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5 days later......

"Today after she comes out from that café, we'll grab her, knock her out and be on the next flight to Georgia by 7:00 pm", Ace says to Jett.

"We're taking your father's jet, aren't we?" Jett states.

"Yes its what I flew in with, so we know her routine. If she's with her friend, we knock him out then grab her", he adds.

"What if Brendan and his gang are close by or literally watching her?"

"That wouldn't be a problem, I got some of dad's men's already watching the café and shoot anyone who tries to protect Elisha", Ace explains.

"Don't get Elisha harm in anyway when that happens or I'll have your head", Jett warns.

"Right, can't have your bride to be getting injured", he nods.

Jett and Ace for the pass few days been planning how to get Elisha without being killed or caught by the police.


Elisha gets a message on her phone on her lunch break.

Brendan: You're being watched, not by my men. After work don't use the front door, go through the back, I'll have Malcolm or Zane pick you up

Elisha panics a little, does that mean it was Jett's men watching or dad's?

She's been here for almost a month and yet still Jett haven't made any  external attempts to take her.

Maybe her father sent someone to take over that job?

"Hey you okay?" Evan asks her, they have gotten a little closer since Saturday evening.

"Yeah, I just can't wait to get out of here", she nods.

"Me neither."

"Evan, can I talk to you for a second?" Miranda says.

"Sure aunty."

Kacy is delivering a order to a table, while some guys check her out.

Evan comes back out five minutes later,"hey I got to leave early, would you be okay by yourself?"

"Where you're going?" Kacy returns back to the counter with another order.

"Family matter, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Remember, movie night at Kacy's place", he reminds them.

"About that, I  can't have it at my place tomorrow, someone is coming over", Kacy says.

"No problem then, Elisha I'll text you", he takes off his apron and leaves.

"Its obvious he likes you, just date him already", Kacy rolls her eyes.

"We're just friends Kacy, anyway how's your brother? Haven't heard from him all day", Elisha frowns.

"Probably busy, different time zone is messed up you know", she shrugs.

"Do you miss him?"

"I haven't seen him since Christmas, I think I am used to not being around him much now, but that question suppose to be for you", she explains.

"I don't miss him that much, since I don't him know very long, but we text almost every day and video chat when he can, so no", Elisha shrugs.

She gets a message.

Tony: Hey stranger, had a good July 4th?

Elisha: Yep? How about you?

Tony: Definitely, I went to my grandparents, catch up with some old friends and we got drunk

Elisha: A drunk you is trouble

Tony: Yeah, woke up the next day in a cell with my friends

Elisha: You ended up in a cell? 😱 What did you do?

Tony: Turns out we vandalized one of my friend's ex girlfriend's boyfriend's Ferrari

Elisha: One?

Tony: He got two freaking Ferraris, he's the youngest freaking bachelor in Connecticut

Elisha: So he took your friend's ex girlfriend from him?

Tony: More like make her dump him and get money for doing that on Facebook since he has lots of friends

Elisha: Ouch and how did you find out all that?

Tony: He told me and showed me the old texts, but I bet she'll be dump soon enough

Elisha: How long have they been together? I mean her and the bachelor?

Tony: Since Christmas, but she didn't dump my friend till a couple of weeks ago

Elisha: And now you're taking revenge?

Tony: He wanted to be really drunk so this was the only opportunity, also we didn't break into his mansion. He went on his yacht with her so we took the opportunity and smash his precious car before the cops caught us, he didn't press charges though.

Elisha: He deserve better, but why will you think she'll be dump soon?

Tony: Because he's a player obviously and wouldn't stick to one woman, I bet he's seeing another woman when he goes away for business. Once another model gets his attention, it'll be the next top news since her face is being plastered on front page magazines right now

Elisha: Just because he's rich and owns a business, doesn't mean he goes through women like girls changing their underwear

Tony: Why are you defending him? There's evidence he's a player

Elisha: Do you have proof?

Tony: Not exactly, but....

Elisha: You don't have proof so how could he possibly be a player?

Tony: Because he was by best friend, he slept with my girlfriend when we were in high school then dump her like trash. He slept with a lot of girls and then dump them, then he got a scholarship to Harvard University and never glance back once he left

Elisha: So all this is just a grudge? I know you're concern about your friend's ex, but aren't you getting a little to  attach to his problems?

Tony: I am attach because that's my freaking cousin, her mother owns the business that you had the internship at, the bastard is playing her and she don't see it

Elisha: Then that's her problem to deal with, you warned her and she didn't listen now let her suffer the consequences

Tony: Thanks, now enough about me, how's your life?

Elisha: Not bad, I'm at work right now so I should get back to it

Tony: Oh right and I hope you make a decision about that job offer

Elisha: She'll get an answer before the month is done

"You been texting for ten minutes straight, don't tell me you're dating someone?" Kacy smirks.

"I'm not, what about you? Is that person who is coming over tomorrow your date?"

"My bed buddy, we been buddies for a while, well since sophomore year and decided to catch up", she winks.

"Surprisingly he doesn't have a girlfriend."

"He's doesn't do commitment, once he knows that the girls know what he wants, they wouldn't have problems", she explains.

"Imagine how many girls he's been with."

"Not much since graduation once me during last year summer and about a few girls around his campus well one night stands", Kacy shrugs.

"Does Zack know about this?" Elisha asks.

"Its not his business", she scoffs.

"True, anyway have fun and use protection."

"If you ever want to get laid he got friends", she winks.

"I'm good", Elisha declines the offer.

"Suite yourself", she shrugs.


"Are you coming Elisha?" Kacy asks as the last customer leaves, since it is 5:30 pm.

"You go on I'll see you tomorrow", she waves her off.

She leaves and Elisha go to the kitchen area, where the chef is packing up.

"Do you need anything?" He aska.

"I'm using the back door", she replies as she gets a text from Brendan.

Brendan: Zane is outside by the door, go now

She unlocks the door and see Zane leaning against the wall with a gun in his hand.

"Let's go", he opens the backseat of his vehicle and she gets in quickly.

He drives unto the road and the first shot is fire at the vehicle.

"Keep your head down", Zane orders and Elisha lies down on the seat.

Zane drives fast as two black cars chase them, his phone rings,"we got two black cars on us, get rid of them."

A police car is behind him now, he pulls over,"hello officer ", he says.

"Zane, why are you always speeding?" The officer sighs.

"This time is for a reason uncle", he shrugs.

"Better be a good one, I tired give you speeding ticket. You got enough for the year", the officer states.

"Sorry, I'll slow down now."

He drives off slowly and Elisha watches him,"how do you know him?"

"Mother's older brother, he takes care of me when I get in trouble with his colleagues",  he explains.

He turns into Brendan's street fifteen minutes later and stops right in front of the house where Brendan is waiting at the front door with Draven and Malcolm.

Elisha hasn't talk to Draven since Saturday after their phone chat, she gets out the vehicle and runs toward Brendan who hugs her.

"We got them, don't worry", he assures her,"we're not staying here tonight though", he adds.

"Where are we going?"

"Our secret clubhouse, remember when we found it? The guys and I fixed it up", he answers.

She laughs,"haven't been there since I was sixteen, I'll go pack my bag", she goes inside.


"They got away how?!" Ace demand.

Jett watches him with a frown, how did they get away?

"Go to plan B, but if any injury comes to the girl I'll personally kill you", he hangs up.

"She got away, but we'll get her back, let's go", Ace says to Jett.

"Where to?"

"The private jet, Elisha should be there within the next hour or so", he picks up his bag.

"I think I should go with my men, I shoot really good after all", he boasts.

"Whatever, just be there with her in an hour and a half tops", Ace leaves the room.

"Shoot the tires", Jett orders as he sits in the back of the black BMW which is following Brendan's Toyota a few vehicles behind.

Some of his men are on top of the buildings in front of them with snipers,"don't shoot any of them though, we need all alive", he  adds.

The Toyota comes to a halt, Brendan, his friends and Elisha get out running to the sidewalk ducking.

"Knock them out, I'll get the girl", Jett says as he takes his gun out and get out the BMW.

He runs after them down the block, a few people scream when they spot his gun. They turn into alleyway and his men are on the other side of it, blocking them as some of his men comes to his side.

"We just want Elisha, Brendan and you'll walk out of this alive", Jett says.

"Finally meet again Jett, how long its been? Three years?" Brendan grins.

"About that, now the girl and we wouldn't shoot", he orders.

"How about no and we leave unharmed?"

"Not happening", Jett shakes his head and his men points their guns at them, Elisha gasps running behind the dumpster.

"So be it, now!" Brendan shouts and gun shots fire at Jett's men from the top of the two buildings.

"Sh*t", Jett dives to the side of the building for cover, he dials a number,"we need backup ASAP."

People scream and run as sirens are being heard not faraway. He needs to get Elisha now, where is she?

He spots her behind the dumpster covering her ears as Brendan and his men are busy shooting. Perfect.

He ducks and crawls to where she is, he takes out a cloth and she gasps when she sees him. He covers her nose and mouth before she can scream, she knocks out immediately then he picks her up as a black van pulls up into the alley. He ducks and runs to the van where the back door is open.

"He has her!" Zane yells as he spots Jett.

Jett shuts the door and his driver speeds into the road and down the block as the police cars drive pass them quickly. Jett watches Elisha as she sleeps,"finally got you ", he tucks piece of her hair behind her ear.

"They can track her phone", his driver says.

He takes out her phone from her pocket and throws it out the window.

"Next stop Georgia", he whispers to her.


"No, no, no this can't be happening", Brendan slams his hands on his desk, pushing off all the documents off it in anger.

"We lost her boss, her phone was found smash in the middle of the road", his man reports.

"Call our hacker, tell him to check all surveillance cameras in the city and track down that van!" He demands.

Its been a while since he have got so angry.

15 minutes later

"Sir they were last spotted taking an old road which people stop using years now", his hacker says.

"Didn't that road had an aba-"

"An abandon port, let's go", Brendan cuts Zane off getting his jacket.


Interesting chapter. I know

What do you think will happen next?

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