officer Ajith roy, With the help of officer Ajith and CEO Gangadhar, He tried set the problems straight" Anjali said.

"He couldn't finish it as he was killed in that accident, But it did help with legal battle later, Otherwise Narayan would have taken the whole company, And it also made Dream Land and Palace group safe from outside world" She said.

"So... It was all well planned, The whole story of investor was a fake" I said.

Anjali nodded.

"After Narayan and his traitors went out, It was essential for everyone to think that the ownership of the company and Dreamland had changed, So they proceeded according to the plan" Anjali said. "CEO Gangadhar sir fulfilled the late chairman's plan, He filtered everyone, All the suspicious people were fired, only the close, trustworthy directors were allowed to stay"

That's why everyone said that the palace group is like a tight knit family circle, They don't accept outsiders and No news comes out of there, Now I know why everyone refer the palace group as a kingdom.

By the time we walked outside the room, My head was filled with a lot of questions again.

There was still a lot of things I know Arjun has done to us, But I just couldn't think about anything else now, I need to deal with the new informations for now.

"Sanjana, Arjun has been fighting for a long time now, He tried his maximum to stop the crimes as good as he can" Anjali said while we reached outside. "I hope you won't misunderstand him" She said.

"I know a lot of things he has done, Anjali, Whatever the reason, I can't agree with some of the things he had done" I said.

"I don't know anything about it, He will talk to you when he's back, But the one thing I know is that He's really in love with you" She said.

"You dunno how his life was before, His only aim was to destroy surya group, Never once did he changed his focus, And he just kept going forward" She looked at me. "So Shyam and I was actually shocked when we heard about you from him, He never even spared a glance at any girls from college and when he suddenly appeared with you in that party, It was as good as an eighth wonder of the world for us" She said.

That's why they were this interested in me, They wants to know what kind of girl I am to catch Arjun's attention.

"When he tried to rescue you, He was worried for your safety, I Had never seen him like that before, He used to tell us that he has no conscious after joining surya group, He had to do a lot of things against his will and he still stayed there, But you are the one person he had broken his own rules for" She said.

"When you were caught by SI Thomas, For the first time in all these years, He said he wanted to save you, He said that the war between the surya group and palace group is not important if he could get you back-"

"Anjaly..I need some time.." I said quickly, "This is too much for me to take in"

"Of course, I don't meant to scare you" She said.

"How come he was able to keep his identity a secret? There's a lot of families here in Dreamland" I asked again. "Surya group is not stupids"

"He never appeared in front of anyone before" Anjali said. "Only a trusted few people who worked for his dad knew about his identity" She said.

"The people who came to visit me?" I asked and she nodded.

"Everyone else just know that a new president has taken charge, The common people here were really worried about it, They thought that the new president will take their land back, But then Arjun not only didn't take it back from them, But also helped them" She said. "Even though they haven't seen him, All of them love him, They think that the new president of the palace group is as great as the previous chairman" Anjali said. "That's who Arjun really is" She stopped.

"Um..He turned up in the engagement party, People would have seen his face" I said.

Anjali nodded.

"It was a private party" She said. "The people present there were the directors of Palace group and other important people from Dreamland who already know him, But it was still the first time he was appearing publicly like that"

That explains the uproar when we entered the hall.

"We had had to setup the security measures and bodyguards all around" Anjali said.

I remembered the security men who had been checking the people at the entrance, I was too tensed then as I had a gun with me, But now that I think about it, It really would've been weird for people to have set up a security check for an engagement party!

"But it was still dangerous to do that" I said

"I know" Anjali said. "That was so reckless of him to show up there like that, But I think he's not planning to hide behind the cover, He said he want to put an end to everything soon" She said.

My insides twisted at that.

Put an end to everything?

I don't think everything will go smoothly, We all are against surya group..

Anjali checked her watch then.

"Uh..it's late, I need to leave now, Sanju, Uncle is here to keep you company" She said.

"Uncle?" I asked.

"Moloo, Come on" I heard the consoling voice and turned around to see his housekeeper uncle.

"I will call you, Sanju, I am already late, shyam will be back from office now" She said and hurried to her car.

I watched until she was out of sight.

"Come on, I have prepared some snacks for you" Uncle said to me.

I was in no mood for snacks, But I felt guilty towards him.

I had had pointed the gun at him the last time we met at Arjun's apartment.

"Um..okay, Uncle" I nodded slowly.

So he placed the snacks on the table while I reluctantly took one in my hand.

"Thank you, uncle" I said and he beamed happily.

"I am really glad that you are here, Sanjana" He said and I could hear the sincerity in his voice.

"I was always worried about Arjun, He was too stubborn, Nothing Mattered to him other than business, Even though he helped others, He was not at all concerned about his life..that is, until he turned up with you in that apartment yesterday" Uncle said.

I was uncomfortable, But didn't interrupt him.

"He cares about you a lot" Uncle said. "I saw your picture on his project board first, But then, I saw it on his table and after a few days, While I went to wake him up, He had your picture in his hand along with a lot of papers scattered on the bed, He was still in the work cloth and sleeping, That's when I first noticed you" He said. "But I knew Arjun was not the type to get involved in a relationship, So I didn't think much of that, Until..he carried you home, You were still sleeping, But Arjun was looking at you with lot of love, I know him from the moment he was born and it was the first time I have seen him caring someone like this" He said.

I didn't say anything, But my heart was trembling again.

"When you left like that, When he thought you got caught, He looked defeated, He had been after narayan for a long time and he had never even thought of giving up his plan of revenge, But he was ready to risk everything yesterday, He said he was going to meet narayan and he was going to ask him to return you back" uncle said. "Give him a chance, Moloo, He's not someone evil and heartless like you think, He's someone who helps the people in need, Someone who want justice, Who is selfless and hardworking" He stopped. "I could guarantee this as I am someone who knew him for a long time-"

"Um..I dont think he's..he's helping surya group" I said quickly. "Anjali told me everything" I added.

Uncle nodded.

"Is he not coming today?" I asked uncle.

"He never used to come here, Even if he comes here, It will be late at night, He will have meeting with his trusted directors and return back" He explained. "Even though everyone here at Dreamland loves him, He couldn't even come here since he didn't want anything to go wrong" he said.

I nodded.

"He said he will come today to see you" Uncle said. "I don't know when he will be here"


My phone rang again.

"Trisha?" I attended the call, we have been waiting for her call.

"It's me, Arjun" I heard his voice. "Have you cancelled today's plan to meet the DIB?" He asked me.

After discussion, We have decided to play along with him..for now.

"Since Trisha can't make it, It's going to be cancelled anyway" I said.

"Where's Karan?"

"Where's Trisha?" I asked back.

"She's safe"

"Karan too" I said

"Ok, then take care of him well" He said.

What the heck does he think?

Can't he detect the underlying warning in my tone?

He doesn't fit the description of Arjun that was given by Trisha, He is neither friendly nor easy to get along.

Swetha was right, He is difficult, Arrogant and manipulative.

"Why did you call me?"

"I would like to meet all of you" He stated as if it's a simple thing.

"We don't trust you" I said. "Maybe you are angry at your father and doing all of these to get back" I said, Remembering what shweta had told me about his mother being abandoned by narayan.

"Maybe you don't plan to hurt us now, But it doesn't make you any better than them" I said. "you are still the heartless evil lawyer who destroyed a lot of people with them" I said.

"I am not very proud of my achievements in the surya law firm" He said coolly, "But I don't want to talk to you about anything over phone" he said and everyone looked at each other, Unable to decide what to make of it.

"Did you call me to talk about this?" I asked. "We would like to talk to Trisha first"

"She's not with me" He said. "But I do have a preposition for you" He said.

"What is it?"

"I would like to ask Aditya and Aditi about this, Can I talk to them? I know they are listening to me right now" He said.

He's scary!

All of us looked at each other again.

"What's it?" Aditya spoke up.

"Do you want to get your hospital groups back?" He asked.

There was a short silence when everyone digested his question.

"I'm not doing this to get back my business, Besides, It's impossible now" He said.

"I know that you want revenge, But think about it, For surya group, what's worse than losing its power?" he asked back.

"And it's not impossible, I can't talk about this over phone anymore" He said firmly.

"What if it's a trap? How can we trust you after all the things you have done?" Shahid asked. "Maybe you are keeping Trisha as a bait, The last time she called us, She warned us against you" He said.

There was a silence.

"Okay" He said. "Then I will prove to you that you can trust me" He said confidently.

"What are you going to do?" I asked now.

"You will know" He said. "We see each other soon" He disconnected.

"How rude and arrogant!" Aditi said as soon as the call disconnected.

"And Mr.know-it-all" Varsha said. "Even if he's saying the truth, We can't trust him, He was there when my dad got murdered" Varsha said.

"What are we going to do?" Aditya asked "If we don't do like he say now, What if he threaten us with Trisha?"

"It looks like trisha is okay now, let's just wait for his-" I stopped as my phone vibrated.

"I have a text from him" I said and everyone gathered around and I opened my text.

I froze at the message as everyone else looked confused.

"What's it! A bunch of numbers and alphabets?" They were trying to figure it out.

"It looks like some kind of password" Shahid said.

"It's my STO ID used to access files" I whispered. "Probably the most difficult thing to obtain" I said. "How can he...There's no way...unless...He too is a STO?" I said slowly.

My phone beeped again.

I opened it again.

It didn't make any sense to me, I was staring at the picture of a teenage guy.

"That's...That's Aditya!" Aditya said and I felt Aditi's face change like she's physically hurt. "That's prakash uncle's Real son" He said. "Nobody knows about him..No one!"

My phone beeped again.

This time I was actually worried to see what it will be.

It was a picture of a sticky note.

"You can trust him?"

I Read slowly. "what does it mean-"

"Oh my God!" Varsha whispered. "Oh God!..That's..That's my papa's message..it's-"

"He could have forced it out of him" Aditi said, But varsha shook her head,Tears filling her eyes. "The..sticky note..he..cut it in that..shape,to let me know that he..he meant it, he always left those notes when we were..together, he used to cut it the same..way.."

"So he would not have done it if it was a forced one" Aditya said and she nodded.

The last message came and I handed the phone to shahid, who opened the message.

"No!" He exclaimed. "This is..it's impossible!" he said.

"What is it?" I asked. "It's the..real..password to decrypt Ajith roy case files, For the original one" He said. "Only Ajith sir and I know about this" He stopped. "which could also mean that the original case files are with him!"

"So he had the original files all along...and we went to all those trouble to get the fake one?" Aditi said.

"So he sent something to each of us, Something that could only be known to us" I said slowly.

"Who the hell is he really!?"


It was very late when I finally reached the Dream land.

Uncle opened the door for me. "You are here" He said. "did you have food?"

"Where's sanju?"

"She's resting, She didn't look too well" He said. "She's in the main guest room" He said. "She was waiting for you" He added.

Sanju was waiting for me!?

I nodded and walked to the guest room.

I knocked twice on the door, But no answer came. "Sanju..I am coming inside" I said and opened the door slowly.

The light was left on and she was in the bed, Asleep.

I walked to her.

"Sanju?" I looked at her face, she looked tired and sick, Her lips were slightly pale.

I placed my hand over her forehead and she opened her eyes in shock.

"Don't worry, It's me" I said softly. "You have a fever" I added.

I had expected it earlier, She was abandoned in the ice factory after all.

"What time is it?" She asked while trying to sit up.

"It's 11:50" I said while arranging her pillows for her and helping her to sit up.

She looked at me and I looked back.

"Were you waiting for me?" I asked "uncle said-"

"I just asked when you will be coming here" She said. "He said you rarely come here, Why did you come back today? It's so late"

She was looking at me and I stared straight back.

She's asking a very obvious question, I know Anjali would have filled her about the major things.

She looked tired and worn out, She looked really despirited, After meeting and following her all these time, This is the first time I'm seeing her like this.

"Let me call a doctor for you" I took my phone out.

"It's only a mild fever" She said. "It will be alright once I get proper rest" She placed her hand against mine while stopping the call.

Silence filled again.

"Arjun.." She said

Here it comes...She's going to reject me..She's going to push me away.

"Give me a minute" I said as I got up. "Let me get you medicine first" I walked out of there.



I know there's a lot of things you want to ask, Everything will be cleared over the next chapters

I am busy with works, So I dunno when I will update the next chapter, I will try to upload within 2 weeks.

I am reading each and every comments you sent me, So do let me know what you think😊

Love you!

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