#69 Back to the rightful places

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I walked to the car where Aditi and Aditya was waiting for me.

We are going to attend the directors meeting at the hospital groups.

"So are you guys ready for this?" I asked them.

Both of them took a deep breath and nodded.

It was funny to see them acting identically.

I smiled.

I am glad that both of them are safe.

"Don't worry, Everything will be alright" I said.

Aditya started the car and Aditi opened the passenger door for me.

I looked at her in surprise.

"Doctor uncle" She said, "Thank you for staying with us until the end," She said. "We are lucky to have you, we meant it" She said.

I smiled.

"You are my kids, Of course I will support you two" I said.

What they both don't know is the fact that I needed them more than they needed me.

My only son was killed and I would have gone crazy if it was not for Aditya and Aditi.

I had no time to immerse myself in the sorrow of losing a son as I was trying my best to protect them. I was only relieved after I successfully sent them abroad.

I am glad that I decided to trust them and brought them back...They fulfilled their wishes as well as mine...

I am finally at peace now, The people who killed my son is brought to justice.


I smiled as Amma switched off the TV and turned to my dad, Who was still in the hospital bed.

"That's enough, You were watching the news from the moment you woke up!"

"Amma, Let him watch it, He was following Surya group for a long time-"

"And you Karthik, How can you let your dad have his way? He is a patient!" She told me firmly.

My dad has finally opened his eyes from his deep sleep and I am in the city hospital with him.

"I feel like skipping the important things and watching the climax of a horror movie, I don't understand what happened, Surya group is ruined overnight!" He said.

"Don't worry, I will fill you all the details" I told him. "I am still angry at you for sending Trisha a mail when you didn't even tell me anything!"

"What about you, Karthik? Why didn't you tell me that you were working with Reporter Trishana?" He asked me back.

"Um...then let's call it even" I said.

"Karthik, When are you going to bring Aditi here?" Amma interfered.

"Amma, She is busy with work, I cannot ask her now" I said.

Aditi is not yet ready to "meet the parents" thing, She is scared of the whole thing.

"Or did you fail to convince her?"

Ouch....now, that hit right on spot.

"I will convince her soon, Dad" I told him. "I have to go now, I have plans with my friends" I said.


I stepped to my new office with my new PA, Who was also acting as my Bodyguard and Secretary.

My staffs do not look too enthusiastic to welcome me as the current designer made the introductions.

"Let me introduce myself" I looked around the people who we're gathered to "welcome" me.

"I am Varsha Abraham, The director of designing from Latest" I said. "I will be working with you for a short time" I said again.

After a lot of discussion, We already come to an agreement that I will take Latest back after completing the current project going on in the Surya group, So as not to disrupt the life of the people who are working here.

All of them were looking wary and not too friendly.

"I hope we all can work together well" I said and few of them clapped while the other few didn't even pretend to be nice.

I turned to my office and stopped.

Something inside me snapped as I watched the new design on the mannequin.

I took a step forward.

My mind was reeling while I started to understand what's going on.

"This design?" I turned to look at the chief designer.

"That's our new model to go to the next fashion festwell" She said proudly.

Anger bubbled inside me.

"Bring me the scissors" I ordered, My voice felt angry and strange to my own ears, But it didn't matter anymore.

"Ma'am?" The chief designer asked me.

I turned to look at her coldly.

"Madam asked for a scissor," My PA said and soon someone brought me a scissor.

I took a step forward and took hold of the dress, I placed the scissors to the edge of cloth and started to cut it vertically, From the top to the bottom.

"Ma'am!" The designer looked shocked.

Everyone was frozen around me.

I turned around, Sure enough, I have all of their attention now. The people who were trying to ignore me earlier was already gathering around me and the mannequin.

"Who designed it?" I asked. "Call the designer here" I ordered.

"It's my assistant, He's a aspiring and talented young guy, We were going to send him for This year's Designers festival"

I leaned to the nearby desk and crossed my hands over my chest.

Now I know why I couldn't find my sketches at home while Aditya and I visited last time.

Hatred blinded me while the crowd parted and none otherthan My ex-best friend appeared infront of me.


The bloody bastard who tricked me and helped Mahesh to attack me.

The guy who cheated my Papa and made him stay back while He was planned to go abroad.

The bloody guy who captured Aditi and endangered Aditya, Karthik and Aditi.

Now he even dared to steal my sketches and plagiarise my design.


He looked pleasantly surprised, There was no regret or worry in his face.

"Congratulations, You are our new director" He smiled again and even with my hatred, Even through my fury, I couldn't help but shudder in disgust.

"I heard that you were coming, I didn't know it will be this soon" He added.

"What did you call me?" I asked him. "Do you know what position I am taking in this company?"

"We are friends after all-"

"Who is your friend, Mister?" I arched my eyebrow up threateningly. "I am your superior, You will address me accordingly" I said.

Sam stopped midway. He's struggling to keep his smile on his face, I could see that.

"Yes, Director Varsha" He said.

"And what's this?" I moved and pointed to the design on the mannequin that was torn halfway. "Do you want to tell me why my design is displayed here in your office?" I asked.

The smile slipped off his face as he looked horrified.

Murmuring started around us.

"So you are the talented young designer here? No wonder Surya fashion industry didn't do any well and wanted to acquire Latest" I said. "The errand boy of our Latest fashion world is the chief designer's favourite disciple!? Wow..really interesting" I said.

Everyone looked insulted and incredulous as Sam's face looked red with embarrassment.

"I will rearrange all of your positions based on your work" I announced, Looking around. "I don't want amateurs to hold positions they do not deserve," I said and the whole team looked shocked now, Their earlier attitude changed and they nodded.

"Ah..Mr.Sam" I turned back to him. "I will wait for you to bring me all my sketches today itself" I told him firmly. "Do you understand me?" I asked him.

He looked back at me.

If he said "yes" It's like he's admitting to stealing my design, but if he said "No" He's calling me, The Director of the fashion department a liar, That will also cost him his job.


"I didn't hear you"

"Yes, I will"

"And you will reflect on what you did, Plagiarisation is a serious crime in our industry, I hope you have learned your lesson well today, Mr.Sam"

I walked inside.

So Mahesh helped him to join Surya group as a designer? He killed my family for his career?

Let's see how long you can hold this position, Sam...

I walked inside my cabin.

"Varsha Abraham.
Director of Fashion Designing"

I touched the glass nameplate that was placed on my table.

I guess I have the situation under control now, They won't dare to defy me anymore.


I looked around at the people who looked displeased.

"Let me introduce the new Directors of the hospital groups, Ms.Aditi Dhyani Prakash," I said. "And Dr.Aditya Dhyani Prakash"

Aditi and Aditya walked inside and took the seat next to me.


"Dhyani family?"

There were whispering going on.

"Yes, From the same Dhyani family that was wiped out by a psychopath killer" She said sternly.

"Do you know them?" I asked them and turned to look at the board of directors.

"This is Rikesh and Ritika Dhyani, Or should I say, The true heirs of hospital groups?" I asked and everyone looked shocked.

"I think a few of you already recognised us" Aditi turned to the current director of Surya hospital groups, who is filling Mahesh's position now. "Uncle, You always came home with our father, You remember us, Right?" Aditi said, looking at the current MD. "I followed the transition of Dhyani hospital to Surya hospital and I do remember all of the directors who wanted Surya group to acquire Dhyani hospitals" She said, A small smile played on her lips but her eyes speaked another story.

He gulped.

"The... the fund-"

"How come the hospital suddenly lose all of it's fund? When my Dad and Grandpa was alive it was running fine"

"That's... that's-"

"You embezzled the fund and misused your power, You manipulated other directors and fired everyone else who resisted your proposal to join with Surya group," Aditya said.

"That's not true! We were really facing trouble and We had no choice but join hands with Surya group"


Everyone turned around as Dr.Prakash came into the room and took the seat next to Aditya and Aditi.

"Mr.Joshi, When you were trying to help Surya group to acquire Dhyani hospitals, I was one of the board members," Dr.Prakash said. "I was one of the few who were against it" He added, Then looked around.

"None of the directors who were against taking help from Surya group is present here" He looked back at the Acting MD. "How do you explain this?" He asked. "You forced them to resign under pressure, Do you want me to bring all of them here together?" He stopped.

The MD looked at loss for words now.

I knew how crafty and power hungry this old men can be, I also know that we cannot replace all of them, That's why I decided to bring Dr.prakash.

"But sir, this..I know you can appoint someone, But..how can you appoint someone young and inexperienced?"

The current acting-director from Hospital group asked again. "Even though things have happened in the past, The time is different now, It's not easy to run a hospital group"

"I didn't appoint her without giving it thought" I said. "She's more knowledgeable about this Hospitals than anyone I know," I said.

"Like what sir?" He didn't back down.

"Like the research you approved despite of having risk involved on stem cells" Aditi answered. "I also have a long list of other things, do you want me continue?" She looked at him and he shut up.

"Aditi and Aditya are the rightful owners of the group and they are qualified enough" Dr. Prakash said. "One of them is a Doctor and the other one is an MBA graduate from London University, You don't have to worry about anything, Joshi," Dr.Prakash said.

"So, That's settled now" I said. "Aditi and Aditya will be the Managing directors of the Dhyani hospital groups" I said.

Since I have already acquired the Surya group, They knew better than to resist me.


"Did everything go alright?" I asked as soon as Aditya, Aditi and Arjun reached near.

"They won't resist now" Aditya said. "They already knows that they cannot go against us, So they have no choice" He added.

Arjun nodded.

"It will not be a smooth ride for the both of you, The old men are power hungry and calculative," Arjun said.

"I already have enough dirt on them, I think I can control them," Aditi said. "I was following everything that was happening in the hospital groups"

I nodded. "Take care then" I said. "Varsha has successfully started her day, I heard she managed to control the situation" I said.

"So I heard, We are going there now" Karthik nodded.

"But I thought Varsha wanted to face it all by herself?" Arjun asked.

Aditya nodded.

"We are not going there for her, We are going there for someone else" He added.

Arjun raised his eyebrows.

"That's why Sanju said she has an important "appointment", I see" He nodded.

"Um... Arjun-" Aditi started.

"It's okay, Aditi, I heard what happened at the office," He said. "Just be safe" He said. "And let me know when your "appointment" is over, I want to pick Sanju" He added.


We waited outside the building in the car. Karthik was driving a rented car and Trisha and Aditi decided to accompany us.

We were outside the chief designer's building.

"Varsha said she will take a little more time" Trisha disconnected the call and said.

"But we are not here to meet her now" I said deadly.

Varsha doesn't want to hang on to the past, She want to forget everything and move on, That's fine with me, But I cannot forgive the bastard easily, That's why I called the gang even if my hand is still inside the cast.

"He's coming out" Karthik said.

We all watched as the guy Sam was walking out.

"Let's wait till he is at a safe distance from the company" Aditi said. "We don't want any problem in the first day Varsha took charge" She added.

So we waited till he took his car and drive away and we followed him.

"There's a shortcut he takes every day," Trisha said. "We need to get him then"

And we did.

Karthik blocked him and we all got down.

All of us were wearing black masks and baseball caps.

Sam looked shocked as he watched us.

"Who...who are you...what.."

"I will tell you who we really are" Karthik reached in front of him and moved the mask down. "Do you remember us, Sam?" Karthik asked and he looked shocked.

I reached near him and lowered my mask.

"He won't forget us," I said. "He was the one who helped Mahesh to capture us at Mahesh's private residence," I said.

Aditi and Trisha stopped on either side of us.

"You put a knife against my throat" Aditi stated.

"You cheated Varsha, betrayed her Dad and even stole her designs" Trisha said.

"I... I had no way then, Mahesh was blackmailing-Ah-"

He fell back with my punch.

"You bastard! You still dare to give excuses!?" I shouted. "You should really be thankful that my right hand is splinted, You bloody traitor, Otherwise I would have killed you here and now!"

"Luckily I am not injured or splinted" Karthik said and raised him back up by the collar and he twisted back Sam's hand, Making him cry out aloud.

For the next ten minutes, Sam's cries and pleading filled the air, But none of us showed him any mercy.

"I am begging you... Please... Please let me... live, Let me go... Even... even Varsha...She didn't...take any action-Ah-"

"Say her name again and I will kill you" I stepped on his hand. "Don't.ever.mention.her" I said and leaned down to look at him. "And don't ever come infront of her ever again" I threatened, Looking deep into his eyes.

His eyes looked fearful and he nodded quickly.

"Send her your resignation today itself," I said. "Do you get me?" I said and he nodded again.

"You did everything for your career" Trisha told him. "I will help you to set your career straight for this lifetime Sam, Let's see if anyone will take you back when they know about your plagiarism" She said.

"No!" He looked terrified now. "No... please, Don't...Don't ruin my future, I will never... Never do it again..."

"Your face is already printed across all the newspapers, Sam, You didn't think twice about destroying Varsha and now you are worried about your future!?" Trisha asked angrily. "This is your Karma"

All of us raised back up.

"Don't forget to file a complaint," Karthik said mockingly. "We are so afraid of the police"

"I...I won't"

"A car is coming this way, Let's go" Trisha said.

"Wait" Aditi said while all of us pulled up the masks.

She walked to the side, took a stone that was too heavy for her.


She walked to Sam's car and threw it at his front glass causing it to break while all of us watched in shock.

She tapped her hands together and turned to a white faced Sam.

"I really want to punch the daylight out of you, But touching you will make my hands dirty" She said. "I heard you are still paying back the installments" she looked at him. "Good luck with that" She added before walking to our car.

Trisha, Karthik and I watched her in shock while she started the car and looked at us.

"What!? Aren't you coming?"

Karthik recovered first.

He chuckled.

"That's my girl," He said proudly and walked forward.

Trisha and I looked at each other, then laughed.

"Really... A match made in heaven" Trisha said and I nodded.

*  *  *


"Shahid?" I attended the call.

"Priyanka..." I recognized her voice instantly. "How... how are you?"

The last time I heard, She was attacked by Abiram while they took Izzy from her.

She was injured and was moved to a witness protection program by Officer Suresh kumar.

"I... I am... Sorry..." She sniffed. "I couldn't come and... testify against them" She said.

"Nonsense, Priyanka!" I said. "You protected Izzy and endured all of that, I cannot ask for anything more, I am indebted to you" I said firmly. "I also knew how they threatened you with your mother" I added.

"Jasmine..." She said. "I am so sorry about your loss" She said.

My heart twisted in pain, Like every time her name is mentioned.

My eyes burned and I closed my eyes.

"Jasmine Protected me and Izzy" I said.

"I am glad that everything is over, I was shocked to see the news, You did a good job with exposing that files on Surya group, I am sure Jasmine will be proud of you" She said.

"Thank you for everything, Priyanka, You protected our baby girl, Thank you so much"

So after speaking with her for a while, I disconnected the call.

It was dark outside and I looked out of the hospital window.

"Daddy" Izzy ran to me. "When is everyone coming? I want to play with them" She said.

All of them are gone to take care of Sam and is not back yet.

"Soon, Izzy," I said, Still looking at the brightest star in the sky.

"Are you thinking of Mommy?" Her next question surprised me.

I turned to her slowly.

"Do you miss mommy?" I asked her and she nodded slowly.

"But Mommy cannot come back" She said. "She's in heaven" She added.

"Come here" I stretched my hands to her and helped her to the bed slowly.

"See..." I showed her the brightest star in the sky. "She is looking after you from there" I said.

"Then can I talk to her, daddy?"

I nodded, Izzy turned back to look at the sky.

"Mommy," Izzy said. "Izzy and Daddy miss you, Don't worry, Izzy will take care of daddy until we meet again" She said.

I closed my eyes.

Jasmine, You are alive in my heart, I will always cherish the love we shared, I will take care of Izzy and protect her always, This is my promise to you. I still wants to be with you in the next life and we will live together for a long, long time... Wait for me until the day we meet again, Jasmine, I love you...

The first thing everyone did after the arrest of Narayan was to visit the family and send them a proper farewell.

Aditya, Aditi, Varsha, Arjun and Trisha visited their parents and I cannot even go out to meet Jasmine in my current condition.

Now that I am recovering slowly, I too want to go and visit her.

"Shahid, " Varsha opened the door and walked inside. "Where's everyone?" She asked. "They are not there in the apartment too" She added.

Yes, The gang rented an apartment nearby the hospital to take care of me, despite of my protests.

"They stepped out for a while" I said. "How was your first day?" I asked her while Varsha was helping Izzy to get down from my bed.

"Better than I imagined" She said. "I thought I will be shaken up when I see Sam, But all I felt was the anger and hatred, He didn't affect me as I thought he would" She said.

I nodded.

"It's good to see that you are recovering from your trauma, Varsha" I said. "But why didn't you give complaint against him?"

Varsha smiled sadly.

"I know his family for a long time" She said. "I really wanted to teach him a lesson, But I hesitated because of that" She admitted.

"He didn't think of anything while he betrayed you" I said. "He is worse than Mahesh" I added.

"I know-"

She stopped as someone opened the door in force.

"Varsha is already here!" Aditi said while they all came inside.

I watched as Aditya came straight inside and hugged Varsha.

She looked startled and was frozen in spot for a moment.

Karthik, Trisha and Aditi was frozen too, Looking at them in surprise.


"I love you" He said.

"But I am... I told you... I am-"

"I know, You said you are not emotionally stable, You said you are unbearable and sometimes unreasonable" Aditya nodded. "And I still want to be with you" He added.

"Whoa!" Trisha clapped her hand.

"Aditya-" Varsha started again.

"Varsha, I know that you love me" He said. "So don't push me away again" He said.

Varsha's eyes filled and started to flow down.

"I...I love you too" She said so softly that it was difficult for us to hear.

Aditya hugged her tightly and Varsha wrapped her hands around him slowly.

Everyone else cheered and congratulated them.

Even Izzy was clapping her hands happily and I smiled.

"Tada! Celebration time" Trisha shouted and I noticed the boxes in her hands.

"What did you bring?" I asked suspiciously.

"We have two reasons to celebrate now, One is Aditya-Varsha union and the other is your appointment," she said.

"But I cannot join you." I said.

"Don't worry, We especially got you pure vegetables and Easily digestible healthy food too" Aditya told me.

I grumbled and the others laughed.

Five minutes later, I looked around the hospital room and sighed.

"Guys, I am supposed to be a patient! How can you do this to me!?" I asked them.

They all are having fried chicken and cool drinks in the side.

Izzy laughed.

"Daddy is angry because he is eating hospital food," She said and all of them laughed.

"You got that right, Izzy" Karthik stretched his hands to ruffle her hair affectionately while she moved back.

"Uncle!" She shouted. "Don't mess up my hair!"

"Ooh, I forgot, Izzy is a beautiful young lady now, I shouldn't mess your hair," He said and everyone laughed at his tone.

"Shahid, You shouldn't be angry, You are a patient," Karthik said. "Besides, We are celebrating to congratulate you." He added.

Right, They are here to congratulate me.

An appointment letter has came from the department of telecommunication of India in the morning, Apparently Ajith Roy sir has nominated my name for the National cyber security earlier and I am selected.

"To the Director of National cyber security department" Trisha raised up her glass and all others raised their drinks and turned to me.

"Come on Shahid!" Aditi said.

I grudgingly raised up my plain water without much enthusiasm.

"Thank you" I said.

"Uh...guys, I need to go to the office, Nitin is calling me" Trisha said.

"But Arjun said he is coming here to pick you up-"

But Trisha was already out.


As soon as Trisha went out and Aditya dragged Varsha out, Shahid decided to rest.

Izzy was already asleep on the side and I covered her with blanket.

After the incident at estate house, Izzy is refusing to leave Shahid's side even for a moment and she often sleeps with him in the same hospital room.

"Um... I have something to tell you, Aditi" Karthik said and I turned to him.

"What?" I asked slowly.

"Go on a walk with me" He outstretched his hand towards me and I was surprised.

I switched off the light and tiptoed out with him.

Soon, we were walking through the pavement of hospital garden.

"Actually I... I am appointed to the position of chief" He said.

His face looked not very enthusiastic about his raise in rank.

"Is it a bad thing?" I asked him.

"It means a medal and more responsibility" He said and looked at me.

"I like being a STO, I like the service, But I don't like this rank" He said. "It means I am accountable for the safety of my team as well as the people"

"You are a responsible person" I said. "Even without this rank, I know that you will try everything to help this country and the people in trouble" I said.

"Aditi, being a chief means more... Responsibility" I said. "This is who I really am, I will be dispatched to solve cases from time to time, I will not be staying with you 24/7 and even when I am raised in rank and appreciated, Nobody knows it, It will be just another medal, You cannot boast about me to your girlfriends because I am an undercover officer" He said.

I smiled slightly.

"Karthik, I still think that you look your best in the uniform," she said. "If an organisation like STF was not there, Uncle Ajith couldn't have helped us to escape India, I am proud of who you are, I really am" I added.

He was still looking concerned and I smiled warmly.

"Congratulations, Karthik" I said Slowly. "You deserve it" I added. "I am so proud of you" I said and wrapped my hands around him in a warm and gentle hug.

Karthik looked surprised as it was my first time that I am initiating the hug.

He slowly relaxed and I felt it as his breathing became normal.

"You are not worried about it? Are you okay?"

"I am worried and I will miss you too, Karthik, But I know that It's a part of you" I looked up at his eyes reassuringly. "I think you are cut out to be a STO, Karthik, I am sure that you will do a good Job" I assured him.

"Thank you" Karthik nodded slightly and bend down to kiss me, I wrapped my hands around him and kissed him back.


"Guests?" I asked Nitin as soon as I reached the office.

"They are waiting for you" He nodded.

So I walked the room.

I was surprised to see Johnson sir and the current MD of Truth TV.

"Trishna" They greeted me as I sit opposite to them.

"What's it uncle?" I asked him. "You demoted me and took away my mic the last time, Why are you here?"

They looked uncomfortable.

"Forget about the past, We are here to invite you back to resume your position" He said. "Everyone want you back in the board like last time" He added.

I smiled at that.

So now that the truth is out and everything is over, They want me to work there!?

"Uncle, You don't have to invite me back" I said. "The Truth TV channel was set up by my mom and dad and I am still a Major shareholder there" I said. "I will soon reclaim it" I said.

"What do you mean?"

"I already sent you a legal notice, I want to take back my dad's company fair and square and I won't allow you to tarnish it's reputation by broadcasting some tabloid trash again" I said and got up. "I suggest you let go without a fight, Sir, Because I have the best lawyer with me" I added smugly. "All I want is my company back, I don't want to cause trouble to anyone else" I said.


I cannot believe what I am reading now.

Arjun has decided to let me manage the Company!?

Arjun has taken everything that father snatched from him and returned most of the acquired companies to their rightful owners.

I dialled him.

"Arjun" I said as soon as he picked up. "When I was asking for your help, I was not asking you for this" I said. "I am planning to take my mamma with me and travel abroa-"

"Shweta, I once told you that even if you offered me the company on a silver platter, I won't touch it" He said. "All the obligations are over and what is left is your rightful share, You know that Narayan used your Mamma to help build the corporation, What is left of it now belongs to her" He said.

"You... whenever you were acquiring companies, You were planning to do this?" I asked incredulously.

"I don't want to accept what is not mine" He said.

"But you wanted to destroy Surya group, You did everything for that"

"I wanted to destroy the people who were responsible for the death of my family" I said. "Now I can peacefully take my rightful position at Palace group" He added.

"Why... why are you still helping Surya group!?" I asked him.

"I am not helping Surya group, I am helping the thousands of people who depends on the company for a living, I don't want innocent people to be hurt" He said.

I am speechless now.

"Arjun" I said slowly. "Thank you" I added. "This will protect my mamma, She... She doesn't have to go back to her family and live under them, Thank you for doing thi-"

"There's nothing to thank me for, Shweta, That's your mamma's rightful property and I hope you will protect each other from now on" He said.

"I will, Arjun, I won't run away and let her suffer alone ever again, Thank you" I said.

Arjun disconnected the call and I watched the papers again, In a daze.

Arjun has not only put my father and brothers in cell, He also returned everything to their rightful owners!


I disconnected the call and dialled Sanju again, She is still not picking up.

It's already so late, Did she decide to stay with her friends again?

I started to dial Karthik.


Uh... It's already very late and my phone is dead...

I checked the time in my watch.

I promised Arjun that I will come back as soon as I take care of Sam!

The power bank is in my car, I will call him as soon as my phone is on...

I walked to the parking lot and was on my way to my car when I was yanked by the hand.

"Hey!" I shouted as I was dragged to the side and forcefully pulled to the black van.

"I am going to report you- Arjun!?" I stopped hitting him as I finally saw his face.

"What..this..car" I looked around the unfamiliar car.

"Why are you here, Sanju?"

"I was planning to come back, Then Nitin said..." I stopped as Arjun kept staring at me.

I sighed.

"I know I promised to call you, but my phone is dead," I said. "And I was too occupied, But don't worry, now that Surya group is taken care of, I will not be in danger " I reasoned.

Arjun nodded.

"Whoa! Thank you for understanding" I wrapped my hands around him, now relieved that he is not angry.

"I already knew that I cannot hold you back from reporting" He said and I slowly released him.

Something in his voice didn't sit well with me.

"You are born to be a reporter, I don't want you to give up that too, That's not what I want"Arjun said.

"I know you are concerned about my safety" I said.

"I am glad that you understand me too" Arjun said.

Both of us stared at each other.

"Um..Is it okay for you to come here like this? You were busy-" I stopped as he pulled me forward and captured my lips.

My eyes fluttered closed and I kissed him back....until I felt his hand moving from my hair to the neck and down-

I broke the kiss and held his hand midway from going down.

"Sanju, I was missing you all these days-"

"As much as I love to spend time with you, I don't want to do this here"

"I was simply kissing you, My wife really have a...wild imagination"


He chuckled and pressed his lips to me again, He held me against him and deepened the kiss.

I responded to him until he calmed down and let go of me.

When he raised back up, His eyes were serious.

"Sanjana" He said slowly. "I nearly lost my mind when I saw you locked up in the estate house" He said. "I don't want to experience something like that again" I said.

"I will take care" I told him. "Don't worry about me-"

"You are the only person in this world for me, You are my wife, My only family member" He said again.

I nodded slowly.

"Then accept this gift from me" He said and I looked at him, not understanding what he meant.

"Use this car" He said. "From now on, you can take this car if you want to go out," He said matter of factly. "It's more easier and convenient, You don't even have to drive and the guys will help you with everything" He stopped.

I let go of his hand while I finally understand what's going on.

Don't tell me!

But this is Arjun, He will go overboard.

"You arranged me bodyguards!?" I asked slowly.

"Only a driver and a helper, You will be travelling to cover news and I cannot be with you always" He said.

"I am a reporter, Arjun!" I looked around the car. "I am not a celebrity to travel in this thing!"

"Instead of your company Van, You can use this, This is the only solution we have" He said. "Or I will be worried always"

"Arjun-" I stopped as he pecked me on the lips. "Be good and listen to me, Sanju, I know how impulsive you are, You always end up in trouble"

How am I supposed to take this car when I am working under cover!

I slowly moved to the door.

"Sanjana?" Arjun pulled me back and and I landed on his lap this time.

Suddenly his face was too close and I couldn't think straight anymore.

"Tell me you will be safe, Tell me that you will accept this" He said.

Trisha... Don't fall for that face, He is trying to manipulate you now... You should stay strong...

"I... I will think about it" I stuttered.

"Not think about it, Sanju, tell me that you will accept it" He said again.

No, I cannot fall for it!

"Arjun" I said slowly. "This car is... It's too much, No reporter would like to announce to the whole world that he is investigating, especially when we are working on exclusives" I said.

"Your safety comes first, Everything else is secondary to me," Arjun said.

"Arjun-" I started to protest.

"Shhh... Safety first, Sanju" He said stubbornly.

"Let's discuss it from home" I said. "Let's go" I told him.

Arjun opened the door and stepped out, then helped me outside.

"I will take my car back"

"I will drive you" Arjun nodded.

"What about this one?" I turned to the van.

"That's yours, Let it stay here-"

"Arjun!" I exclaimed. "I don't-"

"Sanju, I cannot compromise your safety anymore"

Trisha, You cannot win this argument...this is Arjun...

So I shut up and let him drive me home.

I will find another way to make him agree...

Yeah, That's right, I can always seduce him to get my way...


Hey Guys,

I know, I said there's only one chapter remaining, I didn't expect that tying up the loose ends will take another chapter 😊

Guys, I need a favour from you, please tell me some essential Hindi words with meaning. (Eg: Salutations, common words that we use frequently, Common cursing words😛etc), I want to save it for future use.😊

Tell me some names too... your favourite names...

Thank you!

Ps: Bonus chapter is on the way 😊😊

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