Chapter 4: into the unknown

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The storm woke prince Wakko up.

Wakko: (gasp)

Narrator: So the king and his queen watched with heavy hearts as their most precious possession, their only child, disappeared into the night.

He finds Yakko not laying next to him, he goes through the balcony, opens the windows and sees the strange diamonds in the sky.

Yakko looks at the diamonds and recognizes them.

Yakko: Air, fire, water, earth

(Thunder rumbling, shattering, flashing)

Yakko: (gasp)

He felt the ground shaking then looks up to see the odds diamonds falling, raining above Acmedelle like a hailstorm, this of course awakens everyone in the entire village.

(All exclaiming)

Everyone goes out of their houses, looking down at the diamonds in their pajamas.

Just then the fire lightning up the village went out, at first it changed pink but then sparked out like a fuse.

(All gasping)

It became total pitch blackness, the village was in a panic as they came running out of their homes the. The water was drained from the fountains.

Women: the water!

And the water from the waterfall has stopped and a huge storm of wind started blowing everyone out of the kingdom.

(Wind gusting)

And in the old barn house were daffy was sleeping on top of Rudolph.

Daffy: (snoring)

Then the gist of wind bust open the doors, startling Rudolph, the gust of wind came in and started pushing them out.

Rudolph: (whining)

Daffy: AH!!

Rudolph ran out, daffy holding on to him. Yakko ran behind a building.

Yakko: (pasting)

Hiding from the forces of nature.

Yakko: the air rages, no fire no water

He then made a realization.

Yakko: the earth is next, we have to get out of here

In the streets, people were panicking as the wind was pushing them out of the village.

(People whimpering)

A mother was carrying her child, a fat man was trying to hold on to a pole, they then were all forced to move outside of the kingdom, Wakko was doing what he can to help his people.


Yakko was doing his part.

Yakko: it'll be okay, evacuate to the cliffs

Then when his foot touched the ground, the ground itself started to move and began pushing everyone out, forcefully.


Yakko: WHOA

pinky and brain tan as fast as they could to leave.

Brain: (grunts)

Pinky: oh no I'm gonna blow

Brain then grabbed his arms.

Brain: hang on pinky, I got you

Then the earth Pushed them together and they merged into a giant snow ball and they bounce out of the village.

Pinky: oh no look out

Brain: AH

pinky/brain: AH

everyone was forced out to the cliff, Wakko looks back seeing if Yakko was following. 

Wakko: Yakko (yells) YAKKO

his heart was beating in fear then he saw Yakko running towards them, he breath in a sigh of relief as he saw him smiling.

In acmedelle, the wing was blowing so hard at the flag that it causes to fly off.

At the cliff as the king's people was puzzled by what was going on, king Yakko runs to reunite with his brother again then hug.

They let go and Wakko saw how Yakko was smirking when he grabs his shoulders.

Yakko: come on you didn't really think I was gonna leave ya again did ya

They then saw what once was the sea floating boat was gone.

Wakko : The water! (Wind howling)

Yakko: They're outrageous!

Then they heard some screaming coming towards them.

Brain/pinky: (screaming)

Pinky: LOOK OUT!!!

It was pinky and brain, and they were rolling towards Wakko at a 50 speed limit but luckily he quickly moved out of the way and crashed into a tree.


Brain/pinky: oh ow

Then they saw Rudolph running with a terrified daffy clinging on tight to him.

Rudolph: (huff)

He walks up to the two Warner brothers and daffy fall in front of them.

They looked down at him and saw how he fainted, looked back at each other then they did what they can to help out All the people evacuated.

Yakko: is everyone's out and safe

Otto: yes sire

Yakko: Here, take one of these

Rudolph follows him as He helps Yakko hands out a pair of warmth blankets.

Rudolph: huh

Wakko: You okay there, pinky

He looks over to see him with the children of acmedelle and putting the diamonds on his face.

Pinky: oh yes We're playing, "controlling what you can when things feel out of control".

He then sees Yakko far from the crowd talking to brain.

Yakko: brain it's happening

Brain: oh my now, when then it first happened

Yakko: this morning when I started hearing the voices

He then wanted to know what was going on so he walks over to them.

Wakko: (ahem) Okay Yakko what us going on, I don't understand. You've been hearing a voice and you didn't think to tell me?

Yakko signals brain to leave him to talk to his brother.

Yakko: I didn't wanna worry you.

Wakko: We made a promise not to shut each other out! Now what is the one thing I tell you to never to do

Yakko: (sigh) don't keep secrets from each other

Wakko: and what did you do

Yakko: (sigh) kept a secret from you

Wakko: exactly now Just tell me what's going on!

Yakko: (sigh) I might've woke the magical spirits of the Enchanted Forest.

Wakko makes a surprised and shocked look.

Wakko: (gasp) Okay, that's definitely not what I thought you were gonna say. But Wait, the Enchanted Forest? The one father warned us about?

Yakko: Yes.

Wakko: Why would you do that?

Yakko: Because of the voice. I know its gonna sound crazy, but I believe whoever is calling me is good.

Wakko: How can you say that? Look at our kingdom!

Yakko: I know, it's just that my magic can feel it. I can feel it.

Wakko: Okay

Yakko/Wakko: (gasp)

They then heard something coming towards them.

(Click clop, Click clop)

Wakko: Oh no, what now?

They saw that coming from the other side of the forest was the wise and old slappy the squirrel.

Yakko: slappy?

She didn't look too happy as she walks slowly towards them with her cane.

Slappy: alright what did you two do this time

Wakko: how did you know it was us!

Slappy: I been with you two since you were little, you don't I don't know your work when I see it Well, never a dull moment with you two. I hope you're prepared for what you have done, king Yakko. Angry magical spirits are not for the faint of heart.

Wakko: are they still angry, can't we just make them a apology cake and be done with it, Why are they still angry? What does this all of this have to do with acmedelle?

Slappy: Let me see what I can see.

She summons the northern lights by using her cane, they look up in the sky to see, a holographic of a bridge.

Slappy: The past is not what it seems.

Then it changes to two group of people and two men shaking hands.

Slappy: A wrong demands to be righted.

Then the northern lights turn red and turn two men fighting with swords.

Slappy: Arendelle is not safe.

Then the northern lights turn to purple acmedelle's color and holographic turns to the castle.

Yakko: (gasp)

Slappy: The truth must be found. And Without it...

They then see the castle and all of acmedelle crumbling and the northern lights disappear.

Slappy: I see no future.

Wakko: No future? Now how will I get to know who I'll marry

Slappy: When one can see no future, all one can do is the next right thing.

Yakko: The next right thing, is for me to go to the Enchanted Forest and find that voice.

He walks over to Daffy who was still fainted and sleepy from that rude awakening.

Yakko: daffy, I need to borrow your wagon, and Rudolph

Daffy: (drunk like) sure go ahead not that I care about him

Brain: king Yakko if I may, I don't think I'm very comfortable with the idea of that

Wakko: - You are not going alone.

Yakko: Wakko, no. I have my powers to protect me, you don't, I don't want to have to lose you again

Wakko: Excuse me, me and dot climbed to the North Mountain, she survived a frozen heart, and I survived from drink a bottle of poison saved you from dot's ex-boyfriend, and we did it all without powers, so, you know, I'm coming.

Yakko: but dot's not here

Wakko: oh-well still, I'm coming with you

Brain: Us too, I'll drive.

Pinky: I'll bring the snacks!

They looked down at daffy that was still on the ground until Rudolph woke him up, but hitting him with his antlers.


Daffy: ow ok fine I'm in, but there better be award for my heroic behavior

The four of them rolled their eyes annoying then looked back at slappy.

Slappy: I will look after your people

Wakko: Please make sure they stay out of the kingdom until we return.

Slappy: Of course. I'll try

Yakko: Let's let them know.

They headed towards the wagon then slappy stopped Wakko.

Slappy: Wakko, I'm worried for your brother. We have always feared yakko's powers were too much for this world, now, we must pray they are enough.

Wakko: I won't let anything happen to him.

They all got in the wagon, changed clothes, packed with supplies and they drove off.

Brain: hyah

Pinky: okay Who wants to play trivia? I am first!

Daffy/brain: ugh

Wakko: yeah

(So They travel towards the Enchanted Forest to unveil the truth)

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