👹 Among Us 👹

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A/N: Sorry for the later update! I was on vacation for a bit there and didn't get a chance to write this story :(

Remember to vote if you want to see more! The more you vote, the faster the updates!



The curses of being a straight man: a novel by Jimin.

That had a nice ring to it, didn't it? As he sat there, staring at the beautiful woman on the other side of his screen, he wondered if a video about being straight at twenty-eight would do well. In that day and age, what millennial or Gen Z had the balls to be straight? Ding ding ding, we had a winner: Park Jimin! His dumbass decided cock was for losers and kitty cats were the better option, and he paid the price for it at that moment when he realized he'd have to talk to a pretty woman while keeping his cool on stream.

What could go wrong?

Okay, okay—Jimin was being dramatic. But, that didn't change that he'd have to somehow not get flustered in front of tens of thousands of people. If they combined all their viewers, he was sure they'd surpass over a hundred thousand if not closer to two hundred thousand. Markiplier and Sean pulled giant numbers, and Jimin was about to embarrass himself in front of all of them. Why? Because Park Jimin had been a loser nerd in high school who had two girlfriends throughout his life, and both of them broke up with him after four months because they didn't believe in his career "goals" of YouTube and streaming.

Enter Y/n, a fellow streamer and YouTuber—someone who understood the appeal of gaming online for money. Gaming was the best possible career in the world. He got to chill with his dogs, make an obscene amount of cash while sleeping, and go to events to meet his favorite YouTubers and fans. Y/n knew that. Maybe she wouldn't call him a nerd and break his glasses like his first girlfriend had.

It was safe to say he had worn contacts ever since.

Back to the point: Jimin had been a little shit and killed Y/n first. He headhunted her and didn't care if he got caught doing it (spoiler alert: he didn't). He had her stream pulled up, so he got front row seats to her horrified face after she read his highlighted message. It took ten full seconds for her to react, and when she did, he almost slipped off his chair and landed on his golden retrievers.

"Dior boy!" Her shout killed his poor baby ears. "You little shit! I'm getting you first when I'm imposter!"

Jimin stopped playing the game (not that he knew how to play anyway) to instead send yet another highlighted message. That time, he donated twenty dollars, and the text said If you get impostor, you mean. Your luck hasn't been great so far...

As a ghost, she had nothing better to do than to look at chat, so it was safe to say she saw his text in an instant. Her cat headphones fell off. That led to the mic being on the ground as she yelled at the screen and stomped around, her voice distant, but he didn't need ears to know what she was saying—profanities, cursing his entire bloodline, and wishing he stepped on a Lego.

To be fair, Jimin had stepped on a Lego before, and it had made him want to split his spine in half. Also to be fair, he lived in California, so he wanted to do that anyway, but still. It was the thought that counted.

"You punk little fat-assed... stupidly attractive bitch!" Y/n said in a huff after grabbing her headphones again, and he threw his head back, laughing at the stream of profanities leaving her adorable lips. "Don't laugh!"

Ah, so she had his stream open and could see him. Good to know. Although they weren't having a one-on-one conversation, or even a real-time conversation, it felt that way. He didn't know why, and he doubted he would. Part of him yearned to lunge through the screen and plop his fat ass next to her to talk to her, learn her thoughts on the stupidest things (like pineapple on pizza), and see her smile before his eyes.

Shit. He was a simp simp.

After Y/n's cursing spree, they went back to focusing on the game, and that round, Jimin killed Valkyrae in cold blood in the navigation place thingy. However, everything changed when he went to reactor and slaughtered poor Sykkuno with his lime green avatar and a leaf bouncing on his head. No witnesses. No cameras on them. Markiplier could be Jimin's alibi since he had spent the majority of the round with him. It was the perfect murder.

Until it wasn't.

Thirty seconds after he vented out and sprinted to the weapons thingy, Big Daddy Moist reported Sykkuno's dead body. As soon as Jimin undeafened and unmuted his mic, he received a barrage of harsh words from his dad- ahem, new friend, Charlie.

"It was Jimin," Charlie said in his familiar monotone voice.

"Wha- hey! Why me?"

The voting timer went off, and all at once, everyone voted. Every. Single. One. All because Big Daddy Moist said so. Okay, to be fair, Jimin would do the same, but come on. There was no proof. If anything, that made Charlie look sus for daring to accuse him.

"You're new here, Jimin, so let me tell you how it works," Toast said, his voice a little squeaky but also somehow smooth. It made no sense. "No one, and I mean no one, kills best boy. The only person who'd dare to kill best boy is an outsider. An outsider like you."

Oh good lord—they sucked Sykkuno's dick more than Jimin's sucked Charlie's.

Jimin huffed like Y/n had and emphasized his air flow so it went right into the mic. "I'm never answering Mark's texts again."

The entire group burst out in laughter, though Jimin's mind remained on two things. One, how impressive it was that they figured him out due to the power of friendship. No, literally—the power of fucking friendship caused Jimin to lose the game. As much as it sucked, he had to respect the dedication.

Two, Y/n. Jimin was a personality (and thighs) kind of guy, but he had to admit her physical appearance drew him in like a drug addict in front of a pharmacy. All he wanted to do was get to know her and her childhood stories, her favorite things, and why her entire room looked like a unicorn personified. Not that he was judging, of course. After all, his room looked like a dog shrine. His children were in the background sleeping. Awwwh. Jimin loved his boys.

"Eat shit, Jimin," Y/n said when the screen showed his dead character floating out in space after getting voted out. She was muted for the others, but he heard her through her stream.

He muted himself and deafened in Discord before turning his attention to his camera, where he knew she was watching. "I dug my knife so deep inside you that your ex-boyfriend's jealous. I'd call that worth it, excuse you."

A few second delay passed, and she scrunched up her nose afterwards. "Ouch, on behalf of Tom, I'm hurt. You are such an asshat, aren't you?" Ew, her ex-boyfriend's name was Tom? That explained a lot...

Jimin winked. "We Park's pride ourselves on it, sweetheart."

Sweetheart? Sweetheart? Where the hell did that come from, Park Jimin?

Not knowing what else to do, he had a "camera malfunction." Yes, he turned off his camera to hide his heated face. The sweet word slipped by his tongue before he could stop himself, and he had a feeling he had to deal with the consequences. When the delay ended and her reaction showed, he realized he was, in fact, correct.

"What did you just call me?" Her voice raised into a squeak like Toast's. Speaking of, Jimin didn't pay attention to the game. He didn't even know who his fellow impostor was anymore. Not that he had a chance to find out; Y/n began speaking again. "Chat, go call him a loser. Raid his fat ass."

Well, at least she still called it fat.

His chat got flooded, to say the least. New viewers poured in, and hey, good for him: many of them followed and became channel members. Some sent superchats to curse at him for killing their queen. It was all in good fun, of course. No one meant any harm. Probably.

Thanks to Jimin going on a mass murder spree (in-game), the impostors won that round, and that was because the other impostor was Corpse, AKA the God of impostor players. Jimin did much of the heavy-lifting, though. Amazing considering he had never played the game before. He had a feeling he'd be a better impostor than crewmate. Not because he was good at impostor, but because he was too lazy to do tasks.

They returned to the lobby, and all the mics got unmuted and undeafened. Everyone glazed Corpse and didn't give Jimin any credit for slaughtering three people. Granted, Jimin didn't catch the end of the game, so it wasn't like he knew how Corpse won. It was possible Corpse carried Jimin's (fat) ass.

Everyone laughed and discussed the previous game, Jimin watching the streamers on various tabs to see how they interacted with their audiences; however, the one he paid most attention to was Y/n. She smiled at her chat, and it was delicate. Peaceful. Unlike a couple minutes prior, when she was yelling at Jimin for being a little shit. There was something about it that warmed his chest.

Before the next game began, he closed all the tabs except Y/n's but kept it muted so he didn't know if she was impostor or crewmate. He got crewmate. Shocker. That meant he had to do tasks around the ship, which consisted of fixing wires at three locations, swiping his in-game ID card, inspecting a medical sample, charting the ship's course, and fixing the shields. Not too shabby. Jimin could handle that. If he knew where the tasks were, that was.

He ended up following Y/n's pink character. She stomped her way down to the admin area and stood in front of the console, and Jimin figured out that was the card swipe task. After completing it, he followed her through the storage center and to the right side, where there was a communications office and the shields after that. Yay, that was where his task was. But fate had other plans. As soon as he went to perform his shields task, a flash of red appeared on his screen, and Y/n's pink avatar stabbed Jimin five times in a row. His virtual body had a giant bone sticking out of where the head used to be. Plopped over. Dead.

No. Fricking. Way. The game actually gave her impostor right after he got it? Okay, karma was a bitch, and not the Jojo Siwa kind.

He unmuted her stream and listened to her cute squeaks of laughter as she hobbled away from him and went to the left side of the ship to cover her tracks. That left Jimin's body in the shield room, dead and forgotten.

"Hang on, I have to do something, guys," Y/n said, stopping her character in the reactor part of the ship before turning to her computer. Her eyes focused on her screen, and he knew what she was doing. He groaned in preparation, glancing at his chat, and that was when it happened. A yellow superchat from her shined, and he sighed as he read it.

Got you <3


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