Chapter 6: searching for the truth

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(Chittering continues)

As they gathered around in a kill circle, and they heard the noises were coming from two bushes one in front of them and the back of them,

Then out jumping from the bushes are two groups of people.

The comeduldra and acmedellian people confront each other between the intruders.

Minerva mink : Lower your weapons.

Freakzoid: - you lower yours first !

(Weapons clang)

Wakko and Yakko were familiar by the soldiers behind them.

Wakko: - acmedellian Soldiers?

Then jumping from a tree was a adult version of skippy slappy's nephew, he was hold a spear and aiming it at freakzoid.

Skippy: - Threatening my people, Lieutenant?

Frekzoid: - Invading my Dance space, skippy?

Then Wakko got a closer look at the lieutenant as he looked quite familiar.

Wakko: (points the ice sword at Mattias) Why does that soldier looks so familiar?

Yakko: Wakko no!!!

Arendellian Soldier: Lieutenant!

Freakzoid: Get the sword!

Both sides charge against the intruders, until Yakko lays an icy floor on their feet.

(All yelp and grunts)

As they all collapsed, sliding on the ice, Freakzoid stand his ground and was shocked by yakko's magic.

Freakzoid: That was magic. Did you see that?

Skippy: Of course I saw it.

Wakko: You chose an ice cold greeting...

Brain: They've been trapped in here this whole time?

Wakko: - What do we do now?

Yakko: I don't know

Olaf: I got this. Hi! I'm pinky. And I Bet you're wondering who we are and why we are here. It's really quite simple. (narrating story) It began with two brothers. One born with magical powers, and one born powerless. Their love of snowmen, infinite, then Yakko hurt young prince Wakko, the kingdom was lost and the king and queen that Doors shutting everywhere, brothers were torn apart! And a baby sister was born named dot Their parents died. Came time for the coronation dot meets a man she just Mets and demands to marry him the. Wakko said no theee became a argument then he freezes all of acmedelle Me and brain came to life! "Ice palace for one, ice palace for one! Dot and Wakko went to get Yakko back then he ends up hurting dot, freezing her heart

Freakzoid: Oh, my goodness!

Pinky (continuing): "Only an act of true love can save you days a old wise and cranky squirrel

Skippy: aunt slappy

Pinky: a true love's kiss turns out to be a bad guy who only wanted dot for her castle

Freakzoid: What?!

Pinky (continuing): And dot freezes to death, while the evil prince tries to poison Wakko.

Freakzoid: Oh, no!

Pinky(concluding): Then she unfreeze it. Because king Yakko came back, he woke up the magical spirits, and we were forced out from our kingdom. Now our only hope is to find the truth about the past, but we don't have a clue how to do that. Except Yakko's hearing voices, so we got that going for us. Any questions?

[The crowd stares blankly]

Pinky: I think they got it.

Brain: yes excellent work pinky, you successfully shunned the crowd

Pinky: why thank you brain

Yakko then stomps his feet and thaws out the ice floor.

Freakzoid: Are you really king of acmedelle?

Yakko: I am.

Skippy: Why would nature reward a person of acmedelle with magic?

Freakzoid: maybe to make up for the actions of your people.

Skippy: My people are innocent, we will have never attacked first.

Freakzoid: May the truth be found

He then noticed Wakko get closer to his face, examining him.

Freakzoid: oh Hi, uh I'm sor-, uh, what's happening?

Wakko: hang on a minute, I'm trying to see th-(gasp) That's it! Your Lieutenant Freakzoid! Library, second portrait on the left. You are our father's official guard.

Freakzoid: William What did happened to your parents?

Yakko: Our parents' ship went down in the southern sea 6 years ago.

Freakzoid: (sigh) I see him. I see him in both your faces.

He places a hand on yakko's shoulder.

Freakzoid: Soldiers! We maybe getting old in years, but we're still strong. Proud to serve acmedelle

The comeduldra are cornered as the acmedellian soldiers got in front of the two princes and glaring at the comeduldra until...

Yakko: (Steps forward) Wait, please. Someone has called me here. If I can just find it, I believe they have the answer that may help us free this forest. Trust me, I just want to help

Deep in the forest, behind where Yakko was standing, something was looking towards him.

Skippy: (Rejects...) We only trust nature. When nature speaks,

the Fire Spirit intervenes and lifts up a tree in a red violet fire.

(All gasping)

Skippy: we listen.

Pinky: (Frightened) This will all makes sense when I'm older...

Brain: pinky stop that (screaming) AH

Pinky: AH

Man: Fire spirit!

Man #2: Get back everyone!

Man #3: Run for the river!

Yakko tries to put out the fire spirit by blasts ice at it but it was moving and jumping.

Ryder: No, no, no the reindeer! That's a dead end!

Daffy tries to run away from the danger but he saw how Rudolph wanted to help them.


Daffy: ugh, come on, I'll help you

The two princes ran and when Wakko thought he was holding yakko's hand, he turns around to see that it was one of the comedians.

Wakko: (gasp) YAKKO, get out of there! No, no, no

Wakko runs in to follow Yakko to the fire.

Wakko: YAKKO (coughing)

Daffy got on Rudolph as he had all their attention.

Daffy: alright come on let's go

(Reindeer follows them)

Daffy: AH!!!!!!

Yakko then sees Wakko begin trapped by the fire so he freezes the ground again.

Yakko: Rudolph Get Wakko out of here!

Rudolph nods his head, and scope up Wakko with his antlers and puts him behind daffy.

Wakko: ah!!! Yakko no!!!!

Yakko sees the fire spirits passed by him, he puts out the flames it sets and then corners the Fire Spirit to a crevice in a pile of rocks where it reveals itself to be a salamander.


Yakko: huh?

The Fire Spirit gets scared and bursts fire that go to a nearby tree. But after looking deep into yakko's eyes, it or he finally calms down.

It crawls over to him, Yakko puts his hand down to it, it taps his hand they gleefully crawls onto his hand. And Yakko defuses the fire, and the Spirit jumps into his palms.

Yakko: (wincing)


When the salamander cools it's flame down on his palm, The fire around the forest disappears.

He then sprinkles snowflakes over it and the salamander catches one on its tongue.

Yakko: (chuckles)

He then felt The comeduldra and acmedellian soldiers appear behind him and the Spirit.

Yakko: They're all looking at us, aren't they? Got any advice? Nothing?

(The Fire Spirit licks(?) it's eye)

Yakko: Hmm. Should I know what that means?

He and the spirit then hears The voice calls again.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Yakko: (gasp) did You hear it too? Somebody's calling us, who is it? What do we do?

(Spirit jumps off his palms and starts walking north)

Yakko: Okay, keep going north.

Then behind him, Wakko comes running and Back-hugs Yakko.

Wakko: Yakko! Oh thank goodness.

Yakko: (returns the hug back) Wakko . Are you okay? What were you doing? You could have been killed, you can't just follow me into fire.

Wakko: You don't want me to follow you into fire, then don't run into fire. You're not being careful Wakko.

Yakko: (sigh) I'm sorry, are you okay?

Wakko: I've been better.

Yakko: I know what you need.

Yakko takes their mother's scarf from his pockets and wraps it around him.

Then skippy got familiar with the scar as he walks up to get a closer look.

Skippy: Where did you get that scarf?, That's a Northuldra's scarf.

Wakko/Yakko: huh? What?

Skippy: This is from one of our oldest families.

Yakko: It was our mother's... (gasp)

Yakko then realize something then he takes wakko's hand and went back to the ice/snow statue of William and Angelina

Wakko: Yakko?...

He gets a closer look at the back of the girl's scar that looked like the one they have.

Yakko: I see it, it's mom

Wakko: mom saved father's life that day.

Crowd of comeduldra and acmedellian soldiers form around the 2(two) brothers and the statue.

Yakko: Our mother was comeduldra

Wakko: which technically makes us comeduldra

The Comeduldra gathered around them as the wind spirit spin around them, the ice statue glowed blue, a purple light glowed in the trees and brain and pinky begin to glow with a baby blue color.

Brain: oh my

Pinky: YEAH

The Comeduldra then take each others hands and form a spiral around the brothers, singing Vuelie.

(Chatting yoik)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

At the end of the spiral was skippy, he looks at the two brothers and offfers them his hands as they take it.

Skippy: We are called comeduldra, We are the people of the comedy.

(Comeduldra let go of each others hands)

Yakko: I promise you, I will free this forest, and restore acmedelle.

As the song ended, the back of Yakko's hair turned white again.

Wakko: That's a pretty big promise, Yakko

Daffy: free the forest, wow that's kinda big step for me, let me know how it goes

As daffy walks to get away from the forest, Rudolph scoffs at him and follows him.

Yakko: I heard the voice again. We need to go north.

Skippy: But the Earth Giants now roam north at night.

Freakzoid: You can leave in the morning.

Minerva mink: hi I'm Minerva mink

Yakko/Wakko: HELLO!!! Minerva

Brain: we'll do all we can

Pinky: (While comeduldra kids are taking his body parts and playing with them): Hey, let me ask you, how do you guys cope with the ever increasing complexity of thought that comes with maturity?

A Girl takes his nose and sticks it up her nostril.

Pinky: Brilliant! It's so refreshing to talk to the youth of today. Our future is in bright hands--

Brain: ugh oh brother

(Kids takes his feet and lick/chew them)

Pinky: Oh no, no, no. Don't chew that, you don't know what I've stepped there

Daffy: quit following me

Rudolph: (whining)

Freakzoid: Hey, back at home, is Otto van scratch-n-sniff, still alive

Wakko: Yep

Freakzoid : Really? Is Miss Flamiel still teaching in the castle?

Wakko (shaking her head no): Mm-mm, she quit after she couldn't handle me and Yakko and dot

Freakzoid: Oh wow, I knew she couldn't out craziness, who's dot

Wakko: our little sister and next in line for the throne after me and after Yakko

Freakazoid: wow I have missed a lot but it's like I always say Just when you think you found your way, life will throw you on a new path"

Wakko: What do you do when it does?

Freakazoid: Don't give up. Take it one step at a time and...

Wakko: Just do the next right thing.

Freakzoid: Yeah, you got it.

(Wakko chuckles)

Over by the fire, Minerva and Yakko talked.

Minerva: I wanna show you something. (points to Angelina's scarf) May I? You know, air, fire, water and earth.

Yakko: Yes.

Minerva: But look, there is a fifth spirit. It's said to be a bridge between us and the magic of nature.

Yakko: A fifth spirit?

(She nods)

Minerva: Some say, they hear it call out the day before the spell.

Yakko: My father heard it, Do you think that's who's calling me?

Minerva: Maybe. Alas, only Ahtohallan knows.

Yakko: Ahtohallan... "Dive deep into her sound"

Minerva/yakko: "But not too far or you'll be drowned"

Yakko: Why do lullabies always have to have some terrible warning in them?

Skippy: I wonder that all the time

(They turn to see skipper joining them, then the ground shakes.

Minerva: Earth giants.

Skippy: What are they doing down here?

The comeduldra puts out fires, doors closes and Freakzoid gathers the children.

Freakzoid: shh

Minerva: Hide.

Yakko hides behind a tree, Wakko joining him but as they were hiding, Wakko grabs onto Yakko's hand feeling safe, he noticed the back of his hair turning whiter and whiter by the moment but slowly.

Pinky: (tries to calm the fire spirit) This is why we don't play with fire. Ah, I can't stay mad at you, you're so cute!

Brain: pinky, get down

Pinky: ow

He pulls pinky down as he hangs on to the salamander.

(Footsteps keep thundering)

After watching the giant leaves, Yakko looks at them and tries to follow them but Wakko saw and feeling worried most because every spirit Yakko settles with has his hair changing, he grabs his arm to stop him.

Wakko: (after the earth Giant left) Please tell me, you are not about to follow them?

Yakko: What if I can settle them like I did with the wind with the wind and fire?

Wakko: and what if they can crush you before you even get the chance? Remember, the goal is to find the voice, find the truth, and get us home.

Pinky: Hey guys, that was close!

Yakko: I know. The Giant sensed me. They may come back here, I don't want to put everyone at risk again. And you're right, Wakko, we've got to find the voice. We're going now.

Wakko: Okay, let's go, come on pinky and brain

As the four travel, yakko realized daffy and Rudolph were gone.

Yakko: say where's daffy and Rudolph

Pinky: Oh yeah, I think he went off to go home.

Brain: oh hell be fine, he's a grown duck he can take care of himself, come dear boys, we mustn't dottle

As daffy tries to leave, Rudolph was hitting his back and pushing him back.

Daffy: (grunts) hey what's the big deal, their princes they can handle themselves

Rudolph: (whinnying)

Daffy: oh come on what do you want me to do

Skippy: you could follow them

Daffy: AH

he was startled as he turns around to see that it was skippy.

Skippy: yeah look the way I see it is you could remain the cowardly duck you are or you can go and face the unknown

He uses his cane to push a bush up

Skippy: Um, we're heading west, to the Lycan Meadows, you can come with us if you want.

He leaves, leaving daffy to think.

Daffy: ugh I'm going to regret this

Regret singing not heading into the unknown forest.

Daffy: Lost in the Woods prologue) Reindeers are better than people... Rudolph , why is this so hard?

Rudolph: (speaking in answer) You feel what you feel, and the threat can be real. Come on, daffy. Let down your guard.

Daffy: Again, we're gone

Off on a different path this time
I'm left behind
Wondering if I should follow or go behind
And, of course, it's always fine
I probably could catch up tomorrow
But is this what it feels like
To be growing apart?
When did I become just one
Who's always afraid of the unknown ?
Now I turn around and find
I am lost in the woods alone
North is south, right is left
When you're alone
I'm the only one who sees you home isn't just right
But now I'm lost in the woods
And I don't know what path to go on
I'm lost in the woods
Up 'til now
The next step was a question of how
I never thought it was a question of whether
Who am I, if I'm not a tuff guy? Where am I, if
Forever cowardly not trying ?
Now I know you're my true north, 'cause I am lost in the woods
Up is down, day is night. When you're all alone
Oh, my only landmark
So I'm lost in the woods
Wondering if i should care
But I'll wait
For a sign
(For a sign)
That the path I should be on
Is to be right
(To be right)
Until then
I'm lost in the woods
(Lost in the woods
Lost in the woods
Lost in the woods)
I'm lost in the woods
(Lost in the woods

Daffy/bugs: I'm lost in the woods tonight

Daffy: Should I go into the unknown Rudolph, I don't know yet

Daffy was still lost in his own thoughts, he thought he was hearing bug's voice.

But then..

Bugs: (as Rudolph) you should definitely go

Daffy: yeah maybe I should-huh

He looks at Rudolph then looks behind two bushes to see a familiar face.

Bugs: uh what's up doc

Daffy: (gasp) BUGS

It was indeed bugs bunny

But if he was there, where is dot at.

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