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Elisha frowns as Ace picks her up, she wakes up Fred to tell him that she is leaving.

"Hey sis, long time", Ace smirks.

"What are you doing here in Brooklyn?"

"Well I heard my sister got kidnapped and came to help obviously."

"Where are we going and where are the guys?" She demands.

"I'm carrying you to the motel we are staying at, get some sleep, pack and on a flight to New York by 8", he answers.

"What? Why?"

"Brendan thinks its best you spend the weekend there. Plus you get to meet Anika and Chase."

"Oh my nephew I can't wait to see his adorable face, is Malcolm and Draven okay though?"

"Don't worry Brendan will call and  tell us when he is awake and as for Draven, he'll recover."

"What?!" She gasps.

"They're in the hospital Elisha, we were set up. Will didn't have you so the trade didn't happen and we stayed at the bridge for an hour or so before they started shooting", Ace explains.

"We have to go to the hospital now Ace, I am not leaving till I see Malcolm."

"No you can't, its not visiting time yet and you need to sleep. Heck, Will is on the loose we don't know where he is or his second in command."


"Who?" He frowns.

"That's his second in command, don't hurt him please or make him get arrested. He's the one who helped me escaped, I promised him that", Elisha says.

Ace sighs,"that's out of my hands, but if we can't get him then he is most likely safe."


"Hey I know you're tired so I changed our flight for 11 instead", Ace wakes Elisha.

"What time is it?" She rubs her eyes and yawns.

"A little pass 8, I brought breakfast and Brendan is in his room if you want to see him", he informs her. She gets  off the bed quickly and runs to the other room opposite to the one she slept in.

"Brendan!" She shrieks as she opens the door. He is shirtless and in his boxers alone,"thank you for trying to save me and for being here", she jumps on him wrapping her legs around his waist, hugging him.

"I will always come for you Lisha, I did promise to protect you right?" He looks at her in the eyes.

"Brendan have you see-", Zane stops when he sees their position.

Elisha blushes and gets off Brendan,"hey Zane."

"Glad you're okay Elisha, now what was that all about?" He teases.

"Nothing, he has a girlfriend."

"I am right here you know" Brendan states as he looks through his small suitcase for clothes.

"So? That doesn't mean you two didn't look like you was about to kiss or tear each other clothes off", Zane shrugs.

"Look she is dating Malcolm and I am dating Annelise, so drop it", Brendan snaps.

"Doesn't mean you can't have a little something at the side. Isn't it weird that you're dating your friend's ex and he's dating your best friend?" He frowns.

"No, that's their business and life", Brendan shrugs,"but if he hurts her I wouldn't hesitate to end his life."

"Well then the nurse that admitted Malcolm and Draven into the hospital earlier texted, a woman name Annelise just arrive and is demanding to see Malcolm."

"What? How does she know what hospital he is in much less got here?" Brendan frowns.

"Apparently Malcolm texted her yesterday before we went to the bridge about coming back to Chicago soon and she decided to surprise visit you. Then got here on an early flight and called Malcolm, but a nurse answered the phone and told her where he was", he reads from his phone.

"Why didn't she just come here? If she is planning to see me,  Malcolm knows the address."

"Well she is currently sitting beside Malcolm bed side, holding his hand and talking."

Elisha frowns with jealousy, Anne can't have both of them.

"How far is the hospital?" She asks.

"Forty minutes or so, but you got a flight to catch and need to be at the airport before 10:15", Brendan replies.

"I am not leaving without seeing Malcolm, because I will not get to see him till Monday after this", she walks back to the room where Ace is.

She eats her breakfast quickly,"I am going to the hospital to see Malcolm before I leave", she informs her brother.

"Brendan said-"

"He already knows, apparently his girlfriend is at the hospital seeing Malcolm right now and holding his hand", she hisses.

"Are you jealous sis?" Ace smirks.

"Of course I am, she is dating Brendan and is my boyfriend's ex of course it looks as bad as it sounds. I'll meet you at the airport", she gets her towel.

"Remember to get there by 10:15, we need to go through check in point and security", he reminds her.

"I'll be there."


"Do you have a concussion?" Annelise asks Malcolm as she holds his hand.

"No, the doctor didn't say anything about that, but my ahead is killing me though", he groans as he sits up.

"Try to relax, I'll go get a nurse for you", she pats his arm and stands up.

"Aren't you suppose to  be going to the motel now to see Brendan? Isn't that why you're here in Brooklyn?" He frowns.

"He can wait, you're the one who is in the hospital. He doesn't know I am here unless you told  Zane."

"Nope, you said you wanted it to be a surprise", he shakes his head.

She gets a nurse to bring a glass of water and painkillers.

"Doesn't that feel much better?" Anne smiles.

"Yeah it does, thanks."

"I really missed you Malcolm, I miss us and what we had", she says suddenly, Malcolm sighs.


"I know we broke up a long time ago, but I still miss you", she takes his hand,"I am sorry we ended like that and if I could go back and change what happened I would do it", she confesses.

"Its too late now, I am with Elisha and you're dating Brendan", he points out.

"But he has a daughter with my ex best friend. I don't think I can handle that", she shakes her head,"what if we end up having kids in the future, his first daughter will always come first in everything and our kids will always have to compete for his love and attention", she starts to cry,"I am not ready for that, I thought I will be fine with it, but I am not."

"Hey look at me", Malcolm lifts her chin so he can see her eyes,"you don't have to rush things with him, no one is forcing you to. You will get use to his daughter if you decide to stay with him and get marry after, it will take time yes, but you will grow to love her and your kids will get the attention and love from Brendan equally too."

"You know its hard not to kiss you when you talk like that", she wipes her eyes.

"I still care about you Anne, even if we broke up back in high school. You will always be in my heart as well", Malcolm takes her hand in his.

"And I will always love you", she whispers leaning in closer,"do you still love me Malcolm?" She looks into his eyes and he turns pale.

"Yes Malcolm, do you?" Elisha demands from the door, Annelise gasps and steps away from the bed.

"E- Elisha what you're doing here?"

"Visiting my boyfriend, but looks like he is busy. I'll go", she shakes her head as she keeps the tears in that want to come out.

"Elisha wait", he tries to get up.

"No Malcolm, I got a flight to catch anyway. Have a nice life and Anne, Brendan is here also. He deserves to know you're still in love with Malcolm, don't play with his feelings or else you'll have to deal with me", Elisha says and leaves quickly.

"Malcolm....", Anne looks at him for help.

"To answer your question, I don't love you anymore Anne. I am over you, I think I am in love with Elisha and I just lost her", he sighs as Annelise gasps with tears in her eyes.

"Go tell Brendan how you feel about your relationship with him and about his daughter. If you really want to be with him then go for it, I am not stopping you. You deserve to be happy with someone as much as I am happy with someone else", he kisses her hand.

"Are you sure?"

"Haven't been more sure in my life, I think we just needed this closure before we part ways", he smiles.

"Don't worry give Elisha time and I'll tell Brendan to convince her to let you explain everything", she leaves.


Elisha wipes her eyes as she waits on her cab to go to the airport. Brendan is sitting next to her silently, after she ran out of Malcolm's room ten minutes earlier, he ran after her.

"You'll be okay Lisha, when I see him I'll make sure to punch him for you", Brendan rubs her shoulder as she rests her head on his shoulder.

"Thanks for always being there for me Brendy", she smiles up at him.

He groans,"haven't heard that nickname in a long time", he chuckles.

The cab arrives,"have fun in New York, see you on Monday", Brendan opens the door for her.

"I'll be moving out of your house soon, don't worry."

"Nah, I like your company", she gets into the cab and he shuts the door.

"Be careful around Annelise. I wouldn't trust her so easily", she whispers and the cab drives off.

"Brendan, we need to talk", Annelise says behind him.

He turns around,"let's talk then."


Last chapter guys 😭😭😭

The epilogue is up next, so stick around.

What did you think when Zane got that message from the nurse about Annelise?

Will Brendan and Annelise really end up together?

Is Malcolm and Elisha still dating?

All answers will be in the epilogue..

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