Bye Forever

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I woke up in my hard sleeping bag since the moving jet already took all our stuff to Earth. It was still 6:00 in the morning. Even though there was no clock or watch in my room I could tell because there were only 10 moons out of 36 when I looked up at the morning sky. That was something Crystal taught me when I was 7. My house felt so weird with nothing in it. I heard Diamond and Crystal fighting downstairs. There is no time for fighting! I heard Ruby yell. I got leftover crackers and screaming strawbabbies from the kitchen and sat on the pink grass outside for my weird breakfast. I looked in the second window and saw my parents wake up.
After I ate all my breakfast I went upstairs to get my clothes next to my sleeping bag. It was a comfy yellow shirt and relaxing orange pants. I put them on and they looked perfect on me. After running laps in the field next to my house, I went back and found out that everyone was ready. We got our luggage that was left and I said bye to every room in the house since we were never going to see it again. Our house was the smallest in the whole neighborhood, (usually the houses were 5 stories high, ours was 4) and went walking for about two blocks until we reached the bus sign. When we got to the space port we saw our cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents running toward us. Behind them were our friends. I saw Ruby running toward her group of friends, who unlike Ruby, wore really short shorts and and over the shoulder shirts. They never put their hair down and always chewed and gum. But now, they had no gum in their mouth. They were crying. I never saw them cry before so it really surprised me, how they hugged her and and gave her goodbye letters. I went toward Diamond, since my friends were her friends. No one said a word. We just stood their silently. It was the worst feeling in my whole life. I felt as though I would never be happy again. My four cousins came toward Diamond, hugging her and kissing her. Sapphire(12) Lavender(15) Rosemary (10) and Herb(14) suddenly turned to me also doing the same thing. Thinking I would never see them again made me cry. Tears were rolling down my face and I just wanted everything back to normal. I cried every time I said goodbye to someone and made them cry to. Crystal's friends waved goodbye to her and then I found out my family was going to the security check so I ran toward my mom. I didn't even look back. I just kept running until I had my face flattened in her chest hugging her with all my strength. Her shirt was all wet with my tears. The next hour, we were already boarding onto the rocket ship. It did not look anything like a plane, even though I thought it would. We ( my family) had our own room. It came with a really small bathroom, a bunk bed and a mini tv. I felt so uncomfortable the moment I stepped in. I sat on the bottom bunk and turned on the tv. I looked through the channels when my mom rudely interrupted me. Emerald! Turn that tv off. She said as she put away  make up she was applying. Why?! Crystal said as she sat next to me the bed sinking down because of weight. Because we are about to take off! Diamond said. All of a sudden a speaker turned on and it said, "we are about to take off in 30 minutes. Please press the red button on the right of your bed, it will give you the instructions on putting  your seatbelt and transform your bed into a chair". Wow that speaker lady did not practice at all for this speech! Ruby said. "Chair",really! She said. Now I couldn't hold it and I started laughing. Well anyway, I told you! Diamond said as she faced Crystal. Told me what she asked? That we can't turn on the tv because we need to take off in a little. Shut up she whispered. A rule in our house is that you can never say mean words to our siblings, but we weren't at home so who cares I thought. Yikes! I screamed. The bed I was sitting on was moving! I felt it too! Crystal said. Then I figured out why. My mom pressed the red button the "speaker lady" was talking about. The bed had transformed into six seats. Three on top an three in the bottom. Dad! I said. I want to sit next to you. Me too Diamond said. Sure. He sat in the middle of the bottom seats and I sat to the left of him where there was a window. Ruby's feet were dangling on top of me. I felt so scared. I always said to myself that I would never go to space, yet here I am, sitting in a. Rocket ship that leads me to a whole different Galaxy. I don't want to go. I told my dad as I put the bar down. I know you don't, I don't want to either. He said. The speaker lady suddenly came on again counting down from sixty this time. She was down to 3, now 2, then1. I looked out the window, my tears making everything blurry. Bye forever. I said as the beautiful planet was out of my sight.

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