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"You look like you been hit with a car", Evan chuckles when Elisha enters the café at 9 am the next day.

"Yeah I went a party last night", she grumbles still trying to get over her hangover,"why didn't you tell me you were going to a party?" She adds.

"Kacy sort of ask me last minute, been a while since I went to a club", he shrugs.

"I said you two had a moment too", she puts on her apron.

"That was a mistake, I'm not interesting in her."

Elisha mental grins.


"Customers are coming in guys", Miranda says.

"Let's get to work co worker", Elisha smiles.


Zack enters the café a little after 1 pm, he is giving Elisha a surprise visit.

"Hey stranger, how was your night?" He chuckles and she turns around.

"Zack!" She hugs him as Evan watches them in silence,"my night was a blur, after Brendan went to do his business I can't remember how much I drank or how I got back home", she adds.

"Kacy told me she saw you though."

"Oh yeah, she invited my friend over here", Elisha gestures to Evan who did a nod.

"So you're the guy who rejected her? Good going man", Zack laughs,"you don't want to get mixed up with her, trust me."

"So you're Kacy's brother?" He asks.

"Yeah, can't you tell? I got the better genes."

They all laugh.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Elisha frowns.

"Can't I visit my friend who I haven't seen in a few days?" He pouts.

"Sure you can if you order something as well", she smirks.

"Then I'll have a milkshake and a slice of cheesecake", Zack replies.

"That'll be $4.50", she says and he hands her the money as Evan makes the milkshake.

"What time do you get off again Elisha?" Zack asks Elisha.

"Since its the weekend, around 6 pm", she shrugs.

"But you can leave a little earlier since its just your first week", Evan interprets.

"Really? Thanks Evan", she smiles and hugs him. 

Zack gets his order and sits down by a table.

"Do you like him?" Evan elbows Elisha with a smirk.

"Zack? No, we're just friends", she chuckles.

"Hard to believe with the way you two were openly flirting", he shrugs.

Elisha wants to deny it, but she can't since he's right about the flirting part.



11:30 pm the night before

"Sir we been double cross, our trader made his men shoot at us", one of Jett's men reports.

"What?! So you're telling me that they still got the money?" Jett snaps.

"They ran before we could get to them his men were shooting at us."

"How are you so sure its his men? Their leader called me and said that he doesn't like double crossers", Jett glares at them,"tell me, are you sure it wasn't our men?"

"Positive, but you know how much of a bastard that leader is, he'll accuse anyone for a little slip up", his member shrugs.

"You're right, in the morning I'll look for a new trader. I really need the money", Jett sighs,"and I'll send someone different", he snaps, "dismiss."

Jett looks out the window as his mind runs over today's event. 

He should go take a drink.

"Hey that gentlemen across there order this for you", the bartender place the drink in front of the hot lonely brunette Jett spots when he first arrives.

"Tell him I'm not interested", she replies and Jett walks to her table.

"You really know how to break a heart", Jett says and she looks up at him then blush.

"H- hey", she says shyly.

"What a pretty girl like you doing here all alone?" He asks.

"I'm not alone, my friends ditched me to go hook up guys", she rolls her green eyes.

"So you don't mind having some company?" Jett smiles and she gesture to the booth.

Jett sits down,"so what's your name?"

One hour later

"I want to go home now", Jett's hook up for the night yawns, she's very slurry.

"Do you want to crash by me tonight? I'm not staying far from here", Jett offers.

"Thanks and you're treating me way better than my ex boyfriend. He cheated on me with his hot lecturer at his university", she confesses.

"What an a hoe", Jett says.

"I know right, I'm so damn happy I didn't give myself to him", she laughs as Jett carries her outside.

Shoot she's a virgin, Jett thoughts.

"You're a virgin?"

"Yes, but I don't want to be anymore if I knew the reason he cheated on me because I'm a virgin then I don't want to be", she scoffs.

"Are you sure? You can regret it tomorrow", Jett frowns because he never sleeps with a virgin unless the girl insist.

"Not if its with you", she smirks and kisses him unexpectedly.

Jett kisses her back pushing her against the wall,"let's go back to my room", he whispers.

Jett wakes up the next day and see the brunette isn't next to him. 

Just like most of his night, great. 

She was a virgin, but damn she was good and made him feel well pleasured.

He got a text.

Damon: Next weekend Ace is coming to Chicago and if you two don't get my daughter by the 20th then I'm taking matters into my own hands

He sighs, Ace can be a bit... Bossy and sleep with every girl he sees.


Brendan is sitting behind his desk in his office at home, before Elisha left this morning she didn't mention anything about last night when they got home.

He calls Malcolm,"what's up man?"

"Is your cousin going to be hanging out with Lisha today?"

"Not sure, but most likely since they haven't majority of the week, why?" He replies.

"Well we got a deal tonight and I would like for her to not be here tonight by herself", Brendan explains.

"Okay I'll call him, just pack her bag to stay over at his apartment for the night", he hangs up.

Brendan drops off her bag at Malcolm's apartment which he shares with Draven. Then drives around a bit then grab lunch in the city before going to his mother's house.

"Hey mom", he enters the house and sees her maid cleaning,"is my mom here?"

"She just went to the store for a few things, some of her friends are coming over later", the maid explains,"you can stay till she gets back", she  adds.

He nods and sits on the couch in the living room, switching on the flat screen television.

"Do you want something to drink?" The maid asks.

"A soda if it have any", he nods.

She returns back with a soda and he thanks her.

30 mins later

"Bring in the rest of stuff inside please", Mrs. Gunner says from outside while Brendan watches a movie.

She enters and smiles,"Brendan darling, can you give me a hand with the groceries?"

"Sure mom", he gets up and takes the bags from her heading to the kitchen.

"There are more bags outside", She adds as she goes upstairs.

Brendan walks to the front door, he sees a guy around his mother's age with dirty blonde hair. 

He has three bags in his arm,"hey can you grab the rest of the bags?"

Brendan frowns,"who the hell are you?" He demands.

"I'm Alex, your-"

"I see you meet Alex, Alex this is my son Brendan. Brendan, I been seeing Alex for the past two months", his mother comes outside.

"Are you happy mom?" Brendan asks still glaring at Alex.

"Of course I am or else I wouldn't have been dating him", she chuckles.

"Listen here punk."


"If you hurt my mother I wouldn't hesitate to end your life, understand?"

Alex nods turning pale a little.

"Good, I  love you mom", Brendan kisses Mrs. Gunner's forehead and takes the rest of the bags going back inside.

"He's very protective of you", Alex says to her.

"Yeah, who wouldn't be after what my ex husband did to me."


5:30 pm

"Malcolm dropped your clothes over at my apartment, you're staying over tonight", Zack grins as he unlocks the door.

"Yay, so when I finish shower what are we going to do?" Elisha asks.

"Go out for dinner, go to the movies? You choose", he shrugs.

"Really? Well then we're staying in have dinner and watch movies until we fall asleep", she grins.

"Great, you go shower, I'll cook", Zack went to the kitchen.

Elisha changes and went to the kitchen where Zack is cooking.

"What you cooking?" She asks.

"Spaghetti and meatballs, sounds good?"

"Yeah, I'll get the plates", she states.

After he finishes cooking, he put the food on the plate and they sit down at the table.

"So when Kacy coming back from her visit?"

"Tomorrow, she got to work on Monday you know", Zack chuckles.

"Yeah, any movie in mind?" Elisha questions.

"Um... Mission Impossible: Fallout or The Notebook", he shrugs,"doesn't matter."

"The notebook is a nice movie, that was true love. They found back each other", she grins.

"Yeah even though she was engage", Zack nods in agreement.

Elisha smiles as they put the plates in the dishwasher and go to the living room.

They sit down as Zack looks through his stack of DVD for The Notebook.

"We need popcorn", Elisha gets up.

"All out, there's a shop about a block from here. do you want me to go get buy it?" Zack offers.

"No I'll go", she takes the money from him and leaves the apartment.


Brendan gets a call from one of his men,"sir we got a problem, the girl been spotted outside the apartment."

"What?!" He yells and Zane looks at him as he drives.

"She went to a shop a block down from the building, but is being chase now by a group of guys", he adds.

"Well don't stand there and watch you idiot, go get her!" Brendan snaps.

"And carry her where? Surely she can't return to the apartment just yet."

"Drive around until you know you're not being followed and then drop her off back at the apartment, but make sure you keep watch all night", he orders and hangs up.

"What's going on?" Drave asks.

"Lisha is being chased, she went outside the building by herself", Brendan clenches jaw.

"Maybe you should drop me here, I'll go keep an eye on them", Malcolm says.

"No, I need you. They'll be fine once my men keep watch on the building for the night", he shakes his head.

They arrive at the abandon warehouse twenty minutes later and get out.

"Ah my favorite trader, I see you brought your boys", Brendan's trader for the night says.

"As always, we have the package and you have the money", Zane states.

"Yes", he snaps his fingers and one of his men places the briefcase in front of them, opening it.

Brendan does the same and Draven places the bag in front of them.

They both take what they want,"nice doing business with you", Brendan shakes his hand.

"As always, see you", they head to their cars and Brendan with his friends does the same then they all hear sirens.

"Sh*t, get in the car quickly", Brendan says as he gets in the driver's seat.

He takes an old road back to the highway and hears the sirens in the distance.

They get to the highway safely,"I bet its those f*ckers that called the cops", Zane hisses.

"And get their own selves caught too? I doubt they're that stupid", Draven points out.

"True, let's just go make sure Elisha is safe", Brendan says.

"I'm sure she is, just drop me off at the town square", Zane says.

"I'm still gonna check on her", he shrugs.

"Just ask her out already", Malcolm rolls his eyes.

"Yeah he's taking forever before someone else ask her out", Draven adds.


Brendan no doubt has some sort of feelings for Elisha, but he doesn't want to ruin it.


Should Zack and Elisha date? 😉😉

Comments on Brendan's mother's guy who she's dating?

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