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"Say cheese", the photographer orders as the girls did a different pose and he take the picture," cheese!"

"Perfect, you guys look amazing", Jackie's boyfriend Marc compliments.

"Yeah and late too if we don't hurry up, it's almost 1", Jackie retorts.

"I have to get my hat, I'll meet you guys outside", Elisha goes back to her room to get her graduation cap.

She gets her cap and puts it on her head brushing some curl from her face as she looks in the middle making sure her make up is good. Time to shine.

" Let's go, you know how the dean gets", Jackie rolls her eyes.

They arrive on campus ten minutes later and a lot of vehicles are park in the parking lot. They reach the auditorium a few minutes later and their classmates are seated in their respectful seats. The principal of the university is talking as the girls take their seats.

"Always late huh?" Elisha's ex whispers next to her.

"Better later than never", she shrugs, "how did that date went?"

"She ditched last minute, but I still got company that night", he boasts with a smirk.

"Always the player huh?"

"We both know that", he winks.


"Elisha Black", everyone clap as she went on stage to collect her diploma. Some of the guys in the crowd whistle and she smirks in her mind. Thanks Felicity for doing an excellent job on my make up.

After everyone got their diplomas, they place the cap stringy thing on the other side.

"We're official university graduates and ready to step into the world of works and adulthood", Felicity cheers.

"More like into the world of being told what to do when you get a job", Jackie rolls her eyes.

"Stop it, let's go get out of these gowns and grab something to eat", Felicity suggests.

"Hey Elisha, can I talk to you for a sec?" A guy wearing sunglasses approaches the girls. It is Elisha's boss nephew, who graduated from this same university last year, but they met on a plane when she moved to Connecticut.

"Sure Tony, guys give us five minutes", she tells her friends and they went to their boyfriends.

"What's up?" She turns to Tony who's blonde hair blows in the wind.

"My aunt wants to know if you're reconsidering taking her job offer?"

"I'm thinking about it, but living here for who knows how long kind of puts me on edge also I want to travel to Europe for the summer", she explains.

"I'll tell her, but you do know she has her business expanded all over the continent right? Here is just like her main base, but you can take the job anywhere in the continent if you want", Tony informs her.

"Then I'll think about it, tell her give me till the middle of next month."

"Okay then have a great trip to Europe, if I wasn't busy with work and stuff I would of come too", he teases her with a smirk.

"Only if you paid for your own hotel room."

He scoffs,"I can pay for both of us accommodation with the amount of money I have in my account ", he boasts.

"I'll keep you unto that for the future also you're coming the club opening tonight?"

"Maybe I'll pass by, but I'm not staying got to fly to Mississippi tomorrow to meet my parents so we can have a week together before they go on a cruise."

"Okay have fun and see you before I go to Europe."

"Yep maybe we can hang out sometime if you take up the job offering here", he adds.

"No promises."


"Just date the poor guy already, you guys know each other for four years", Jackie sighs as they got ready for the club opening. She'll be moving with Marc to Pennsylvania in couple of weeks, the same time Elisha will be on a plane to France.

Felicity will be going back to Canada by the end of the month, hopefully her boyfriend and her work things out.

"Jackie you know I'm not ready to date as yet after what happened, let's just finish dress so I can get some alcohol in my system", Elisha sighs.

"We all know you party the hardest between the three of us, but Felicity is catching up to you", she grins.

All three girls are in the same style of clothing just different color, Elisha is in a kind of light gray bringing out her hazel green eyes, Felicity in blue bringing out her blue eyes and Jackie in dark red with silver glitter bringing out her red hair.

"We look hot, group picture", Felicity takes out a selfie with the girls just as someone knocks on the front door.

"Looking great guys", Marc said. They are meeting Felicity's boyfriend at the club.

"Thanks baby", Jackie kisses him.

They get into his black BMW and speed off down the street.

"Whoa lots of people are here, look at the long line", Elisha whines.

"Have no fear, the owner of the club knows me and gave me five free passes", Marc grins.

"Sweet", Felicity smiles as she slips on her band,"Jackie your boyfriend is the best."

"That he is", she leans into him as they push through the crowd.

"You guys finally made it", Felicity's boyfriend Will pulls her into him for a kiss.

"And got free passes too", Felicity shows him her band.

"Let's get inside, its getting wild out here", Marc recognizes.

They show the bouncers their bands and step into the huge club, the dancefloor is downstairs with a bar area and VIP sections are upstairs where a few people are hanging out.

"I'll be back, I'm going to let my present known", Marc kisses Jackie and went to one of the VIP section.

"Let's go get a drink", Elisha grabs Jackie's hand pulling her down the stairs.

A few guys check Elisha out as they make their way to the bar, her dress hugs her curvy figure and make her long legs show. She's 5'10 with a slim body and wide hips she worked on during the summer before senior year of high school.

"Two shots of tequila please", she orders as she and Jackie sit on the high stool. The bartender place her other in front of her, Jackie and her take their shot.

"That felt good, another one?" Jackie smirks.

"Bring it on sister", she grins,"another two shots please stat", she waves the bartender.

"This is a toast for graduating university without getting pregnant or expelled", Jackie raises her shot.


Felicity and Will are on the dance floor grinding against each other, while Marc comes to the bar area with a dark hair guy dress in a black suit.

"Hey girls, this is the owner of the club Jett, Jett this is my girlfriend Jackie and her best friend Elisha", Marc introduces them to each other.

"Thanks for the free passes", Elisha thanks him.

"Its no problem, its the least I can do after this guy here helped me graduate high school", Jett slaps Marc on his back.

Elisha watches Jett closely, there's something awfully familiar about him, but what?

"Hey wanna dance baby?" Marc asks Jackie, but didn't wait for an answer as he pulls her to the dance floor.

"Cool club", Elisha comments.

"Yeah took me three years to complete it, you know you remind me of someone", Jett confesses.

"I do?" She frowns.

"Yeah, but then again I met a lot of girls", he shrugs.

"So what's the name of your club?" She questions and he let out a heartily laugh.

"You came into a club and doesn't know the name? What if its an illegal club where drugs are exchange?" Jett jokes and she turns pale.

Drugs? Then something clicks in her head when she look at Jett's eyes closely. Gray blue eyes, no it can't be him.

"Calm down I was just joking", he chuckles.

Calm down Elisha, just make your exit seem normal.

"I- I got to go", she stutters a little.

"Now? But the party just getting started", Jett says.

"Yeah and girls will have my head if I stay longer", she points out as a few ladies watch Jett and her talking.

"I don't care about them, they're only after my body and money", he shrugs.

"I had a really long day, so I'm going to hit my bed early", Elisha explains.

"Okay I understand, hope to see you here again soon", he says hopefully.

"We'll see", she fake smiles.

Don't bet on it.

A bouncer approaches them, "sir your VIP package has arrive."

"Just on time", he watches his wrist,"well this is where I say goodbye hope to see you again soon", he leaves.

Elisha watches as he went upstairs and greets his guest who arrive, the guy wearing a suit like him watches down where she is. They both freeze when their stares catch each other, Elisha gasps no it can't be it just can't be.

The man with brown hair and some gray in it smirks a little at her, his hazel green eyes shining with trouble.

She needs to get away from here right now or else there's no escaping. She been running for four years and now the moments she takes a little stop it catches up to her.

"Guys I'm going, I'm tired", she tells her friends who are dancing.

"Can you get back to the apartment by yourself? Its already 10:30", Felicity frowns.

"I'll call Tony, hopefully he isn't asleep yet", Elisha answers.

"Night and tomorrow we're having a stay in day, we'll have a TV show series marathon", Jackie adds.

"Night guys."

Elisha takes the back exit and got out her phone, calling Tony.


"Hey Tony its Elisha, can you come pick me up at the bus stop close to the club, please."

He sighs,"what's the name of the club?"

"Smith's night and entertainment club", Elisha gasps. Why didn't she see this before? Smith, Jett Smith its no wonder he looks familiar.

"Are you okay Elisha?" Tony asks.

"Yes, now hurry up and come please."


Jett sits with his invited guest, "so how's the trading going so far?" He pours some wine in the glass and sits back.

"Good no interference just yet", the man replies,"but tell me, who was that young lady you were talking to just now?"

"One of my friend's girlfriend's best friend", Jett shrugs,"why?"

"She looks awfully familiar, don't you think?" The man frowns.

"She does, but then again I slept with a lot of hot girls", he shrugs,"don't you got mistresses to tend to your needs?"

"I don't have mistresses like you do, I got a wife who's very loyal", the man grins.

"How's Kathy going by the way? And Ace?"

"They're fine, Ace is currently taking over a trading shipment for me at this moment in New York", he explains.

"But don't you think that girl looks like Elisha though?" Jett frowns.

Damon's head snaps to him,"because you fool, it is her'", he gets up,"after four years we found her, well she happens to stumble into your club of all places", he smirks.

"So you're saying that the girl I talked to earlier is no other than.."

"Elisha Black, my runaway daughter", Damon smiles.


Where do you think Elisha is running away to?

Next chapter we'll see.

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