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Brendan pays the driver as the car stops in front of a two story house with fence. He along with Elisha and Draven got their bags and walk up the driveway, he rings the door bell.

"Brendan dear, it's been a while", an elderly woman greets him,"come in."

"Thank you Melissa, this is my best friend Elisha who I spoke a lot of before you guys left", Brendan introduces Elisha to her.

"Nice to meet you darling", Melissa smiles at her,"Brendan finally found a girlfriend?" She teases and Elisha blushes slightly.

"No, we're just friends, good friends", Brendan bumps his shoulder against Elisha who smiles and nods.

"Let's get those wound clean Draven, Brendan you can show Elisha to her room", Melissa suggests.

Brendan leads Elisha upstairs, it's late evening so dinner will be soon. 

He leads her to a room on the right side and opens the door,"I have to go talk to my former boss, make yourself at home", he says and leaves.

Elisha sighs as she sits on the bed, she needs to get a phone. Evan and Kacy probably worried about her also Zack, shoot Zack probably thinks she's ignoring him and Tony as well.

Brendan enters the office, where his former boss is sitting behind the big desk with a newspaper in front of him.

"Hey sir", he clears his throat.

"Ahhh my boy, glad to see you again. I know you're running my business really well, but now its at risk", he puts down the newspaper watching Brendan with his gray eyes.

"Yeah Damon Black will be out for revenge, but I got dirt that can lock him up and his gang for a good while or a lifetime", Brendan explains.

"You forgot Jett's gang as well? If Damon is in jail, no doubt his gang will rise", Joey says.

"Unless he goes to prison as well, I got a little information about him as well", he adds.

"Now this young lady, you risk your gang and life for, where is she?"

"Bedroom, I made a promise to her five years ago and I intended to keep it", Brendan states.

"I see, but why would Damon have her or be interested in her now?"

"Elisha is his daughter and he wants her to marry Jett to join their gangs together."

"What? You're saying that girl is his daughter? We'll be in more trouble as it is. Here's what we're going to do before a bloody war happens", Joey shakes his head.


Zane arrives in Chicago with Malcolm a few hours later, Mrs. Gunner is already move to another house until its safe.

"I have to go check up on Kacy, meet you at the house in a couple of hours", Malcolm states.

"Oh and text Zack also, he's probably worried about Elisha not texting for the pass two days", Zane adds.

Zane drives to his apartment and pack a suitcase along with his devices. He then goes to Brendan's house where Malcolm is waiting with his suitcase,"I think Kacy is warming up to Elisha, she missed her for these pass two days", he informs Zane.

"No surprise there, what about her other friend Evan?"

"Worried as well, Kacy said he's been distant since Thursday."

"We all know he likes her a lot, I bet when she gets back he'll ask her out instantly", Zane chuckles.

"That's if she comes back, we don't know what Brendan's plan is just yet", Malcolm points out.

"True, anyway I got my stuff let's go to the bus stop", he says.

"Oh yeah, our flight to Minnesota is 4 pm. We still have to get lunch since I'm starving", Malcolm rubs his belly.

"Let's stop at a place for lunch and then go to the airport", Zane suggests.

He nods and they both went to the bus stop.


Elisha sits at the table with Brendan, Draven, Melissa and their former boss Joey, they are all having dinner.

"So Elisha, how did you know Brendan will keep his promise?" Joey asks.

"I didn't, I just prayed he did plus I didn't know he was in a gang till I came back to Chicago about a month ago", she replies.

"How did you find out?"

"This big mouth here spilled the bean unexpectedly", Brendan glares at Draven.

"She would have found out either way", he shrugs.

"When Malcolm and Zane arrive, we will discuss our plan tomorrow. Lisha, you will be going shopping with Melissa while we check out some stuff for the plan", Brendan states.

"What clothing store opens on a Sunday?" Elisha frowns.

"You'll be surprise", Melissa smiles.

"Also I need a new phone, I got some friends I need to contact to prove I am alive and well so they don't report me missing, kidnap or dead and have national security looking for me", Elisha explains.

"I'll buy you one tomorrow", Brendan says.

"Are you sure that's safe? What if they go after Kacy or Evan and take their phones?" Draven frowns.

"Way to break a girl's dream man", Brendan laughs,"but I'm sure Lisha can handle herself."

"Of course I can, anyway why can't I know about the plan?" She demands.

"Its dangerous and you not knowing anything is safer", Joey answers,"I dislike your father very much and thankful you're nothing like him or want anything to do with him or your family for that matter", he adds.

"Yeah made that decision five years ago when I ran away to for college without a trace", she says proudly.

"Who wants dessert?" Melissa gets up.


Damon glares at Jett as Kathy turns pale,"what do you mean you don't want to marry my daughter anymore?" He demands.

"Um.. I..."

"You think my daughter is not good enough for you, is that it?" He snaps.

"No, no its nothing like that. What's the use marrying her if she'll be miserable for the rest of her life and I not ready for that sort of commitment?" Jett questions.

"This isn't about what you want or not ready for. We made this agreement five years ago and it will happen one way or another", Damon assures him.

"No, you and my father  made that decision not me. I am not marrying her, I like having hook ups and one night stands marriage will only be in the way since I'll have to be sneaking around and then Elisha now starting to get her life started", he points out.

"My gang and yours will join even if I have to take yours by force or blackmail can work, remember your father is sick and you don't want to lose him right now, do you?" Damon smirks.

Jett clenches his jaw,"you son of a b*tch ", he snaps.

"Do we have an agreement? I don't care about your hook ups once our gang is join and I get a grandson for the next generation that's all that really matter", he smirks.

"Go to hell", Jett says and Kathy gasps.

Damon glares at him,"so be it, I'll kill your father if you don't cooperate."

"You can't do that, he's your best friend for yours."

"Good business partner, not friend. In the gang world you don't really have friends any one outside your gang circle", Damon says,"so what's your answer or do I have to send a few men to visit your father at that private home of his?" He grins.

"On one condition?"


"That you will not kill Brendan or his three friends."

Damon scoffs,"nope can't happen, I been planning this for years."

"No deal, no marriage", Jett shrugs.

"F*ck you!" Damon yells pulls out his gun and shots Jett straight in the head, Kathy screams and cries. 

Ace rushes into the room and freezes when he sees Jett, dead on the bed.

"Get this clean up and take your mother out of here", Damon sighs,"I have to go tell Will about this unexpected death of his son."

Ace leads his mother out the room as she cries, one of the maid carries her to her room.

Damon sighs his business partner of many years gets a heart attack when he deliver the news about an hour ago, luckily the old man is still alive under his doctor's watch.

He walks into his room as his wife sniffs watching a photo of Elisha and Ace on his back smiling at the camera. They were really young and no one knew this, but Kathy was pregnant with another child and got a miscarriage when her father died.

"Why Damon why? The gang would have still join together one way or another, why another cold murder on your hands?" She cries.

"Its already done and I schedule the funeral date already, Will recover from his heart attack though."

"Did you tell him it was you who killed his son?" She demands.

"No, just told him his son is dead and I'm really sorry", he shrugs.

"You're so heartless, why did I even marry you?" Kathy sobs.

"Because you had no choice and your father was in debt to my father, luckily he was not cold and let your father live by making you my wife. We have happy years together and when Ace was born we were overjoyed and I never abused you", Damon hugs her.

"I wasn't happy when I got that miscarriage and you were so distant when I needed you."

"I apologized for it, didn't  I? Now stop crying, he's gone and we're going to get Elisha back and moving somewhere so no one can find us and wipe out that friend of hers gang too."

Kathy sighs and push away from him,"I can't believe how heartless you have become, I'm not staying in here tonight ", she gets up.

Damon grabs her with his other arm which had no cast,"you're not going anyway, I am stress out and you're going to help me relief it", he kisses her.

"No", she pulls away and leaves the room.

Damon goes after her, turns her around and slaps her,"you will not talk to me like that", he snaps as she hold her bruise cheek, crying.

"Now get back in that room", he demands.

She did as she is told.


Omg Jett is dead .😱😱😱

What do you think about this chapter?

What is Brendan planning?

What will happen to Jett's mysterious caller?

Is Kacy really warming up to Elisha, will Evan ask Elisha out?

Will Elisha return back to Chicago?

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