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Elisha sighs as she looks at her flight ticket, its been two days since Brendan told her the situation and now she's in the airport with her bag. Brendan is standing next to her,"you'll be okay and we'll talk everyday", he hugs her.

"And Skype?"

"Of course."

"Also I didn't call the girl I have feelings for", he adds," I'm afraid I'll get rejected. "

"Don't worry, I'm sure she'll feel the same way and if not then show her how much you do like her and that should convince her", Elisha suggests.

"If only it was that easy", he mumbles.

"Flight to Connecticut will be leaving in forty five minutes, all passengers get to check in point thank you", the announcer says.

"That's me, see you in two weeks", She turns to Brendan.

"Or less, be careful", he kisses her forehead.

"Always and Stephanie said you're invited too", she adds.

"Of course maybe you can be my date", he winks.

"We'll see."


Tony leans against his car waiting for Elisha, he's happy she's back for a week or two. He hopes she takes the offer from his aunt and stay here, but he knows he's being selfish it's her choice.

"Hey stranger", the hazel green eyes woman smiles at him.

"I missed you Elisha", he pulls her into a tight hug.

"Missed you too, now I'm starving", she hands him her bag.

"Thought you would have said that, so I brought this", he takes out a burger king bag from his car.

"Aw thank you", she takes it and opens the bag, taking out a burger.

"Now what do you want to do? I finish working early today", he ask.

"Your aunt's business building please, I think she's ready for my answer."

"Wait, you finally decided where you want to work?" Tony eyes go wide.

"Yes, I'm ready to give my answer", she nods.

"Where did you decide to work?"

"Its a surprise", she winks as she gets into the car.

"Come on, tell me", he pleads.

"No can do."

Elisha steps into the building she's familiar with for the pass two years,"Elisha dear, long time", her boss's secretary Violet greets her.

"Its only been two months, is she in her office?"

"Yes, go ahead she's just packing up", Violet nods,"we'll catch up soon."

Elisha knocks and opens the door, Rachel is placing a folder in one of the drawers. She's in a pencil skirt, with a white top and black professional jacket, her blonde hair is shorter and her lips red as a rose.

"Elisha", she gasps,"one of my best internship student", she greets her and kisses both her cheeks,"when Tony told me you were coming to Connecticut, I didn't expect you to come here just yet."

"I'm ready to give you my answer."

"Great", Rachel picks up the telephone and presses a button,"Violet, you can go. Yes I'm sure, see you tomorrow for 9 instead of 8", she puts down the phone and sits,"now let's talk."


Brendan gets a call some hours after Elisha left,"yes? "

"Sir I got some news, Jett's dead."


"He's been murder from what I been told, tomorrow is the funeral."

"Who murdered him?"

He has to keep this from Elisha, she'll blame herself if she found out.

"My suspicion is Damon, who else will it be?"

"But he wanted Jett to marry Elisha, why would he kill his future son in law?" Brendan points out.

"Why wouldn't he? There's a rumor that Jett refused to marry Elisha and that's what got him kill."

"Why would he refuse now?"

"Could be many things, not ready for commitment, realize they'll be miserable and get a divorce in no time, etc."

"Okay I got your point, thanks for telling me", he hangs up.

"What's up?" Joey asks.

"Jett's dead."

"Damn, well at least he's off my list", he sits back.

"Catching Damon will be a lot harder if he murdered him in cold blood."

"Well another reason why he should be brought to justice."

"What should I tell Elisha?"

"Nothing when her family is in jail, then tell her and if she asked about Jett at that time you can tell her the truth", Joey shrugs.

"I just want Damon in jail, Kathy and Ace aren't that bad", Brendan confesses.

"No all of them are going down", Joey snaps.


"Are you sure?" Rachel asks Elisha.

"Yes, but I wouldn't be starting till September", she nods.

"That's understandable, well I'll just contact the manager on Monday."

"I'll miss you though", Elisha admits.

"Come on Chicago isn't far from here, we'll see each other every other month for meetings and parties which I hold annually like my mid October party and pre Christmas gathering. I'm sure you enjoyed my spring gala."

"Heck yeah I did and last summer's pool party", Elisha nods.

"Yeah, anyway Raine will be back in town for the weekend", Rachel adds.

Raine is Rachel's only daughter, she lives in Los Angles perusing her modeling and make up artist career. Elisha met her at one of Rachel's parties, let's just say Raine's fake side comes out when she's at parties and cameras are on her.

She dates different celebrities every month, her longest relationship was one year.

"How is she anyway?" Elisha asks.

"If you follow her on social media, you'll know. She's dating this celebrity I forgot his name for two weeks now and goes to parties every chance she gets", she sighs.

Tony knocks on the door and opens it, "ready Elisha or not yet?" He pops his head in.

"We're done", Rachel says and gets her bags.

Elisha walks out the building with Tony and Rachel,"I got to go do some late evening shopping, bye", Rachel gets into the black BMW which someone just park in front of the building for her.

"What do you want to do now?" Elisha turns to Tony.

"Violet invited us for dinner at her place if you don't mind."

"Nice so you guys finally getting closer I see", she smirks.

"No, we're just friends. Plus she's seeing this guy", he shrugs.

"Whatever you say."

"Let's swing by my place first and change. Also, I cleaned the guest room for you", he adds.

"Aw you didn't have to, thanks", Elisha hugs him and ducks into the car.

Violet's apartment is big, well working for a million dollar company as a secretary has its disadvantage. Elisha admires all her decorations and open space.

"Hey guys, I'm glad you came", the dark hair woman emerges from the kitchen Elisha assumes.

"Glad you invited us", Elisha greets her with a hug.

"My boyfriend is in the kitchen, dinner will soon be finish", Violet states,"Tony, why don't you go see what he's up to while Elisha and I prepare the table?" She suggests.

Violet leads Elisha to her dining table, she opens the cupboard and takes out four plates, forks, knives and napkins,"you can get the glasses in the kitchen Elisha", she says.

Elisha enters the kitchen and see a tall chestnut hair guy by the stove wearing an apron, Tony is cutting up some carrots.

"Hey where are the glasses?" She asks.

"Top cupboard, I'm Edwin by the way", the guy introduces himself.

"Elisha", she gets the glasses.

"Food suppose to be finish in about fifteen minutes tell Violet that for me", Edwin informs her and she nods.

She tells Violet what Edwin says and they set the table, then sit down on the couch.

"So where will you be working?" Violet smiles.

"Chicago, that's my home country and I missed it."

"Is that the only reason?" Violet grins.

"Okay maybe also my best friend lives there and I been staying at his house for the pass month too", Elisha adds.

"Oh, so you guys dating?" She smirks.

"No, we're just friends, when I move back permanently I'll start looking for a place", she admits.

"Why? You have a best friend you practically grew up with, he has a house, financial stable and I'm sure he's still single."

"I feel I am taking advantage, I haven't paid a single bill except grocery but that doesn't count in like two months", Elisha sighs.

"I'm sure he wants you to stay with him, getting an apartment will take a while since you have to work first and save money", Violet points out.

"That shouldn't take no longer than three months, after all I'll be the manager of finance department in Chicago", she shrugs.

"Really? Congrats, I'm sure you'll do great", Violet gasps.

"Girls dinner's ready", Tony calls.


Brendan stares at his phone, should he call her? What if she doesn't feel the same way? Then what?

"Are you going to stop stare at your phone? Its creeping me out", Malcolm sits down next to him.

"I can't do it, I'll just wait."

"Wait till when? The longer you take, the quicker she'll escape", he says.

"I don't think she feels the same way, it's been four years since we last spoke", Brendan sighs.

"After Layla left, you been checking her Facebook page almost everyday and she's single, you know that, you even have her number now", Malcolm points out.

"Maybe I should double check with Lisha first, just in case she has a crush on me I don't want to hurt her and lose our friendship", Brendan says.

"Elisha totally supports you dude, she even said to call the girl. It can't get better than that in my opinion", he shrugs.

"But you guys dated, are you sure its okay?" Brendan looks at him,"you probably still have feelings for her. "

"Nah, I'm over her go for it", he waves him off.

Brendan calls the number.

"Hello?" The strawberry blonde hair woman answers.

"Hey, it's Brendan."


*four years ago*

Brendan watches Annelise, his classmate as she talks to Layla and Stephanie. Graduation is in a couple of days, he wanted to ask Annelise if she would accompany him to their graduation party after. 

Malcolm and her broke things off a couple weeks back, they ended on good terms, but Malcolm brooded over her for a week.

"Hey guys", he approaches the girls.

"I'll miss you Brendan, I can't believe we're graduating on Thursday", Layla hugs him, she's been crushing on him since the beginning of the school year.

"Yeah, I'll miss you guys too", he nods,"can I take to you Anne for a sec?"

"Sure, see you later girls", Annelise nods, Stephanie and Layla leave, but Layla sends Annelise a quick cut eye.

"What's up?"

"I was wondering if you want to accompany me to our graduation party on Thursday night?"

"I'll love to, but I already got plans", she answers.

"Oh, plans with the family?"

"Yeah, dad's got a business meeting on Friday early so he wants to spend time with me before he flies out over the weekend for a business trip", she explains.

Brendan hasn't seen his father lately, he's been busy.

"I understand, if I don't see you at all after graduation just have a good summer and good luck in Berkeley", he says.

"You too, good luck. Too bad I didn't get to meet Elisha, you talk about her a lot and she sounds wonderful to everyone except Layla of course", Annelise laughs.

"Yeah, you're right."

*End of flashback*


"So how did it go?" Malcolm asks one hour later.

"She's in Los Angles right now, but will be going to Chicago in two weeks for Stephanie's wedding and has no escort", Brendan grins.

"You'll be her date?"

"Yes and she'll be staying at her father's mansion for the rest of the summer, she agrees to go on a date with me", he answers.

"Nice, but what about Elisha? Aren't you her date?" Malcolm frowns.

"Sh*t, but I'll go call her and tell her before I get her hopes up", Brendan gets his phone.

"That's if her hopes aren't up yet", Malcolm mumbles feeling sad for Elisha.


Who were you expecting Brendan to have feelings for? Elisha of course 😂😂

Not this time people, no cliché best friend falling for each other.

Who will be Elisha's date then?

Were you expecting Elisha to choose Chicago to work?

Any one ships Tony with Elisha?

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